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P3 Down For The Count. Troubleshooting W/o Hardware?


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Here is a two part question. I gave a well built P3/256/20gb to my parents on 2001. My father kept it on night/day and it finally went down last year. There are many salvagable parts but does anyone know how I can troubleshoot w/o addl parts on hand?

What if anything are PC SD133 Ram and a used 20gb HDD worth if anything (really the ram). Will any secondhand shop in metro Thailand buy it? Worthless stateside?

Many Thanks

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Basically worthless. They're several generations old, and there probably isn't anyone still using or wanting them. The minimum size of a harddisk these days is around 80-120GB, so a 20GB harddisk is not going to get you much, if anything.

Troubleshoot? I don't really know if it's worth the hassle. You can get a much better system for very cheap.

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I give my old failed electronic equipment, TV's computer parts, etc., if I plan on replacing, to a school located in Klong Toey. I 'm not even sure what its called but I do know its some type of government school to provide training to people at a very low cost. They have these types of schools all over Bangkok. The electronics class is always in need of equipment to learn on. I'm sure if you ask a few Thai's you know they might be able to point you toward one.

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