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British Guy Faces Execution


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Waiting for the day to see Iran or North Korea drop the baby inside America like what American's did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so that we all can live in this world peacefully respecting each other.

I believe that every man has his rightful place in the overall scheme of the universe, Kwiz.

Yours is to be tied over a log and slowly buggered to death by a horde of radical Islamic poofters.

You are a total waste of oxygen!

The guy is a FOOL...the day that happens is the day he breaths his last breath of oxygen !!!

yet another troller..

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Waiting for the day to see Iran or North Korea drop the baby inside America like what American's did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so that we all can live in this world peacefully respecting each other.

Dear Mr Quiz,

i seems that you are an extremely puzzled individual as your nic would suggest.

i cannot for the life of me comprehend why the use of nuclear bombs on mainland America would solve the worlds problems.

in fact...as you suggest that iran and N.korea do exactly like america did to japan.

well this certainly did cause world peace,but only for a short time and only because the japanese/germans realised that they had been beat.

now.....america with such a huge arsonal of nuclear weapons will just sit there and do noting if their homeland is attacked....i dont think so.

in fact it would do exactly the opposite.WW3 would breakout.

Now why are you waiting for that day to occur???

maybe you think you will be safe in little Sri Lanka. Not so buddy.

India and Pakistan will certainly enter the war and poor old Sri Lanka will be 2 foot deep in nuclear fallout.

and theres you with your face falling off,your internal organs melting saying "<deleted>@king Iran and N Korea,why did they have to bomb america"

its a shame that you seem to blame everyone else for the problems in the world but over look the fact that your ideas are what cause most of the wars going on today.


some guy whose nerves your getting on. :o:D:D

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My Fiance and i had this discussion this morning,We cannot give into these Fanatics,Once you give in,Then everyone is kidnapping,

This is the sad side of this conflict innocent people getting murdered on both sides,

My heart goes out to him and the other 2,One which is no longer alive  :o

Which fanatics are we talking about? The murderous Americans?

Dropping bombs from a great height, kills many. Lopping off a single head, kills one.

When I start seeing posts trying to illicit sympathy for Iraqis killed and suffering during the 14 year vendetta by the USA and Britain, I might take these threads seriously.

Most people dying now; hostages, innocent Iraqis, soldiers... are doing so as a DIRECT result of the actions taken by the US and Britain.

This isn't a conflict where Iraqis waged war against the west. This is the west attacking an innocent people under the guise of liberating them....

A Brit has his head lopped off because he decided to go to Iraq to make some money? His choice.

This thread belongs in the bin.

Sir I was in iraq for eleven months and I am not a murderer You have someone shooting at you and then what?? I am supposed to sit there, No <deleted> Way!!!!

I joined the military of my own free will and knew the risks of doing so. But I am not a murderer I resent that comment Have you been to Iraq?? You think the whole country is in chaos Well your wrong!! Most iraqi's want the US and Britian there These insurgents don't want that to happen and are doing everything in their power to change that.

These contractors went to iraq to work sure it's dangerous for them and they know the risks also, If not then they should not have gone I am sorry for what happend to them but what do you expect from muslim extremists.

You don't understand anyway so why do i bother to tell you.

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Waiting for the day to see Iran or North Korea drop the baby inside America like what American's did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so that we all can live in this world peacefully respecting each other.

I believe that every man has his rightful place in the overall scheme of the universe, Kwiz.

Yours is to be tied over a log and slowly buggered to death by a horde of radical Islamic poofters.

You are a total waste of oxygen!

The guy is a FOOL...the day that happens is the day he breaths his last breath of oxygen !!!

yet another troller..

You wanna talk smack about the USA, Bush and Americans ? Then save it for where the criticism is deserved ! Like the poor economy and jobs moving overseas, gun toting teenagers, education...you think alot of Americans wanna do all the hard work and the charity work so you lazy, prima dona, fascists follies can droll on about the evil we're committing ? You sad sacks sicken me...without the American free market your economies are nothing...it's YOUR investments in OUR countries that REQUIRES our ROBOCOP mentality ! If you don't it like then withdraw your investments, sell off your properties in the USA to the Japanese ! You're a bunch of pencil necks incapable of looking beyond the surface...all you want to do is treat the sympton...avoid the root of the problem...ignore it...Why ? Cause now we begin to address what's in your best interest ! You sound like a bunch of tree huggin' Oregonians !!! Don't cut down that tree...wait, shucks I own shares in that paper factory...never mind ! This British guy was a good, hard working fella...and he doesn't deserve denigrated by the likes of you pusillanimous pissants :o

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One thing I understood in this forum is American's here think that we all should bend our back to them simply they come from America. 

Many Americans, I for one, think Bush has disgraced the country.

Most Americans in Thailand do not seem as you describe.

The bomb idea is going a bit overboard but I get your point.

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The only thing Americans have done wrong is allowing baby Bush to be in power, believing all his lies and letting him scare you.

Get him out, do everything you can to get him out and get a decent president who cares about YOU and cares about what the world thinks of America.

Bush is the biggest terorist of them all - NOT Americans.

