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Thailand To Bid For 2016 Games?


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Why shouldn't Thailand bid for the Olympics? People laughed at the thought that the Aussies could run a show and look what they did! Best Olympics EVER (and this is a Pom saying it :o ). Sneering at LoS because of its problems doesn't reflect well on those who sneer. Maybe it WILL go pear-shaped but, unless someone here has a crystal ball, you don't know until it's been tried.

"A man who believes himself wise believes nothing until proven.

A man who IS wise belives everything until disproven."

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Admittedly, Asia only seems to get the games every 20 years or so. (Tokyo 64, Seoul 88, Beijing 08 ), so 2024/2028 is probably more likely. And for anyone who is going to naysay Thailand holding it then, Athens wasn't exactly a model city in terms of traffic congestion, etc.

Nor Montreal. It wasn't able to finish its stadium with all the strikes and work slowdowns for more money.

But your post was interesting. How many countries get the Olympics on their first bid? So maybe they will have to bid once or twice or more to get them.

On principle, I'm against spending all that money, but God knows where Thailand will be 20 years from now. I first came here in 1983, and it is like night and day compared to today.

You have to know that the whole country would pull together and their Olympics would be brilliant. And the whole world will fall in love with that smile.

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I think that it would be great for Thailand to bid for the games.

IMHO, it would provide a great return for the country, both from an infrastructure and social point of view.

Thailand would get world class sporting venues that could be used after the events.

The country would get more interest in sports and competitions.

There would be a great influx of visitors, who if things are done well would be return visitors.

So at least, if the country wants to, it should try, at least try because normally you don't get selected on your first attempt.

Well that's my 2 baht worth.

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For the 2004 Athens Games, Greece had to double the number of prostitute licenses.

For the 2002 Salt Lake City Games, Utah had to double the number of hot dog vendor licenses.

I wonder what Thailand would do if they were awarded the 2016 games. It likely depends upon if Chuwit or Taksin is in charge by that point.

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They better be prepared to pay alot for security if they get the games since it cost 5 times more than it did in Athens than Australia 2 Billion Dollars. Hope they dont pass the expense on to the people in taxes ect...It great to get the spotlight but at what expense.. should the next generation have to pay for it?

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Okay, to you and others who complain about all the negativity, that's not what its about. Its about experience.

We hear about these giant plans all the time. Thailand will be the trade hub of the region. Bangkok will be the Milan of the East (then the Ministry of Culture threatens Thai models for corrupting the youth). Phuket will be an IT centre (then it rains and your 10,000 baht a month 512k DSL goes down for a day). Fully a million people will rush to buy $25,000 Elite cards in just one year (okay, so maybe only a couple dozen). And now, in just 12 years they will be ready to host the Olympics. KL, if not for security concerns, sure. Bangkok, or anywhere else in Thailand, no way.

I have no doubt whatsoever that Thailand could pull something like hosting the Olympics if it really, really wanted to. My cynicism stems from exactly what CMT states. If one has spent any length of time in the Kingdom and if one is at all in the habit of following the news, I don't see how that person could not be skeptical any time yet another mega-hub project is announced as being a done deal, only either to never be heard about again or to prove to be so impractical that it never really gets off the ground. At this point I tend to disbelieve in these schemes until proven otherwise and if that makes me a cynical, sarcastic, negative bastard then so be it. :o

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I am constantly amazed at the magnitude of Thailand’s Fahrang population’ s self- perfection and opinioned enlightenment when it comes to the Thai people.

With all the giant plans announced that never come to fruition, all expats living in LOS would be forgiven for having a laugh at the latest announcement.


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Commentary which is nearly all, with a few exceptions, condescendingly voiced in sound bite drive responses that are creatively motivated by inpatient, instant gratification driven cultural biases triumph lily rolled out, way to often, as a barrage of opinionated sarcasm intended or implied as belittlement of Thai pride, aspiration and ambition.

Belittlement, I might add, which, in prima fascia reality, is actually more a reflective of the small mindedness and real lowbrow human character of the purveyors of such sarcastic and divinely narcissistic commentary.

