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Internet Speed


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I have had the same problem with TT&T, I have been using a wireless lan for the last couple of years and downloading attachments from hotmail I usually get between 8 and 25 kpb/s, anyhow just on a whim I bypassed the wireless and plugged in a ethernet cable and low and behold my downloads have increased to around 90 kbp/s.

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I’m afraid this situation is just normal , if you look at the continuous

Daily postings from people who are so fed up with the poor quality

of the internet service , we have to remember here in Thailand

what you pay for and have been promised means absolutely nothing

Customer service is as bad as it could get , guarantees and assurances are

Just words to fob you off, pay your money and then they couldn't care less

Appathy rules in this country of 70,000,000 sheep!


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Can I get any other ADSL provider work on my TOT line? It is impossible to work with that speed...

Getting 3-4 kbit/s download from europe after about 9 am in the morning. Before 9 I will get about 200-300 kbit/s out of my 2 mbit/s line. Wouldnt mind a bit more bandwidth out of thailand, but I guess its all a question of money for the thai operators.

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I have no phone therefore have to rely on GPRS, I have been offline for three weeks as the speed was so slow I couldnt even download my homepage! came back on Sunday then went of again this morning but back online tonighT! I have waited two years for a phone line and every time I go into enquire they tell me I have to reapply! Old application no good! I suppose on the plus side I have no monthly phone bills and the way its going Im unlikely to have any in the forseeable future!

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I have no phone therefore have to rely on GPRS, I have been offline for three weeks as the speed was so slow I couldnt even download my homepage! came back on Sunday then went of again this morning but back online tonighT! I have waited two years for a phone line and every time I go into enquire they tell me I have to reapply! Old application no good! I suppose on the plus side I have no monthly phone bills and the way its going Im unlikely to have any in the forseeable future!

John, get yourself a second simcard from a different provider!

I use AIS (one2call) with one of their cheap hour based packages (100 hr for 350 Baht) and keep a Dtac simcard standby if AIS goes down and I really need something done. No package on the Dtac, just the 1 Baht/minute.

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John, get yourself a second simcard from a different provider!

Thanks Monty I will try that, the bizarre thing is it shows me online and I can get my e mail just cannot open any pages! (its ok today) and yes the PC is clean, hard drive fine etc just seems to be 1 2 call. Will get a dtac card at the weekend.

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I have had the same problem with TT&T, I have been using a wireless lan for the last couple of years and downloading attachments from hotmail I usually get between 8 and 25 kpb/s, anyhow just on a whim I bypassed the wireless and plugged in a ethernet cable and low and behold my downloads have increased to around 90 kbp/s.

It seems a common misconception that 'wireless' means 'high-speed'. In the context of the 'wireless network' at home or office, it only means that the last link between the internet and the computer/laptop is via radio frequency and not a physical wire. When a manufacturer quotes a baud-rate or bandwidth specification for their wireless hardware, it only applies if the wired INPUT to the wireless router is 100%. If ToT or TT&T cannot provide the full broadband wired INPUT that they advertise, no amount of wireless widgetry at the user OUTPUT end is going to make it faster, only more flexible and convenient. If in doubt, plugging the wire directly into the laptop or PC will always be faster.

Regarding this reported +300% increase in data throughput, it may be your wireless connection is getting hijacked by other users so make sure you secure it for your own use. Your throughput will also be affected by walls and barriers so if you have a lot of walls or pillars with rebar between your laptop and the wireless router, you could try looking for a 'sweet spot' for a faster wireless link.

A final note, I consider that the web-based email services such as yahoo and hotmail are terribly slow compared with a POP3 type service (using Outlook, Outlook Express, Firebird, etc..) even on a good connection. If you have a regular big daily email load, you may consider changing to a service that offers POP3 connectivity. If you have to stick with a web-based service, give gmail a try. Their web interfaces tend to be a lot faster than yahoo and hotmail and they do have a free POP3 option whereas others may charge extra.

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Can I get any other ADSL provider work on my TOT line? It is impossible to work with that speed...

My company switched from ToT tot Maxnet (TT&T) a couple of weeks ago. In the beginning no problems, but now.........same s hit....slow slower slowest.

Reason (according Maxnet).........the international internet traffic, hosted by C.A.T. has severe problems.

End of the misery...........not a single clue.

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i live on the darkside and i am using Maxnet premier service at 1099baht per month. its hardly ever a problem, speeds are pretty consistant, i have just tested using thaivisa speedtest and achieved : Last Result:Download Speed: 781 kbps (97.6 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 392 kbps (49 KB/sec transfer rate), this whilst i am listening to on-line radio feed from UK and have 8 other windows open!

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Hi Guys,

Greetings from Kuwait. We've been experiencing severe slowdowns here as well. There have been several articles in the local English papers here about a few major underwater internet data lines being cut/damaged in the Mediterranean due to fishing nets, large anchors etc...

The articles go on to state that most of the Mid-East as well as East Asia have been affected.

