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UN Warns Of Biofuels' Environmental Risk

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You watch moveon.org, an organisation even the american left is shy of cooperating with (and several democrats renounce) since they are extreme. Good one.

Right, I will take your post as constructive criticism, right after hearing the cat's opinion on national health care. :o

No, I don't believe you want everyone to live in a happy place. You want to dictate how other people should live and what happy should mean for them. Not the same thing.

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You watch moveon.org, an organisation even the american left is shy of cooperating with (and several democrats renounce) since they are extreme. Good one.

Right, I will take your post as constructive criticism, right after hearing the cat's opinion on national health care. :o

No, I don't believe you want everyone to live in a happy place. You want to dictate how other people should live and what happy should mean for them. Not the same thing.

Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine. :D:D

You know absolutely nothing about me, who I am, what I do, what charities I support and yet you seem to know that I don't want people to be happy. Gee whiz, with those special clairvoyant abilities you should have your own TV show!!! You're incredible, dude! Stick a gold star on your forehead. :(

Oh, now I get it... T A W P: Thoughtless Arrogant Wearisome Perineum :D

Enjoy thinking you've got a special grasp on reality and everyone else is inferior to your obviously education-based outlook. :D

I was reading an article about spent nuclear fuel. It said that the fuel is hot, about 300 degrees F. It will remain hot for approximately 200 years. Since water boils at 212 degrees F, we could go back to steam engines that use no fuel. This nuclear waste that is considered a liability could be productively used. No way could it be used for weapons other than being a radioactive hazard.

Having been through nuclear power training in the navy, I think I can speak a bit about this. The fuel rods are "hot" because the various radioactive elements are still actively decaying (primarily gamma radiation) which generates heat when the particles run into other particles and dissipate their energy. The temperature of the spent rods is kept to a manageable level typically by water cooling (which also provides radiation protection for people in the area) but there are other means as well.

Typical commercial spent fuel rods still have perhaps 30-40% percent of usable fuel still in them, but are removed from service because they are no longer capable of delivering maximum energy after certain point. Commercial grade rods are typically about 5% U235 enriched, whereas military grade rods are 90+% U235 enriched. As can be shown in a "binding energy" curve, U235 fission delivers substantially more energy than U238 fission. But U235 only occurs less than 1% in nature, so a significant enrichment process is required to produce it in higher percentage for nuclear fuel and weapons.

Military reactors are designed to be capable of delivering maximum power for the design lifetime of the vessel. Commercial reactors are designed to have spent fuel rods replaced periodically as they lose their capability to produce some % of original maximum power. The military has taxpayer dollars to fund their reactors, whereas commercial industry still has to make a profit at the end of the day.

Spent fuel is not "weapons grade" material so there is no threat there. It would require a significant amount of highly technical and very dangerous work to make it so. Someone could of course obtain it to use it as a so-called "dirty b*mb." But this is large, extremely heavy, very bulky stuff, not to mention highly toxic and radioactive. In other words, it is not a practical solution for some would-be terrorist, especially relative to a small military tactical weapon which could be transported safely and easily in a smallish case.

I can't speak for Europe, but for the decline of the nuclear industry and reprocessing bans, we can thank the worst president in history. Yes, that would be the peanut farmer Jimmy Carter, who ironically also received naval nuclear power training. Had the US continued to do R&D on spent fuel reprocessing over the last 30 years, who knows how far we would have come?

The various discussions of nuclear technology at Wikipedia are quite good and thorough:


Barak Obama provided a ray of hope during his trip to Middle East and Europe ....

Are you kidding me? His speech in Berlin yesterday made him an embarrassment to the free world and a laughing stock to the would-be threats of the free world. The guy doesn't even have a basic grasp of the last 60 hears of European history. His speech was so awfully pathetic, I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or get pissed off.

Barak Obama provided a ray of hope during his trip to Middle East and Europe ....

Are you kidding me? His speech in Berlin yesterday made him an embarrassment to the free world and a laughing stock to the would-be threats of the free world. The guy doesn't even have a basic grasp of the last 60 hears of European history. His speech was so awfully pathetic, I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or get pissed off.

