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Problems With Tot


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My adsl connection with ToT was down from friday 4 pm till saturday 11 am.Called them up friday and they told me the cable in my area was broken so nobody could connect.Later I noticed that my modem log showed "username and password authetication failed".Same as it showed Last saturday when it also was down for 17 hours.

So called them back and notified them about my modem log but they insisted that the system was down in my area.I live in soi khao talo.

Can somebody confirm me that the area was down during friday 4 pm till saturday noontime.

I would like to know because I am in discussion with ToT at the moment because my system log shows me that my adsl link is down on average 26 times in every period of 24 hours for the last 4 weeks or so,sometimes for a few minutes other times for a few hours.Late at night I experience many times that it only stays online for 2 minutes at a time for several hours.I can almost predict when it gonna go down because prior to losing the signal I will get downloads at record speed whereafter I will lose my connection.

I printed out an 19 page long system log from 4 days that showed I lost connection 76 times including one outage of 17 hours but ToT however says that the problem is with my system.The log showed everytime the link was down and that I got a new ip address each time it went up again but they say it is only the international link that's down.They provided me with a test modem but the result is the same.Only thing is their test modem doesn't keep a long system log so I have to save the log every other hour otherwise it will be lost.Kind of a smart move my guess.

Their technicians came over to my house about 10 times already in the past few months but all they do is having some speedtests.When the system is up at that time at that time they will tell me,see no problem.When The system is down when they are at my home they say,oh tomorrow big boss come check and then i will not see anyone for a couple of days.

Anyone some advice as I refuse to pay anymore for a service that doesn't excist?I can understand slow connections because the international link has problems but no connection for most part of the day and this for several months is imho unacceptable.

Please inform me if anyone in my area has identical problems or if this is a standalone case.


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basjke, I live in the same general area & have had similiar problems to you for the past 2 years, with the same response from TOT, I have no answer to the problem apart from change, but to who?


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Email them with your outages every day or so. Give each of them a number you make up and advise them in the email you will adjust your bill accordingly. When you go to pay your bill present the emails and the adjusted amount of money. The trick is to email the correct person in the food chain. Raro swears by this system, if you PM him he will give you the correct person to email. Me I have edge and dream of he speeds you are talking about.

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