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Finance Minister concedes economy may not grow as targeted

BANGKOK, June 23 (TNA) – Finance and Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Suebwonglee on Monday conceded the country's economy this year might not grow 6 per cent as previously targeted since it had been pressed by Thailand's ongoing political turmoil.

"We admit we were optimistic in early May that our economy should grow at that rate despite the political problems and surging fuel prices, but now that the political tensions have not yet eased while the oil prices continue to grow unabated and tourism begins to take a toll from the situation," he said.

Earlier, the minister forecast the Thai economy would expand up to 6 per cent since the government had come up with various measures to stimulate the economy.

He said the government had accelerated implementing the measures sooner than scheduled in order to safeguard the economy from being adversely affected by surging oil prices and political disturbances.

He hoped the political situation and oil price crisis would eventually ease.

Surapong said he was confident of clearing all doubts cast by the opposition party in the parliament, particularly on economic issues.

He added that the economy managed to grow for the time being because of the implementation of the Finance Ministry's economic stimulus package.

"The economy continues to expand for now because we have carried out all measures, including tax incentives and budget distribution, to stimulate it," he said.

Last week, the opposition Democrat Party filed a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej and seven cabinet members including the finance minister.

The censure debate will take place Tuesday and Wednesday June 24-25.

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Finance Minister concedes economy may not grow as targeted

BANGKOK, June 23 (TNA) – Finance and Deputy Prime Minister Surapong Suebwonglee on Monday conceded the country's economy this year might not grow 6 per cent as previously targeted since it had been pressed by Thailand's ongoing political turmoil.

"We admit we were optimistic in early May that our economy should grow at that rate despite the political problems and surging fuel prices, but now that the political tensions have not yet eased while the oil prices continue to grow unabated and tourism begins to take a toll from the situation," he said.

Earlier, the minister forecast the Thai economy would expand up to 6 per cent since the government had come up with various measures to stimulate the economy.

He said the government had accelerated implementing the measures sooner than scheduled in order to safeguard the economy from being adversely affected by surging oil prices and political disturbances.

He hoped the political situation and oil price crisis would eventually ease.

Surapong said he was confident of clearing all doubts cast by the opposition party in the parliament, particularly on economic issues.

He added that the economy managed to grow for the time being because of the implementation of the Finance Ministry's economic stimulus package.

"The economy continues to expand for now because we have carried out all measures, including tax incentives and budget distribution, to stimulate it," he said.

Last week, the opposition Democrat Party filed a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej and seven cabinet members including the finance minister.

The censure debate will take place Tuesday and Wednesday June 24-25.

That is the ticking time bomb under a lot of governments right now. If these guys dont get some viable and well thought out policies in place they'll probably face street demos they cant shrug off. Even if they do get things together they'll face a hard time. A lot of governments through the world are going to be removed because of factors outside their own control right now like uncontrollable oil price rises and a weakening world economy.

In some ways it is quite weird to think anyone would actually want to take the reins of power right now by rpoposing a censure motion rather than waiting until the worst hits. It is quite likely that history will not rememeber those in power at this fondly and not just because of local politcal issues.

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checking in with another Cabinet Minister finds...

Public Health Ministry promotes nation to wear hygienic masks

Today at the Rajavithi Hospital's Sirindhorn building, Minister of Public Health Chaiya Sasomsup initiated the "Hygienic Masks Promotion" week for all ministry hospitals, totaling 96 locations nationwide.

Chaiya stated that the wearing of hygienic masks is a low cost way to prevent the transmission and receiving of germs. He said that a simple 4-5 baht mask can reduce germ intake by 80 percent. He instructed all doctors and nurses treating patients with respiratory diseases to wear the masks at all times.

- ThaiNews (today)


I don't think it's a stretch to presume that medical professionals already know this and already do so when dealing with infectious patients. Afterall, it's been standard medical practice for at least 50 years, but thanks for the new tip anyway, Khun Chaiya. btw, you wouldn't happen to have a friend in the surgical mask business, would you?

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and still another Cabinet Minister...

Chalerm says he will resign if proved guilty of shutting down cable TVs

Interior Minister Chalerm Yubamrung said he will resign immediately if there is evidence to prove that he has ordered the closure of local cable TVs which aired the rally of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD).

The minister also suggested that Senators who alleged he shut down the cable TVs during the Senate meeting yesterday should have clear information before debating the matter against him.

As for his remark that there will be people bringing weapons to join PAD's rally, the minister said the government had evidence to believe this information, but admitted that his remark was announced to the public to prevent violence.

