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Thai Dogs

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Let's say, you're funny like me and name your dog Maa (dog).

Then you give him the command Maa (come).

Can dogs in Thailand tell the difference? If they could and you said its name, it would just look at you and/or wag its tail. But if u gave it the command it would come.

Are dogs smarter than me?

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Let's say, you're funny like me and name your dog Maa (dog).

Then you give him the command Maa (come).

Can dogs in Thailand tell the difference? If they could and you said its name, it would just look at you and/or wag its tail. But if u gave it the command it would come.

Are dogs smarter than me?

Interesting question. Raise a puppy and test it.

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dogs understand the tone of the word, ie as in angry or welcoming, ie if hes just niked the steak off ur plate he is going to understand"come here u little foking bastard so i can beat u to death", so the best bet when u want to beat it to death is to get another steak and hold it out enticingly to the dog while smiling, then when hes close enough u got him, also if its a small dog it maybe worth throwing the steak when hes close enough into the sack in ur other hand, hey presto hes inside, u tie up the sack and off down to the seaside for the sacks swimming lesson :o

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guess u guys for once are really dumb...... meadish and random, shame on u ....

1. dogs differentiate sounds and patterns of sound

2. dogs can be tri lingual as well as respond to un intentional and intentional sign cues - one of my jokes w/my boxer is to ask her in english if she is sleepy and i sign her like my head resting on a pillow... she rolls to her side and sleeps; great for visits to the vet

3. they are better at training u then u all at training them

4. smiling is actually threatening to dogs (baring your teeth u idiot)

5.penzman thats why most animals get two syllable names, even if they're nonsense names... even my goats answer to their names, some have thai names some hebrew and some english; to help them hear the inflections in your voice...

i must be dumb just for answering idiotic questions just for the sake of it; is there a phrase in thai for idiotic questions that some idiot always asks at the end of a boring long lecture?

by the way, random, have a new.old disease for you.... johnne's disease... found out it affected a lot of cows here in israel; just tested one of my goats due to her 'failure to thrive' weightloss, considering doing the dirty and turning her in to shwarma.... its like a psuedo tuberculosis, but they lose weight and you lose money trying to keep them at a good weight w/food additions etc. final result, slaughter of a herd...

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Hi bina

Just joking, you know the saying " ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer" :o

Going off topic a bit

by the way, random, have a new.old disease for you.... johnne's disease... found out it affected a lot of cows here in israel; just tested one of my goats due to her 'failure to thrive' weightloss, considering doing the dirty and turning her in to shwarma.... its like a psuedo tuberculosis, but they lose weight and you lose money trying to keep them at a good weight w/food additions etc. final result, slaughter of a herd...

Yea I know about it WELL ( para tuberculosis) just had to cull two cows about 2 weeks ago, you can onlyspot the desies with a blood test, and its infectious, spreads through the dung gowing onto grasing pasture, and then others eating the grass.

Oh remember the cow that damaged its leg? its fine now, every thing I read said that if the nerve damage did'nt improve in 2 weeks then it would'nt be able to use the leg, it still limps a bit but has got about 80% use back.

Cheers RC

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both my boxers smile but then their tongues loll out; when they're p.o., their lips pull back but its definately a baring of teeth, not a little bit of fang w/lip pulled up and tongue flopping out.... i have a goat that smiles and her bottom teeth stick out only then... when i smile, it may mean that im p.o. ; i have many smiles for many occasions and when working with as many types of animals including primates, smiling is a bad thing; yawning on the other hand, is very very effective for neutralizing angry monkeys, dogs, and other canids....as is scratching your b-lls, provided you have them...

this was originally a lang. thread i think?

bkk barney if u wanna talk animals, move to the farm thread; we can discuss why alpacas spit, camels have bad breath, why thai people that i know dont like to eat goat meat, and the best way to eat a 10 year old tough male swan cooked issan style :o

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hes a bit of a weirdo that bina aint he..

Bina is a she, not a he.

And aren't we all a bit of a weirdo here? Kinda gotta be, I think :o

Anyway, we had a dog that understood Thai, English and German (our neighbors were german and always spoke german with her, I spoke english and of course, everyone else spoke Thai). She had two names, her english name and her thai name and recognized both. As for tones, well, she understood quite a bit of Thai so I guess she was able to differentiate some tones.

That dog was smarter than some people I know :D

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thank you sbk,

definately a she; wierd, well.... the people on my kibbutz consider me eccentric but fun loving and am well liked, as opposed to some others that are anti social types (kibbutz is like small small village in that people must fit in with all others or be resigned to living on the fringe which isnt pleasant....)

anyway bkk barney, i run a zoo so work with beasts on 4 and with beasts on two legs check out the few pics that i managed to up load


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