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Another "i'm Getting Tired Thread"


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Guesthouse People advocating that others who complain about Thailand should go home (uproot their lives and belongings again, probably at great expense and no small amount of bother) can surely see the sense (and ease) of taking a little of their own advice and moving on to the next post.

Most of the negative comments made here are kept active with dozens of posts from people who believe they are the sole arbiters of what can and cannot be said on this forum about life in Thailand.

They are not - That is the job of the forum rules and the moderators.

If you don't like a post - pass right on.

It will soon disappear off the bottom of the page.

Yes, well done, very true.

As they say in Thailand, Up To You.


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I'm getting tired of certain members constantly posting negative things. jingjing really really I am. are they just trying to troll or genuinely unhappy about so many things, including themselves.

Well, it's been like that ever since the first Internet forums over a decade ago. Westerners come over here because there are specific things they like, but then the things they don't like - that aren't the way they were back home - start to bug them. On top of that is the fact that they've never been an "alien" before, never been treated differently before, never not been able to understand those around them before. So they get on a forum to let off steam about it. Most of us learn to accept the situation and have a strategy for dealing with it. But a few become bigots and go on and on about the same things like a broken record, and no amount of evidence will convince them.

The only way to counter the negativity is to post your own positive experiences, but be prepared for the standard retorts that you are "deluded" or "looking at life through rose-coloured spectacles" or "looking at things through the bottom of a beer glass."

reminds me of the story about the monk who accidentally stepped in a load of doggy poop with his sandals. He kept moving from temple to temple, complaining each time that it smelled like doggy poop. Until realizing that he carried the smell with him on his own sandals.

This is actually a common Buddhist metaphor, and very true. It's the poop we have to leave behind, not the place!

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People advocating that others who complain about Thailand should go home (uproot their lives and belongings again, probably at great expense and no small amount of bother) can surely see the sense (and ease) of taking a little of their own advice and moving on to the next post.

Most of the negative comments made here are kept active with dozens of posts from people who believe they are the sole arbiters of what can and cannot be said on this forum about life in Thailand.

They are not - That is the job of the forum rules and the moderators.

If you don't like a post - pass right on.

It will soon disappear off the bottom of the page.

Third that, maestro.

On top of that is the fact that they've never been an "alien" before, never been treated differently before, never not been able to understand those around them before

That might be true for some, but not for me. I've been an "alien" all my life. Wouldn't want it any other way.

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To paraphrase that Carly Simon song "You're so vain You probably think this thread is about you...", cm happy said 'jingjing' and not 'jingthing'!

Yeah, I still think he meant jingthing, people have made that mistake before.

Also, I don't see how anyone could imagine jing jing a troll poster (check her posting history) so yes I do think he was referring to me.

Doesn't really matter, because I have had my say to the people who think I am troller/negative on Thailand person.

I was NOT refering to any specific poster, but just generalities. really really (notice did not use jingjing), honest injun, scouts honor and whatever else

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It's a good country but there are allot of screwed up things happening. Why not talk about them?

I propose the complainers like Thailand more than most and are passionate about some of the injustices that are going on.


Very well said.

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OK here goes.

I'm getting tired of certain members constantly posting negative things. jingjing really really I am. are they just trying to troll or genuinely unhappy about so many things, including themselves.

I'm not a member of the love or leave it brigade, but if things are so bad here, simple matter to just pack up and leave to more conducive or hospitable grounds.

reminds me of the story about the monk who accidentally stepped in a load of doggy poop with his sandals. He kept moving from temple to temple, complaining each time that it smelled like doggy poop. Until realizing that he carried the smell with him on his own sandals.

OK go ahead, flame away

Just in case members with very little knowledge of the thai language like me misunderstand the meaning:

jingjing means "really"

Not sure though if the OP meant this.

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I'm bothered with the fact that so many people only want the positive and so obviously don't understand Buddhism, as they miss balance and so don't belong here : be positive and negative or go home ... there you have it !

at least I'm aware when I make statements like above that I'm talking out of my @ss !