Subsequent articles mentioned that cut/damaged underwater cables were a common occurence, but it just so happened that 3 major cables had been damaged within a few days of each other, which was rather uncommon, hence the upset in service.



Great advice as far as having backup alternatives in LOS to get online. Also, thanks for answering my question (about Sawang Boriboon) in another post.



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i live on the darkside and i am using Maxnet premier service at 1099baht per month. its hardly ever a problem, speeds are pretty consistant, i have just tested using thaivisa speedtest and achieved : Last Result:Download Speed: 781 kbps (97.6 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 392 kbps (49 KB/sec transfer rate), this whilst i am listening to on-line radio feed from UK and have 8 other windows open!

I guess thaivisas servers are located in thailand right? Try using http://www.speedtest.net . There you can get a better idea on where the international bottlenecks are for your connection.

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i live on the darkside and i am using Maxnet premier service at 1099baht per month. its hardly ever a problem, speeds are pretty consistant, i have just tested using thaivisa speedtest and achieved : Last Result:Download Speed: 781 kbps (97.6 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 392 kbps (49 KB/sec transfer rate), this whilst i am listening to on-line radio feed from UK and have 8 other windows open!

I guess thaivisas servers are located in thailand right? Try using http://www.speedtest.net . There you can get a better idea on where the international bottlenecks are for your connection.

i do not have a problem with my connection, i am almost getting what i pay for, thats why i recommend it. thanks for the advice though, i just tested BKK-NY and achieved 864/332 - you can check it at http://www.speedtest.net/result/232581002.png BKK -MELBOURNE 713/296 BKK-FRANKFURT 811/296 BKK-LA 792-358 BKK-TOKYO 796/402 . all this whilst listening on line to UK Radio and fetching emails from POP3 account. i am very happy
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I guess thaivisas servers are located in thailand right? Try using http://www.speedtest.net . There you can get a better idea on where the international bottlenecks are for your connection.

George likes to provide a reliable internet based service, so his server is attached to the backbone in Singapore. A year or so ago it was in USA, but on the last info I had it is in Singapore.

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You are lucky then. TOT this morning gave 600/100 to Tokyo. Right now its 150/15. And about the same to Amsterdam.
its not luck, all the international connections are good, its your service provider, i had the same problems until i upgraded to maxnet Premier from the oversubscribed maxnet Indy
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Sometimes the ISP choses you. If TOT got some sort of magic switch they can flip for a decent price and for 1 month only, please tell me.

From how I understand this from my wife, TOT pretty much own the phone line in this condo, and no other companies can provide service.

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You are lucky then. TOT this morning gave 600/100 to Tokyo. Right now its 150/15. And about the same to Amsterdam.
its not luck, all the international connections are good, its your service provider, i had the same problems until i upgraded to maxnet Premier from the oversubscribed maxnet Indy

Just done a speed test (12.30pm) East Pattaya, BKK server 921/332 London 874/136 I have Maxnet premier 1 meg.

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Hi everyone.

I'm new to this forum. I just moved to Pattaya after a year and a half assignment in BKK. One of the few inconveniences I experienced in moving here is in terms of internet service.

First of all, I used to have true internet's 2mbps package when i was in BKK, and i have to say i'm pretty pleased with their service. i recall only about a couple instances of downtimes in my 1.5 years there, and throughput speed is usually about 90% of the advertised package speed. plus, when once i had a problem with my windows xp firewall system, their customer service operators were very helpful and speaks and understands english.

Fast forward to two weeks ago when i moved to Pattaya Nongprue area. First, I found out that the internet service in that area is pretty much limited only to ToT and TT&T, and capped at the 1mbps package. I applied for ToT's 1mbps line two weeks ago, and was informed that i could be online by feb 6. Unfortunately, come feb 6, for some reason i could not connect to their server (no adsl signal on modem at all). i called their hotline but the operator seemed clueless what to do about my situation, so just told me that he's going to make a report and inform their technicians. the following day, still no signal, so i call them again. again, the same clueless response that a report will be made and technicians will call me. this cycle of unfortunate events went on for a couple more days and by friday i was starting to get pis sed. they finally said someone's coming to my house saturday to look at the problem. i woke up early saturday to follow up on this but the operator only told me to wait. i called them up every hour and by 2 pm they finally said, i should probably wait for monday. i finally snapped and couldn't help verbally abusing the call center guys.

to cut the story short, i finally got a connection last night. but my misery is not yet finished. the line was agonizingly slow, i can barely keep my voip call to my folks in the philippines. i tested my line using speekeasy.net, voila my line is only rated at around 60kbps downstream/46kbps upstream. i had another conversation with the call center people (though this time i took an effort to be nice) and they said their international gateways are currently experiencing some problems so i should probably check again some other day.

today i had some time to check on the internet and i came across this forum. looks like i'm in a rut with many reports about ToT's relative speed.

the icing on the cake is, when i called the call center yesterday inquiring about my initial billing, they said my service's effective date is as of 2 weeks ago. so even before i got a decent connection, they've already screwed 2 weeks worth of my money.

sigh. the only comfort i have is knowing i'm not alone in this agony.

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