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Can You Sing Your Country's National Anthem, Word For Word?


Can you sing your country's national anthem, word for word?  

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I am Swedish and only know the first lines of the Swedish anthem by heart. Funny thing is that nowhere in that anthem is "Sweden" or "Swedish" mentioned.

But I can sing the whole Canadian anthem by heart. Never been to Canada or know any Canadians but in our early twenties my friends and I made a thing of singing the Canadian anthem before we started our bingedrinking every Friday evening (party Friday :o ).

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I am Swedish and only know the first lines of the Swedish anthem by heart. Funny thing is that nowhere in that anthem is "Sweden" or "Swedish" mentioned.

But I can sing the whole Canadian anthem by heart. Never been to Canada or know any Canadians but in our early twenties my friends and I made a thing of singing the Canadian anthem before we started our bingedrinking every Friday evening (party Friday :o ).

How peculiar..

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I can't but I do know our home is girt by sea, whatever that means.

Many countries have man-made frontiers; Australia's borders were the sea. A common word for the sea in this role was 'girdle' and as a verb 'girdled' or 'girdling' or 'girt'.

So thats why Australias national athem mentions 'Our home is girt by sea'. Also the poet who wrote it is not simply mentioning a fact about Australia, he's pointing to a commonly-established fact that was taken to mean that Australia should be one.

Now you know!

Edited by neverdie
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I can't sing it and don't know the words of the belgian national anthem like the other 99,9% of the population. Even our ex PM can't, because when a reporter asked him to do so on national day, he did sing the Marseillaise, its was one of the best jokes of 2008. In my schoolday's its was not even teached at school.

But I do know the Flemisch natioanal Anthem.

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The first verse in falang I know word for word without assistance.

The second verse in cousie (Kiwi word) I can get with assistance. I hope that before I die I can get that as same as the 1st.

The thai's in our house seem to know their's word for word as well as the '101' other songs that fit around what ever the thai occassion is. But then they get a heap of singing practice at school, at the karoke, etc.

Outa here....early morning fishing :o

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I am Swedish and only know the first lines of the Swedish anthem by heart. Funny thing is that nowhere in that anthem is "Sweden" or "Swedish" mentioned.

But I can sing the whole Canadian anthem by heart. Never been to Canada or know any Canadians but in our early twenties my friends and I made a thing of singing the Canadian anthem before we started our bingedrinking every Friday evening (party Friday :o ).

It was written and aimed for the glory days of the three nations under one flag (some would say two), hence it's about living and dying in Scandinavia (or rather exactly 'Norden').

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I can.

Probably like others from my time stood on the terraces, and maybe from being in the Scouts as a kid as well.

I am English, but my grandfather was Scottish. I didn't know a word of Flower of Scotland which would wind him up no end.

Do any of you Brits out there know the words to Jerusalem? I know that I don't.

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  • 2 months later...
I wanted to include all kinds of British Isles people, so sue me!

Were I Irish, I would be very offended!

Whilst the island of Ireland is geographically part of the British Isles, politically the Republic of Ireland is most definitely not part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland!

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I wanted to include all kinds of British Isles people, so sue me!

Were I Irish, I would be very offended!

Whilst the island of Ireland is geographically part of the British Isles, politically the Republic of Ireland is most definitely not part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland!

Blow me.

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I thought everyone would automatically know their countries National Anthem, apparently not.

Having dual citizenship I know the words of the UK and Australian Anthems ( and Waltzing Matilda of course )

I can also sing word for word the Thai anthem, makes me feel quite proud to be able to join in. It took quite a bit of effort to learn the Thai one.

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What is a UKer?

I think it's a person who's national anthem starts:

Deşteaptă-te, române, din somnul cel de moarte,

În care te-adânciră barbarii de tirani

Acum ori niciodată croieşte-ţi altă soartă,

La care să se-nchine şi cruzii tăi duşmani.


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I thought everyone would automatically know their countries National Anthem, apparently not.

The poll results here for Americans probably do not reflect most Americans. The US national anthem is a difficult song. See the old WW2 movies? When they are trying to figure out if someone is a spy, they ask who won the baseball world series, not to sing the anthem.

A recent poll showed that less than 40 percent of Americans know all the words to their national anthem.