Have to respect and admire LinkPopularities honesty and integrity for admitting. Maybe by balance he is actually refering to yin/yang concept.

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To add to the lyrics on the subject :


(Johnny Mercer / Harold Arlen)

You've got to accentuate the positive

Eliminate the negative

Latch on to the affirmative

Don't mess with Mister In-Between

You've got to spread joy up to the maximum

Bring gloom down to the minimum

Have faith or pandemonium

Liable to walk upon the scene

(To illustrate his last remark

Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark

What did they do

Just when everything looked so dark)

Man, they said we better

Accentuate the positive

Eliminate the negative

Latch on to the affirmative

Don't mess with Mister In-Between

No, do not mess with Mister In-Between

Do you hear me, hmm?

(Oh, listen to me children and-a you will hear

About the elininatin' of the negative

And the accent on the positive)

And gather 'round me children if you're willin'

And sit tight while I start reviewin'

The attitude of doin' right

(You've gotta accentuate the positive

Eliminate the negative

Latch on to the affirmative

Don't mess with Mister In-Between)

You've got to spread joy (up to the maximum)

Bring gloom (down) down to the minimum

Otherwise (otherwise) pandemonium

Liable to walk upon the scene

To illustrate (well illustrate) my last remark (you got the floor)

Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark

What did they say (what did they say)

Say when everything looked so dark

Man, they said we better

Accentuate the positive

Eliminate the negative

Latch on to the affirmative

Don't mess with Mister In-Between

No! Don't mess with Mister In-Between

However, I personally don't particularly mind one bit if people want to discuss negatives. Better than denial. Also, one of the biggest negatives about this country is the ... erm ... can't say here :o .

I confess I don't know exactly why other people's feelings about or experiences of Thailand should bother anyone else. They are entitled to their own feelings.

All just part of the yin and yang, isn't it ? Agree with the person who mentioned Buddhism - think the Buddhists encourage you to *acknowledge* your feelings, whether good or bad. Sounds healthy to me.

I think perhaps discussion of negatives bothers people who have staked their future here or who are closely attached to Thais rather more. Understandably. But if you think of your home country, can you not enumerate its faults without losing affection for it ?

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I feel bad for those who feel the need to complain. I made a decision to never complain about anything. I consider my life in Thailand to be perfect. Each day is better than the next. Heaven on Earth.

I think its just a personality thing. I am not bothered by those who complain, I find them amusing to be honest.

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I feel bad for those who feel the need to complain. I made a decision to never complain about anything. I consider my life in Thailand to be perfect. Each day is better than the next. Heaven on Earth.

Don't feel bad. But actually I don't believe you. Someone is smacking your head, you made a decision never to complain? About anything? UNREAL.

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I feel bad for those who feel the need to complain. I made a decision to never complain about anything. I consider my life in Thailand to be perfect. Each day is better than the next. Heaven on Earth.

Don't feel bad. But actually I don't believe you. Someone is smacking your head, you made a decision never to complain? About anything? UNREAL.

I get frustrated. I experience problems like anyone else, but I don't feel that complaining helps solve them. Perhaps some people find comfort or piece of mind in complaining, but for me, I would rather remain silent, calm and work towards a solution to my frustration or problem.

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I feel bad for those who feel the need to complain. I made a decision to never complain about anything. I consider my life in Thailand to be perfect. Each day is better than the next. Heaven on Earth.

I think its just a personality thing. I am not bothered by those who complain, I find them amusing to be honest.

Moderators! Have this man removed. He is clearly not of sound mind.

Just kidding :-)

I actually agree. Many days in Phuket feel like heaven. But can we not have a critical analysis without complaining? And isn’t this what a Western education teaches us?

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I also feel that there is a difference between complaining and pointing out problems. Complaining usually involves the speaker labeling himself as a victim. Her is an example:

There is a lot of crime in Thailand. It wouldn't hurt to have more policeman patrolling certain sois in the early morning hours


I can't walk down the street past 8pm without carrying a gun because the motorcycle taxi mafia might try to stab me to death with a machete.