- ThaiNews (today)

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BREAKING NEWS: Health Minister Could be Dismissed from Post

The National Counter Corruption Commission has ruled to disqualify Public Health Minister Chaiya Sasomsap from his post.

The NCCC says Chaiya violated Article 269 of the Constitution prohibiting Cabinet members and their spouses to own more than five per cent of equity stakes in any company. He failed to notify the NCCC about his wife's shares exceeding the equity cap although he later filed additional statement after the declaration deadline.

the latest contestant in the "Laws Were Made To Be Broken" gameshow...


Deputy Commerce Minister Viroon Tejapaibul

NCCC: Deputy Commerce Minister Could Face Impeachment

After an impeachment was launched against the Public Health Minister for failing to declare all his assets, the Deputy Commerce Minister could be the next one in line for impeachment.

According to the Spokesperson for the National Counter Corruption Commission, or NCCC, Klanarong Chantik, Deputy Commerce Minister Viroon Tejapaibul is now being investigated by the anti-corruption agency.

It was earlier reported by the media that Viroon currently owns more than five percent in a private company and failed to disclose his shares to the NCCC within 30 days as required by law.

The Constitution Court accepted four cases yesterday, including those involving whether Public Health Minister Chaiya Sasomsab and Deputy Commerce Minister Wiroon Techapaiboon are still qualified to be Cabinet members. The nine-member court, chaired by Chat Cholavorn, agreed to consider the four cases for rulings. The court has been asked to decide whether Chaiya and Wiroon are still qualified to sit in the cabinet after their failure to completely declare assets to the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC) when they took office.

Continued here:


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Santi must be thinking...Thank God for the mega-projects.... as this will surely get the "major tycoon's" financial books back into the black...

500 Billion Baht in rail contracts up for grabs

Transport Minister Santi Prompat hopes to see healthy bidding contests this year for the State Railway of Thailand's (SRT) 300-billion-baht parallel railway tracks contract and the 200-billion-baht commercial complex at Makkasan railway station in Bangkok. The minister wants a single contractor to complete the whole network of standard gauge tracks in exchange for a 30-year concession, renewable for 30 more years, to operate the network. Dismissing concerns over a possible monopoly by one contractor, he said one developer would facilitate the smooth networking of parallel tracks.

The 30-year concession would prompt the concessionaire to use quality construction materials for the sake of durability as the contractor will operate and own the network for the first 30 years. He expects royalties and a share of the revenue from the complex to clear the SRT's accumulated debt. *as well as his own, no doubt*

Continued here:


UPDATE...in the "How Many Original Cabinet Ministers Have Dropped Out" contest, we have Number Six with a similar problem as Number One... bogus education records.. good thing this comes out prior to the staggering sum of 500 Billion Baht gets squirrelled away...


Santi Prompat

Transportation minister accused of forging documents

A former Deputy Rector of Ramkamhaeng University sought legal action against Transportation Minister Santi Prompat for falsified and forging official documents during his study in the university.

A lawyer representing Wiwatchai Kullamart told police that Santi had a nominee sitting in his place in an examination at the Faculty of Education in 1992.

The man identified himself as Santi and presented a student's identity card and driving license that had Santi's name on it.

Wiwatchai said that he was then Chief of the examination found out the incident and brought the case to the faculty's investigation. The investigation concluded that Santi hired somebody else to take the exam for him and also falsified official documents.

It ruled that Santi be dismissed from the university.

However Santi reapplied to the university although he was well aware that he was prohibited to do so, Wiwatchai said. And with the help from then Rector, he was accepted as a student of the university.

Democrat MP's Winai Sompong raised the issue during a parliamentary no-confidence debate on Thursday. However Santi denied the accusation, saying that he never had a driving license in his life :o and he never had such alleged problems with the university during his studying.

- The Nation


There is a quite similar issue going on with Chalerm as well... and the PhD he supposedly got from the same university as Santi... I'll post more about it later.

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Two Ramkhamhaeng Alumnae: Chalerm and murder-charged son, Duang

There's been a mass emailing from one of Chalerm's classmates that's been circulating that states a number of shortcomings on Chalerm's PhD from Ramkhamhaeng. Among them are that Chalerm only ever attended a couple of classes, that he had a proxy prepare his doctoral thesis (which nearly matches Thaksin's PhD thesis topic in terms of laughable irony) :


and that a member of his university PhD evaluation board (a friend of Chalerm) only possessed a Master degree himself.

