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Australian Aged Pension

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On 13/10/2017 at 1:55 PM, superglue said:

I have already contacted the Ombudsman - futile.

I too am over & out.

Question, with respect...


Do you receive a pension disability, and if so, is there a time limit before they cut you off, and is there a big difference between that and the OAP ?


Not wanting to put salt in your wounds, just looking for alternatives, as we all do, and its a learning curve here for us all.

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6 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Question, with respect...


Do you receive a pension disability, and if so, is there a time limit before they cut you off, and is there a big difference between that and the OAP ?


Not wanting to put salt in your wounds, just looking for alternatives, as we all do, and its a learning curve here for us all.


I receive no disability pension.

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43 minutes ago, superglue said:


I receive no disability pension.

There are some neighbouring countries I have read, that if you reside there for two years to obtain your residency status, you could then apply for the OAP, but that would require looking into

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On 10/9/2017 at 7:03 PM, Gregster said:

Thanks Ego. Yes, I am aware of and have already considered what you say. But in my particular case it may not work as brother has no room for my furniture and nowhere to park my car. I have heaps of club memberships and licences etc but unless circumstances change in regards to finding another relative to store my stuff, I’m pretty much resigned to serving my 2 year sentence and bringing the Thai gf over for occasional hols during that time. I’m also not keen on appealing and having all details posted on their website emoji22.png
Keep us posted on how YOU go!


If I may - I would warn against a Thai GF visits while you do penance for 2 years  - unless she is your wife and the Aust Govt already know it.


2 reasons:

1.  If you have a Thai GF that visits they will claim she is a wife, and will reduce your age pension payments.

2.  They may decide that you are going to return to Thailand and delay/deny portability.


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1 minute ago, ELVIS123456 said:

If I may - I would warn against a Thai GF visits while you do penance for 2 years  - unless she is your wife and the Aust Govt already know it.


2 reasons:

1.  If you have a Thai GF that visits they will claim she is a wife, and will reduce your age pension payments.

2.  They may decide that you are going to return to Thailand and delay/deny portability.


Excellent point.

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If I may - I would warn against a Thai GF visits while you do penance for 2 years  - unless she is your wife and the Aust Govt already know it.
2 reasons:
1.  If you have a Thai GF that visits they will claim she is a wife, and will reduce your age pension payments.
2.  They may decide that you are going to return to Thailand and delay/deny portability.

Yes I had already thought of that and fully agree. However, if I don’t mention my TGF’s existence nor her occasional visits, how would they (Centrelink) know about her?
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There are many ways they get information - including people reporting about others (happens a lot), people accidentally saying something when they talk to CLink, matching of house address records for her visits (she must report where staying), any interactions with any Govt bodies (hospitals, police, etc etc etc), and a lot of others I cant think of right now.
Perhaps you can both be very very careful, and do things like her flying into one city and then you driving her to another city, having a friend/relative allow her to use their place as her address, not spending time together at the place you live that CLink has recorded (staying somewhere else), and probably many other things.
And by the way, it is not just for her visits - it is going forward while you get the pension. If they find out she was living with you for years in Thailand, visited you during those 2 years in Aust, and then you again live together in Thailand - they will backdate all payment reductions and you will have to pay it all back (and maybe some more).  All it takes is one person to make a call ,or someone to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, or just bad luck to rear its ugly head.
I am not saying dont - your call - but I making the issue clear to you/others - and I am saying be very careful and plan carefully.  I know a bloke who recently got caught with this exact thing, and he has a bill for over $20K to pay back.  He still has no idea how they found out - they would not say.  But when they dumped it all on him (names/dates etc etc) he was smart enough to say he wasnt aware it was an issue as she is Thai not Australian.  If he had of denied it all, he could have been charged with fraud.  And that is an issue to keep in mind - if anyone ever does anything like this with CLink ATO etc etc and you are caught - then claim ignorance and ask for forgiveness - trying to deny and avoid can get the matter from just paying money back to something much more serious.  And let me tell you - there are many feminist nazis in CLink that love 'taking down' male expats having a great life overseas with the lovely local girls.  

Holey Dooley!!!!

I can’t thank you enough for this heads-up mate.

It’s now back to the drawing board for me to work out what if any (!), contact I have with my teluc during “those” 2 years.