You're way out of line. Our sarcasm is driven by experience. The experience of seeing time after time, whether it be small things like 'I'll meet you Saturday at 10am' or big things like 'Phuket will be an IT city', that THE THAIS HAVE DIFFICULTY IN SEEING A TASK THROUGH TO SUCCESSFUL FRUITION. This is plain and simple fact. It does not apply to all Thais, but certainly the vast majority. Of course they have many other traits (as does the country) which we love, but there are certain areas in which they are severely lacking.

Logistics. Organization. Competent planning. Follow up.

Of course its their country. They can do what they please. But many of these visions they have for the country will require major changes.

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Chiangmaithai and related naysayers,

I'm surprised that with all your experience, you neglected to apply it in CONTEXT. You have to accept that the Olympics is an international event that will make even the most dissorganised pull up their socks. It is not some mega project that local bigwigs and politicians fight over. Do you really think that the highest authority in this land will allow infighting when something as important as the Olympics and national pride is at stake? Look at how much effort was put into organising the APEC conference last year and you will have an idea of the magnitude of importance ANY thai government would accord to the hosting of the Olympics. Sure you can argue that the APEC conference only had a "veneer" of orderliness and organisation, but surely you could give the Thais enough credit to apply in context what you cannot, especially when they are given 8 years to do it instead of 2. You also forget that organisation is something that money can buy, and there are lots of sports consultants from countries such as Australia that would be happy to capitalise on the situation and make more money should the Thais manage to fall over themselves despite their best intentions. In any case, the IOC will be closely and actively monitoring progress, it will be truly difficult to stuff up. I'd venture that the Thais are no less capable of getting big things done when you compare them with some of the other nations that had hosted the Olympics.

At the end of the day, with modern technology and the mobility of expertise, i think "capability" is an obsolete argument. More important in determining whether a country will get to host the event is in the politics of the day. I can think of many angles by which the Thais can sell their bid.

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Do you really think that the highest authority in this land will allow infighting when something as important as the Olympics and national pride is at stake?

No, the highest authorities would do all they could. And I don't think it would be enough. I simply can not see Thailand successfully hosting the Olympics. Like I said, they should start small and slowly build up.

But I'm just a drunken sex crazed expat hiding from the 'real' world, what do I know? Maybe I shoudl just shut up! as I am clearly 'out of my element!'

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Firstly I thinkthey should bid for theOlympics. Afterall it is only a bid, so this activity would show what really needs to be done to host an olympics. It's a learning curve, you have to grant that much.

Secondly to the idiot poster early on in this thread, who criticised Thailands gold medal boxer for running around the ring inthe 4th round. Did yo uhappento watch the last gold medal bout with a Thai and Cuban boxer........the Cuban won and what did he do in the last round......danced around the ring !!! So mate, you should pull your rough head in before you criticise anyone........but I am sure you are such a genuis and a boxer of prowess too......not to mention a skirt !!

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Secondly to the idiot poster early on in this thread, who criticised Thailands gold medal boxer for running around the ring inthe 4th round. Did yo uhappento watch the last gold medal bout with a Thai and Cuban boxer........the Cuban won and what did he do in the last round......danced around the ring !!! So mate, you should pull your rough head in before you criticise anyone........but I am sure you are such a genuis and a boxer of prowess too......not to mention a skirt !!

I thought this idiot was too stupid for me to make a reply. But still good that you pointed out, Ned.

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Secondly to the idiot poster early on in this thread, who criticised Thailands gold medal boxer for running around the ring inthe 4th round. Did yo uhappento watch the last gold medal bout with a Thai and Cuban boxer........the Cuban won and what did he do in the last round......danced around the ring !!!  So mate, you should pull your rough head in before you criticise anyone........but I am sure you are such a genuis and a boxer of prowess too......not to mention a skirt !!

I thought this idiot was too stupid for me to make a reply. But still good that you pointed out, Ned.


he WON the gold medal.

he played by the rules.

he was not a drug cheat.

jam it up yer date


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I hear that Manus is now goling to enter the 5,000 metres in the next Olympics, after his display in the final round of the boxing contest during which time he showed the other boxer a "clean pair of heels".

No wonder the fight fans " booed" Manus after the decision and when on the podium.

I'm all for a boxer showing his skill in getting out of the way, ducking and weaving as it were, showing proper pugalistic skills but running around the ring like Manus did was less than pathetic, it was cowardly.

