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2987 Baht 1 Month Elictricity


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I was thinking gee great deal 6000 month for this condo..Turns out with water going to be more like 9400 a month..I spent time in Hau hin,the bil was never more then 700-800 baht..WHO IS RIPPING ME OFF?

Condo building?

or is this the cost of just living in pattaya..I have 1 room !! :o yes air con on only at night.

how much do you guys pay each month?

Edited by justanotherguy
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Just got my bill in for my house so here it is:

378 units at 2.5.00026 baht = Bt945.01

378 units at uplift rate of 0.6611 = Bt249.90

Total Bt1194.91

Vat at 7% = Bt83.64

Total bill = Bt1278.55

Now that was less than I thought, usually about Bt1500 per month. That includes a bedroom with aircon each night (only use aircon in main bedroom, washing machine multiple times daily (have a baby), all hot water heating, lighting etc.)

In my studio condo (48sqm) I used to use about Bt2000 which worked out at about 650 units per month with no washing machine.

I suspect that your electric unit charge is significantly higher than the real charge. Look at your lease. I have heard about electric being charged at Bt15 per unit and above which would mean my Bt1278.55 bill would become Bt5670 ! giving the landlord a whopping Bt4475 profit per month. However, that is extreme. Normal mark ups are between Bt5 and Bt7 per unit.

If it is not in your lease, then look at the meter. Check when you have everything turned off that the meter stops. It has been known for landlords to run general electric through a tenant's meter !

Post up your units. Also look at your water units, you may be getting bill padded there as well.

Then, name and shame the place !

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I used to live in an apartment and that was about right for electricity for the month. I now live in a house and my electricity runs about 1,000 baht less.

In Condo's and apartments, utilities are expensive. By the way, do you have a fridge?

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I was thinking gee great deal 6000 month for this condo..Turns out with water going to be more like 9400 a month..I spent time in Hau hin,the bil was never more then 700-800 baht..WHO IS RIPPING ME OFF?

Condo building?

or is this the cost of just living in pattaya..I have 1 room !! :o yes air con on only at night.

how much do you guys pay each month?

your landlord is ripping you off by charging a phantastic unit rate per kilowatt.

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your landlord is ripping you off by charging a phantastic unit rate per kilowatt.

I totally agree because assuming the correct rate, and allowing a rip off Bt400 for water, then the usage would be (9400-400-6000)/(2.5+0.6611)=949 units which I assure you is nigh on impossible even with an old aircon on 24 hours a day at 18c !

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3 Storey shop house

Water 50-70 Baht per month

Electricty 1000-1500 B per month, this is with 1 x 12000 btu ac running from 10am-6pm every day and a 9000 btu ac running from 12am-9am.

Check your lease - YOUR landlord is taking the piss!

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Just got my bill in for my house so here it is:

378 units at 2.5.00026 baht = Bt945.01

378 units at uplift rate of 0.6611 = Bt249.90

Total Bt1194.91

Vat at 7% = Bt83.64

Total bill = Bt1278.55

Now that was less than I thought, usually about Bt1500 per month. That includes a bedroom with aircon each night (only use aircon in main bedroom, washing machine multiple times daily (have a baby), all hot water heating, lighting etc.)

In my studio condo (48sqm) I used to use about Bt2000 which worked out at about 650 units per month with no washing machine.

I suspect that your electric unit charge is significantly higher than the real charge. Look at your lease. I have heard about electric being charged at Bt15 per unit and above which would mean my Bt1278.55 bill would become Bt5670 ! giving the landlord a whopping Bt4475 profit per month. However, that is extreme. Normal mark ups are between Bt5 and Bt7 per unit.

If it is not in your lease, then look at the meter. Check when you have everything turned off that the meter stops. It has been known for landlords to run general electric through a tenant's meter !

Post up your units. Also look at your water units, you may be getting bill padded there as well.

Then, name and shame the place !

Yeah, let's lynch the landlord now; we can always check later to see if he was guilty ... :o

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Last month 2100B for my house electricity.

8000 AC running 24 hours.

13000 AC running night time.

18000 AC running occasionally.

5 - 6 hotwater showers per day.

Two automatic kettles always on.


Four rooms of incandescent lighting on dimmers.

Outside fluoro lighting.

Yep - I reckon your landlord is putting a 200% margin on top of your electric bill. Not uncommon to be charged 5 - 7 Baht per unit of electricity when you don't have your own account. You can complain about it but the landlord will just turn around and tell you to open your own account with the PEA.



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I was thinking gee great deal 6000 month for this condo..Turns out with water going to be more like 9400 a month..I spent time in Hau hin,the bil was never more then 700-800 baht..WHO IS RIPPING ME OFF?

Condo building?

or is this the cost of just living in pattaya..I have 1 room !! :o yes air con on only at night.

how much do you guys pay each month?

It appears that you do not have a separate meter for your unit, therefore your landlord is taking liberties.

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In my experience,this is where they can try & nick abit off of you,as its something that alot of farang dont look into,or dont think about when they move into a place,& its something that the landlords can front up some BS about.I now always ask how much per unit,& find out where the meters are before moving in.

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Thanks guys for your post..We have a awful just awful old air con, and i think using this might cause this insane bill.We are talking a 3 foot ari con on 10 hours a day.

Our units for the month is 787 and the bill is 3k ..

I talked to other people in this complex and now learned owners and renters don't have the same rate (jomtien beach condo) If thats the deal who gets the extra money? landord or complex?

