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Is Chiang Mai Forum Losing Its Charm?


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Years ago, when I first came to Chiang Mai Forum, it seemed it was a more pleasant, friendly and relaxed place, filled with clean air and charming people, local culture and light and witty conversation. Now, I don't know, I can't shake the feeling that it has become hectic and rushed, with people turning sharp and pointed, and worrying about the air getting heavier and thicker, whether everything is as wonderful and magical as it once was in the golden age, whether everyone's business is blooming as it once did, whether the more recent arrivals are as cool as those who were here when the serpent offered Eve an apple, and so on and so on.

I don't know, is it only me? Am I just having a bad day?


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Forum, Forum Forum, people. The dissing CM in general thread is elsewhere. As for the actual post Rassreau, I think we're doing alright. Lots of good stuff going on in TV and between members. Seems in the past there was more friendly banter among friends, making it more like fun conversation exchanging info, whereas now topics are more critical, whiny, and plain factual. But let's not forget we all had a TV-gasm with the Tuskers Pissup and all the anticipation that built around it here on TV. We also have had a few other fun laughs and exchanges here recently. It's not all that bad. I even remember a nice thread about a nice New Year's sunrise posted just about 2 wks ago. Maybe you're just feeling the funk: another year, back to the same old grind. It's not all that bad. Go eat some good food and enjoy a night out this weekend. Always works for me.

Also... been thinking the alternative to the moody whiny "CM's Air is So Polluted.." style threads, there could very well be one about how great the sunsets are. Ok. Good point. I'm gonna go start it..... then bed.

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Frankly, forum charm fades, like last year's funky fashion. The real Thai deal's idea is great: post positive stuff!

This is the most gorgeous time of year in Chiang Mai, November to February. Cool nights, warm days, sunlight, no rain, flowers everywhere. You can ride a motorbike or bicycle, walk through the moobahn, eat good food, get drunk, get laid....I mean, what does it matter if a million people are here? The Night Bazaar and Niemanheiiiiman aren't too crowded. You could even take a metro bus and lie down!

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When you first come to this forum, threads about the best burger in CM are interesting. After a while they're not. I visit other parts of the forum when it's a slow post day here. The news forum is always lively and interesting.

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