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First day in the office after New Year, quietly trying to wake up and get some basic bits and pieces done .... and once again whilst putting together the companies holiday list and after trailing through the internet, I cannot find a definitive date for Songkran here in Pattaya .... 13-15 April for everywhere else, but the 18/19 was cited as Songkran for Pattaya on one site ..... any ideas guys? Or shall I just close 12th to the 20th and be done with it!

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Songkran Public Holidays this year, Monday 14th, 15th, & 16th.

The chaos :o (water festival) that is Songkran normally commences on the 11th though, and gradually builds up to the main event in Pattaya which is on the 19th. :D


Normally, everywhere (Post offices, ect) close about 13th- 17th. But the main water festival event is Naklua on 18th, and Pattaya on 19th... Last year everywhere was open on 18th and 19th...


Time to book a holiday, :o the novelty has worn of after 10 years or beer bellied guys soaking everyone in sight for a week, could cope if it was just a few days like everywhere else.

Time to book a holiday, :o the novelty has worn of after 10 years or beer bellied guys soaking everyone in sight for a week, could cope if it was just a few days like everywhere else.

Baah humbug!

I love it, counting down the days already. Always get the odd misery moaning, but that is just asking to get wetter!

Time to book a holiday, :o the novelty has worn of after 10 years or beer bellied guys soaking everyone in sight for a week, could cope if it was just a few days like everywhere else.

Baah humbug!

I love it, counting down the days already. Always get the odd misery moaning, but that is just asking to get wetter!

Very sad

I take it you are old bald with a pony tail

Just a guess

Time to book a holiday, :o the novelty has worn of after 10 years or beer bellied guys soaking everyone in sight for a week, could cope if it was just a few days like everywhere else.

Baah humbug!

I love it, counting down the days already. Always get the odd misery moaning, but that is just asking to get wetter!

Very sad

I take it you are old bald with a pony tail

Just a guess

Haha - very wrong.

35 yrs old with cropped hair, and no beer belly. You really should get out more. Some of us younger folks like to enjoy ourselves once in a while, you should try it sometime.


Think I'll head over to Cambo for two weeks.

Nearly lost an eye two years ago. Some <deleted> pumped one of those supersoakers straight in my face. Probably got the water out of a drain.

Absolutely flat out double sucks.

If I stay I will end up lumping someone without doubt.

Time to book a holiday, :o the novelty has worn of after 10 years or beer bellied guys soaking everyone in sight for a week, could cope if it was just a few days like everywhere else.
Songkran is only for beer bellied guys then? how do you qualify to join in? is there a minimum beer belly measurement? how big is the minimum? is it regulated by the government? if so i expect there will be a fee to pay, (to play) are there enough Thais with big enough beer bellies? i always thought it was a Thai festival to celebrate the New Year? my guide book must be wrong, thanks for the heads up!
Time to book a holiday, :o the novelty has worn of after 10 years or beer bellied guys soaking everyone in sight for a week, could cope if it was just a few days like everywhere else.

Baah humbug!

I love it, counting down the days already. Always get the odd misery moaning, but that is just asking to get wetter!

Very sad

I take it you are old bald with a pony tail

Just a guess

Haha - very wrong.

35 yrs old with cropped hair, and no beer belly. You really should get out more. Some of us younger folks like to enjoy ourselves once in a while, you should try it sometime.

I'm younger than you and I think grown men playing with water pistols is just a little bit pathetic, especially if you're excitedly counting down 3 months before the event.


