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Canadian Brutally Murdered In Ranong


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Your post crossed with my last post. Notwithstanding, please see my comments in blue below.


this case is likely to be reported in the English language press this evening and tomorrow.

Really? It sounds like you are "in the know" Is that confirmed? I do hope so.

It has got to their attention now, so people on this should perhaps remember these blogs are so much faster - newspapers are a much older technology and one that is really struggling to keep up with the Net.

I understand the above, however, it does not negate the fact that the Thai Rath newspaper covered this last Tuesday 5th Feb... I would have presumed that Thai reporters also look at news and events that Thai newspapers cover..... Therefore, strange...

Indeed while they feed Thaivisa and other forums their basic news items, they simply can't compete with blogs for speed and it is killing them financially; circulations dip and dip and there's not a lot they can do about it. We can all read their stories over the Net and they get no money for it.

Just in regard to why this case has had no coverage in the English language press. It's very possible that initially news about this case was suppressed.

Suppressed by whom? The Thai Rath newspaper covered this last Tuesday 5th Feb.....

But there were other problems, such as this thread starting in the general blog - not news clippings.

I would have thought this was irrelevant to newspapers? Unless they actively follow Thai Visa as a source of News? Maybe they do, I do not know however, would have thought this was quite doubtful.

Also, last week the new govt was sworn in and there was a wave of stories about that; all media attention was focused on that. And prominent farang reporters or correspondents are still trying to sort out the shooting of the two Canadians in Pai - indeed Andrew Drummond, the top UK reporter, was at the court in Mae Hong Son last Wednesday. His most recent stories from the North appeared in the Nation on Thurs and Friday, i think.

Yes I do understand there were a number of competing news items last week. However, IMO newspapers have a duty to inform their readership of news. After all, that is their business.

However, the biggest problem is Thai reporters probably not being interested in this case. Under reporting of crime is appalling here, as everyone knows.


The Nation has hacked its farang staff in half, for financial reasons, but will cover these cases when they are directed to its attention promptly. Jim Pollard, an Australian subeditor, will report on them if news of these events is directed to him. He is due to oversee the Expat page when it starts in the Daily Xpress (from March 5). People sending notes to the Nation letters page should cc a copy to him - he usually works Mon to Thursday and will follow up these things.

Thank you for the recommendation above. Could you confirm which newspaper Jim Pollard works for, is it The Nation? (so his email address can be sourced should people require and follow up on your suggestion?).

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Hi...wee hours of the morning here. Richard is well on his way.I wish him a safe journey and I am very proud of his courage. I will follow. I have been dealing with media all day. Global local and national. Very difficult and very necessary for my big brother. Justice has to follow. Mp's have been contacted...foreign affairs...who were not pleased that this was not reported officially as to the death of a canadian citizen. It was Sunday and within minutes I had calls from secretary of state etc...Parliment, I am not even sure...but so thankful and relieved. I was even given a cell # and assured us our government will do everything to ensure our safety through the canadian embassy in Thailand. They were tremendous.

YEAH!! front page...brought tears to my eyes. For you BIG BROTHER with a BIG HEART!!


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Good to hear you get the coverage. This will likely get those nasty people behind bars.

I hope so too, I also hope that when justice is done, it is seen to be done and reported at length in English and Thai in as many papers/websites as possible.

My sincere condolences to his friends and family.

RIP Dale

(P.S. note to family, my avatar, that little picture just to the side has been with me for years and for this post I'm quite embarrassed about it, except in hoping that the guilty parties get to meet the real one)


Edited by Thaddeus
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Good to hear you get the coverage. This will likely get those nasty people behind bars.

I hope so too, I also hope that when justice is done, it is seen to be done and reported at length in English and Thai in as many papers/websites as possible.

My sincere condolences to his friends and family.

RIP Dale

(P.S. note to family, my avatar, that little picture just to the side has been with me for years and for this post I'm quite embarrassed about it, except in hoping that the guilty parties get to meet the real one)


Hey we are not a judgmental family, what matters is the heart and soul....

Hey I am sure all the ghosties will be hovering around the jail cells...and around dales home, I don't doubt the power of that energy;) If I were a bad person I would stay far far away. BOOOO...

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The Nation has hacked its farang staff in half, for financial reasons, but will cover these cases when they are directed to its attention promptly. Jim Pollard, an Australian subeditor, will report on them if news of these events is directed to him. He is due to oversee the Expat page when it starts in the Daily Xpress (from March 5). People sending notes to the Nation letters page should cc a copy to him - he usually works Mon to Thursday and will follow up these things.