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I also feel that there is a difference between complaining and pointing out problems. Complaining usually involves the speaker labeling himself as a victim. Her is an example:

There is a lot of crime in Thailand. It wouldn't hurt to have more policeman patrolling certain sois in the early morning hours


I can't walk down the street past 8pm without carrying a gun because the motorcycle taxi mafia might try to stab me to death with a machete.

That is interesting, because what real world effect would that mousey like statement make: It wouldn't hurt to have more policeman patrolling certain sois in the early morning hours



Hope you have good health insurance. Smack! Smack!

Between man and mouse, I choose man. And men. And more men.

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I also feel that there is a difference between complaining and pointing out problems. Complaining usually involves the speaker labeling himself as a victim. Her is an example:

There is a lot of crime in Thailand. It wouldn't hurt to have more policeman patrolling certain sois in the early morning hours


I can't walk down the street past 8pm without carrying a gun because the motorcycle taxi mafia might try to stab me to death with a machete.

Agreed (But the second statement does a certain sense of drama to it :-))

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So you think whinning without taking action is manly, while remaining silent and taking action is girly? Hmmm....

Actually, I was only commenting on the wimpy guy. Neither makes sense to me, but I got that you see yourself as the brilliant wimpy guy, with his almost apologetic polite musing and wishing about something that will never happen if everyone was so weak in their resolve.

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To paraphrase that Carly Simon song "You're so vain You probably think this thread is about you...", cm happy said 'jingjing' and not 'jingthing'!

Yeah, I still think he meant jingthing, people have made that mistake before.

Also, I don't see how anyone could imagine jing jing a troll poster (check her posting history) so yes I do think he was referring to me.

Doesn't really matter, because I have had my say to the people who think I am troller/negative on Thailand person.

:o I am dying inside! Please,this cannot be for real? Jingjing meaning ''for sure'' or ''really'' But come on mate you have been flabergasted twice on this one. im sorry I dont mean to offend, Your last 2 posts have been the funniest all day Jing jing!

Please keep up the good work.


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I'm getting tired of certain members constantly posting negative things. jingjing really really I am. are they just trying to troll or genuinely unhappy about so many things, including themselves.

If you have love for yourself and happiness in your life it is easy and natural to want to share that with other people.

I've had to accept that people who use vitriol and nastiness in their posts might feel the same way, but for opposite reasons.

I've been an a*se at times in my life. I've been very unhappy and at times I've taken that out on myself and loved ones. It took me a long time to see the other side of the coin and I had to mature a lot in the process. Everybody goes through that process and some take longer than others, or have a more painful time doing it. I try to remember that if I do get an unjust response to any of my comments, though sometimes they will buzz round in my head for a while before I remember how important they really are.

Sometimes I feel that TV would be a more welcoming place if there wasn't so much bigotry and derision here, but the moderators do what they do with warnings and bans and the sponsors are presumably happy to be associated with the diatribes that happen on here, and so it continues. When I find the noise/signal ratio too silly, I just don't read for a week or three and find it bothers me less when I do want to come back.

reminds me of the story about the monk who accidentally stepped in a load of doggy poop with his sandals. He kept moving from temple to temple, complaining each time that it smelled like doggy poop. Until realizing that he carried the smell with him on his own sandals.

You're talking about people who are not happy living in Thailand and are vocal about it on TV, yes?

Or maybe you're talking about people who get tired with some of the negative comments that appear on here.

Either way, the answer is the same: they need to find a better way of dealing with it.

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Personally I think the TV site is great. There is an incredible range of opinions and views on so many topics. The wealth of knowledge and experience is incredible. We have a few forums for Expats in Singapore but they are very dull in comparison to this one.

When it comes to all the flames I just think whether we are happy or unhappy, mature or immature, it wouldn’t hurt to be polite and just to show the same politeness we show in our daily lives. Most people do not issue insults to strangers or people they have only just met. I don’t see why the codes of politeness should be any different here.

I notice in the Ladies forum, they are generally polite and supportive but aren’t afraid to voice their opinions. We could learn a lot from them.

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