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Following the debate on the Commerce Minister, party-list MP from the Democrat Party, Winai Sompong, presented a statement made in 1999 by Ramkamhaeng University regarding the abolishment of Transport Minister Santi Prompat's student status at the time.

Winai claims Santi was expelled because he hired others to take exams for him at the university by using a fake identification card and driving licence. He expressed curiosity regarding the minister's bachelor and master degrees from the same university as a student whose status has already been abolished cannot be allowed to return to the university.

At the time, Ramkamhaeng University Rector, Rangsan Saengsuk, signed the statement to allow Santi back to the university to complete his bachelor and master degrees.

Now, Rangsan is a board member of Thai Airways International in an appointment that can be influenced by the Transport Minister. :D:o

- Thailand Outlook

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Public Health Minister Chaiya Sasomsap Chaovarat Chanweerakul on Monday defended a decision to appoint a bully son of the Interior Minister as an aide in his ministry. Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung's son Wan is slated to become the Assistant Secretary to Deputy Public Health Minister Chaovarat Chanweerakul.

The Nation

GPO chairman next in line to face the axe

Public Health Minister Chaiya Sasomsub is putting pressure on Vichai Chokewiwat, a key health official behind the compulsory licensing (CL) policy, to resign as Chairman of the Board of the Government Pharmaceutical Organisation (GPO). "I cannot guarantee now whether I will remove him or not."

Impeachment proceedings activated against Chaiya

The Consumer Protection Foundation on Friday submitted a petition to launch the impeachment proceedings against Public Health Minister Chaiya Sasomsap. The petition was endorsed by 20,000 voters and lodged with Senate Speaker Prasopsuk Boondet. It cited four reasons as grounds form impeachment.

Chaiya refuses to resign

Public Heath Minister Chaiya Sasomsab says he will not resign from his portfolio over his failure to properly declare his wife's shareholding in a company before the 30-day assets deadline. He said it was all due to a misunderstanding, and blamed the heavy workload at the ministry for the oversight. "When I assumed the job as a minister, I was so busy that I had no time to look into the issue myself," he said.

flush.gifBREAKING NEWS: NCCC disqualifies Health Minister from office flush.gif

The NCCC resolved Tuesday to disqualify Public Health Minister Chaiya Sasomsab from his position after his wife failed to inform the NCCC that she owns more than 5 per cent of shares in a public company by the deadline.

The Constitution Court accepted four cases yesterday, including those involving whether Public Health Minister Chaiya Sasomsab and Deputy Commerce Minister Wiroon Techapaiboon are still qualified to be Cabinet members.

More issues... and more hot water for Chaiya...

Chaiya summoned in contempt of court case

The Central Administrative Court has summoned Public Health Minister Chaiya Sasomsab to testify on Wednesday over alleged contempt of court. The case involves his comments on the court's ruling to grant a temporary injunction against a cabinet resolution to sack six Government Pharmaceutical Organisation (GPO) board members. The court yesterday issued an order summoning Chaiya to appear in a court hearing on July 2 over his interview remarks that were deemed to be contempt of court. The minister gave his interview on June 26, one day after the court granted a temporary injunction favouring Vichai Chokewiwat, former Chairman of the GPO board and five other former board members who filed a petition with the court against the cabinet's resolution to sack them. In his interview, Mr Chaiya questioned the justice of the court's ruling and the qualifications of the judges.

Continued here:


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What a lunatic, this Chalerm! :o




Battle of the titans

Published on June 28, 2008

The duel between Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung and Democrat Party secretary-general Suthep Thaungsuban on Thursday night was the heavyweight main event concluding the censure debate.

Chalerm, one of the most outspoken ministers in Cabinet, was grilled by Suthep, a seasoned politician, who has proclaimed himself the "shadow interior minister". Suthep claimed that Chalerm took advantage of his control over the Land Department to help his associates gain coveted plots of public land from some wealthy owners of problematic plots.Suthep said Chalerm influenced the Land Department's current caretaker director-general to unlawfully secure the holding rights to separate land plots in Phuket for the interior minister's associates, some of whom are also in the government.

"He has no sense of responsibility as the interior minister. If he had been serious about this issue, things would have been better," said Suthep.

Chalerm's face turned red. But in fact he should not have been surprised, as he urged other Democrat MPs earlier in the day to leave time for Suthep to quiz him.

But when Suthep did attack, Chalerm was apparently caught off guard. He implied that Suthep was envious of him. "I am the real interior minister. And you are just shadow interior minister. That serves you right," he said.