Thank you for the recommendation above. Could you confirm which newspaper Jim Pollard works for, is it The Nation? (so his email address can be sourced should people require and follow up on your suggestion?).

For Andiamo:

I understand you can't post personal emails, so just remember that one of the main contact points for letters and news tips for The Nation is [email protected]

For the fellow mentioned you can either mark it at the top for his attention, or write his surname then the rest of the email address (Nationgroup.com)

Family members who have comments or information relevant for stories should do same, if they want.

Also, you're right that both English papers should have spotted this in Thai Rath last week, on the 5th, but frankly, they often don't have their act together.. whether it's being busy, with other stories they feel are more important (the Nation particularly is obsessed with Thai politics, fairly ordinary on stuff from the provinces and almost disinterested in crime and reports from adjacent countries) .. or just plain slackness. It's probably a combination of both.

The English language papers have a duty to report on crime involving farang, but there is so much crime involving Thais that is never reported. And they may have thought - this case is solved .. they got the baddies, so it's only a brief. Think also about what was big news for crime reporters last week - the Border Patrol gang was such a huge story it marginalised everything else (and they really only have a few pages every day).

When you hear stories about how much re-writing their original copy needs, you have to realise the whole process of gathering and reporting on news here is very ordinary by Western standards and prone to mistakes .. that can come from police officers giving wrong information .. deliberately or just being careless, and reporters who aren't as careful as they should be. And it's often just language or translation difficulties. From what I have heard, even senior Thai reporters really struggle writing in English and if they're not in the office when these stories are processed by farang subeditors whole paragraphs get axed and dropped cos they can't be located or queried about their stories promptly.

Anyway, just some background. My suspicion is this year is going to be a messy one, because the new government is likely to be so self-serving there will be no end of controversies.. and reporters will be preoccupied sorting through all the confusion and lies. The whole agenda of Thai Rak Thai looks being reimposed and the simple straightness of the Surayud government (which I felt was one of the great things about the man) is now being replaced by the spin-doctoring and twisted arguments we saw during the Thaksin era. You can't blame the Thais (Thai reporters) for being a bit preoccupied, it's like sinking into the mud again. Look at the guy who has just been named Interior Minister; now they have to ponder all the old controversies he was involved in and work out waht his immediate agenda is (ie, the War on Drugs mark 3, or CEO governors, etc) and how to report on those things and his personal history - what can be written, and what are safe ways to get certain information out without being an obvious target for revenge.. there has been very little written about him to date and I suspect it's because people are intimidated by his history.

Apologies to Dale's family. This is just a bit of background as to why the death of their much loved brother may have been neglected, to date, by the local press. He sounds like a very good person. I hope reports on his killing help ensure the justice system functions as it should. The sad part is for those of us who have been in Thailand for a few years, we know just what a lottery the Thai judicial process is.

However, in this case, the Ranong police may have done their work as they should, so that could be very significant, and mean the Henri's can at least find some peace in that regard. You only have to look at what happened in Pai last month to realise how the police can be perhaps the worst problem when involved in "unnatural deaths".

Let's pray they get their act together in Ranong.

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Mountains have been made today!!! Thankyou all for encouragment and advice...now I really need a flight out in the AM...I promised...It's 3:20am

The first link is front page of the Calgary Herald


<H2 _counted="undefined">Thai woman accused of arranging hit on Canadian husband</H2>JOE FRIESEN

From Monday's Globe and Mail

February 10, 2008 at 11:39 PM EST

Dale Henry, an expatriate Canadian oil worker, settled down in front of the television last Sunday night at his home in Ranong, Thailand and sipped a glass of whisky given to him by his wife.

Thai authorities allege that Maneerat Henry, his wife of five years, then waited until he fell asleep before sending a text message to her lover, a Thai man, who entered the house along with a hired hit man through a door Ms. Henry had left unlocked.

Mr. Henry, 48, was shot to death at close range. His 27-year-old wife, her lover and the alleged hit man have been arrested in connection with his killing. Mr. Henry's younger brother, Richard, speaking from the Vancouver airport as he prepared to board a flight to Bangkok, said he believes Mr. Henry was killed for a $1-million life insurance policy.

“It just makes me sick,” his brother said. “He was just such a trusting guy and he was way too generous.”

