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A Chonburi Rant


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I am sorry to complain and maybe it's just me but I have two issues that I need to shout about.

The first is that I cannot get my head around the state of the rubbish tip that is growing on the road sides in and around the East Pattaya area. It is a crime that these roads are just strewn with plastic bags, construction rubble and christ knows what else. The question has to be why nothing is being done to clear the disgusting mess, as many residential homes line these roads, so the smell and eyesore must effect daily life and I am really sure the tourist that may venture out that way will be very impressed! I am sick to death of watching people just throw all and sundry from their vehicles onto to road sides without concideration. In addition to this I recently sat at a local village shop and watched a local lady spend 20 minutes cleaning her yard, only then to watch her throw the collected rubbish over her wall into the unocupied land next door................!

Again it might be me but when I travel to the North to visit my wifes family, the little villages there are almost to the point of being spotless, with so much pride being placed on keeping the village presentable. Why then do people treat Pattaya like their own garbage disposal yard?

The second rant is about the amount of shop houses that are being built in and around the country side East of Pattaya (and the rest of Thailand for that matter), as in most cases they remain empty for years and become another unwanted eyesore in an otherwise beautiful location. Why do these buildings keep being allowed to be built in areas where they are clearly not needed and do in no way beautify the place, quite the opposite. Anyone who has been down to Koh Samet in recent times can see this to the extreme as you come into Ban Phe to catch a boat, with rows and rows of moldy, empty shophouses, what a horrible welcome to such a lovely island.

Rant over!

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Obviously nobody told you that the dark side (East Pattaya) is a dump. Both for refuse and farangs.

Think about it, would you buy a house in the UK or elsewhere that was half the price of a house in a nice area??

No, because you would wonder why it was so cheap, and put 2+2 together.

Som Nam Naa keeniow :o

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Interesting points.

The rubbish thing really pisses me off too....I guess the problems are linked: Chonburi is the industrial heart of Thailand. Speak to almost anyone and they are not from Chonburi originally.

This virtually unregulated development leads to building anywhere, and of course huge amounts of rubbish. Local govt. is usually the authority charged with disposing of this, but without proper planning how can they do it? So clearing rubbish costs and is at a premium. So if no-one is prepared to collect it, anyone with a load of rubbish small enough to get it into a truck is going to take it out and dump it somewhere where they can get away with it for free. (or chuck it over a wall.)

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Obviously nobody told you that the dark side (East Pattaya) is a dump. Both for refuse and farangs.

Think about it, would you buy a house in the UK or elsewhere that was half the price of a house in a nice area??

No, because you would wonder why it was so cheap, and put 2+2 together.

Som Nam Naa keeniow :o

I take you do not own anything ?

Try looking around the better housing estates away from Soi Siam and Soi Neungplabwan <snip>

Edited by Jai Dee
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I am totally appalled at the name calling by posters above.

I know many very nice folks who live east of Suhhumvit.

Regarding dumping of trash: I agree that it is disgusting but probably all we farangs can do is to complain on forums such as this and write letters to the local and national newspapers. And there is always the hope that the new mayor might do something about it. Did I read somewhere that one of the candidates would clean up the beaches and make more parks?

Edited by Tammi
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Obviously nobody told you that the dark side (East Pattaya) is a dump. Both for refuse and farangs.

Think about it, would you buy a house in the UK or elsewhere that was half the price of a house in a nice area??

No, because you would wonder why it was so cheap, and put 2+2 together.

Som Nam Naa keeniow :o

I am above responding to a comment like that, only to say i do not live in East Pattaya, only drive through it daily to take my daughter to school but feel for those that have to put up with it. Never the less as others have mentioned there are plenty of very expensive and exclusive estates in that area, so your comment is flawed.

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It is my dream that if/when a fast link to BK terminates on the East side, Mabprachan can declare independence, and free itself from association with it's then not needed parent Pattaya.

You can keep your traffic, malls, bars etal and the folk on the dark side can have cleaner air, golf, horse riding international schools, a slower pace of life and the rest.

Oh and please keep your higher priced housing as well.

As to the OP's post, the rubbish is awful and does no credit to any administration which purports to be trying to create a " premier " holiday experience. When will they ever learn.

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Again it might be me but when I travel to the North to visit my wifes family, the little villages there are almost to the point of being spotless, with so much pride being placed on keeping the village presentable. Why then do people treat Pattaya like their own garbage disposal yard?

Why do these buildings keep being allowed to be built in areas where they are clearly not needed

Well, 2 things immediately spring to mind...many lower-income folks may not want to pay the small monthly charge to have regular garbage pick-up service at their house (and would just dump their garbage over the fence or beside the roadside). Very sad but true in many developing countries. Also, as to the pride factor, many Thai folks living in Pattaya (like farangs) are immigrants and not born/from this area. Therefore, the lack of general pride in the state of Pattaya area (as opposed to other places like up north where your family in from).