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I cannot comment about Pattaya but in Bangkok it is not uncommon for the landlord to charge 6 baht per unit for electricity, and a flat rate per month for water. I believe there is a law or a rule that allows a landlord to charge double the actual baht per unit price off the bill for electricity, but have no proof to back this up. I heard someone mention it once when discussing electricity bills, so it could just be anecdotal or conjecture.

Almost three years ago when I moved here I looked at close to 30 condos and apartments in just under 2 months, in the Asoke/Sukhumvit area of Bangkok and ALL were charging 5+baht per unit for electricity then. The apartment I am in now raised the electric to an even 6 baht a unit this year for me. Speaking to the other tenants here; that is what they were paying for electricity all last year, so I was lucky I guess.

Conversely, when renting a house, usually the landlord lets you put the power and water in your name, so you pay what ever those companies charge without the extortion tactics.

It is always a good idea to scope out the 'hidden charges' on those rentals which seem so inexpensive. As far as who gets the extra money, its certainly not you, making it a moot point.

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Thanks guys for your post..We have a awful just awful old air con, and i think using this might cause this insane bill.We are talking a 3 foot ari con on 10 hours a day.

Our units for the month is 787 and the bill is 3k ..

I talked to other people in this complex and now learned owners and renters don't have the same rate (jomtien beach condo) If thats the deal who gets the extra money? landord or complex?

then nobody is cheating you. it's your aircon!

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yep !

Its really amazing what a bad air con can can use electric vs a new one..

The older aircon units with reciprocating (noisy) compressors

were very power hungry, newer rotary compressor units are much more efficient.

Mind you, if your aircon is the former then it must be awfully old.


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Maybe it is a faulty meter ??

A good friend built a 48 room Apartment block, it is now 1yr old, all 48 units were rented with 2 weeks, he charges 7baht per unit……… 47 renters pay not more than 1,100 per month some as low as 400…….. 1 unit the bill was always 4,000 + every month, turned out the meter [brand new] was faulty…

Try checking what others pay where you are + what they use.. Myself had a problem a year or so ago with the meter, now pay around 2,500 month, use a lot of electric, have a largish detached 3 bedroom house, Thais in the same Village with the same size house pay at least 1,000 back less per month

Find out how much the Landlord charges per unit of electric, while my house was being build I had to rent a condo for 6 months, in the contract it stated the electric was charged at 5 baht per unit, that was 4 years ago.

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I was thinking gee great deal 6000 month for this condo..Turns out with water going to be more like 9400 a month..I spent time in Hau hin,the bil was never more then 700-800 baht..WHO IS RIPPING ME OFF?

Condo building?

many first time apartment/condo renters in thailand often are not aware the the landlords in many such places are also in the electricity and water businesses. they "resell" electricity that they pay "x" amount for for 2-3x the price they pay. the rate will be in the lease and is sometimes negotiable. it is best, however, to rent only from places that have separate meters for each residence and you pay only the electric company's official rate for power. currently, around B1.5 per unit i think.

funny thing, the last couple months, my electric has been only a little over B300 per month (average is about B1200) for 3 BR house. now, I know it has been cool and airfcon not running as much but still a big drop. a friend said sometimes the meter readers just estimate power use for a few months and then will actually check the meter after a few months to see what the real use has been and then prepare a larger bill (deducting the amounts paid in the intervening months). Anyone else ever heard of this happening?

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These charges for utilities are just a part of the deal. The last two places I lived in the electricity, water and telephone all came out to just under the cost of the rent. I lived in one place with one of those big old A/C units and when you turned it on the lights used to dim--it really was a power user! That place was reasonably cool, so I used to run for a few hours in the evening and then close the windows and turn it off--stayed cool all night with just a fan, but still had an enormous bill. The next place had an energy efficient A/C, but was on the top floor facing the South, so it was like living in a microwave, I had to have the A/C on all night, all year around, but the bill was about the same as the other place!

One thing to do (this happened to a neighbor of mine), is cut the power at the box some evening and check the meter to see if it is still running. I had a neighbor who had a really high electricity bill--way higher than mine, and he was seldom at his place. It turned out the hall way lights for the entire floor were wired through his meter! He got that sorted out and his bill just went down to be the normal high level of everyone else.

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Is there a reason you need to use a screen name so close to mine?

I realize I don't post much, but could you possibility find another screen name to use?

Thank you kindly

Mods: Is this an unreasonable request on my part?



if you were a regular poster, it would probably be slightly unfair, but I guess that since the other JAG has signed up and followed the rules, theres nothing wrong with it imo

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Hearing all you lucky people quoting 5 and 6 baht per unit....I wish...I own a house on one of these projects where they put the cables under the ground so we cant get our own metres from the main electric board. We get ripped off to the tune of 8 baht and cant do a dam_n thing about it. Also get charged 900 baht each per month for water, that comes out of our own well.

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Thanks guys for your post..We have a awful just awful old air con, and i think using this might cause this insane bill.We are talking a 3 foot ari con on 10 hours a day.

Our units for the month is 787 and the bill is 3k ..

I talked to other people in this complex and now learned owners and renters don't have the same rate (jomtien beach condo) If thats the deal who gets the extra money? landord or complex?

Farang Pattaya resident...they will all take ur money...ur GF/Wife included.

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I have a 2 bedroom townhouse in Pattaya. My last months electric bill was about 1'250 Baht. I have a family of 4 living here. Me, my wife & 2 kids. I have 2 aircons running at night only, 2 fans in the kids room, 2 tv's running part of the day, laptop & pc running part of the day & various lights in the house which are all low energy bulbs. On top of this I have 2 fridges running & a water pump outside the house. It sounds like you're getting ripped off big time. :D I've stayed in a few good condos in the past that were pretty cheap. I hate seeing any of us 'farangs' getting ripped off :o

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