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1080, must be High Definition? :D

The safron robes always make for a good photo.

A pity about the background clutter, perhaps someone can Photoshop some of that out?

PS I feel I must point out that they do not "beg" in the western sense of that word.

They will never "ask" for anything.

People "donate" offerings of food and money, in order to gain merit in the next life.

Sorry to be pedantic. :o


Just an ordinary picture for me ...

Don't take it personally, being there, the experience etc. etc - make that picture special for you, and I respect that, however putting it under "Evaluate my photo" - pictures should have a certain degree of quality, not a family album picture - in my humble opinion. Again this may be harsh - as this is no forum for photographers and specialists, but still - try to publish pictures that are out of the ordinary, in the recent weeks the thread has been flooded with low and mediocre quality pictures.

In the picture above, if you went down to the ground and shot a picture from a snake's perspective using a wide angle - some depth of field use it would be a much better picture, try to make your pictures special, out of the ordinary - when you find a motive next time, try to find a different way to view it, not just snap a picture for your album, but something to show others so they can say " wow - thats really really nice".

And please, don't take this ill, its just a well meant comment.

Just an ordinary picture for me ...

Don't take it personally, being there, the experience etc. etc - make that picture special for you, and I respect that, however putting it under "Evaluate my photo" - pictures should have a certain degree of quality, not a family album picture - in my humble opinion. Again this may be harsh - as this is no forum for photographers and specialists, but still - try to publish pictures that are out of the ordinary, in the recent weeks the thread has been flooded with low and mediocre quality pictures.

In the picture above, if you went down to the ground and shot a picture from a snake's perspective using a wide angle - some depth of field use it would be a much better picture, try to make your pictures special, out of the ordinary - when you find a motive next time, try to find a different way to view it, not just snap a picture for your album, but something to show others so they can say " wow - thats really really nice".

And please, don't take this ill, its just a well meant comment.

I certainly won't post anymore. I don't want to offend you delicate taste. People who post here do so for constructive criticism not bashing from an egomaniac.

And please, don't take this ill, its just a well meant comment.

I certainly won't post anymore. I don't want to offend you delicate taste. People who post here do so for constructive criticism not bashing from an egomaniac.

well its a free country ...


You asked for evaluation, and Kash gave a fair and balanced evaluation, even giving you some hints as to how to improve the shot. You should be thanking him, not getting upset because you didnt like his evaluation.


Personally, i think his evaluation is spot on, though maybe i would have been a little more diplomatic in my critique!


His evaluation suggested I cease posting photosd which I will comply with. If this forum is now for experts only which he suggests it should be then perhaps other users should join me in looking for a more suitable forum to learn to improve thier photography. There are many others on the internet where they work with less than perfect photographers. They provide useful feedback. They don't suggest users discontinue posting until they have reached a level perfection.

Rules from another photography forum:

"Only post your comments here if you feel you can make a constructive and polite contribution in response to what is, for some, a leap of faith in exposing their work to your critical comment."

If this forum is now for experts only which he suggests it should be then perhaps other users should join me in looking for a more suitable forum to learn to improve thier photography.

Sorry, I assumed you could read English as your nick being "....American" - sorry for that misjudgment, in which language do you prefer my writing? I wrote nothing like the above.

"Evaluate my photo" - pictures should have a certain degree of quality, not a family album picture - in my humble opinion. Again this may be harsh - as this is no forum for photographers and specialists, but still - try to publish pictures that are out of the ordinary, in the recent weeks the thread has been flooded with low and mediocre quality pictures.

Since you don't bother to well define, "out of the ordinary" one can only assume that without substantial experience in determining this concept that photos not prescreened by an "expert" are unwelcome. There are a lot of other forums. Any other, "mediocre" photographers on TV would probably do well to search for another venue where learning and civility are stressed. They do exist. Leave this one for the experts.

"Evaluate my photo" - pictures should have a certain degree of quality, not a family album picture - in my humble opinion. Again this may be harsh - as this is no forum for photographers and specialists, but still - try to publish pictures that are out of the ordinary, in the recent weeks the thread has been flooded with low and mediocre quality pictures.

Since you don't bother to well define, "out of the ordinary" one can only assume that without substantial experience in determining this concept that photos not prescreened by an "expert" are unwelcome. There are a lot of other forums. Any other, "mediocre" photographers on TV would probably do well to search for another venue where learning and civility are stressed. They do exist. Leave this one for the experts.

Kash's criticism was fair and constructive.

If you aren't willing to listen to fair criticism them you may well want to find a forum that only allows positive criticism that isn't concerned about being constructive.