Luckily the 200,000 strong crowd didn't share your sentiments. They loved his speech. :D

It's left McCain's campaign thrashing around using tired nationalist epithet's and personal digs at Obama. Very unstatesman like imo. McCain would only be slightly less embarrassing to the world than the Texan village idiot currently living in the White House. :o

You watch moveon.org, an organisation even the american left is shy of cooperating with (and several democrats renounce) since they are extreme. Good one.

Right, I will take your post as constructive criticism, right after hearing the cat's opinion on national health care. :o

No, I don't believe you want everyone to live in a happy place. You want to dictate how other people should live and what happy should mean for them. Not the same thing.

Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine. :D:D

You know absolutely nothing about me, who I am, what I do, what charities I support and yet you seem to know that I don't want people to be happy. Gee whiz, with those special clairvoyant abilities you should have your own TV show!!! You're incredible, dude! Stick a gold star on your forehead. :(

Oh, now I get it... T A W P: Thoughtless Arrogant Wearisome Perineum :D

Enjoy thinking you've got a special grasp on reality and everyone else is inferior to your obviously education-based outlook. :D

Atleast you have proven that your initial and subsequent posts isn't constructive criticism.

Flame away boy.

Barak Obama provided a ray of hope during his trip to Middle East and Europe ....

Are you kidding me? His speech in Berlin yesterday made him an embarrassment to the free world and a laughing stock to the would-be threats of the free world. The guy doesn't even have a basic grasp of the last 60 hears of European history. His speech was so awfully pathetic, I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or get pissed off.

Luckily the 200,000 strong crowd didn't share your sentiments. They loved his speech.

Sure about that??

The 200,000 strong crowd weren't there to see Obama. They were there for the booze, the party and a free concert being given by tow of Germany's most popular musical groups, a reggae artist and a rock band.

Obama was an afterthought and he stopped in just as the pollitical opportunist that he is. But that isn't the way that it will be reported in the US mass media.

During the same trip to Germany, Obama had scheduled visits to US Army hospitals to visit wounded soldiers. But as they had done with Bush, Cheney and other politicians, the hospital managers insisted that the visits be personal, low key and not staged political events with a huge media circus in tow.

When informed of these requirements, what did Obama do? Did he do the right thing and go make a personal visit as an interested and concerned sitting senator? Of course not. He cancelled the visits and went to the gym for a workout instead.

So the guy proves that he is not only an idiot with no grasp whatsoever of European history, but also that he is a heartless, gutless, uncaring, uncompassionate, insensitive prick. That he has been nominated for the presidency is indicative how dumbed down large segments of America have become.

But you won't hear it reported that way in the western media either.


Does it really matter which one get elected, aren't they both working for the same people. "I'm you puppet" should be the new campaign song for both parties.

Now lets see what we need now is to reduce the population in about half. What will it be how about a nice plague, no we tried that with aids, we need something better, how about world war 3. Thats it world war 3. How we going to do it.. Well lets see. I know we'll hire some terrorist to fly some planes into the world trade center and start a war on terror, and use it to take more freedoms away (yah, that will scare them bad enough to sell their mothers). Hum sounds good but we need something better. Iraq with all its chemical warfare and than Iran with all its nuclular bombs. I bet we can even find and Iranian president to help us if we promise him he can blow up Isreal. That is of course after Isreal bombs his nuclear plants. I bet we could get them to do that. And then we have it world war 3 and that solves some of our problem. Now lets see, what next. We can drive the price of oil up and starve to death a few million, that would work nicely. I still like the Idea of another plague. Lets see we have Aids and gulf war syndrome, lymes disease etc (that didn't work very good they die to slowly) maybe we can do something with this bird flew thing. Yah, lets work on that one.

Have fun Rick


This is Thailand and ThaiVisa.com Take your US politics and shove them up your bumhole.

I don't know about the "bumhole" bit :D , but yes, 'tis a bit tedious having all of this bickering on what could be a good source of actual good information. :D

TAWP, sorry, but I'm not going to argue online with you... boy :o:D

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