Again, thank you [emoji4]

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12 hours ago, Gregster said:


Holey Dooley!!!!

I can’t thank you enough for this heads-up mate.

It’s now back to the drawing board for me to work out what if any (!), contact I have with my teluc during “those” 2 years.

Again, thank you emoji4.png


For what its worth, I intend on filing for divorce about 5 years prior to my plan on returning to stake my claim, and will go onto a retirement visa Vs the spouse visa (yes I know they are not called visa's), extension of stays, so that can be also shown that I am no longer married on my passport. Will put down another address that I am residing at, same village, friends house, so any mail will get to me and immigration have an idea where I am, although I am pretty sure they will know what is transpiring as they like to help their own, i.e. no skin off their noses and they like the odd under the table gift 555


When I fly in, she will probably fly in a week or so later, I will set her up in a leased apartment under her name through a mate who has a real estate agency, me on the other hand will sub-let a room from a mate but won't be living there, it will be just for mail, I will shack up with the Mrs in the apartment which will have a security intercom system, be in a medium rise building and have basement secure parking with lifts, so no one into the complex with buzzing 1st, which off course will go unanswered, as will any door knocks if they get in, Mrs will collect all mail and the car will have dark tinted windows, covering all basis.


If they ask if I seen the x, nope, don't care, did you know she is in the country, nope, don't care, we were divorced 5 year ago, I remained in the village to see the kids, then she left without me knowing, so I had to return as I don't know where she is and if she came back here, well she probably needs to get a job to survive, I have no more funds, and I don't want a bar of her, if the kids want to find me, they can, up to them.


One has to do what one has to do, that's the plan, but who knows if I will be alive by the time I reach the OAP age because they might have moved it to 70 by then, or made some more stringent rules like increase the 2 years to 5 years, farrrrrrrrrrk that !  

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17 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

If I may - I would warn against a Thai GF visits while you do penance for 2 years  - unless she is your wife and the Aust Govt already know it.


2 reasons:

1.  If you have a Thai GF that visits they will claim she is a wife, and will reduce your age pension payments.

2.  They may decide that you are going to return to Thailand and delay/deny portability.


1. Completely wrong. they cannot "claim"  she is your wife,  anyway, your are permitted to be married and on the OAP. Million of people are.    2. They  cannot decide you are going  to return to thailand. Anyway, once you get the pension, you  can  move to Mars if you want.  So much rubbish about this matter so far.

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7 minutes ago, kkerry said:


Source: The Sydney Morning Herald 15th October 2032


Centrelink and the Department of Immigration uncover systematic rorting of the old age pension scheme.


It is alleged Australian expats, their Thai wives, travel agents, real estate brokers and villagers overseas conspired to illegally obtain pension benefits. The fraud was initially discovered after complaints were made about suspected human trafficking. A neighbour told an ACA reporter she became concerned about suspicious activity in her next door apartment. Blinds were always drawn, knocks on the door went unanswered and the mail box was overflowing with junk mail. On several occasions she saw a furtive looking Asian lady accompanied by an elderly man emerge from a car with blacked out windows. They hurriedly made their way to the apartment to avoid detection. Warrants have been issued for the suspects who it is suspected may have already fled to Thailand.

There is  something about the authenticity of your post that I just cant put my finger on. Maby Im just too dated to notice.

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25 minutes ago, keithpa said:

There is  something about the authenticity of your post that I just cant put my finger on. Maby Im just too dated to notice.

It's fairly common knowledge a combination of an immigration lawyer and $10K - $20K can get a Thai woman into Australia for as long as she wants.

How do you think all the Asian hookers in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane got there?

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30 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

It's fairly common knowledge a combination of an immigration lawyer and $10K - $20K can get a Thai woman into Australia for as long as she wants.

How do you think all the Asian hookers in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane got there?

I told immigration that they were my daughters.

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5 hours ago, Gregster said:


I like it! Although curious to know how your “ex” Mrs will be allowed 1/into Aus? 2/ allowed to stay in Aus for 2 years?


Too easy, she has Australian Citizenship as she was there with me for almost 9 years, also has Australian passport, the kids were both born there also so they have both Aus and Thai passports

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2 hours ago, kkerry said:


Source: The Sydney Morning Herald 15th October 2032


Centrelink and the Department of Immigration uncover systematic rorting of the old age pension scheme.


