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How Do You Make A Reverse Charge Call?


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Does anyone here know how to make a reverse charge call to another country from Thailand. There doesn't seem to be any informationavailable. I've searched here and on google. The CAT site also offers nothing. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Calling the telephone operator from the country does not cost money if you have the phone number.

USA: 001-999-11111

UK 001-999-44-1066

Thailand international calling info: 100--probably can call collect from this number

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DID you mean collect call?

using landline: CAT- call 100

TOT-call 1800 8000 66

rate depends on the destination operator.

Call Oz using 009 or 008 = 7 bt per min (cheap price, using internet protocal) +/001/005 = 18 bt per min

Using mobile fone call international, you may be charged since the first ring even nobody reply...been like this for so long, got to be understanding..

Edited by SongtaiJ
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