I guess it's just another case of This is Thailand. If it's an even fight, the Thais will run away. Sssghhhh :o

It will be fun to see you in the ring with Manus. I'll be sure to post this article inside the door of his locker for extra motivation. Let's see who can run faster!!!

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My my...don't we have a sarcastic crowd today...everyday...

So let me add to the sense of sarcasm and tell you all how we will fund a portion of the games in 2016. Assumming 500,000 visitors during the 3 weeks period. Of that, 40% are male "players".

We will deploy our best BG's to recruit and seek sponsorship for the events. Call it the promotional caimpaigne to end all caimpaignes. Each player will be assigned two BG's. The BGs job is simple. Ensure sponsorship at the end of the three weeks Olympic period. Sponsorship on the part of the players is a lump sump payment in cash of 20k baht and monthly installments of 10k baht for a minimum period of 1 year.

In return the players will receive a VIP TiT card which will entitle them to the following benefits.

1. Guarantee "handsom man" treatment for the lenght of the visit.

2. Picture of "the only man" on bedside nightstand.

3. Two emails per day for the one year period including complementary BG talk translation dicitionary.

4. Brain check in and deposit stand upon arrival at terminal.

5. "No barfine" entire lenght of stay...tips highly encouraged.

6. Optional land and house search, build, and transfer service.

And many, many, more, unseen benefits in Thailand.

If all goes to plan, this should raise at least 1 billion US. Plenty to built the facilities needed to host the Olympics. :o

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Listen to yourselfs here tweety birds!!!!!!! First Thailand looks to the right and then we look to the left. At that rate, we will never merge as one consensus.

I agree Asia gets the honor of the fat lady who sings on average every 20 years. If that is the situation, well this fat lady will probably be singing long after we are dead, cause if the calculations are correct there is three other countries ahead of Thailand that can qualify, so count those years beginning 2016 or later. My guess we are looking close to 2100 before Thailand gets that honor.

If any of you are still alive then send me an e-mail message to my next destination in the afterworld, and hopefully I will pick it up on the train I am riding on.

Chooo, choooooooo

Daveyo :D:D:o

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Listen to yourselfs here tweety birds!!!!!!! First Thailand looks to the right and then we look to the left. At that rate, we will never merge as one consensus.

I agree Asia gets the honor of the fat lady who sings on average every 20 years. If that is the situation, well this fat lady will probably be singing long after we are dead, cause if the calculations are correct there is three other countries ahead of Thailand that can qualify, so count those years beginning 2016 or later. My guess we are looking close to 2100 before Thailand gets that honor.

If any of you are still alive then send me an e-mail message to my next destination in the afterworld, and hopefully I will pick it up on the train I am riding on.

Chooo, choooooooo

Daveyo :D:D:o

And your point is?

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I hear that Manus is now goling to enter the 5,000 metres in the next Olympics, after his display in the final round of the boxing contest during which time he showed the other boxer a "clean pair of heels".

No wonder the fight fans " booed" Manus after the decision and when on the podium.

I'm all for a boxer showing his skill in getting out of the way, ducking and weaving as it were, showing proper pugalistic skills but running around the ring like Manus did was less than pathetic, it was cowardly.

I guess it's just another case of This is Thailand. If it's an even fight, the Thais will run away. Sssghhhh :o

It will be fun to see you in the ring with Manus. I'll be sure to post this article inside the door of his locker for extra motivation. Let's see who can run faster!!!

Is that an attempt to break the 5000m record?

Worth a try, mickmac!!!! :D

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Remember the Salt Lake City controversy about tea money? S.Korea has already hosted the Olympics and S.Korea probably thinks the IOC owes them. Not. The IOC is not perfect just like any country so why not let Thailand have it on first bid?

Off topic: If you want to conform to the rules of the Thai language, your nick should read "phuu chaai law" (ผุ้ชายหล่อ).

Thai places attributes AFTER the nouns, unlike English (except for some set expressions like "pussy galore" and "misspellings a-plenty") but like Spanish "una casa grande".

Handsome man - phuu chaai law (ผุ้ชายหล่อ)

Ugly woman - phuu ying naa kliat (ผุ้หญิงน่าเกลียด)

As it stands, your nick says "man handsome". But maybe that was what you intended all along, what do I know?

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