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Looking For Online Map Of Na Jomtien Area.


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Unfortunately, all names are in Thai on Google Maps. Try Google Earth instead, a program you can download free of charge (google for it) Below is a view of the place that Google Earth calls Ban Na Chom Thian, south of Pattaya. In Google Earth you can zoom in very close for details, but in that area the streets are not named. In Google Maps, at least the major roads are named.



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Within Google Earth, look at the Data Layers, you will see lables giving the dates of the satellite images that were used to compile that section of the image data. Much of the outer Pattaya area seems to be about 2 years old.

This issue I believe that GE and others have is that the high definition images from the satellite gives are about 2 mile squares, these then have to be "editted" by the people in power (NSA etc.) then fuzzed a bit, then released/sold on. To keep the maps up to date my very rough estimate of one picture taken per minute, to cover only the land surface areas of the earth would take 27 years.

I would guess that some places are visited more frequently based on the satellite orbital path and being near other "places of millitary interest", also places of growth or that are searched more often probably get updated more often, Dubai maybe?

There are a few GE forums that discuss this subject in great detail.

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