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From Bangkok Post beaking news.

Thaksin to make political comeback

(BangkokPost.com) – Despite claims that he had “washed his hands clean of politics”, ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has done an abrupt U-turn and confirmed his political ambition through a press conference held in Hong Kong.

“I want to make a political comeback,” he said. “I want to live my life as a normal Thai citizen in my own country.”

The former leader of the defunct Thai Rak Thai party for whom the People Power party (PPP) is proxy to, stated his intention to return to Thailand no later than April to fight all charges of corruption leveled against him by the Assets Scrutiny Committee (ASC).

Anyone want to make a prediction?

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Well, congratulations to Dr Thaksin!!!

The news just keeps getting better and better as the year draws to a close..

Indeed as a Thai citizen he has the same rights as everyone else, and nobody can stop him from taking his rightful place back that was taken from him at the barrel of a gun! And wasn't it Sonthi himself who hinted at Thaksin coming back.. When your entire family and assets and everything is in Thailand and guys with tanks and guns kick you out of government, OF COURSE do you say anything not to rock the boat needlessly... But it seems the good doctor will have the last laugh..

And, didn't want a lot of people him back to answer the charges levelled against him..? Lots of happy people now I bet! This of course assuming that a democratic government will be established, offering a fair trial. Thaksin must be quite confident he can answer the charges.

And more generally speaking, it's tradition for politicians ousted in coups to come back a little while later.. Chartchai.. same same..

Business as usual.

By all rights, he's still Prime Minister. Of course :o he should come back!
No, on that logic, he was caretaker-PM, having resigned at least once, possibly twice, remember the helicopter flights.



Ok, caretaker PM. :o I stand corrected.

(And we all know why he was only caretaker PM... boycott.. stalemate.. coup... )

I hope he comes back and someone shoots the bastard.

Well wouldn't that be just great for Thailand.. Well I guess they can always aspire to reach the level of the Philippines in the darkest days under Marcos. I guess that's what you're advocating? Well, merry christmas.. :D

(How many people can find it within themselves to advocate killing an elected politician on Christmas Day... I mean how bitter can you get?)

Let us recall that Thaksin stated that if 'someone' whispered in his ear to go he would go, ultimately he did not,

The whisperer or the whispee did not? Who knows what's whispered. In a transparent political arena there's no whispering; anything that can be whispered can also be shouted, and rightly so.

>>And, didn't want a lot of people him back to answer the charges levelled against him..? Lots of happy people now I bet! This of course assuming that a democratic government will be established, offering a fair trial. Thaksin must be quite confident he can answer the charges.

I think you miss the point; he didn't face a fair trial in his asset concealment case and he isn't going to face a fair trial now if he can help it.

That's worth enough to buy himself another shot at government.

I still recall the original TRT ethos Kit Mai Tum Mai (new ideas, new actions). And it did indeed change the way things were done in a good way for the first 6 months.

And now instead of that we have Kit Mai Bpen Tum Hai Gin Samak - an old generation braindead twit whose main contribution as a governor of Bangkok was to fill the klongs with polystyrene on Loy Kratong, do a corrupt deal with firetrucks made in Thailand, shipped abroad then brought back at inflated prices, convert a park or two to private money making deals and to teach the populace how to cook on his TV show.

The coup leaders only have themselves to blame after making a hash of their shot at running things. And the Democrats were inept as always. Most of the other parties except for Prachai are TRT too.

I for one am not looking forward to a return to:

- southern insurgency management (doesn't matter, they don't vote TRT)

- a diesel subsidy running the country broke while keeping the poor voting

- price controls on commodities designed to make agricultural firms backing TRT richer while keeping the poor voting

- healthcare which isn't sustainable and is a front to make a minister of health's family richer

- tourism policy which was unsuccessful in most areas and was designed to make a governor's family richer

- selling off as much of the country's assets as possible a deflated prices, so that they could make government ministers richer (PTT et al)

- no education policy

- no fiscal or economic policy

- no strategic planning or development of country resources

- no independent media, judiciary or corruption checks and balances

Oh joy.