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Please don't say John kerry is this man!!!!

and your talking out your arse GS Bush is no why a terrorist I seen terrorists I seen iraqi insurgents holding little children so i wouldn't put a bullet in them

So our president is the bad man i wonder what mr blair would have done if sept 11 happend in england ohhhhh i forgot you let the likes of batman and robin walk around buckingham palace :o

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Heres the telegraph artical which mentions he lives in thailand,the Bangkokpost had a front page story yesterday about him having a thai wife.


valentinoxx  has got a serious attitude problem

An attitude problem? Do you say that because I have a DIFFERENT point of view than yours?

Sounds like the typical arrogant thought process which has pervaded the inhabitants of certain peoples for some time now.

I'm simply not putting someone who made the choice to try to make money in Iraq over the plight of the Iraqis who had NO choice when invaded by the USA and the UK.

Anyway, I'm going to bow out now. The first two replies only served to irritate me.

My posting in reply is not going to make it any better. Much less the idiotic comments about 'nuking' and 'terrorists'.

A moderate soul with moderate views. :o

I was expecting you to come out of the woodwork at some point.......

It is great to exist on expectations. It must be tough finding anyone that'd waste time chatting to the likes of you. Go watch the video of the execution. Or a trip to chop chop square in Saudi on a busy morning will help you see the mongrels for what they are.

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I noticed most posters on this thread,are happy to let others know were they come from.You are right, I am British and proud of it.

Where are you from?and are you proudof it?

How can you generalize with what happened in WW2 to winning the world cup,is beyond me.

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One thing I understood in this forum is American's here think that we all should bend our back to them simply they come from America. 

Many Americans, I for one, think Bush has disgraced the country.

Most Americans in Thailand do not seem as you describe.

The bomb idea is going a bit overboard but I get your point.

Khun Larry,

Please smack me if I insult you...it's not my intent ! But why do you patronize the fools ? More people support Bush than the "many" you mention. I support him and hope he wins re-election and continues to hunt down every mongrel insurgent there is in Iraq. Those "innocent" Iraq casualties are citizens of that country and you'd have me believe they don't know what's going on inside their own country ? What were they doing in the locations under recent fire ? Saddam proved that he was a threat to Muslim people years ago...and he proved to the Kurds daily how much he despised them. Do any of you think the Kurds should have a say in the new government ? I'd guess not...you're telling me you were perfectly cool with Saddam's attempt at exterminating the Kurds ? You're telling me you honestly believe Saddam didn't support terrorism ? I suppose you believe Ghaddafy had nothing to do with terrorism either ? The radical Muslim terrorists were just as likely to drop a dirty bomb on the USA if passive vice the current aggressive posture. I'm happier with them on the defensive than us. This is a long term issue...one difficult for the me...me....me...me...generation to understand. What is his point that you get about dropping the omb ?

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The guy is a FOOL...the day that happens is the day he breaths his last breath of oxygen !!!

yet another troller..

I don't know about him being a trollER, but you're definitely a trollOP.

Bend over ... Hairy Palms is falling in love with you!


Why you are licking his balls..? Did he pay you to do his s h i t work?

You are not related to Mr Blair. Do you?

I did not tell you to wear the hat as a troller. It's your wish though..!

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Please smack me if I insult you...it's not my intent ! But why do you patronize the fools ? More people support Bush than the "many" you mention.

Where did you find this figure? It's only you people support this war and in the world 80% people hate this war.

You are alone and trying to troll here with different names to make a point.

Don't drag other people in to your war. If you eat it..then learn to absorb it.. Do not s h i t all around like you are having a loosemotion..coz you can not absorb it to your headless bodies..

my sympathy

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"A Brit has his head lopped off because he decided to go to Iraq to make some money? His choice"

Thats were the attitude is,the guy is one of us,lives in Thailand,has a Thai wife.Everybody that has spoke of him have said he was there only to help the Iraqi's not make a bunch of money.

Yes I am with you that is sad and I dont agree with civillians being taken as hostages. I have 9 friends there at the moment, ranging from Scottish mechanics fixing the Humvees, to military guys helping with the invasion.

Sad state of affairs for all concerned. Unfortunatley hatred does not see a uniform it sees a face. We see it on this forum all the time - they see us foreigners and hate and we see a Arab and hate. Door swings both ways.

If Bush never invaded Iraq, this man would not have been kidnapped. Now that is a fact!

And more Kurds would be used like Nazi experiments. You could care less about the 100's of thousands of Kurds gassed by Saddam ...we had to hold the <deleted>' Turks back at the start of the war for cryin' out loud. Go join the Jane Fond and Joline Kerry fan club.

Guess who gave ole 'sodom' the gas? Good ole US of A. :o

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If everyone's ok with this, let's continue this discussion in the bearpit forum, that what it's there for. (Actually also when some or even all of you are not ok with this then we're STILL going to continue in the bearpit. :o )

For sure it's an important matter worthy of debate, but just not here on a Thailand forum. Also these things usually get nasty and personal. Sorry for the (belated) closing.

Ciao -- PLC

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