0111bcthai364.jpgEnlarge Image Maneerat Henry, right, has been charged in the death of husband Dale.

icon-digital-leaf-small-red.png Mr. Henry, who grew up in Victoria and worked as a paramedic in Alberta, had been working in Nigeria as regional head of safety for Noble Drilling. Every three months he would spend a month with his wife in Thailand, his brother said.

The couple met when Ms. Henry was working behind a bar on Koh Samui, and he courted her for eight months. Despite an age difference of more than 20 years, Mr. Henry thought he had found true love.

Once they were married he gave her everything, his brother said. They lived like royalty on his $10,000 a month salary. He bought a home for her parents and bought her an SUV. And while some Western men gave their wives an allowance, Mr. Henry gave Maneerat, or Nee as he called her, access to all his bank accounts, his brother said.

“He bought her everything,” he said. “That's why it's so unbelievable.”

But when Richard last visited Thailand in July, 2007, the three of them had discussed the $1-million life insurance policy provided by his company. Should Mr. Henry be killed, Nee was to give his brother 10 per cent of the settlement.

On a trip with his wife's family to northern Thailand at the end of last summer, Mr. Henry fell and broke his leg in eight places. Mr. Henry had been off work ever since.

His sister Mary-Jane Matheson said her brother was always talking about his “wonderful” wife.

“Everything was always “My darling Nee,” she said. “I never heard a bad word.”

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RE: And you wonder why they are tightening the visa laws? Cant come soon enough for me.

Sadly there is this attitude that if one commits a crime or is simply a ********* then hey let go to Thailand...still wish Thai gov had a smarter way to handle things

I had the misfortune to read some of the early posts prior to the moderators getting involved, extremely callous and cold even if there was no truth to the terrible events that have indeed proved to be factual. I find it quite hard to believe that people who make those kinds of jokes about a tradgedy that is recurring far to often in this country are contributing members of society here, if they are then I despair.

I made the post prior to realising that Dale's sister and brother had already read the comments. To my mind the way that they handled it speaks volumes about them and their late brother, I very much doubt if I was in their situation I would have reacted with the same understanding and forgiveness.

Everybody at some point in their lives makes a bad relationship decission, God knows I have, show me someone who hasn't. But does anyone actually deserve to die for it? I don't think so.

Sadly there is this attitude that as long as it happens to someone else and not me, then not only is it acceptable it's downright funny. I find that unnaceptable.

The stereotype with regard to the visa issue was however a knee jerk reaction on my part and irrelavent, it was a sweeping generalization, I was quite infuriated by some of the initial posts I apologise if I offended.

The early posts were by moderators yet I have seen no apology bye the ones (they know who they are)making light of the original post to the original poster or the dead mans family

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Incorrect chanman, the earlier post by one moderator & my response was in relation to the opening post which was pretty illegible. There was no comment made by mods about the murdered man or his family so please try not to make things up.

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^^ To be fair here, post number 3 {now} by Damian make it clear that the original 'making light' was confusion about what as being said, further at that time there was no confirmation of the reality, so it is perhaps somewhat unfair to criticise posters too strongly on the basis of 20/20 hindsight.


PS My first post in this thread, and my condolences to the family.

PPS See Boo has updated this point too.

/edit typo //

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Just for clarification, I have just gone & re-read the removed posts & none were actually about the victim but a follow on of the confusion of the opening post & asking the op to make the story more clear, this was all prior to any news report confirming the story. If anyone would like to see them as proof I will pm transcripts but lets stop making things up & saying people were insulting Dale or his family as no one did.

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Incorrect chanman, the earlier post by one moderator & my response was in relation to the opening post which was pretty illegible. There was no comment made by mods about the murdered man or his family so please try not to make things up.

Perhaps you can't read I did not state any such thing, I stated making light of the original post & poster, and no one has apologized yet!!

I would have expected more from moderators such as finding out if the post was actually real before making fun of the original poster, if you do not think they were wrong or offensive why were they removed?

No doubt this post will get a lashing but I doubt either moderator will apologise for their insensitive original posts.

Its indicative of this website

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^ Chanman I'm not a moderator and indeed get into the occasional trouble with them, even George, but in this case you said that there were posts 'making light ... of the dead man's family'. That is simply not the case, Mosha for reasons we can now all appreciate had difficulties in enunciating the position, this led to comments about that, primarily aimed at clarification, which included some humour. Once all were aware of the gravity of the situation these posts were deemed inappropriate and were excised, but, though I may have missed it I saw no disrespect to the, at that time presumed, victim.


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No doubt this post will get a lashing but I doubt either moderator will apologise for their insensitive original posts.