Without the fluke of low oil prices and a nice big surplus to squander, at least this time the pain will only be a couple of years, and then TRT/PPP will collapse a bit quicker than they did last time (anyone claiming that the last year of TRT was in any way successful other than for selling off Shin is going to fight a losing battle).


Hobbs, you're a new member here, though maybe you've been in Thailand for a long time. To clarify within board rules, Thaksin stated that if he was asked to resign by the one person who could do so, he, Thaksin, would resign. The evidence is strongly suggestive that such a conversation took place, but, as is his way, Thaksin u-turned.



Ok, I'll leave that one alone then. Let's stick to the things we CAN discuss then.

Stevero: Loads of good points; respect. I agree with many criticisms and can probably add a few more. I'm not looking forward to many of those either. Of course the Junta was running up an equally lengthy list of goof-ups, especially with the economy. Though ultimately I'm with the EU and the US State Department, who applaud the return of a government that's ultimately answerable to the people.

Oh, and before we forget, I think the quote that started this topic is non-genuine!!

It said "Thaksin to make a POLITICAL comeback". I just looked up the article and there's no such thing in it. Thaksin is quoted as saying:

"Speaking at a press conference in Hong Kong, Thaksin said he would return to Thailand sometime between February and April, saying he wanted to return to politics but live as "a normal citizen.""

Here you see the root of the misunderstanding, and sadly the cause is yet another inexcusable BKKPost mistake.. Really, they should NOT get stuff like this wrong at times critical like these. The grammar is off! "Saying he wanted to return to policits BUT live as a normal citizen"...

Grammar's off, it's yet another embarassing BKK POst mistake. Should it say that he wants to return to politics, or was a 'NOT' missing in there!

Whether it's grammar or not, at times like these this is an INEXCUSABLE mistake in that newspaper.



I was more wondering about what Sonthi and his pals will do. If Whacko Thacko returns in April it give the new government, if allowed to take office, three months to realign the military. This is something the coup team will not want to happen, it depends what's in the constitiution covering political meddling in the military.


Hobbs, I agree with your spin on what he said but we are not talking about a normal rational man here. When Thaksin talks his lips move, the sounds come out but they don't necessarily match what he is thinking or intending. If he returns to Thailand with all his buddies in high places does anyone really think he'll meekly return and potter round the garden? Whatever you think about him he is a very clever manipulator of people and information, he don't need spin doctors he is his own.


These reports may clarify things {or not} From news.com.au

OUSTED Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said today he wanted to return to politics after the party he backed prevailed in general elections at the weekend, but then reversed the statement.

Mr Thaksin told a news conference in Hong Kong he expected to return to Thailand from exile "by April at the latest" and prove himself innocent of corruption charges brought by investigators appointed by the military after the September 2006 coup.

"I want to go back to politics and go back and live my life as a normal citizen," Mr Thaksin said, reversing frequent statements since the bloodless coup that he was finished with politics, comments which few in Thailand believed.

However, later in the news conference, Thaksin, who had said in exile that his wife would divorce him if he went back into politics, said he was done with politics.

"I don't want to go back to politics," he said when asked to clarify his position in view of the earlier statement. "I want to go back to live my life peacefully in Thailand as a normal citizen."


From yahoo service

HONG KONG (AFP) - Former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra said Tuesday he wanted to return to Thailand in February, as he called for reconciliation with the military following weekend elections.

Thaksin, who was deposed by a military coup 15 months ago, also insisted he did not want to return to politics following the polls, which saw his allies in the People Power Party (PPP) emerge as the biggest party in the new parliament.

"I will go back from February onwards," Thaksin told reporters in Hong Kong, in his first reaction to the election result, declining to give a precise date, although he hoped it would be by April.

"I want to go back when my life can be peaceful in Thailand, as a normal citizen," said the billionaire former telecoms tycoon, who has been living in exile mainly in London since the military seized power.

Thaksin struck a conciliatory tone, calling for national reconciliation and holding out an olive branch to the military.

