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My New Years Resolution


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How many of us have a thaivisa.com addiction? I know I do.

Thaivisa is a good thing, but too much of any good thing can interfere with a balanced life.

So, it being the new farang year, I am wondering how many have considered reducing their time on thaivisa.com and also posting less?

Edited by Jingthing
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I intend to do the opposite of spending more time on the forum. In the past year, mostly ten minutes daily. It has changed my personality and thinking. I have become more tolerant to others and gained knowledge of things I could ever imagine I would ever understand before.

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You are still around Jingthing , having difficulties ? :o

I want to reduce the time and posts and so far am doing OK with that. I never said I would go away. I was finding most days I was in the top 20 posters. I hope to do that alot less. Cheers!

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My resolution is to keep my post count as low as possible so I don't turn into some sort of tosser who thinks a high post count is important .. even if it does mostly comprise of single word sentences with a smiley drinking a glass of booze tacked onto the end.


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My resolution is to keep my post count as low as possible so I don't turn into some sort of tosser who thinks a high post count is important .. even if it does mostly comprise of single word sentences with a smiley drinking a glass of booze tacked onto the end.


Cheers, mate!


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well thingjing, with 4000 posts in just over a year, i'd say you spend too much time on here indeed so it's a good resolution for you. I think you should be out there now drumming up support for ron paul as I am doing. cheers

He's a libertarian whackazoid. No thanks.

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