If you have an issue I suggest you take it up in pm rather than try to hijack this thread.

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Discussion of moderation issues is against the forum rules and this thread will not be diverted by discussing what the moderators did or did not do.

Further discussion of moderation issues will result in posts being deleted and warnings and possible suspensions handed out.

So can we please get back to discussing the topic at hand and leave the moderating decisions to the moderators.


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this case is likely to be reported in the English language press this evening and tomorrow. It has got to their attention now, so people on this should perhaps remember these blogs are so much faster - newspapers are a much older technology and one that is really struggling to keep up with the Net. Indeed while they feed Thaivisa and other forums their basic news items, they simply can't compete with blogs for speed and it is killing them financially; circulations dip and dip and there's not a lot they can do about it. We can all read their stories over the Net and they get no money for it.

Just in regard to why this case has had no coverage in the English language press. It's very possible that initially news about this case was suppressed. But there were other problems, such as this thread starting in the general blog - not news clippings. Also, last week the new govt was sworn in and there was a wave of stories about that; all media attention was focused on that. And prominent farang reporters or correspondents are still trying to sort out the shooting of the two Canadians in Pai - indeed Andrew Drummond, the top UK reporter, was at the court in Mae Hong Son last Wednesday. His most recent stories from the North appeared in the Nation on Thurs and Friday, i think.

However, the biggest problem is Thai reporters probably not being interested in this case. Under reporting of crime is appalling here, as everyone knows. The Nation has hacked its farang staff in half, for financial reasons, but will cover these cases when they are directed to its attention promptly. Jim Pollard, an Australian subeditor, will report on them if news of these events is directed to him. He is due to oversee the Expat page when it starts in the Daily Xpress (from March 5). People sending notes to the Nation letters page should cc a copy to him - he usually works Mon to Thursday and will follow up these things.

Andrew Drummond is back from N.Thailand and now in the south. phuket. not far from Ranong. However he is taking so much flak from farang bloggers that no sure he wantsto handle another murder right now. If the family however get a case number they shd give it to him and the Canadian Embassy so this case can be monitored. These can disappear from the system unless they are being watched. Depends if the wife is solvent

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^ Chanman I'm not a moderator and indeed get into the occasional trouble with them, even George, but in this case you said that there were posts 'making light ... of the dead man's family'. That is simply not the case, Mosha for reasons we can now all appreciate had difficulties in enunciating the position, this led to comments about that, primarily aimed at clarification, which included some humour. Once all were aware of the gravity of the situation these posts were deemed inappropriate and were excised, but, though I may have missed it I saw no disrespect to the, at that time presumed, victim.


I didn't, I said they have not apologized to the original poster or the dead mans family.

But as the Mods rightly say it is to important a topic for it to be hijacked and taken off course by me or by an apology so I will say no more of the original posts.

However I extend my sympathies to the family and friends who knew him, if everything that has been written is true it would appear he was a true gentleman

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this case is likely to be reported in the English language press this evening and tomorrow. It has got to their attention now, so people on this should perhaps remember these blogs are so much faster - newspapers are a much older technology and one that is really struggling to keep up with the Net. Indeed while they feed Thaivisa and other forums their basic news items, they simply can't compete with blogs for speed and it is killing them financially; circulations dip and dip and there's not a lot they can do about it. We can all read their stories over the Net and they get no money for it.

Just in regard to why this case has had no coverage in the English language press. It's very possible that initially news about this case was suppressed. But there were other problems, such as this thread starting in the general blog - not news clippings. Also, last week the new govt was sworn in and there was a wave of stories about that; all media attention was focused on that. And prominent farang reporters or correspondents are still trying to sort out the shooting of the two Canadians in Pai - indeed Andrew Drummond, the top UK reporter, was at the court in Mae Hong Son last Wednesday. His most recent stories from the North appeared in the Nation on Thurs and Friday, i think.

However, the biggest problem is Thai reporters probably not being interested in this case. Under reporting of crime is appalling here, as everyone knows. The Nation has hacked its farang staff in half, for financial reasons, but will cover these cases when they are directed to its attention promptly. Jim Pollard, an Australian subeditor, will report on them if news of these events is directed to him. He is due to oversee the Expat page when it starts in the Daily Xpress (from March 5). People sending notes to the Nation letters page should cc a copy to him - he usually works Mon to Thursday and will follow up these things.

