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Australian Aged Pension

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9 hours ago, scorecard said:


Agree. He makes so many assumptions with nothing to support them.

You continually to refuse to answer the absolute simplest question put to you.  That is, which pension are you on? 


A Vet's pension, or the Aged pension.  You have posted like you receive both, and you can't.  


So, go on the record.  What pension are you on?  Simple question, really. 

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On 9/25/2024 at 3:19 AM, 4MyEgo said:

I would think there would be a question or more in the application form, e.g. have you resided overseas in the last 12 months, if yes, for how long, etc, etc, etc, then I would imagine if you answered no, they would do a check with border control, then your busted.


But, they would never check for tax residency purposes, right? 


On 9/25/2024 at 3:19 AM, 4MyEgo said:

Why do you think that they have the 2 year rule, it's there to stop people returning to claim the OAP and F off again.

Yes, and a lot of members are unhappy with it, but you can see the tax payers point, right? 


On 9/25/2024 at 3:19 AM, 4MyEgo said:

Anyone good with math who doesn't want to live in a caravan or a depressing room for those 2 years, knows the cost on rent doesn't really recoup those 2 years, especially if living in Sydney where a one bedroom unit will set you back more than the OAP.

Only for those who have burnt their bridges back in Australia. 


The old golden rule, don't put anything into Thailand you are not prepared to lose.  Many sold up and moved their life saving here, now can't even afford to live in Australia for 2 years. 


Guess what, many Aussie expats have kept a property to go back to in Australia, either for their 2 years pension portability phase, or for a serious injury / illness, and even end of life.  


Not everyone has sold up back in Australia and moved it all to Thailand / Issan.   


Many have planned ahead for their 2 years come pension age, and beyond.  If you didn't, why whinge here? 

Edited by KhunHeineken
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On 9/25/2024 at 3:49 AM, 4MyEgo said:

Can you show me. ANYWHERE, in that link where it mentions living overseas, full time?  


I did like this part though:


" Please Note: The information in the above blog post is general in nature and should not be relied upon as detailed advice that applies to everyone. Each person’s individual circumstances will decide whether or not they need to lodge a tax return."


Here's the non resident tax bracket.


The pension is deemed an income. 


The pension is taxable. 


You WILL BE outside of Australia for 183 days, thus, a non resident for tax purposes. 


Do you see $0 to $135,000? 


Can you post a link, from anywhere, showing a old age pensioner does not have to pay non resident tax?  


Foreign resident tax rates 2024–25

Taxable income

Tax on this income

0 – $135,000

30c for each $1

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1 hour ago, KhunHeineken said:

So, go on the record.  What pension are you on?  Simple question, really. 

This thread is about the Aus OAP. As for me: I’m soon to (hopefully) obtain the OAP hence my appreciation for the useful information posted by members who have already obtained the OAP or who, like me, are hoping to soon obtain the OAP. 

I notice you dominate the posts on here. Most of them (your posts) are either disputed or ignored, as a number of members have black-listed you.

So speaking of simple questions, are you on the OAP now or soon to be on the OAP, which one? 


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1 hour ago, Nemises said:

This thread is about the Aus OAP. As for me: I’m soon to (hopefully) obtain the OAP hence my appreciation for the useful information posted by members who have already obtained the OAP or who, like me, are hoping to soon obtain the OAP. 

I notice you dominate the posts on here. Most of them (your posts) are either disputed or ignored, as a number of members have black-listed you.

So speaking of simple questions, are you on the OAP now or soon to be on the OAP, which one? 


Firstly, the question was not put to you. 


The question was put to the member Scorecard, who, at various stages has posted he is on a Vet's pension, and then at other stages, has posted he's on the old aged pension, and how kind the Centerlink call center staff are when he makes inquiries about it.  He's also posted a lot about portability, something Vet's don't have a problem with.  In fact, I know a few Vet's in Thailand and had some brief discussions with them about it. 


I specifically remember him posting his 2 year stay in Australia for portability was in a Vet's village, and how easy the 2 years was for him because it.


So, he's either a Vet, on a Vet's pension, or he's not. 


I called him out on it a while ago, and his reply was, "You are on my ignore list."   Funny that.  So, I, and others, smelt BS.  


Yet, he has never gone on the record as to, exactly, just what pension he's on, because they are VERY different pensions, with VERY different entitlements.


I have posted before I am not on an aged pension.  Posted it months ago. No secret. 


I have also posted before I will not receive an aged pension, without shifting assets, and my accountant working some magic.  All legal, of course.  I have no problem admitting after working and paying a lot of tax, I do feel somewhat "entitled" when that day comes. 


My post count on this thread is high because a long time ago I got wind of the proposed changes to Australia's 90 year old tax residency laws.  I'm sure you have seen them. 


Basically, just like Thailand, Australia is looking to change to a physical presence and time based model, from a "domiciled" model.  


I posted those changes and got an avalanche of crazy reasons why it will never happen.  Everything from Paul Hogan, to having a Medicare Card, even Albo has been voted in, so it's never going to happen.  


