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General Hindrances In Thailand

DJ Pat

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Sitting down at a table with some cuties with a bottle of whiskey then being joined by 5 of their male "friends" who get shirty when you say they can't have any of your whiskey! :D

I've had that..it's like...Get your greasy mitts off!

buy yer own drink. :o

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OK, I went out and had a beer and a massage, and yes you are right -- I overreacted to your original post. I am also sorry for calling you a yob. It was undeserved.

My personal philosophy is that I have chosen to live in Thailand, and it is a privilege -- not a right -- to be able to do so. Little things annoy me some times, but the good far outweigh the bad. If the bad ever outweigh the good, you will find me pulling up stakes for greener pastures.

I also think that the the people who come to Thailand because they like the cheap lifestyle and easy sex, but detest everything else that isn't like it is "back home", are really low, pathetic creatures. I am not saying that you are one of them, but there sure are a lot around.

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OK, I went out and had a beer and a massage, and yes you are right -- I overreacted to your original post. I am also sorry for calling you a yob. It was undeserved.

My personal philosophy is that I have chosen to live in Thailand, and it is a privilege -- not a right -- to be able to do so. Little things annoy me some times, but the good far outweigh the bad. If the bad ever outweigh the good, you will find me pulling up stakes for greener pastures.

I also think that the the people who come to Thailand because they like the cheap lifestyle and easy sex, but detest everything else that isn't like it is "back home", are really low, pathetic creatures. I am not saying that you are one of them, but there sure are a lot around.

I'm not offended and I respect that you've got the balls to say that...others would just fade back in oblivion and post elsewhere.

I know where you are coming from, I detest the lowlives as much as the next man, and wonder how these guys get by living their 'lifestyle'....Don't they get fed up? Surely you can only have so much emotionless sex!

Keep disagreeing with whatever I post, should anything crap find its way on here that i have written.

differences of opinion are to be expected and there's nothing wrong with that.

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My main hinderance about Los is 11-12 hours to get there,i hate those long haul flights :D

Ok, here's the solution.

Firstly ask for an isle seat in the middle. This way people can go to the toilet without climbing over you.

Secondly, buy a neck pillow and some blindfolds.

Thirdly make sure you can get a direct flight to BKK without any changovers in Dubai or where ever.

Fourthly, when you see them coming with the food, take either 2 x 10mg of valium, or 2 x 1mg of Xanax. This will start working in about 20 mins, so just after you've eaten you will nod off and should wake up about 8hrs later feeling refreshed.

Xanax is better than Valium because it has a shorter half life and you won't feel drowsy.

I call it time travel. :o

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Putting ice in my Chang even when I've said "Mai sai nam keng, krap" 20 times and not had ice in my glass on the previous drinks.

Inviting a sexy babe out for a night on the town (which she says yes to) only to be greeted by her and 20 of her mates who get shirty when I say "Nah. Pom ja bpai kon diow"

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Nobody has ever been pushed from a Pattayan balcony, where the ###### did you get that idea from?

Oh. Just the news reports of the wealthy men with condo's who just decide one day they have had enough of thier paradise for some inexplicable reason :o

Hey. If a copper is prepared to shoot ya cos you argued with him, what do you think a few mafia type Thais are prepared to do?

Oh. And back on thread......

Only getting 4 frickin days to pay your electric bill at the 7/11 until you have to go and pay at the Electricity Office.

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I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the Pedestrian crossing dilema.

My own, serving soi's 22/33 is a lottery, and mostly notice the look of evil on the faces of Thai female drivers who have had to slow down ( not stop) for you. I have learnt not to expect any such favour from commercial vehicles especially the bus drivers gummed up yabba, or the taxi drivers who only stop on on zebra to pick up a fare. It seems almost as though the black/white stripes serve anything but a safe crossing area.

Last Sat. was the limit - two taxis parked up on the zebra waiting a fare???


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I'm surprised no-one has mentioned the Pedestrian crossing dilema.

My own, serving soi's 22/33 is a lottery, and mostly notice the look of evil on the faces of Thai female drivers who have had to slow down ( not stop) for you. I have learnt not to expect any such favour from commercial vehicles especially the bus drivers gummed up yabba, or the taxi drivers who only stop on on zebra to pick up a fare. It seems almost as though the black/white stripes serve anything but a safe crossing area.

Last Sat. was the limit - two taxis parked up on the zebra waiting a fare???


I agree with you on that, Thai motorists are evil and selfish.

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I could make a list in any of the countries I have visited or lived but I must say the good things usually far outweigh the bad things but here is my current list, sorry for duplication of other posts.

That Thailand doesn't seem to understand the word courtesy, unless they are paid to be courteous.