Andrew Drummond is back from N.Thailand and now in the south. phuket. not far from Ranong. However he is taking so much flak from farang bloggers that no sure he wantsto handle another murder right now. If the family however get a case number they shd give it to him and the Canadian Embassy so this case can be monitored. These can disappear from the system unless they are being watched. Depends if the wife is solvent

Sorry my mistake Andrew Drummond appears to on this case for CBC - Toronto and is broadcasting this morning (Toronto time)

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Andrew Drummond is back from N.Thailand and now in the south. phuket. not far from Ranong. However he is taking so much flak from farang bloggers that no sure he wantsto handle another murder right now. If the family however get a case number they shd give it to him and the Canadian Embassy so this case can be monitored. These can disappear from the system unless they are being watched. Depends if the wife is solvent

Sorry my mistake Andrew Drummond appears to on this case for CBC - Toronto and is broadcasting this morning (Toronto time)

Well, I am glad to hear that there is a lot of coverage in the CANADIAN press - thanks for the updates MaryJane. However, I have still yet to see any converage in the Thai English Press here....????? Anybody?

Krungthepian - a poster here - earlier suggested we would see something in the Thai English Press either tonight or tomorrow.... May I ask Krungthepian do you have "inside knowledge" and can confirm this? If so, I will then sit back and wait.

However, from Claymore's posts above, it sounds as though Andrew Drummond is currently involved but from the CANADIAN Media perspective and NOT from the THAI ENGLISH Press...... :o I do hope this changes and we see something soon in The Nation...

RE: my earlier posts and my following up contacting the Bangkok Post, I was unsuccessful at getting through to the News Editor directly, however, (finally) after a conversation with the Secretary on the News Desk, she advised I resend emails to the News Desk at the Bangkok Post as I could not get hold of anyone on the phone and there was no response to my direct emails to the News Editors email addresses.

I await coverage in both the Bangkok Post and The Nation. Who is FINALLY going to "break the news" here?... in the country where this tragedy sadly occurred....

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It's indeed a pity that the Thai English press didn't publish about this murder, so far. It remains to be seen if they will, now that the 3 suspects are behind bars awaiting trial.

Also, if I'm correct, the murder took place on Feb. 1st and it's now the 11th so for newspapers not much -news- to cover any more. But that's the same with the Canadian press...why didn't THEY publish earlier ? Well, if there isn't any -English- news elsewhere, how are they supposed to know ?

If it wasn't for the OP, Mosha, who didn't even know Dale, Thaivisa and the newspapers (other than the Thai Rath) wouldn't probably have published at all. We shouldn't forget that Ranong isn't exactly a tourist hot spot in Thailand, like Phuket, Pattaya and other places.

I'm happy the family took a lead and started ringing the (Canadian) bells, with success.

That's extremely important because the Embassy in BKK now can pull some strings to try and press the Thai authorities and not let the 3 suspects get away with the murder for one reason or another, as happened before.


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It's good to read that Thaivisa is now mentioned in the Canadian press !

Thai murder plot thickens as suspicion turns to wife

Slain man's siblings fly to funeral in Thailand

VICTORIA - The Thai wife of a Victoria-born oilfield worker is accused of having him killed as he slept in their Thailand home by paying a gunman close to $2,000, according to Thai reports.

Dale Henry, 48, was killed by a gunshot to the head. Marie-Christine Lilkoff, a spokeswoman for the Department of Foreign Affairs, confirmed Sunday that the killing took place Feb. 3. She was unable to provide further details of the case due to privacy concerns.

Henry's brother Richard Henry, owner of a Victoria window-washing company, and his sister Mary-Jane Henry, of Calgary, left Sunday for Thailand. A funeral is planned for Wednesday.

Henry's 27-year-old wife, Nee, and two other men, allegedly her lover and a hitman, have been arrested and charged in the killing, which took place in Ranong, southern Thailand.

According to Thai Visa Forum, a website for Westerners working in Thailand, the three accused have been identified in Thai media as Maneerat "Nee" Henry, Amornsak Ketkaew and Jinda Sae Tae. Reports allege the hitman was paid about 60,000 baht, or $1,912.

None of the accusations has been proven in a court of law.

Henry, who was born in Victoria, moved to Thailand about 10 years ago after working as a firefighter in Cochrane, Alberta. According to his sister, Henry met Nee in Thailand and married her about six years ago.

But Henry spent only half his time in Thailand, as he worked for an oil company in Nigeria. He typically would work for five weeks, then spend five weeks at home.

His relatives all say he was very happy with Nee.

