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As this photo is really large I will just link me page and you can have a look.

At the bottom of the photo you have a selection of small, medium, large and Original.

Is this a real Ghost photo ??? on the Stone ???

Your input please.

Info on the photo is all there, taken in Raw and just copied into Jpg.

Kan Win :o


The Dark Blue side, the sun is coming from your left hand side and I know that the stone look great without that Dark Blueness on it went I took that shot.

I have it in Raw as well but the extention is *orf.

Please help as I have to find an answer to this photo as the Stone is nearly looking at our house in Kan.

Kan Win

That is a little spooky, must be a little grass gremlin.

Never smoked it "canuckamuck". :o

Kan Win :D

I think I'd move house :D

I'd not love too, Kanchanaburi is the place that I do Love, seen the white ones before no photos, just at night flashing by, but not the Dark Blue ones in daylight. I did not see it, the camera saw it.

Go figure that one out.

Come on help me to understand this photo. :D

Puns and jokes are most welcomed :D , also help would really give me relief. :o

Kan Win :D


No actually I thought you meant the face in the grass. I see a face just in the top part of the shadow that is in the grass in the middle of the lower photo. there is an odd blue thing that has a a white pixel at the top. That would be the left eye of the face. It seems to have horns.

As far as the rock is concerned, it just looks like a shadow. it is in the right place for a shadow to be based on everything else in the photo. In fact it would be strange if there wasn't a shadow there. It is a blue shadow because the fill light is from the sky, the bottom of the rock a yellower shadow because its fill is coming from the yellowy ground.

I see a face just in the top part of the shadow that is in the grass in the middle of the lower photo. there is an odd blue thing that has a a white pixel at the top. That would be the left eye of the face. It seems to have horns..........!

I'd definitely move now!

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