As to the proliferation of shophouses is scenic areas, maybe this is due to Thai land use regulations. I know that for many pieces of land, if it is left undeveloped, one can loose ownership of it. Maybe throwing up cheap shophouses (just about the cheapest building one could put up) qualifies as using/developing the land and so you don't loose it. Later, when the area becomes more developed, it's easy to tear down the shophouses and develop a more useful structure (resto/resort/whatever).

Edited by jonniebkk
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Obviously nobody told you that the dark side (East Pattaya) is a dump. Both for refuse and farangs.

Think about it, would you buy a house in the UK or elsewhere that was half the price of a house in a nice area??

No, because you would wonder why it was so cheap, and put 2+2 together.

Som Nam Naa keeniow :o

ok, i'll bite, where is your mansion located then?
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When I lived in Nern Plub Wan rubbish was collected very frequently (daily I think) and it seemed clean enough. What area are you (the OP) referring to?

It appears to be mainly at the Eastern ends of Soi Khaotalo and Soi Khaonoi and the back roads that link them. I have a few friends that moved out there when the area was OK but cannot now sell up and move because all prospective buyers are being put off. Something should be done about it but many of the locals appear to be unfased by it all. As jonniebkk highlights, many of the Thais living in that area are not original from Pattaya, so probably don't really care what the place looks like, shame but a reality I suppose

Edited by thaieagle67
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Yeah, totally agree, that eastern end of Kaotalo/Kao Noi is just a complete dump. Like others have said, I live on Nernplubwan and we have gabage pick-up at least 2-3 times per week. Also, general street litter and soi dog population is pretty much under control (by Thailand standards). Maybe this has something to do with the large muslim population (surely their dislike of dogs maybe controls somewhat the soi dog polulation).

What really gets me about that end of Kaotalo is the Siam Royal View development, selling these overpriced Pattaya mansions to clueless farangs in this dumpy neighborhood.

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Again it might be me but when I travel to the North to visit my wifes family, the little villages there are almost to the point of being spotless, with so much pride being placed on keeping the village presentable. Why then do people treat Pattaya like their own garbage disposal yard?

Why do these buildings keep being allowed to be built in areas where they are clearly not needed

Well, 2 things immediately spring to mind...many lower-income folks may not want to pay the small monthly charge to have regular garbage pick-up service at their house (and would just dump their garbage over the fence or beside the roadside). Very sad but true in many developing countries. Also, as to the pride factor, many Thai folks living in Pattaya (like farangs) are immigrants and not born/from this area. Therefore, the lack of general pride in the state of Pattaya area (as opposed to other places like up north where your family in from).

As to the proliferation of shophouses is scenic areas, maybe this is due to Thai land use regulations. I know that for many pieces of land, if it is left undeveloped, one can loose ownership of it. Maybe throwing up cheap shophouses (just about the cheapest building one could put up) qualifies as using/developing the land and so you don't loose it. Later, when the area becomes more developed, it's easy to tear down the shophouses and develop a more useful structure (resto/resort/whatever).

in many countries, strange and unpredictable building practices are often the result of money laundering by the local organised crime syndicates.......

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Yeah, totally agree, that eastern end of Kaotalo/Kao Noi is just a complete dump. Like others have said, I live on Nernplubwan and we have gabage pick-up at least 2-3 times per week. Also, general street litter and soi dog population is pretty much under control (by Thailand standards). Maybe this has something to do with the large muslim population (surely their dislike of dogs maybe controls somewhat the soi dog polulation).

I loved living in Nern Plub Wan. There was a great sense of community which I miss living in the soulless tourist belt.

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The Thais treat Pattaya like a dump. It is part of their jealousy of the wealthy farangs. It is their way of saying, "Welcome to Thailand".

This is the reason why you see Siam Royal View and other housing estates trashed out by the locals. When was the last time you saw a farang homeowner toss a large garbage bag, unsealed, over the wall or throw it out of the car window while driving away???

There are some farang that litter, but obviously, the local Thais contribute to the massive dumping of the garbage and they don't care if the city turns into hel_l. As long as they get money to send to the family up North, then they are happy. I should mention that this behavior is probably associated with an Issan, uneducated type person, not a normal Thai that would never allow such a mess.

There is a small campaign on TV in Thai language that is trying to educate the locals to throw their trash away in a marked container, but I have only seen the advertisement a few times. Education would help.

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Obviously nobody told you that the dark side (East Pattaya) is a dump. Both for refuse and farangs.