"He fell in love with her right away and took the family and bought land in her name and bought them new vehicles so they had shelter, and a good sense of security, and so they felt comfortable," Henry's niece, Charmaine Van Der Ahe, told Global National on Sunday.

Richard Henry also said his brother was kind-hearted and generous with his money, funding a June trip for his wife's family to go to Hong Kong.

"He treated her so well," said Richard. "He made $10,000 US a month and the bank account was shared. A lot of guys, if they had a Thai wife, they just gave them an allowance.

"My brother wasn't like that. He took joy in doing things for his wife's family."

Richard Henry said his brother had a $1-million life insurance policy in his name.

"We're having a Thai funeral for him beginning on Wednesday. He'll lay in the temple for three days."

Richard is worried possible corruption in the Thai justice system might see the case against the three accused dropped.

"If it's known internationally, then there's pressure on them to do everything properly," Richard said.

According to friends, Dale Henry had recently broken his leg, and had been recuperating at the couple's home, perhaps delaying his return to Nigeria.

Continues here:



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Possible next steps:

1. The Del Pinto and Henry Families hold a joint FCCT Press Conference - I hear it's only 150 dollars or so to rent the room. Perhaps invite the families of the young Brits slain here during last year or two.

2. It's followed by a publicly advertised march/visit/photo-op to the Thai Tourist Police HQ to ask what's the latest with the investigations, and then on to Bangkok Post and Nation offices to demand a 'word' with the Editors. Letters are handed across to representatives of all (and of course the contents are made public).

3. A publicly advertised march/visit to the Canadian Embassy to ask for a public explanation about what steps Canada is taking (consular-wise) and to demand the Canadian Ambassador call publicly upon the Royal Thai Goverment to offer better protection to Canadian nationals resident and vacationing in Thailand.

4. The families then fly south to Phuket to hand out leaflets about the shameful killings of their loved ones and asking, "Are you safe as a tourist in Thailand"?

All of the above is orchestrated with the media (local and international) in mind. If possible, foreign freelancers (esp TV) resident in bangkok who are from Canada, Australia, US, and UK should be brought along all expenses paid (wouldn't cost that much really for 2 days BKK-PHU-BKK)

I'm not kidding..this is quite easy to do.

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^ Chanman I'm not a moderator and indeed get into the occasional trouble with them, even George, but in this case you said that there were posts 'making light ... of the dead man's family'. That is simply not the case, Mosha for reasons we can now all appreciate had difficulties in enunciating the position, this led to comments about that, primarily aimed at clarification, which included some humour.

I agree, none were aimed at Dale's family, just every previous family who have lost someone in Thailand in this manner. A thoughtful person may consider that relatives may still monitor forums given their loss, perticularly as certain cases are still unresolved and that those responsible have not been brought to justice.

I disagree however that there was any humour whatsoever.

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It's good to read that Thaivisa is now mentioned in the Canadian press !

Thai murder plot thickens as suspicion turns to wife

Slain man's siblings fly to funeral in Thailand

VICTORIA - The Thai wife of a Victoria-born oilfield worker is accused of having him killed as he slept in their Thailand home by paying a gunman close to $2,000, according to Thai reports.

Dale Henry, 48, was killed by a gunshot to the head. Marie-Christine Lilkoff, a spokeswoman for the Department of Foreign Affairs, confirmed Sunday that the killing took place Feb. 3. She was unable to provide further details of the case due to privacy concerns.

Henry's brother Richard Henry, owner of a Victoria window-washing company, and his sister Mary-Jane Henry, of Calgary, left Sunday for Thailand. A funeral is planned for Wednesday.

Henry's 27-year-old wife, Nee, and two other men, allegedly her lover and a hitman, have been arrested and charged in the killing, which took place in Ranong, southern Thailand.

According to Thai Visa Forum, a website for Westerners working in Thailand, the three accused have been identified in Thai media as Maneerat "Nee" Henry, Amornsak Ketkaew and Jinda Sae Tae. Reports allege the hitman was paid about 60,000 baht, or $1,912.

None of the accusations has been proven in a court of law.

Henry, who was born in Victoria, moved to Thailand about 10 years ago after working as a firefighter in Cochrane, Alberta. According to his sister, Henry met Nee in Thailand and married her about six years ago.

But Henry spent only half his time in Thailand, as he worked for an oil company in Nigeria. He typically would work for five weeks, then spend five weeks at home.

His relatives all say he was very happy with Nee.