I'm not against it at all, loved it while it was fun for me just after 10 years of it its not so much fun any more, 2 days would be 5-7 days too much for me thats all. Sure everone here who plays will enjoy it and I hope you all do, even you TK :o

I'm not against it at all, loved it while it was fun for me just after 10 years of it its not so much fun any more, 2 days would be 5-7 days too much for me thats all. Sure everone here who plays will enjoy it and I hope you all do, even you TK :o
thanks for the special wishes, i will grow my beer belly and hope i qualify to join in (by the way do you know whats under a ponys tail? ..........an arsehol_e)
I'm not against it at all, loved it while it was fun for me just after 10 years of it its not so much fun any more, 2 days would be 5-7 days too much for me thats all. Sure everone here who plays will enjoy it and I hope you all do, even you TK :o
thanks for the special wishes, i will grow my beer belly and hope i qualify to join in (by the way do you know whats under a ponys tail? ..........an arsehol_e)


I'm not against it at all, loved it while it was fun for me just after 10 years of it its not so much fun any more, 2 days would be 5-7 days too much for me thats all. Sure everone here who plays will enjoy it and I hope you all do, even you TK :D
thanks for the special wishes, i will grow my beer belly and hope i qualify to join in (by the way do you know whats under a ponys tail? ..........an arsehol_e)


I'm not against it at all, loved it while it was fun for me just after 10 years of it its not so much fun any more, 2 days would be 5-7 days too much for me thats all. Sure everone here who plays will enjoy it and I hope you all do, even you TK :o
thanks for the special wishes, i will grow my beer belly and hope i qualify to join in (by the way do you know whats under a ponys tail? ..........an arsehol_e)

Personal insults not really called for.. moderators?


At the risk of ringing in on the unpopular side of this thread, I partook in these activities of throwing water at passing motor vehicles one day, once.

It was the most non-alcohol related, non-sexual fun that I've ever had as an adult.

To my defense, I didn't throw water at motorcycles nor at anyone doing the driving.

But this is the killer, and I apologize in advance.

The most fun was soaking farangs in the back of baht buses, the ones trying to squeeze into the very front center and up as high as possible in order to not get soaked.

I'm a good shot. :o

Having said all this, it was a one-time thing for me and I probably won't ever partake again.

I'm not against it at all, loved it while it was fun for me just after 10 years of it its not so much fun any more, 2 days would be 5-7 days too much for me thats all. Sure everone here who plays will enjoy it and I hope you all do, even you TK :o
thanks for the special wishes, i will grow my beer belly and hope i qualify to join in (by the way do you know whats under a ponys tail? ..........an arsehol_e)

Personal insults not really called for.. moderators?

it was not intended as an insult to you or anyone here, its a statement of fact. please read carefully i said under a ponys tail is an arsehol_e, arsehol_e is not even considered a rude word, in fact you can find it s description here WordNet - Cite This Source - Share This arsehol_e

nounvulgar slang for anus [syn: arse]

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.

however if the cap fits and you feel the need to run crying to the moderators then go right ahead.

At the risk of ringing in on the unpopular side of this thread, I partook in these activities of throwing water at passing motor vehicles one day, once.

It was the most non-alcohol related, non-sexual fun that I've ever had as an adult.

To my defense, I didn't throw water at motorcycles nor at anyone doing the driving.

But this is the killer, and I apologize in advance.

The most fun was soaking farangs in the back of baht buses, the ones trying to squeeze into the very front center and up as high as possible in order to not get soaked.

I'm a good shot. :o

Having said all this, it was a one-time thing for me and I probably won't ever partake again.

Agree 100% lve done it also.

2 days is ok its just the 5-7 days that drives me out of town now, this is a reflection on me older lazier I guess.

Timekeeper get a life and take it elsewhere not intrested in your views I am afraid, you are on ignore.


Chanman, sometimes it's best to just quietly observe and say nothing, hence i quote from your magnificent first post ever ''I am new on the board but have been lurking for a long while..'' i suggest you go back to lurking before inflicting your inaccurate, offensive, chastising, holier than thou generalisations upon the rest of us. its you who should be reported to the moderators for flaming and trolling. so in the future please do ignore me, its clear you find my contributions to the board far too complicated for you to read correctly, interpret accurately or respond sensibly to without making numerous errors. you won't be missed.