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I am Swedish and only know the first lines of the Swedish anthem by heart. Funny thing is that nowhere in that anthem is "Sweden" or "Swedish" mentioned.

But I can sing the whole Canadian anthem by heart. Never been to Canada or know any Canadians but in our early twenties my friends and I made a thing of singing the Canadian anthem before we started our bingedrinking every Friday evening (party Friday :o ).

I remember David Letterman used to have some little girl come out and sing the Canadian national anthem once and a while. He just liked hearing it.

By the way I can sing sing God save the Queen and Star Spangled Banner even though I never lived in either country. The SSB is due to hockey overdoses, and GSTQ because, as kids, we had to sing it every morning at school. Of course we sang shave instead of save.

Actually the Hockey night in Canada theme is probably the real Canadian anthem, it has no words, but it stirs the hearts of many a canuck. Too bad the CBC lost the rights to it, morons!

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I know all the words, but am not a Royalist so i dont and wouldnt ever sing them.

Of course you know the words, the more interesting question is why you do. Those persons with nationalist pride have it because it was inculcated from an early age by a nationalist government. They also tend to choose anthems with easy words for the great unwashed to remember!

Handy tips for dictators: Remember to choose a simple flag design too!

K.I.S.S Keep It Simple Stupid!

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If you know all the verses to the British National anthem, I'm impressed. I wouldn't however sing it near any Glaswegians on a Friday night at kicking out time. :o

hile I don't know all 6 verses of the British national anthem, I can hum along to the Lichtenstein national anthem :D .

I thought everyone would automatically know their countries National Anthem, apparently not.

Having dual citizenship I know the words of the UK and Australian Anthems ( and Waltzing Matilda of course )

I can also sing word for word the Thai anthem, makes me feel quite proud to be able to join in. It took quite a bit of effort to learn the Thai one.

Edited by Mosha
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I am an American and personally I could give a toss if someone refers to Americans as Yanks. They can call me a septic if they prefer. The only group of folks that I can think of that might get offended are some folks from the south who still want to wallow in the sorrow of having lost the right to own slaves – and I could give a toss about offending them by calling them Yanks.

As for the national anthem bit – I probably would get stuck in a few places but generally I know it (the US national anthem that is).

As for the Thai anthem: I am not really all that comfortable with the how nationalistic the Thai anthem is – but I am not surprised at the nature of the words considering when it was written. It is a bit ironic that shortly thereafter they basically rolled over for the Japanese –

"They will never let anyone threaten their independence" – what happend in '41 then?

Regardless of what I think of the words or the history, I still find it exceedingly disrespectful when folks don't at least stand and shut their traps when it is played everyday at 8/6.

Couldn't agree more, TokyoT. The Thai armed forces certainly have nothing to shout about. When I first came to Thailand and saw the victory monument, I asked my future Thai wife what the thing was actually commemorating. She either didn't know or was too embarassed to explain. When I eventually found out, I didn't know whether to laugh or just shake my head in disbelief. A complete joke.

In my experience, many Thais are rather ill-informed but the face concept prohibits them from any further reaction. Very nationalistic of course. No problem with that until or unless it gets out of control ( nationalism in germany ww2)

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I can't remeber all of the words to "God Save the Queen", probably only the first two verses, however I do know all the words to the Cornish National Anthem, and thats more important to me. I still cant sing for a toffee though. :o

An interesting poll. I voted in the nearest category available as Jingthing says he can't cater for all nationalities

Surprised at the results so far. Thais saying they can't sing all the words!! Most other nationalities the can's outnumber the can'ts

I've heard a policeman ask a Thai with no id on her to sing the King's song. She did it fluently, good voice too.

To clarify: U.K. = Great britain and Northern Ireland

G.B. = basically England Wales Scotland ( separate nations with anthems and parlements ( scotland parliament, wales assembly )

can anyone comment on where cornwall fits, unable to find out

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Couldn't agree more, TokyoT. The Thai armed forces certainly have nothing to shout about. When I first came to Thailand and saw the victory monument, I asked my future Thai wife what the thing was actually commemorating. She either didn't know or was too embarassed to explain. When I eventually found out, I didn't know whether to laugh or just shake my head in disbelief. A complete joke.