"He fell in love with her right away and took the family and bought land in her name and bought them new vehicles so they had shelter, and a good sense of security, and so they felt comfortable," Henry's niece, Charmaine Van Der Ahe, told Global National on Sunday.

Richard Henry also said his brother was kind-hearted and generous with his money, funding a June trip for his wife's family to go to Hong Kong.

"He treated her so well," said Richard. "He made $10,000 US a month and the bank account was shared. A lot of guys, if they had a Thai wife, they just gave them an allowance.

"My brother wasn't like that. He took joy in doing things for his wife's family."

Richard Henry said his brother had a $1-million life insurance policy in his name.

"We're having a Thai funeral for him beginning on Wednesday. He'll lay in the temple for three days."

Richard is worried possible corruption in the Thai justice system might see the case against the three accused dropped.

"If it's known internationally, then there's pressure on them to do everything properly," Richard said.

According to friends, Dale Henry had recently broken his leg, and had been recuperating at the couple's home, perhaps delaying his return to Nigeria.

Continues here:



Thanks for that. If Richard is worried that justice will be not transparent in the wake of the Leo Del Pinto case he shd get in contact with Andrew who can link him up in a 3-way with CBC Toronto and Calgary and CBC Calgary Eye-opener. However seems open/shut case.

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As a fellow Canadian living and working in Thailand, let me express my grief and solidarity over what has happened. Let us all pressure the Canadian Embassy to work its hardest to achieve justice in this case.

I am so disgusted that this country can produce such evil, inhuman families that pillage good people for every drop of generosity they have. I feel that we are lambs to the slaughter, and after reading of this happening not once, but several times, I'm almost considering turning my back on this country that I thought I loved.

Let the good people here, Thais and expats alike, make themselves heard and fight to make this syndrome a thing of the past.

Within 4 short years, I have decided to turn my back on this country and this is but another very sad event that reminds me why. I have lived and will keep seeing, reading , hearing about too much f*#@4 up sh!t going on here, it's not about to change and I refuse to let my newborn son grow up around this total mess that Thailand is. Yes, my Thai wife feels the same. Add to that my constant fear of killing or getting killed on the roads. In 4 years I've almost killed over a dozen times when it had never happened in 25 years before that. It's due to happen. Apart from living here, Thaivisa and the internet are where you learn these things, not through your government, embassy or local travel agent, and actually, we don't know 90% of what happens since a lot is never reported or covered up by the police. When a forensic team goes digging randomly for ONE body and comes back with 8 different DNA samples from 8 different cadavers found by luck, it says a lot about what goes on here, a lot of unheard of crime.

The longer I stay, the more I see, the more I can't accept to live where all this happens, I just don't want to be here any longer. I just can't. To some it may be paradise, to me, it's back to to work, winters and taxes. These last few months are dragging on forever...

Traveled all over the world and settled here to realize that paradise is where I was born and grew up. :o

Sincere condolences to Dale Henry's family and friends. :D

Edited by Tony Clifton
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To the family members of Dale,, I am sorry to hear the loss of your brother and our thoughts are with you ,,, what I know about Dale is from Richard,,and what I understand he was a great person to know ,,, and I am sad for your loss:(

Scott and Olivia

Victoria BC

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It's good to read that Thaivisa is now mentioned in the Canadian press !

Thai murder plot thickens as suspicion turns to wife

Slain man's siblings fly to funeral in Thailand

VICTORIA - The Thai wife of a Victoria-born oilfield worker is accused of having him killed as he slept in their Thailand home by paying a gunman close to $2,000, according to Thai reports.

Dale Henry, 48, was killed by a gunshot to the head. Marie-Christine Lilkoff, a spokeswoman for the Department of Foreign Affairs, confirmed Sunday that the killing took place Feb. 3. She was unable to provide further details of the case due to privacy concerns.

Henry's brother Richard Henry, owner of a Victoria window-washing company, and his sister Mary-Jane Henry, of Calgary, left Sunday for Thailand. A funeral is planned for Wednesday.

Henry's 27-year-old wife, Nee, and two other men, allegedly her lover and a hitman, have been arrested and charged in the killing, which took place in Ranong, southern Thailand.

According to Thai Visa Forum, a website for Westerners working in Thailand, the three accused have been identified in Thai media as Maneerat "Nee" Henry, Amornsak Ketkaew and Jinda Sae Tae. Reports allege the hitman was paid about 60,000 baht, or $1,912.

None of the accusations has been proven in a court of law.