Instead of answering Suthep's charge, Chalerm teased Suthep about his dark skin, implying that he could not see Suthep properly because he was sitting too far away and in the dark. "Come on. You better sit here in the front. Are you sitting at the back because you are afraid of me?" Chalerm asked Suthep. The latter hit back, "I am sitting here according to the order that the House gave me. This is my number," pointing to the badge that he was wearing.

Finally Chalerm lost his cool. He cursed back. "If I did as claimed by Suthep, may I be doomed and drop dead as soon as I leave this place. If I didn't do that, may I prosper further and may the Democrat Party be in the opposition forever," Chalerm said.

Chalerm swore an oath to his innocence. He insisted that Suthep had lied when the opposition MP accused him of abusing his power for personal gain. He also challenged Suthep to swear to the truth of his claims in the sacred shrine of the Emerald Buddha. However, his challenge was rejected by the opposition MP, who said he did not believe in swearing.


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Instead of answering Suthep's charge, Chalerm teased Suthep about his dark skin, implying that he could not see Suthep properly because he was sitting too far away and in the dark. "Come on. You better sit here in the front.

This alone should get Chalerm kicked out permanently. Neanderthals.

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Instead of answering Suthep's charge, Chalerm teased Suthep about his dark skin, implying that he could not see Suthep properly because he was sitting too far away and in the dark. "Come on. You better sit here in the front.

This alone should get Chalerm kicked out permanently. Neanderthals.

I must question your education on that! Neanderthals had pretty large brains, they weren't stupid.

By the way did you notice that you got famous? You ugly Samak+lovely gorilla pictures made there way to PAD and were shown there, together with "Tony Clifton" (hope thats not your real name, else I would consider to change your name before applying for the next visa.

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Instead of answering Suthep's charge, Chalerm teased Suthep about his dark skin, implying that he could not see Suthep properly because he was sitting too far away and in the dark. "Come on. You better sit here in the front.

This alone should get Chalerm kicked out permanently. Neanderthals.

I must question your education on that! Neanderthals had pretty large brains, they weren't stupid.

By the way did you notice that you got famous? You ugly Samak+lovely gorilla pictures made there way to PAD and were shown there, together with "Tony Clifton" (hope thats not your real name, else I would consider to change your name before applying for the next visa.

Congratulations, Tony. :D

Frankly, I'm surprised some farangs didn't complain about it and try to have it removed. :o

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Instead of answering Suthep's charge, Chalerm teased Suthep about his dark skin, implying that he could not see Suthep properly because he was sitting too far away and in the dark. "Come on. You better sit here in the front.

This alone should get Chalerm kicked out permanently. Neanderthals.

I must question your education on that! Neanderthals had pretty large brains, they weren't stupid.

By the way did you notice that you got famous? You ugly Samak+lovely gorilla pictures made there way to PAD and were shown there, together with "Tony Clifton" (hope thats not your real name, else I would consider to change your name before applying for the next visa.

Congratulations, Tony. :D

Frankly, I'm surprised some farangs didn't complain about it and try to have it removed. :o

I don't know if that exists at thaivisa, but I know from Austrian newspapers that there are paid people around. Known and famous are the stories from wikipedia where they could track the IPs back to parties head-offices.

I don't know if it is possible to make random checks on TV people if they guy who tells that he sit in Isaan, Australia or elsewhere really sits there or not.....

I have doubts if a person with an average brain size can agree with Samak. As well that "this democratic elected government" came too many times like it is in one policy for postings....

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Instead of answering Suthep's charge, Chalerm teased Suthep about his dark skin, implying that he could not see Suthep properly because he was sitting too far away and in the dark. "Come on. You better sit here in the front.

This alone should get Chalerm kicked out permanently. Neanderthals.

I must question your education on that! Neanderthals had pretty large brains, they weren't stupid.

By the way did you notice that you got famous? You ugly Samak+lovely gorilla pictures made there way to PAD and were shown there, together with "Tony Clifton" (hope thats not your real name, else I would consider to change your name before applying for the next visa.

I did send that pic to ASTV/TOC once.

When and wherewas it shown? :o

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Instead of answering Suthep's charge, Chalerm teased Suthep about his dark skin, implying that he could not see Suthep properly because he was sitting too far away and in the dark. "Come on. You better sit here in the front.

This alone should get Chalerm kicked out permanently. Neanderthals.

I must question your education on that! Neanderthals had pretty large brains, they weren't stupid.