It is alleged Australian expats, their Thai wives, travel agents, real estate brokers and villagers overseas conspired to illegally obtain pension benefits. The fraud was initially discovered after complaints were made about suspected human trafficking. A neighbour told an ACA reporter she became concerned about suspicious activity in her next door apartment. Blinds were always drawn, knocks on the door went unanswered and the mail box was overflowing with junk mail. On several occasions she saw a furtive looking Asian lady accompanied by an elderly man emerge from a car with blacked out windows. They hurriedly made their way to the apartment to avoid detection. Warrants have been issued for the suspects who it is suspected may have already fled to Thailand.

Great imagination, but what I plan is absolutely legal, i.e. my divorce will be as simple as daylight, my changing to a retirement visa from a spouse visa will be as simple also.


I will be entitled to a single aged pension and do my two years, the different address as I mentioned in the village supports my claim for both immigration and me seeing my kids.


As for me staying at the Mrs rental property in Sydney, well one has to prove that I am back in a relationship with her, because just after my application at Centrelink, my x wife tracked me down through a mutual friend, we are sorting things out for the kids, but no way am I enclined to get back with her, and no I do not stay with her, simple really, innocent until proven guilty, and don't tell me they have the man power to do 24/7 cause it won't happen.


I paid 39 years of taxes, I also paid capital gains tax 10 times over, so I would like to think I am entitled to a single aged pension whereas those who haven't paid a cent get theirs, fair suck of the save Oy !

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2 hours ago, bazza73 said:

It's fairly common knowledge a combination of an immigration lawyer and $10K - $20K can get a Thai woman into Australia for as long as she wants.

How do you think all the Asian hookers in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane got there?


While I'm sure this still goes on, an old friend in law enforcement I was talking to tells me it's nothing like it used to be. Once certain lawyers get involved, red flags are raised.



23 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I paid 39 years of taxes, I also paid capital gains tax 10 times over, so I would like to think I am entitled to a single aged pension whereas those who haven't paid a cent get theirs, fair suck of the save Oy !


A lot of hoops to jump through.


I receive nothing from the Australian government. I can't really complain as I'm financially secure (paid my fair share of taxes, still do) yet I've still been sent a couple of please explain letters over investments I have. The problem everyone faces is government both state and federal, is getting a lot smarter at data mining. It's now harder than ever to slip under the radar and it will only get worse.

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1 hour ago, kkerry said:



While I'm sure this still goes on, an old friend in law enforcement I was talking to tells me it's nothing like it used to be. Once certain lawyers get involved, red flags are raised.




A lot of hoops to jump through.


I receive nothing from the Australian government. I can't really complain as I'm financially secure (paid my fair share of taxes, still do) yet I've still been sent a couple of please explain letters over investments I have. The problem everyone faces is government both state and federal, is getting a lot smarter at data mining. It's now harder than ever to slip under the radar and it will only get worse.

I am also financially secure, but that doesn't mean that I wont have a go, who the fark do these clowns think they are ?


Because they stick it to everyone else about OAP age and criteria, they get their pensions at 60, is that fare, at the moment 7 senators have just been before the High court over dual citizenship, and who is paying for the blokes in the wigs at $130,000 per day x 7 of them x 3 days, yeh the senators know how to rort the system, i.e. the battler has to pick up the 2 million $ tab, then you have the Plebiscite, a cool $122,000,000 and its not legally binding because some same sex couples want to get married, politicians that don;t have the balls, to say yes or no, and we are talking about bread crumbs here, 67 gets the pension, and probably carks it at 70, give me a break 555


I am set now, receive a good income, and pay zero tax, all legal, if you have property, ou want to make sure you get rid of it before 1 July 2019 matey !

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On 10/15/2017 at 1:19 AM, Gregster said:

Holey Dooley!!!!

I can’t thank you enough for this heads-up mate.

It’s now back to the drawing board for me to work out what if any (!), contact I have with my teluc during “those” 2 years.

Again, thank you emoji4.png


All good mate - got lots of good advice myself on TV.  Someone always knows what others dont.


