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Pattaya Better Wih The Bars Closed


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Do you think a Female Mayor will speed things up?

Sure. Anybody want Hillary??? :o

Homeless or not, that would be enough to get me to move back to the USA!! :D

She won't be needing a job. She is on the way to being our first woman president. The Obama bubble has burst, just in time to stop this massive mistake of nominating a phony snake oil salesman. Turns out he is not a God, just another bs-ing Farakhan-loving politician, with only 2 years in national office, 1 spent campaigning for president. If he was a woman, you wouldn't even know her name. In this case, the kids are not alright, they were ALL WRONG. He is black enough, he is white enough, he is Christian enough, he just ain't good enough! We don't need baby Bama answering the 3 am crisis phone. When we finally finish off this fakir, I will be even more proud of my country. Yes he can, run back to Chicago. Real CHANGE means a WOMAN, Hillary Clinton, as our president.


OK, back to Pattaya ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Do you think a Female Mayor will speed things up?

Sure. Anybody want Hillary??? :o

Homeless or not, that would be enough to get me to move back to the USA!! :D

She won't be needing a job. She is on the way to being our first woman president. The Obama bubble has burst, just in time to stop this massive mistake of nominating a phony snake oil salesman. Turns out he is not a God, just another bs-ing Farakhan-loving politician, with only 2 years in national office, 1 spent campaigning for president. If he was a woman, you wouldn't even know her name. In this case, the kids are not alright, they were ALL WRONG. He is black enough, he is white enough, he is Christian enough, he just ain't good enough! We don't need baby Bama answering the 3 am crisis phone. When we finally finish off this fakir, I will be even more proud of my country. Yes he can, run back to Chicago. Real CHANGE means a woman, Hillary Clinton, as our president.

OK, back to Pattaya ...

Cheeezzz - someone pulled your chain, didn't they? :D

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heeezzz - someone pulled your chain, didn't they? ohmy.gif

Just sick of people dissing my heroine. I have had my say, we aren't supposed to debate US politics here anyway, but you guys brought it up.

Edited by Jingthing
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The Obama bubble has burst, just in time to stop this massive mistake of nominating a phony snake oil salesman...just another bs-ing Farakhan-loving politician, with only 2 years in national office...

In this case, the kids are not alright, they were ALL WRONG. He is black enough, he is white enough, he is Christian enough, he just ain't good enough! We don't need baby Bama answering the 3 am crisis phone. When we finally finish off this fakir, I will be even more proud of my country.

And Bush had how many years in national office...NONE!!! All the presidents who were governors before being elected president (and never served in the US Congress...which would be most of them I believe) never had any experience of national office either. People like FDR, Eisenhower, Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and many others in the distant past. So this knock against BO is just the reddest of herrings. A desperate argument made by a desperate Hillary campaign and parroted by her desperate supporters :o

Why don't you dispense with the epithets (snake oil salesman, bs-ing Farakhan-loving) and make a real argument. It's sentiments like yours that have so discredited the political classes in both parties among so many voters. Maybe after all these years of Bush/Cheney lies and distortions the American voters have finally said "enough" and will not fall for such specious arguments again.

Sorry Jing...but the "crown princess" of American politics is about to have her thrown usurped by a People Power revolution. By Wednesday...Hillary will be out of the race :D

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So this knock against BO is just the reddest of herrings. A desperate argument made by a desperate Hillary campaign and parroted by her desperate supporters :D

It's sentiments like yours that have so discredited the political classes in both parties among so many voters. Maybe after all these years of Bush/Cheney lies and distortions the American voters have finally said "enough" and will not fall for such specious arguments again.

Quite frankly - and not being American - I don't understand what either of them is selling.

BO is saying 'Time for Change', but doesn't say what he is going to change, nor what he is going to change it to. Very empty promises.

H&C is running - yes, but again I see very little substance in her speeches and debates. Yes she'll pull out of Iraq. When? Who knows. Yes she'll have better health care. How much will it cost? Who will pay? Who knows.

The next president will be the old man, if he lives that long. But who his VP will be, who knows.

It is as bad as UK politics - it is not the choice of which politician you want in power, it's more a case of which politician you want to keep out of power.


Edited by Humphrey Bear
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Quite frankly - and not being American - I don't understand what either of them is selling.

BO is saying 'Time for Change', but doesn't say what he is going to change, nor what he is going to change it to. Very empty promises.

H&C is running - yes, but again I see very little substance in her speeches and debates. Yes she'll pull out of Iraq. When? Who knows. Yes she'll have better health care. How much will it cost? Who will pay? Who knows.

The next president will be the old man, if he lives that long. But who his VP will be, who knows.

It is as bad as UK politics - it is not the choice of which politician you want in power, it's more a case of which politician you want to keep out of power.

Pretty darn good summary there from an objective viewpoint, Humphrey. Personally, I strongly hope that your prediction is right on!

However, I have to add that I think all Americans, including me, should leave the home politics out of this thread. I'll be more than happy to discuss and debate the candidates in a thread dedicated to that subject. But this isn't the place, guys.

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I think that APMann and his followers should remember the Heathrow/Kennedy analogy, -- If you buy a house next to the airport don't start complaining about the aeroplanes.

Yep, these are my thoughts exactly.

Don't move into the area with bars, and then start complaining about them.

Just to add to this argument - I went out in Pattaya on one of the "dry" days & it was literally a ghost town.

Therefore, close the bars & other entertainment - Pattaya would definately not be better - dead would be a more apt description.


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I think that APMann and his followers should remember the Heathrow/Kennedy analogy, -- If you buy a house next to the airport don't start complaining about the aeroplanes.

Yep, these are my thoughts exactly.

Don't move into the area with bars, and then start complaining about them.

Just to add to this argument - I went out in Pattaya on one of the "dry" days & it was literally a ghost town.

Therefore, close the bars & other entertainment - Pattaya would definately not be better - dead would be a more apt description.


Easy there, Soundman. That's a totally illogical conclusion. Obviously, those who are calling for the bars to close (and I'm not among them, by the way) have said that they should be replaced by other entertainment venues. Naturally, if the vast majority of the buildings are dedicated to bars, there will be very little traffic in the streets when they are closed. If I open a market that sells only meat, and I run out of meat, I'll have no customers. But, if I also carry bread, milk, vegetables, and canned goods; I'll still get all of the customers who don't need meat. :o

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