By the way did you notice that you got famous? You ugly Samak+lovely gorilla pictures made there way to PAD and were shown there, together with "Tony Clifton" (hope thats not your real name, else I would consider to change your name before applying for the next visa.

I did send that pic to ASTV/TOC once.

When and wherewas it shown? :D

They were shown at the PAD rally 5-6days ago if I remember correctly, as it was a day or two before the censure debate.

They were enlarged and put on every mobile screen they have at the PAD rally.

The PAD announcer did say that a farang sent those pics to them.

Got some pretty good cheering :D


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QUOTE (:D @ 2008-06-29 01:18:17) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Instead of answering Suthep's charge, Chalerm teased Suthep about his dark skin, implying that he could not see Suthep properly because he was sitting too far away and in the dark. "Come on. You better sit here in the front.

This alone should get Chalerm kicked out permanently. Neanderthals.

I must question your education on that! Neanderthals had pretty large brains, they weren't stupid.

By the way did you notice that you got famous? You ugly Samak+lovely gorilla pictures made there way to PAD and were shown there, together with "Tony Clifton" (hope thats not your real name, else I would consider to change your name before applying for the next visa.

I did send that pic to ASTV/TOC once.

When and wherewas it shown? :D

They were shown at the PAD rally 5-6days ago if I remember correctly, as it was a day or two before the censure debate.

They were enlarged and put on every mobile screen they have at the PAD rally.

The PAD announcer did say that a farang sent those pics to them.

Got some pretty good cheering :D

I wonder if it would permissable to post a television screen capture of that noteworthy news here on Thaivisa? or would the concept of Thais displaying photos of other Thais be considered racist by some non-Thai?


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I've been doing impersonations since I was a child and did my version of Chalerm (with the pointing index in a Hu Jin Tao fashion)today while having coffee with the usual bunch at the hardware store. Dam n nearly killed an old man who couldn't stop laughing and nearly passed out. :o When he came around he asked if I could do Samak. :D

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It's OK, Chalerm will sort everything out... :o

Chalerm to inspect Phuket land

PHUKET: Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung is expected to arrive in Phuket tomorrow ahead of an inspection tour on Wednesday of land plots that he stands accused of helping his friends to acquire, Phuket Governor Niran Kalayanamit announced this morning.

During the recent censure debate, K. Chalerm was accused by Democrat Party Secretary-General Suthep Thuegsuban of using his position to leverage the Land Department into helping his associates acquire coveted land plots in Phuket.

Plots identified by K. Suthep in the accusation included land in Cherng Talay, owned by Siam Chao Praya Land Co Ltd, and two plots on Koh Racha Yai owned by Rachai Yai Estate Co Ltd and Racha Yai Island Co Ltd.

K. Chalerm is scheduled to inspect all three sites during his visit.

Expected to be accompanying Chalerm are Interior Ministry Permanent Secretary Pongpayome Vasaputi, Land Department Director-General Chairerk Dissaya-amnaj, and heads of other other related agencies.

K. Pongpayome was Governor of Phuket from October 2000 through October 2003.

On Wednesday morning, before heading off on their inspection tour, the party is scheduled to join a meeting with the governor and high-level provincial officers in order to hear of any problems affecting Phuket that need urgent attention.

K. Chalerm is also scheduled to inspect plots of SorPorKor land totaling about 100 rai that have been reclaimed by order of the Supreme Court from five local landowners.


So, what is the point of this "visit"?

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It's OK, Chalerm will sort everything out... :o
Chalerm to inspect Phuket land

PHUKET: Interior Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung is expected to arrive in Phuket tomorrow ahead of an inspection tour on Wednesday of land plots that he stands accused of helping his friends to acquire, Phuket Governor Niran Kalayanamit announced this morning.

During the recent censure debate, K. Chalerm was accused by Democrat Party Secretary-General Suthep Thuegsuban of using his position to leverage the Land Department into helping his associates acquire coveted land plots in Phuket.

Plots identified by K. Suthep in the accusation included land in Cherng Talay, owned by Siam Chao Praya Land Co Ltd, and two plots on Koh Racha Yai owned by Rachai Yai Estate Co Ltd and Racha Yai Island Co Ltd.

K. Chalerm is scheduled to inspect all three sites during his visit.

Expected to be accompanying Chalerm are Interior Ministry Permanent Secretary Pongpayome Vasaputi, Land Department Director-General Chairerk Dissaya-amnaj, and heads of other other related agencies.