One thing to consider - once on pension you can take a holiday overseas. Call CLink once the pension is being paid and let them know you are interested in having a holiday to catch up with some Aussie mates you got to know while you were there before.  Ask how it would affect your pension - say you heard that up to 6 weeks is OK.   Dont do it too often, and if you must then also visit Myanmar and Cambodia (say you have mates there if asked).  They will get a record of every country you visit. They will think you just like overseas trips. And tell no one in Aust you are married or is a serious relationship - say you had a few GFs but none permanent.  You can even tell them now that you have split with previous and have just found another girlfriend.  Mate - people talk - especially the females - word gets around.



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On 10/15/2017 at 1:37 PM, 4MyEgo said:

For what its worth, I intend on filing for divorce about 5 years prior to my plan on returning to stake my claim, and will go onto a retirement visa Vs the spouse visa (yes I know they are not called visa's), extension of stays, so that can be also shown that I am no longer married on my passport. Will put down another address that I am residing at, same village, friends house, so any mail will get to me and immigration have an idea where I am, although I am pretty sure they will know what is transpiring as they like to help their own, i.e. no skin off their noses and they like the odd under the table gift 555


When I fly in, she will probably fly in a week or so later, I will set her up in a leased apartment under her name through a mate who has a real estate agency, me on the other hand will sub-let a room from a mate but won't be living there, it will be just for mail, I will shack up with the Mrs in the apartment which will have a security intercom system, be in a medium rise building and have basement secure parking with lifts, so no one into the complex with buzzing 1st, which off course will go unanswered, as will any door knocks if they get in, Mrs will collect all mail and the car will have dark tinted windows, covering all basis.


If they ask if I seen the x, nope, don't care, did you know she is in the country, nope, don't care, we were divorced 5 year ago, I remained in the village to see the kids, then she left without me knowing, so I had to return as I don't know where she is and if she came back here, well she probably needs to get a job to survive, I have no more funds, and I don't want a bar of her, if the kids want to find me, they can, up to them.


One has to do what one has to do, that's the plan, but who knows if I will be alive by the time I reach the OAP age because they might have moved it to 70 by then, or made some more stringent rules like increase the 2 years to 5 years, farrrrrrrrrrk that !  

Good thinking - but there is issues with her Visa.  Firstly though - maybe also get a post office box - then all mail goes to that rather than to a house, and you can change houses/addresses with no affect on the mail. 


The wife's Visa to Aust will be a problem maybe.  She should get a visitor's Visa with some effort, but she wont get anything more (longer term stays) very easily. Thais are strictly watched and assessed 'hard' - they have a high rate of 'disappearing' for several years (making cash) then going back to Thailand.  Firstly, think about her visiting Australia by herself (after divorce) for a few weeks - to a city you will never go. This will show she is a low risk traveller. Then later she should more easily get a longer Visa (6 mths? 12 mths?).  But she will have to 'come and go' - no way you will get her there for 2 years straight unless she becomes a Migrant.


Not easy to get, and as a single Thai lady without a Partner and Sponsor, not at all easy.  You should check this link out:



Whatever you do going forward, avoid scammers who try to fleece Thais trying to get to Australia.

All Visas from Thailand to Australia are processed through VFS Global - they have main office in Bangkok and also in Chiang Mai - and you can talk to them via email (best way).



The whole process has been 'owned' by the 'Service Providers' in Thailand and that aint going to change.  If you ever need the services of a genuine helpful service provider (Visas, Weddings, Police Certs, etr) , then I recommend the lady who is a friend of my wife:  Chutimon Pondly   












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26 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Good thinking - but there is issues with her Visa.  Firstly though - maybe also get a post office box - then all mail goes to that rather than to a house, and you can change houses/addresses with no affect on the mail. 


The wife's Visa to Aust will be a problem maybe.  She should get a visitor's Visa with some effort, but she wont get anything more (longer term stays) very easily. Thais are strictly watched and assessed 'hard' - they have a high rate of 'disappearing' for several years (making cash) then going back to Thailand.  Firstly, think about her visiting Australia by herself (after divorce) for a few weeks - to a city you will never go. This will show she is a low risk traveller. Then later she should more easily get a longer Visa (6 mths? 12 mths?).  But she will have to 'come and go' - no way you will get her there for 2 years straight unless she becomes a Migrant.


Not easy to get, and as a single Thai lady without a Partner and Sponsor, not at all easy.  You should check this link out:



Whatever you do going forward, avoid scammers who try to fleece Thais trying to get to Australia.