And for the history buffs, here is another interesting facet of Thailand's involvement in WW2:


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I am an Aussie and have no interest in learning the words to Advance Australia Fair - it's insipid :o

Reading out loud the writing off the back of a cornflakes box would be more stirring.

I kind of envy the Americans with theirs. It almost brings a tear to the eye when they play it on all those great movies about Presidents. Like the 'American President', 'Dave', etc. You guys do those films so well.

I'd rather sit down to a bowl of cold cat sick than watch a move about an Australian Prime Minister with Advance Australia Fair playing. :D:D

God save the queen is a century or two away from being appropriate. Whilst waltzing matilda has a place in the heart of every Australian, I cringe just to think of it being played whilst our athletes stand on the no. 1 step at the Olympics.

... but as others have noted, whether anyone needs a national anthem nowadays is another issue

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I can't remeber all of the words to "God Save the Queen", probably only the first two verses, however I do know all the words to the Cornish National Anthem, and thats more important to me. I still cant sing for a toffee though. :o

An interesting poll. I voted in the nearest category available as Jingthing says he can't cater for all nationalities

Surprised at the results so far. Thais saying they can't sing all the words!! Most other nationalities the can's outnumber the can'ts

I've heard a policeman ask a Thai with no id on her to sing the King's song. She did it fluently, good voice too.

To clarify: U.K. = Great britain and Northern Ireland

G.B. = basically England Wales Scotland ( separate nations with anthems and parlements ( scotland parliament, wales assembly )

can anyone comment on where cornwall fits, unable to find out

The official anthem of the UK is God Save the Queen. (A dreadful dirge, IMHO)

In sporting events, Scotland uses Flower of Scotland, Wales uses Land of My Fathers whilst Northern Ireland and England use God Save the Queen, except for the Commonwealth games, where Northern Ireland uses A Londonderry Air and England Land of Hope and Glory. (Not sure about the Isle of Man or the various Channel Islands.)

Personally, even though I am not a Christian, being English I prefer Jerusalem.

Cornwall is the most Southwestern county of England, and is part of the Celtic fringe.

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Here it goes, the real, unadulterated National Anthem for the Country I was born...

1. Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,

Über alles in der Welt,

Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze

Brüderlich zusammenhält,

Von der Maas bis an die Memel,

Von der Etsch bis an den Belt -

|: Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,

Über alles in der Welt. :|

2. Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,

Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang

Sollen in der Welt behalten

Ihren alten schönen Klang,

Uns zu edler Tat begeistern

Unser ganzes Leben lang.

|: Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,

Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang. :|

3. Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit

Für das deutsche Vaterland!

Danach laßt uns alle streben

Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit

Sind des Glückes Unterpfand.

|: Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,

Blühe, deutsches Vaterland. :|

(4. Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,

Und im Unglück nun erst recht.

Nur im Unglück kann die Liebe

Zeigen, ob sie stark und echt.

Und so soll es weiterklingen

Von Geschlechte zu Geschlecht:

|: Deutschland, Deutschland über alles,

Und im Unglück nun erst recht. :| )

I also remember the one for the Free State Bavaria, I was born in, within Germany...

1. Gott mit dir du Land der Bayern,

Heimaterde, Vaterland!

Über deinen weiten Gauen

Walte seine Segenshand!

|: Er behüte deine Fluren,

Schirme deiner Städte Bau

Und erhalte dir die Farben

Deines Himmels, Weiß und Blau! :|

2. Gott mit uns, dem Bayernvolke,

Wenn wir, unsrer Väter wert,

Stets in Eintracht und in Frieden

Bauen unsres Glückes Herd;

|: Daß vom Alpenland zum Maine

Jeder Stamm sich fest vertrau'

Und die Herzen freudig eine

Unser Banner, weiß und blau! :|

3. Gott mit uns und Gott mit allen,

Die der Menschen heilig Recht

Treu beschützen und bewahren

Von Geschlechte zu Geschlecht.

|: Frohe Arbeit, frohes Feiern,

Reiche Ernten jedem Gau,

Gott mit dir, du Land der Bayern

Unterm Himmel weiß und blau! :|

Do I win a price? lol ;-)

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I can't remeber all of the words to "God Save the Queen", probably only the first two verses, however I do know all the words to the Cornish National Anthem, and thats more important to me. I still cant sing for a toffee though. :o

An interesting poll. I voted in the nearest category available as Jingthing says he can't cater for all nationalities

Surprised at the results so far. Thais saying they can't sing all the words!! Most other nationalities the can's outnumber the can'ts

I've heard a policeman ask a Thai with no id on her to sing the King's song. She did it fluently, good voice too.