"I would like to congratulate them (voters) for bringing back democracy for Thailand," he said. "This should bring reconciliation efforts by everybody."

Thaksin added: "I would also like to thank the military-installed government for efforts to allow the general election to happen."

Thaksin, who was in contact with PPP leaders throughout the election, said repeatedly that he wanted to quit politics when he returned to Thailand, where a military-appointed tribunal in May banned him from politics for five years.

"I am quitting politics, I am not going back to politics. I will not take any political position except when they want any ideas," he said.

However he later indicated that he could change his mind if the situation in Thailand changed.

"I have no wish to go back to politics until I feel safe, and then I will have to assess the situation."

Unofficial returns from Sunday's election gave the PPP 232 of the 480 seats in parliament, just short of the absolute majority needed to govern alone.

Party leaders have been trying to build a ruling coalition with smaller parties and have confidently predicted they will be forming the next government.

The Democrat Party, which came in second with 165 seats, has already refused to join a PPP-led government.


To be blunt classic Thaksin, say one thing then the opposite and be in the position subsequently to have 'all bases covered'.


/edit add report links//


Thanks for those links.. Seems Thaksin himself could have been clearer also, if another publication picked it up too (unless they copied the BKK Post).

The gist of things though is a reconciliatory note, some quotes here made it sound like he was plannign a triumphant return to politics. That's not what he's saying.

I do fully agree with PhilHarries about how much trust we can put in his words. Currently today though, I note that he's not seeking confrontation or a triumphant return to power,which would most certainly increase the junta's loss of face and might just push them over the edge.

In Thaksin's place I would have said exactly the same (ordinary citizen) as anything else would be needlessly confrontational at this time.


With Thaksin, there's the linguistic problem {he even said Thai's didn't understand him owing to his accent [in Thai]} in English, and if you read the reports fully you see he does leave the door open to political activity e.g. "I have no wish to go back to politics until I feel safe, and then I will have to assess the situation.".

So I'm not as convinced as you appear to be of his conciliatory position.



As I commented elsewhere, the original piece has been pulled and replaced with one focused on Thaksin wishing to fght the ASC cases. This element is in pkace now

Asked if he plans to make a political comeback, Mr Thaksin stated that his main priority would be to prove his innocence.

"Enough is enough with politics," he said. "I want to prove my innocence and fight charges of corruption against me."

Questioned about his possible role as a PPP adviser, Mr Thaksin said that he would be happy to help out if the PPP needed his advice.



When - not "if" - he's back in politics, I will spend an enjoyable hour or two searching the forum for those posts - and posters - who declared unequivocally that he will absolutely never go back into politics.

Just biding my time... :o

When - not "if" - he's back in politics, I will spend an enjoyable hour or two searching the forum for those posts - and posters - who declared unequivocally that he will absolutely never go back into politics.

Just biding my time... :o

his main priority is one thing only; to ensure his family are not financially wiped out; the only way he could acheive that is either a direct or indirect hand over the judicial process and the media surrounding that. A bonus would be to be able to expand his family's wealth.

This would require actions to disarm the relevant government and independent bodies such as Anti Corruption, the Army, the Police, the Senate, the risk of censure in the house and the media.

The only way to acheive all of these would be to form a majority government large enough to prevent censure, then use a variety of funding to prevent/buy judges and media from blocking him, and then to simultaneously place people of his own choosing in each favoured position. This alone would allow him to ride roughshod over the 1997 Constitution - a necessity because among other things it correctly recognised that deregulation of the telco industry was essential to opening the gateways of communication and the power of the net to the general masses - at a massively lower price.

We've seen it all already - this is the rerun. And it isn't as much fun as watching Season 3 of Family Guy a second time.

Last time it was to prevent deregulation and foreign ownership in media/telcos until he was ready to offload his Shin shares - the massive wealth from selling other assets, property and the one sided FTAs were just bonuses - most of the other wealth such as airport corruption etc were to keep his party members in line. Except for the King Power deal, which was alledgedly probably personal profit. The alleged preferential entry for his kids into Chula and Kaset, the alleged deals for How Come entertainment in obtaining a contract to manage media in the underground trains despite a deal already signed with TRIADS (themselves a family deal from the Chor Gan Chang family empire, a staunch Dems backer), the property deals and lack of transparency - well there were a few feeds at the trough for the Shinwanke_r family along the way, but i digress.