I replied to every serious post, and also every personal attack, baiting, flame, troll, abusive, hate, ridicule etc post, thus, a high post count.  Also got sent on a posting holiday.  


As I have said, the proposed changes are the single biggest issue facing members reading this thread, and I stand by that. 


What's there to talk about in relation to portability?  Do tell?  It's been done to death. 


There was a lot of debate, but at the end of the day, what was established was:


1)  The pension is deemed an income.


2)  The pension is taxable.


3)  Someone who is living in Thailand WILL BE deemed a non resident when the proposed changes are passed.  Many already are anyway, including myself. 


4)  The proposed changes have no means testing, thresholds, or exemptions in them.  


5)  Non resident tax is 30% from $0 to $135,000.  


Members still believe there's nothing to worry about, and that's fine.  I'm just interested in why, with some more substance to their post other than Hoges, Medicare Cards, and Albo.  


Indeed, the psychology behind not wanting to consider the possibility these changes will have any impact, whatsoever, was also discussed.  


You see, pensioners may get an increase, but the pensioners back home are going backwards.  Eg. electricity, gas, water, rates, food, petrol etc etc.  Nothing that we care about here, because it's cheap living, but the government, who is in record debt, may just want a piece of the non resident tax pie, and that could include pensioners, possibly as collateral damage.  


Yet, no one wants to put the jigsaw puzzle with the five things above together to even think it's possible.  


We already know Immigration inform Centerlink after 6 weeks out, so supplements are cut off.  Is putting the ATO in that loop such a giant step forward that is too far for a computer to do????


The Brit expats get their pension frozen when they leave.  Maybe Australia wants to tax pensions.  Same Same, but different.  Who knows?  


What I do know is times are changing, Australia is in record debt, and chasing every dollar they can get.  


Members posted, "they will not target pensioners."  I never said expat pensioners will be "targeted."  All I have ever said is they very well may be collateral damage.  

Members posted, "pensioners will be up in arms."  I asked, who went to the Embassy in Bangkok last election and voted.  No reply.  So why would pensioners in Australia give a sh*t about pensioners living it up in Thailand and Bali etc?  


So, to summarize, there's been a lot of funny posts put forward why it will not / can not happen, but little in the way of substance as to why, hence, one more post to my count on this thread.  :smile:   


Now, if you can post a reason why all the above five things WILL NOT line up to cause pensioners ANY grief at all, I'm all eyes. 

Edited by KhunHeineken
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5 minutes ago, KhunHeineken said:


 I am not on an aged pension.  


 I will not receive an aged pension

That’s all I wanted to know. Didn’t bother reading anything else …and won’t in the future…just like all the other members. 

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1 minute ago, Nemises said:

That’s all I wanted to know. Didn’t bother reading anything else …and won’t in the future…just like all the other members. 

I have no problem with that.


Feel free to put me on your ignore list. 


It makes it easier for those who want to seriously discuss the issue. 


Funny thing is though, YOU are not on the aged pension either.   :cheesy:

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12 minutes ago, Nemises said:

That’s all I wanted to know. Didn’t bother reading anything else …and won’t in the future…just like all the other members. 

K.Heinekin just posted a long comment about me. As usual full of mistakes. Just one example, Aussies war vets receiving a permanent disability compensation payment can elect to have the compensation payment automatically transferred to a thai bank. I've been doing that for many years.

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7 minutes ago, scorecard said:

K.Heinekin just posted a long comment about me. As usual full of mistakes. Just one example, Aussies war vets receiving a permanent disability compensation payment can elect to have the compensation payment automatically transferred to a thai bank. I've been doing that for many years.

Can you quote me where I have said any other that????  Banks accounts and automatic transfers.  Huh???? 


Go on the record. 


What pension are you on????

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37 minutes ago, scorecard said:

K.Heinekin just posted a long comment about me. As usual full of mistakes.

The guy has no intention of ever going on the OAP. So do what others have done…give him no oxygen. 

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I have removed a couple of bickering posts about reporting others.


It is not my role to censor opinions, if you disagree then debate in the topic, as the report button is not to score points against other or for use as a threat in the discussion.

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:


For someone who is not on the Age Pension …


Why would one even bother posting on this topic…

Probably out of jealousy... “If I can’t get this free money, than I’ll harass and spread fear (taxes, DTA etc) amongst those that do”

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44 minutes ago, Nemises said:

Probably out of jealousy... “If I can’t get this free money, than I’ll harass and spread fear (taxes, DTA etc) amongst those that do”

I think he's just delusional. He actually thinks proposed tax rules are valid and that the ATO is going to set up an international task force to catch a few old pensioners living in Thailand on aged pension 😉

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14 minutes ago, Pattaya57 said:

I think he's just delusional. He actually thinks proposed tax rules are valid and that the ATO is going to set up an international task force to catch a few old pensioners living in Thailand on aged pension 😉

Also apparently thinks Immigration will send the ATO every movement in and out of Australia of its citizens/residents so they can check residency status.


That would be a small job........

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