K. Pongpayome was Governor of Phuket from October 2000 through October 2003.

On Wednesday morning, before heading off on their inspection tour, the party is scheduled to join a meeting with the governor and high-level provincial officers in order to hear of any problems affecting Phuket that need urgent attention.

K. Chalerm is also scheduled to inspect plots of SorPorKor land totaling about 100 rai that have been reclaimed by order of the Supreme Court from five local landowners.


So, what is the point of this "visit"?

Going as if he knew absolutely nothing about it. :D

An old man was telling me today that Chalerm actually owns the land but used nominees. Sound familiar? :D

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One interesting thing that has come up in all the political fighting is the exposure of the mass nepotism, cronyism and favour doing that riddles Thai politcs. The exposure of such even at allegation level, which so many Thai people seem to accept as fact anyway, has to be a positive development for Thailand.

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From the Post a damning opinion:

A govt not for the people

It is doubtful whether an imaginative screenwriter could invent more ways to get it wrong than Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej and his cabinet. On a daily basis they demonstrate that they have learned nothing from the past eight years of tumultuous Thai history.

Rest at: http://www.bangkokpost.com/010708_News/01Jul2008_news19.php

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It's not like he has a choice, but it sure sounds magnanimous to make it sound like he does...

Public Health Minister says he is ready to accept Court ruling on his wife's stock shares

Minister of Public Health Chaiya Sasomsup revealed that if the Constitution Court were to request his presence to clarify facts involving his wife's stock holdings, which exceed 5 percent in an private business and are in violation of the law, he will be ready to oblige.

However, he said that the Election Commission and Members of the Parliament have submitted the case before. Chaiya still affirms his just intentions in the matter.

The minister continued to say that no matter what verdict the Constitution Court reaches on the case of his wife's stock holdings, he will be ready to accept them without debate.

- ThaiNews

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It's not like he has a choice, but it sure sounds magnanimous to make it sound like he does...

Public Health Minister says he is ready to accept Court ruling on his wife's stock shares

Minister of Public Health Chaiya Sasomsup revealed that if the Constitution Court were to request his presence to clarify facts involving his wife's stock holdings, which exceed 5 percent in an private business and are in violation of the law, he will be ready to oblige.

However, he said that the Election Commission and Members of the Parliament have submitted the case before. Chaiya still affirms his just intentions in the matter.

The minister continued to say that no matter what verdict the Constitution Court reaches on the case of his wife's stock holdings, he will be ready to accept them without debate.

- ThaiNews

Didnt Chaturon say something along those lines before the verdict on the party disolution case and then rather go back on his words by going totally thermonuclear after the verdict came out.

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Here is a classic Chat Thai quote from a story in the post. Last paragraph here:

He also said that the party's meeting at the residence of party leader Banharn Silpa-archa on Monday night was not about the matter, adding that the party just gave encouragement to party members who faced no-confidence debate last week.

Of course no mmebers of CT were included in the censure motion so we know the last sentence to be a lie, so what was the party discussing.........

From the Post Rest of the story at: http://www.bangkokpost.com/breaking_news/b...s.php?id=128647

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Number 3 is being stubborn...


Public Health Minister says he will not resign

Number 3's number may be up soon...

Court to rule on Chaiya's qualifications next week

The Constitution Court will rule on the qualifications of Public Health Minister Chaiya Sasomsab next Wednesday. Chaiya has been accused of violating the assets declaration rules following the release of the NCCC report finding his wife to have shares in excess of the 5 per cent cap. The court began looking into the case on Tuesday morning to decide whether there is enough evidence

Continued here:



Which likely means that Deputy Commerce Minister Wiroon, who went under investigation on the exact same charge shortly after Chaiya did, will be up for a Court ruling soon as well.

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On a day-to-day basis do you suppose that any of these crooks do any governing? They must be so busy seeing lawyers and inspecting their ill gotten gains (esp. their hundreds of land plots) and taking advice from the pupper master (whether that happens to be Mr T himself or their own family members pulling the strings), that one really does wonder how much time they actually spend in their respective ministries doing the job they were supposedly appointed to do.

Knowing how bureaucrats in the Public Health Ministry or Foreign Ministry don't seem to suffer fools lightly, then the daily/weekly meetings (if they happen at all?), must be pretty terse affairs. Noppadon and Chaiya are hardly going to get any respect in their respective halls of power I would have thought, no matter how many people wai and give them the poo yai treatment on the way in.

Anybody think different? :o

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