Think about it, would you buy a house in the UK or elsewhere that was half the price of a house in a nice area??

No, because you would wonder why it was so cheap, and put 2+2 together.

Som Nam Naa keeniow :o

Used to live in "your" bright side of Pattaya with all the noise, crap, garbage dumps, fights, shootings, etc.

Live on the "dark side" now with all the crap, garbage dumps, fights, shootings, etc. Only the noise is less and oh yes, before I forget: sweetparrotbananacharriot, where do you think your watersupply is from? Isn't it from Lake Mabra....whatever, running cross the "dark" side? I suppose your mansion has a well!!

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Obviously nobody told you that the dark side (East Pattaya) is a dump. Both for refuse and farangs.

Think about it, would you buy a house in the UK or elsewhere that was half the price of a house in a nice area??

No, because you would wonder why it was so cheap, and put 2+2 together.

Som Nam Naa keeniow :o

Used to live in "your" bright side of Pattaya with all the noise, crap, garbage dumps, fights, shootings, etc.

Live on the "dark side" now with all the crap, garbage dumps, fights, shootings, etc. Only the noise is less and oh yes, before I forget: sweetparrotbananacharriot, where do you think your watersupply is from? Isn't it from Lake Mabra....whatever, running cross the "dark" side? I suppose your mansion has a well!!

Ok, it was a bit of a trollish post, it was also at 4-50 am. I don't live in a mansion, never said I did, and yes the water comes from Maprachan (sometimes). My point was that most people who live East of Suk complain about the mess, the traffic, etc etc, when the vast majority have moved there for one reason alone - it's cheaper.

I live in a quiet, secluded development between Pattaya and Jomtien, never seen any garbage, fights, or shootings round my way. Although I don't go out as much as I used to I would much prefer a 5-10 minute trip into town than 45-60 mins from the dark side.

There are alot of nice developments over there, and in time I think it will become a separate area from Pattaya, but for now I wouldn't live there personally due to the lack of infrastructure, and the constant mess.

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There will come a time one day when the things that you fell in love with in Thailand, become things you hate most


Hey VP. What happened to you after the summer of last year then? Before then, you were quite the regular 'Hi there... Thanks VAM' kind of poster. Since just before Christmas, you just keep posting the same half dozen or so negative posts over and over again. You are beginning to sound like a broken record. What broke your heart then?

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Obviously nobody told you that the dark side (East Pattaya) is a dump. Both for refuse and farangs.

Think about it, would you buy a house in the UK or elsewhere that was half the price of a house in a nice area??

No, because you would wonder why it was so cheap, and put 2+2 together.

Som Nam Naa keeniow :o

Used to live in "your" bright side of Pattaya with all the noise, crap, garbage dumps, fights, shootings, etc.

Live on the "dark side" now with all the crap, garbage dumps, fights, shootings, etc. Only the noise is less and oh yes, before I forget: sweetparrotbananacharriot, where do you think your watersupply is from? Isn't it from Lake Mabra....whatever, running cross the "dark" side? I suppose your mansion has a well!!

Ok, it was a bit of a trollish post, it was also at 4-50 am. I don't live in a mansion, never said I did, and yes the water comes from Maprachan (sometimes). My point was that most people who live East of Suk complain about the mess, the traffic, etc etc, when the vast majority have moved there for one reason alone - it's cheaper.

I live in a quiet, secluded development between Pattaya and Jomtien, never seen any garbage, fights, or shootings round my way. Although I don't go out as much as I used to I would much prefer a 5-10 minute trip into town than 45-60 mins from the dark side.

There are alot of nice developments over there, and in time I think it will become a separate area from Pattaya, but for now I wouldn't live there personally due to the lack of infrastructure, and the constant mess.

45-60 mins from the dark side.

you must be walking for it to take that long

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I live on the 'dark side' as you call it at Chokchai Garden Home where the residents are a mixture of Thai and farang. I can assure you that the residents where I live do not tolerate rubbish building up in the village. We also have regular garbage removal which we pay for. I agree that some areas of the Soi Khao Noi are bad for rubbish but maybe the problem lies in the fact that some of the Thai locals can not afford to pay for regular garbage removal and so just dump their rubbish in any convenient spot. Maybe if enough folk emailed City Hall voicing their concerns about the current state of affairs, something might be done about it. I've a feeling though that once the area was cleaned up it would soon return to the state it is at the moment. I agree education might be one of the long term answers to the problem.

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I went to Bang Saen which is marketed as a resort for Thais and the beach is covered in litter. I think Thais need more education about waste disposal.

So long as you think a one day sample is enough....the secret is still safe ....

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