Henry, who was born in Victoria, moved to Thailand about 10 years ago after working as a firefighter in Cochrane, Alberta. According to his sister, Henry met Nee in Thailand and married her about six years ago.

But Henry spent only half his time in Thailand, as he worked for an oil company in Nigeria. He typically would work for five weeks, then spend five weeks at home.

His relatives all say he was very happy with Nee.

"He fell in love with her right away and took the family and bought land in her name and bought them new vehicles so they had shelter, and a good sense of security, and so they felt comfortable," Henry's niece, Charmaine Van Der Ahe, told Global National on Sunday.

Richard Henry also said his brother was kind-hearted and generous with his money, funding a June trip for his wife's family to go to Hong Kong.

"He treated her so well," said Richard. "He made $10,000 US a month and the bank account was shared. A lot of guys, if they had a Thai wife, they just gave them an allowance.

"My brother wasn't like that. He took joy in doing things for his wife's family."

Richard Henry said his brother had a $1-million life insurance policy in his name.

"We're having a Thai funeral for him beginning on Wednesday. He'll lay in the temple for three days."

Richard is worried possible corruption in the Thai justice system might see the case against the three accused dropped.

"If it's known internationally, then there's pressure on them to do everything properly," Richard said.

According to friends, Dale Henry had recently broken his leg, and had been recuperating at the couple's home, perhaps delaying his return to Nigeria.

Continues here:



Thanks for that. If Richard is worried that justice will be not transparent in the wake of the Leo Del Pinto case he shd get in contact with Andrew who can link him up in a 3-way with CBC Toronto and Calgary and CBC Calgary Eye-opener. However seems open/shut case.

Message for Richard and Mary-Jane if they check in with this board. Rick Grant at CBC TV Calgary is hoping to contact them for a piece to be aired CBC tomorrow. U can call CBC or link thru Andrew in Bangkok at www.andrew-drummond.com

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From the Nation Website LINK

Thai wife arrested after Canadian shot dead

Three people are in custody following the slaying of a Canadian man, who was shot dead in his home in Ranong early last week.

Oil worker Dale Henry, 48, was shot dead at close range. His Thai wife Maneerat, or Nee, her Thai lover and a gunman - allegedly the uncle of her boyfriend - have been charged over the murder. All three are thought to be from Ranong.

Thai authorities say that Maneerat organised the killing, allegedly giving him a glass of scotch whisky, waiting for him to fall asleep, then sending a text message to her lover, who allegedly entered the house with a hired gunman through a door she had left unlocked.

Local police have reportedly found incriminating text messages. One allegedly said "Do it tonight, uncle", while a later one allegedly advised him to "behave normally at the cremation".

Henry's death has made headlines in Western Canada - he is the second Canadian shot and killed in Thailand this year, following the fatal shooting of Leo del Pinto by a policeman in Pai on January 6.

Members of Henry's family are understood to be en route to Thailand for the funeral, being held in Ranong this week.

Henry's 27yearold wife is thought to have been motivated by greed. National newspaper The Globe and Mail quoted Henry's younger brother Richard as saying he suspected his brother was killed for an insurance policy worth 1 million Canadian dollars (Bt32 million).

Speaking from Vancouver Airport as he prepared to board a flight to Bangkok, he was quoted as saying: "It just makes me sick. He was just such a trusting guy and he was way too generous."

Henry grew up in Victoria and worked as a paramedic in Alberta. In recent years he had been working in West Africa - Nigeria - as the regional head of safety for Noble Drilling. His family said he would spend a month in Ranong with his wife, then two months in Nigeria.

The Globe and Mail said the couple had met when Maneerat was working behind a bar on Koh Samui. "Despite an age difference of more than 20 years, Henry thought he had found true love.

"Once they were married he gave her everything, his brother said. They lived like royalty on his $10,000 a month salary. He bought a home for her parents and bought her an SUV. And while some Western men gave their wives an allowance, Henry gave Maneerat, or Nee as he called her, access to all his bank accounts, his brother said.

"He bought her everything, he said. 'That's why it's so unbelievable,' he was quoted saying.

"But when Richard last visited Thailand in July 2007, the three of them had discussed the $1million life insurance policy provided by his company. Should Henry be killed, Nee was to give his brother 10 per cent of the settlement.

"On a trip with his wife's family to northern Thailand at the end of last summer, Henry fell and broke his leg in eight places. Henry had been off work ever since."

/edit This is the fourth item presently in the National News Section //

Edited by A_Traveller
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