All Visas from Thailand to Australia are processed through VFS Global - they have main office in Bangkok and also in Chiang Mai - and you can talk to them via email (best way).



The whole process has been 'owned' by the 'Service Providers' in Thailand and that aint going to change.  If you ever need the services of a genuine helpful service provider (Visas, Weddings, Police Certs, etr) , then I recommend the lady who is a friend of my wife:  Chutimon Pondly   












The Mrs came to Aus in 2007, and recived Australian Citizenship about 4 years later, so she can come and go as many times as she pleases. The kids will have to come as well, and go to school, they were born in Australia.


I still have a PO Box where my mail goes to, the different addresses is to keep us apart for Centrelink purposes, being legally divorced and having separate addresses in Australia is not illegal, not giving those who paid taxes for 40 years their pension because they decide to live in a more affordable country, unless they return for 2 years, should be illegal, but we have to play the system, as opposed to giving up, which is what they want us Xpats to do.


I have a saying in Greek which I will translate for you, i.e. you do not bend me over, as we Greeks invented it, so to speak 555

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On 10/15/2017 at 5:17 PM, keithpa said:

1. Completely wrong. they cannot "claim"  she is your wife,  anyway, your are permitted to be married and on the OAP. Million of people are.    2. They  cannot decide you are going  to return to thailand. Anyway, once you get the pension, you  can  move to Mars if you want.  So much rubbish about this matter so far.

I hate it when ignorant people slam into TV postings - like you just did.  Annoying.  Clearly you havent read enough of the postings - nor have you studied the issues by the look of it - likely both.


The issue is getting a reduced pension because you are married. FACT. And it doesnt matter if your wife is of pension age or not an Aussie citizen/resident.  Married means less pension. FACT.  System was designed so that two people married both get the pension at the same time. If you have a wife, your pension is reduced to the married rate - whether she is working or not - whether she is on the pension or not - whether she is in Australia or not. 


Can they reduce your pension if you say nothing?  Yes they can and yes they have and yes they do.  They can claim he has a wife and reduce his pension payments - they do not have to give source of the information.  He will then have to prove he is not 'married'.  Married means living together for 12 months or more - irrelevent if you have formally married or not - once you are back in Oz their rules apply - not the rules in Thailand.  And only an idiot will try to defraud CLink and risk serious fines or worse.  Sure you can say you seperated (giving full details/records), but then you are under the risk of being made to repay, and pay fines for fraud, in all the years going forward.  Eg. you annoy someone on TV and they dob you in.


Yes they can cancel your pension if you go back for less than 2 years. FACT.



You want to get an understanding of this subject??  Try reading this article to get a feel about things. Expats overseas on the pension are seen as worse than dole bludgers (in the media).  For the 1st time since 80s I might vote Labor - because they are (so far) refusing to let the Libs/Nats cancel overseas payments. 


And try using Google - lots of info in there - and it is free.



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On 10/15/2017 at 5:45 PM, kkerry said:


Source: The Sydney Morning Herald 15th October 2032


Centrelink and the Department of Immigration uncover systematic rorting of the old age pension scheme.


It is alleged Australian expats, their Thai wives, travel agents, real estate brokers and villagers overseas conspired to illegally obtain pension benefits. The fraud was initially discovered after complaints were made about suspected human trafficking. A neighbour told an ACA reporter she became concerned about suspicious activity in her next door apartment. Blinds were always drawn, knocks on the door went unanswered and the mail box was overflowing with junk mail. On several occasions she saw a furtive looking Asian lady accompanied by an elderly man emerge from a car with blacked out windows. They hurriedly made their way to the apartment to avoid detection. Warrants have been issued for the suspects who it is suspected may have already fled to Thailand.

Exactly.  People talk.  But some people gossip and interfere (usually women).


Warrants issued for fraud.  Happens more than people realise (being caught).





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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Didnt know that  - thanks for the heads up.  Looks like all you have to worry about are the Dorothys and Parkers.


And you are right - we have to 'play' or we get nothing back.  Yanks and Poms can apply when they are overseas. It annoys me that the socialist welfare state that is now Oz, spends so much on dole bludgers and druggies and refugees and single mums and others, but makes is hard for people who have paid taxes/contributed for over 30 years to get the pension and live overseas in their 'dying' years.

My sentiments exactly !

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