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DJ Pat

Backpacker: Pain in the arse?  

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:-) Yup... And I'm happy to note that in the poll there's no longer a majority for the 'Yes backpackers are a pain' group.. :-) Some definitely are, but that's kind of the same of any 'group'. (Assuming there even is a group, as grouping people based on just about anything is always an iffy undertaking.)

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I don t like people who hate others based on the way they look, walk or talk. Please, let s this forum not become a racist oriented place.

Backpackers are hardly a race of people are they? I've met hundreds of backpackers and am merely relaying my experiences of what I know they do.

Seeing a backpacker struggling to get his pack onto the canal boat is a funny and bizarre sight.

I need a picture of that

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even worse are the people who visit or have an extended stay in thailand and think they're thai, when they're just a fahrlong like the rest. "i've been living here for years with my thai wife...." whatever fahrlong. :o

i'm thinking in particular of a friend who went to thailand; well several trips since his first, has a thai wife and when we get together in the states to get thai food or something he acts like he's going home? he'll walk in the restaurant like he's some traveler from thailand in the states happy to be in a thai place. he talks to the workers like they're gonna smile and be polite like in thailand and i get the erie feeling when i go in with him they're like there he is again. i don't think they care for him much but he is a cheap bastard and doesn't care for others opinions, rude.

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Which countries are you considering? 

The Falklands.

On my list of places to visit the Falklands falls somewhere in between Baghdad and Barnsley. :D

I used to wanna go to St. Helena for some reason. I can't remember why though. :o

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High 2 Dee Jay Pat and eye wood like 2 thank u 4 starting this most interesting thread. Eye wood like 2 contribute this relevant link to da Lonely Planet bored. Eye was surprised 2 reed about dreadlocks over their. Does n e 1 no if u need to clean that kind of heir? n e weigh, hear is da link fore u all. Piece b with u and thanks fore youre thyme.


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Kinda harsh for you to generalize BPs like that, there are instances of BPs who are:

- students (travelling with limited financial resources, hence the cheap sleep, eats, etc.)

- people who wants to stay out of the touristy stuff (mentioned before like gems, and brought to see caves with a couple of monkeys in 'em)

I do agree that there are those scummy ppl (notice I don't call 'em BPs)

- Anyone who nurse on Chang for more than an hour each bottle is a scum

- Those who hassle and bargain for a few baht are tighter than the Irish (no offence meant)

- Those girls with beads in their hair saying how cool everything is (really very annoying)

- Those I met in Phuket saying they used to eat meat but not anymore, and are now vegetarian but they eat fish and seafood ONLY (duh?! :o )

- Saying they come to LOS to 'find themselves in nature' (*conversation taking place in a bar*)

- Meeting the same group of ppl along the lonely planet must-see route

Don't BPs descent from the hippies era, which really make up most of those who are here on this board? :D

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Bit harsh to generalise but was talking to a couple of American female 'backpackers' who were telling me about their tekking around Nepal, India etc........turned out they booked into the Marriot in Bkk on their Dad's credit card!!!!

They were the beaded hair type pretending to have no money etc telling me about Mother Earth etc etc etc but were knocking back Mai Tais etc..............hardly backpackers!!!

If folk want to travel round the world etc on a limited budget etc, good luck to them IMHO. It's the ones who put this false pretence on that bug me.

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Wet noodles, the whole lot of them. Talking too loud, drinking above their certification rating and generally driving the prices up everywhere they land because of their behavior and habits.

Besides, backpacking should be jungles, deserts and mountains, not Khao San Rd, Samui and Chiang Mai. :o

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