Time to book a holiday, :D the novelty has worn of after 10 years or beer bellied guys soaking everyone in sight for a week, could cope if it was just a few days like everywhere else.

Baah humbug!

I love it, counting down the days already. Always get the odd misery moaning, but that is just asking to get wetter!

Very sad

I take it you are old bald with a pony tail

Just a guess

Haha - very wrong.

35 yrs old with cropped hair, and no beer belly. You really should get out more. Some of us younger folks like to enjoy ourselves once in a while, you should try it sometime.

I'm younger than you and I think grown men playing with water pistols is just a little bit pathetic, especially if you're excitedly counting down 3 months before the event.

Good to see you are into the spirit of fun in Thailand. :o


Well, I for one am excitedly looking forward to Songkran, as it means that I will be home again ! (Any time in Thailand beats the h3ll out of this place at its best !)

Not only does April bring Songkran, it brings the Phuket Bike Week (for which I will hopefully have a shiny new HD bike), and my next birthday (which of course is just another excuse for another party) !

So yes, despite being 3 months (and a bit) away, I am eagerly counting down the days ! :o


Let's just say that it is an inconvenience for some and a pleasure for others. I am with group 1 and really coule do without it for sure it really gets on my nerves not being able to go about business in a normal manner. If it were zoned like maybe to Mabprachan lake or something then I could live with it (anyone who responds to that comment deserves all of the disdain that I shall pour on them), other than that I HATE IT.

Well, I for one am excitedly looking forward to Songkran, as it means that I will be home again ! (Any time in Thailand beats the h3ll out of this place at its best !)

Not only does April bring Songkran, it brings the Phuket Bike Week (for which I will hopefully have a shiny new HD bike), and my next birthday (which of course is just another excuse for another party) !

So yes, despite being 3 months (and a bit) away, I am eagerly counting down the days ! :o

Go Kerryd!!!

Glad I am not the only child trapped in an adults body.

It's good for you as well, last year my arms, shoulders, and pecs hurt so much every morning from shooting the supersoaker all day that I could barely move, but loosened up by midday ready for another session. Cheaper than Tony's gym as well :D


best day of the year by far

everyones partying, beer and whiskys flowing. i love the 19th. top day out.

ill be the one with my family opposite xzyte throwing icy cold water out you!!! :D

cant wait


best day of the year by far

everyones partying, beer and whiskys flowing. i love the 19th. top day out.

ill be the one with my family opposite xzyte throwing icy cold water out you!!! :D

cant wait


I will remember that, and bring some super-chilled water for you and your family to enjoy :D


I have never been lucky/unlucky enough to be in thailand at this time of year due to work but I am hoping like hel_l to make it this year (another kid in a grown-ups body) I have however celebrated it in The UK by driving through leeds city centre with my 3 kids in the back of the car, shooting people with their super soaker's :D Just had to clamp down on the little toads when we were stuck at traffic lights :o

edit because at first I wrote "a grown-up in a kids body..thought that might have led to PM'S from nonce's

I have never been lucky/unlucky enough to be in thailand at this time of year due to work but I am hoping like hel_l to make it this year (another kid in a grown-ups body) I have however celebrated it in The UK by driving through leeds city centre with my 3 kids in the back of the car, shooting people with their super soaker's :D Just had to clamp down on the little toads when we were stuck at traffic lights :o

edit because at first I wrote "a grown-up in a kids body..thought that might have led to PM'S from nonce's

get here lad its sound

most of the complaints come from older farangs not people who still know how to enjoy themselves. not a dig, its the truth.

however my 55 year old brother in law loved it last year. mainly because i showed him what a great day it can be. chill, have a beer and enjoy


A few times i got soaked and the water was absolutely freezing. Couldn't work out why the water was so cold. One day sitting in a bar which was throughing water at passerbyers. At 6pm they started to packup for the day. Emptied the larger container of any water left in it then took out these huge piece of ice !!!!. No wonder the water was so cold.

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