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i,ve had it with the uk ,would people recommend moving to thailand cheers for any help.warren

Hmmmm, this could lead to a very interesting survey: How many expats living in Thailand are really happy if they only moved here because they were unhappy in their native country?

And it would be even more interesting if the survey were linked in some manner to the one on expats' Thai speaking ability (covered in another survey started 1/24) such that a correlation could to be made between the "happiness factor" and how much Thai the expat speaks.

Now the problem in constructing the survey would be in defining happiness. There are many expats who are very happy at how far a limited retirement income goes over here, and/or some other major aspect of their life, but seem basically unhappy about everything else, based on their complaining.

Lots to think about in deciding to become an expat anywhere in the world, let alone in a country where you don't speak the language. And everyone's situation is unique.

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Maybe - and then with conditions. Before you even think about leaving home (the UK), come to Thailand for a long holiday. Then work out what you are going to do.

Do you want to come here to work? Are you planning on retiring? How old are you? What is your family situation? How much do you know about Thailand? How long have you spent in Thailand?

There's a big difference between holidaying in Thailand and living and working in Thailand.

Best wishes.


Edit: Spelling

Edited by peter991
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Do you want to come here to work? Are you planning on retiring? How old are you? What is your family situation? How much do you know about Thailand? How long have you spent in Thailand?

There's a big difference between holidaying in Thailand and living and working in Thailand.

Best wishes.


He is 43 and has 100,000 pounds in savings.

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Some thoughts, in no particular order :o

  • IMHO, 100k is marginal to retire at 43, even to Thailand, so plan on getting a job to top up the income. Put most of your savings in an account that gives you an income (won't be much but it will be money coming in).
  • Do you have property in the UK that you can rent out for more income?
  • What is your line of work? There may be a job waiting for you (unlikely but gotta ask).
  • Get a non-o visa from Hull on the grounds of visiting friends and family, that'll see you good for up to 15 months with a border run every 90 days.
  • Come for a l-o-n-g holiday to see how you like it, choose your location carefully, places like Pattaya can swallow cash like a black hole if you're not careful.
  • Get a Nationwide Flexaccount and put your spending money in it (free overseas ATM withdrawals), remember to get online banking.
  • Get an International Driving Permit - easy route to a Thai licence.
  • If you have a job that allows why not plan on coming for 6 months of the year and work like a slave the other six to finance it?
  • Above all - enjoy yourself :D

Edited by Crossy
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