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Time For A Rule Change


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I think that enough is enough. There is too much at stake nowadays to allow the incompetence of the referees to spoil the outcome of football games.

Yesterday Reading V Liverpool, Reading awarded a penalty that wasnt. In the 1st half, Liverpool should have had a penalty but didnt (Not withstanding that Reading deserved to win the game)

Today Spurs score a goal that was both offside AND handball.

These clowns are not able to spot these obvious incidents, its time for change.

I do not see why we cannot have something similar to what they have in American Football, with managers being allowed to make challenges.

That could be restricted to 1 per half, if the challenge is correct, then they retain their challenge, if wrong they have no more challenges remaining for that half.

We already have the 4th official who would make the ruling.

We already have the technology with the TV companies able to show every angle so you can quite easily see if the ball has crossed the line, whether a player is offside, whether it is a penalty or not.

I remember the arguement against this as being it would slow the game down.I dont see that as a bad thing. I would rather have the correct decision and lose a couple of minutes as opposed to being cheated out of a result. And as a manager only is allowed 1 challenge to be wrong, then its not as though it would be a stop/start/stop/start game

Mind you I expect the old farts at the FA will never bring the game upto date, frustrating though it is.

Any thoughts?

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I must say I fully agree. Its about time the game was brought into the 21st century. I wouldnt hold your breath though as the old duffers at the FA will not sanction it. For me when you see a player go down and roll around the floor like hed just recieved a broken leg, Think Ronaldo, then see the play back and the tackling player never connects is enough to demand it be brought in. Players who are then foud to be CHEATING should then be banned for 6 matches. Maybe then the game will become what it once was.

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I totally agree with you two. I've been saying it for years (not just because of yesterday's <deleted> decision :o )

There is too much at stake and all this cr4p about it ruining the flow of the game, is just Hog wash IMO.

The technology has been available for years, so use it.

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Didn't mankind put a man on the moon 38 years ago :D:bah: . So surely we have the technology to referee a football match correctly :D .

I think every football fan in the world and his dog is sick of the barsteward in the black :D .

Rugby Union , Rugby league , Cricket , Tennis , American Football and a whole host of other sports all use technology in some way during the game to help make sure the right decision is made. Yet all the number 1 sport in the world has to help 3 referees is a gimp on the sidelines who tells them how longs left and hindsight :o:D .

Sort it out FIFA !!!.

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