There are a few around where even the poorest happy snaps are gushed over.

Choice is yours , if you want to learn be prepared for people not saying nice things.



I did take his constructive comments at face. I will be tryijg shots as he suggested but they won't be posted here. Constructive comments are one thing. However, unless this is the British version of civility his manner of making his point leaves much to be desired. At this point I have no clue what he or anyone else expects. I suspect others may wonder what is expected too since I doubt everyone here is an "expert". Kash suggests that unless a photographer meets a certain level of skill by his definition which is not clearly defined they shouldn't be posting to this forum. There are other forums run by people with far better credentials than those here that will define expected standards and work with photographers to help them learn to meet those standards. They don't suggest that posting should only be done by "experts" as is the case here.

Don't take it personally, being there, the experience etc. etc - make that picture special for you, and I respect that, however putting it under "Evaluate my photo" - pictures should have a certain degree of quality, not a family album picture - in my humble opinion. Again this may be harsh - as this is no forum for photographers and specialists, but still - try to publish pictures that are out of the ordinary, in the recent weeks the thread has been flooded with low and mediocre quality pictures.

Thats pretty clear to me and polite to boot.



OK... enough of the personal comments please.

Let's try to be positive and constructive in this forum with criticism/evaluation... and let's also please not get defensive upon receipt of such comments.

If a member considers that a photograph is worthy enough to be posted/shared here... then replying members should consider that in any criticism/evaluation they might make... and not let things get personal.

Sheesh... I was going to post a few photos of my own here... but after seeing the way you guys have made this personal I am having second thoughts.


Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


Lol. I could see this coming.

CMA...keep posting, just take on board some of his comments, they were good, just not put down so nicely, even though he stated several times not to take offence...I felt someone would.

As for Pash...if you wish to be so critical...and that is what is wanted, also try not to judge an amateur on the same grounds as a professional. Your post makes you sound like you are, but we do not know as we have not seen any of your photos in here. If they are elsewhere in the forum so be it, but I have not seen any.

People can be so thinned skinned...for crieky's sake it is just the internet, not face to face belittling you in public. I am as amateur as amateur can get, but I dont mind what comments I get in here.......lucky Pash has not looked at any of my pics yet obviously.

I vote pash to be CMA's 'big brother' type photo buddy !!!!

Let's try to be positive and constructive in this forum with criticism/evaluation...

Sheesh... I was going to post a few photos of my own here... but after seeing the way you guys have made this personal I am having second thoughts.


If some one asks for an evaluation it should be honest and fair. If they only want positive feedback the the forum should be renamed photographic mutual appreciation.

JD look back at other evaluations generally its positive, fair and honest.

Its CMA's reaction that's at fault here IMHO.



Tend to agree with Percy. This picture does not excite me either. The event looks like an interesting topic, but the picture looks more like a happy snap shot. ( still postable, but one should not expect rave reviews ).


I didn't expect rave reviews. I also didn't expect to be told it would be better if I didn't post until I could produce something of undefined quality. I received some useful criticism. The comment those of us who lack the experience to determine what is a "qualty" photograph shouldn't post was mere bashing in the what was the context of the forum.

The event looks like an interesting topic, but the picture looks more like a happy snap shot. ( still postable, but one should not expect rave reviews ).

When we started this sub-forum, the objective was to help each other to improve our photography.

You may be lucky and get "rave reviews" but as another poster stated this is not a mutual appreciation group,

more a mutual help group.

We did ask people to try and be constructive in their comments.

In my book comments like "happy snap shot" are acceptable but should not stop there

additional advice on how to go "one better" should be appended.

Then the photographer can ask himself/herself, "what could I have done to make it special, rather than run of the mill?"

......pictures should have a certain degree of quality, not a family album picture.....

Please bear in mind that some members may not understand that difference and need our humble assistance

to take what you refer to as "quality" photographs.

Let's not spoil something that has got off to a good start.




Shame really that it came to this, but Astral, we needed one of these threads to clear the air a bit on this our New Forum.

Been a bit busy work wise, hence not contributing much on here.

As for “quality photos” this was and I still believe is not what “Evaluate My Photo” was meant to Portrait (pun was very defiantly intended), just for us Amateurs (like myself) to get a better idea from other more senior Photographers.

Most of my work is done “On the Hop” so to speak and reading all these comments in the Forum makes me think much more whilst taking a shot or two.

So please all, take it easy, one eye is not the same as another person eye. Lets help each other that is what this forum is all about.

Yours truly,

Kan Win :o

P.S. "ChiangMaiAmerican", I would have taken that shot on my knees :D

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