To clarify: U.K. = Great britain and Northern Ireland

G.B. = basically England Wales Scotland ( separate nations with anthems and parlements ( scotland parliament, wales assembly )

can anyone comment on where cornwall fits, unable to find out

The official anthem of the UK is God Save the Queen. (A dreadful dirge, IMHO)

In sporting events, Scotland uses Flower of Scotland, Wales uses Land of My Fathers whilst Northern Ireland and England use God Save the Queen, except for the Commonwealth games, where Northern Ireland uses A Londonderry Air and England Land of Hope and Glory. (Not sure about the Isle of Man or the various Channel Islands.)

Personally, even though I am not a Christian, being English I prefer Jerusalem.

Cornwall is the most Southwestern county of England, and is part of the Celtic fringe.

I'm an English dude and I prefer land of Hope and Glory

only sing anthem when watching rugby or football and have a had a few cold ones (not sure i know it word for word depends how many cold ones -the more i have the more fluent i am - same as my Thai

All Thais should know the anthem - twice a day on radio and at school - this should be enough for acurate regurgitation on demand

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Deutschland, Deutschland über alles

Do I win a price? lol ;-)

Isn't that an ILLEGAL song these days in Germany?

If so, your prize? How about a lampshade made with the skin of exterminated Jews (if you don't have one already)?

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Isn't that an ILLEGAL song these days in Germany?

No, it is the national anthem of Germany.

If so, your prize? How about a lampshade made with the skin of exterminated Jews (if you don't have one already)?

You really are a pathetic little prat.

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You really are an offensive little prat.

Not as offensive as the words Deutschland, Deutschland über alles to my ears.

The CURRENT OFFICIAL anthem is not this song?

Is not the entire original song eschewed because of its association with the THIRD REICH?

ONLY the THIRD stanza of the original song?

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit

Für das deutsche Vaterland!

Danach lasst uns alle streben

Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand!

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit

Sind des Glückes Unterpfand;

|: Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes,

Blühe, deutsches Vaterland

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Just saw a cute Thai move Handle with Care where the lead character is forced to sing the Thai national anthem (nice song) word for word to prove he isn't an illegal immigrant (he had lost his ID). He could sing it. Got me thinking about my USA national anthem. I most certainly cannot either sing it or recite the words to save my life, even though I grew up only a few hours from the site of the battle the song is about. I get as far as OH SAY CAN YOU SEE (is that right?). Of course, the US national anthem is notoriously difficult to sing, even for pro singers.

How about you? Can you sing and recite your national song?

BTW, the movie features a really nasty stereotypical evil American farang character, he trades in illegal Buddha heads, naturally, just like most of us. I guess the target audience was the TRT, PPP crowd, but I liked the movie anyway.

BTW: Sorry, there isn't space in the polling form for all nationalities, obviously.


It's nice to know that the "Yanks who can" in the poll have the highest percentage rate.

I'm old enough to still be of the generation who actually stood up and sang the U.S. National Anthem at school assemblies.

We also recited the Pledge Of Allegience each morning and had a silent prayer.

That was a long time ago.

My Thai girlfriend was taught the Thai national anthem in school also.

I'm not sure if they still do that now in Thailand or not.

By the way it starts,

"Oh say can you see

by the Dawn's early light

what so proudly we hailed

At the twilight's last gleaming."


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Notice I changed "offensive" to "pathetic" as on reflection, your comment is more the latter than the former; as is your response.

Still, what can one expect from a person who is ignorant enough to think the RoI is part of the UK!

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Isn't that an ILLEGAL song these days in Germany?

No, it is the national anthem of Germany.

If so, your prize? How about a lampshade made with the skin of exterminated Jews (if you don't have one already)?

You really are a pathetic little prat.

A quick google search will tell you that Jingthing is correct. Although maybe not illegal??? those first lines where dropped by the Germans themselves after WWII because they considered in bad taste considering the holocaust.

Kurtgruen, as a German himself should know better and so it is easy to question why he posted it. Any YOU should think to at least do a little research before launching into insults.

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