This time around, expect more of the same but most likely via proxy. It is about hiding the deals done in the last 6 years; the dirt is there for sure, and it is merely a question of who and how hard they will go down.

I actually am now hoping that it IS a fractured PPP government but a weak one. There is no way the economy can be saved as it was last time; TRT already has squandered most of the money available; the foreign investment community are wise to TRT/PPP policies and Samak is going to fail unless being a PM is judged on cooking skills. Riding roughshod over the constitution and the judiciary will be a lot harder this time, because he doesn't have 50% of the vote anymore - take a look back in the early 2000 election; he had Bangkok, everywhere except the south and a few isolated places. This time, well he doesn't even have the eastern seaboard - in fact everywhere where money is actually made, he pretty much doesn't have.

I guess buying those votes were too expensive. The more insecure things are, the more likely there will be some big falls. And with each big fall under a Samak fractured coalition, the poor will start to realise how these guys have raped the coffers of Thailand for their own gain. If it is a Dems govt, it will seem like a persecution...it has to be a weak enough coalition though to make sure that Samak can get in, but not strong enough to appoint the judges or shut down other departments.

And with heavyweight bullS**t artists like Chalerm, Samak and Jakapop yet missing the brains of TRT - guys like Somkid - well you have to wonder how long this Talking Heads charade is going to last.

I say Talking Heads for 3 reasons

- Samak is merely a talking head; they all are

- I like the Talking Heads

- Thanks to the morons in the north and NE we are genuinely like the song says 'on a road to nowhere'

Queue the Pendulum Little Creatures DnB remix yo bo bo bo WHO WANZ A REWIND?????? AIOIIIIGHT.

There is always the possibility that a state of emergency will be declared under Samak if things go really badly. Hmmmmm, why does that seems somewhat familiar?

Well, if so maybe the old coot can serve some of his famous pad Thai. Senile goat that he is.

How many people can find it within themselves to advocate killing an caretaker appointed elected politician on Christmas Day... I mean how bitter can you get?

I suspect that the families of the 50%+ innocent people, killed during Thaksin's anti-drugs campaign, or quite a few more people down South, might feel quite bitter. Also people who had invested through Temasek, in his former company, only to find its value plummet shortly afterwards. :o

I regard it as a good sign, for Thailand's maturity, that nobody invested in a bullet, while he was away in London. :D

How many people can find it within themselves to advocate killing an caretaker appointed elected politician on Christmas Day... I mean how bitter can you get?

I suspect that the families of the 50%+ innocent people, killed during Thaksin's anti-drugs campaign, or quite a few more people down South, might feel quite bitter. Also people who had invested through Temasek, in his former company, only to find its value plummet shortly afterwards. :o

I regard it as a good sign, for Thailand's maturity, that nobody invested in a bullet, while he was away in London. :D

100% of those killed by the extra judicial massacre thingy that HRW and amnest y go on about were innocent as they never had their day in court and that is meant to be part of a domcracy infact a vital part. Still Thksin nver had much time for democarcy beyond elections.


Whenever he's here in the states he always spends time with his pal President at the ranch in Crawford Texas.

"Birds of a feather..." :o

Whenever he's here in the states he always spends time with his pal President at the ranch in Crawford Texas.

"Birds of a feather..." :o

Does he really? Even after the coup? That surprises me a little as that would be undiplomatic.

Despite claims that he had “washed his hands clean of politics”, ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has done an abrupt U-turn

Such a hypocrite! Why would anyone trust this guy?

p.s. I also saw him on CNN talking about coming back, for those who doubt this Bangkok Post report- can't remember the exact quote but it definitely was diametrically opposite to what he was saying last month about not trying to be involved in politics any longer.

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