Every week I battle to get out of the BigC/Pattaya Festival front doors with a trolley because nobody will open the door for me. What is more annoying is when I open the door for myself to get through with the trolley a whole pack of people barge their way through like I have held the door open for them.

When you go around the aisles of a supermarket Thai people invariably block the ailes and nobody will move out of the way, even if they have seen you coming.

When baht buses try to charge me 150 baht to go a kilometre down the road when the cost to get a meter taxi from Pattaya to Bangkok is just 800 baht). Don't get me wrong Baht bus drivers are the most genuinely friendly, helpful people in Thailand.

When I get served the cashier puts the coins on top of the notes when giving out the change, ensuring that the coins fall on the floor as you try to pocket the money with your only spare hand. How difficult would it be to put the coins in your hand first followed by the notes.

Satangs: Supermarkets always give them out and nobody but supermarkets use them. If the supermarkets stopped using satangs the coins would be made obsolete.

Stamps: Why don' t the post offices have any stock of the higher priced King Rama IX stamps. I always seem to have to use 3 or 4 commemorative stamps that hardly fit on the envelope and invariably increase the postal weight.

A thing that bugs me even more is when they give you the little white metered stamp labels to stick on the your packages/letters yourself, while they have taken the time to write the cost of postage for each package in the space where the sticker goes. How much would it speed the queue up if they stuck on the labels as they went along.

The only time you will ever get a seat on a bus/train/waiting room is if it's next to another farang as Thai people have an aversion to sitting next to farangs - no matter which city in Thailand you are in.

Queuing/Standing in Line. It has to be done because you'll never get anything done, whether it be in the Post Office, in a bank or paying your electric or telephone bill. It always amazes me how the people on the other side of the counter are never in any rush to get people served. Sometimes there are 4 counters open at the post office without any customers because they are phaffing around doing something or other, before pressing the next customer button.

In the UK I never had to queue for anything as everything was paid by direct debit, being in a third world country I can understand why that concept has not quite reached these shores (except for the waterboard).

How they look at you like you are an alien when you ask them for just a little bit of ice and not to fill the cup with ice(I get that in the states also). All it does is water down the drink and reduces the amount of chilled drink you actually receive(it is also scientifically proven that adding ice increases the bubbles making the drink go flat quickly, just like if you'd shaken a bottle of carbonated drink). I believe that if there is any ice left when you finish your drink then you have been given too much ice.

How Thai people need a calculator to carry out any sort of an equation. I bought ten x 12 baht stamps the other day(That was the highest denomination they had) out comes the calculator. Another time they inadvertently charged me US rate for a UK letter and the calculator had to come out to take away the 8 baht I had been overcharged.

Motorcycle riders that weave in an out of traffic, overtaking on any side where there is a gap, riding up the wrong side of the road(making you have to look both ways even on a one way road), parking awkardly so pedestrians can't get past and of course speeding along without a care in the world. It takes my mind back to the movie 'Death Race 2000' where points were gained for running down pedestrians and the incident when all the cars were stuck in a traffic jam and a motorcycle speeds past all the stranded cars only for someone to open their car door , the motorcycle and rider go flying through the air and everyone got out of their car and started applauding. Not a serious movie of course, but it does remind me of so many accidents waiting to happen. Judging by the amount of chalk lines on every road it almost certainly has.

Thai language where Ka or Krap is said at the end of each sentence(usually by people with a microphone), it is so monotonous. It's on a par with English language where someone says 'Yer Know' after each sentence.

Thai lack of attention to detail. How many very important signs are spelt incorrectly. In 2003 Central Pattaya Festival celebrated the New Year with giant numbers on stage - shame it said 2002. If they don't know why not ask. If I don't know how to spell a Thai word I ask someone that does. Ok half the time it is the sign writers that make the mistakes but I'd get it checked before I paid up.

My daughters English text school books are full of mistakes, not only spelling mistakes, but grammar mistakes and totally wrong words that make things very misleading. As these books are supplied to every school in Thailand you would think they would have been proof read by a native English speaker before printing.

The cost of Thai internet charges for both dial up and broadband. In the UK I was paying £5.99 per month for off peak dial up internet access. That is from 6pm - 8am weekdays and weekends from 6pm Friday to 8am Monday(472 hours). That is just over 1p per hour and no charges for actually dialling in. Broadband can now be had for £15.99 per month. (672 hours) which works out at just over 2p per hour. In Thailand not only do I have to pay for the call but 25p per hour adds up when you use 200+ hours per month.

On a good note I do like the way the rush hour pedestrian traffic on the Bangkok Sky train make two orderly lines to get on the trains, leaving a wide central space for the people getting off. Shame it doesn't happen all day long, as people getting off the train struggle to get off because of the force of the people trying to get on.

Ok I'm prepared for the backlash but as I said I can make lists for any country I've visited.

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