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Things That Piss Girls Off`


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I used to have a girlfriend from Nz. She used to say to me DONT PUT THE TPWEL ON THE FLOOR!(just after a shower). This went on for a while. Then i started to get pissed off about it. So i said "Why the f### not?" Answer. You'll rot the carpet. What the f###? I said it will only be there for 5mins max as i am gonna get dressed and pick it up. Anyone else got any other mad/ stupid things that their gfs say?

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Drunken monkey, it's only because she loves you that she doesn't want you to think too much! That or she wants you to think about her! :o

Wet towel on the floor? I don't really have a problem with it, if I did I'd just pick it up myself. Why waste time yelling?

What pisses us girls off? It's funny that I can't seem to think of any when confronted with the question! That pisses me off!

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Going with a B/G and not paying her in the morning. :o

When asked by your missus (Thai one that is) is another woman beautiful......saying "much more than you dear" :D

Telling your Thai date for the night that you reckon she should pay for the meal cos you are going to give her sex later. (whats good for the goose is good for the gander....right? :D)

When she asks you "do I look fat in this dress"....replying..."you look fat in ANY dress":D

Lets face it. Girls are really easy to piss off (even when your not trying to eh?). The art is in carefully constructing non-commital replies to thier entrapping questions (that appear on the surface to be a straight question but in reality is just sighting you up for kick in the gonads) :D

The Classic one while shopping that we all know......

Her: Does this dress look alright?

You: Yes (oh, oh wrong answer).

Her: Just alright!!

You: It looks good. (she's not listening now...just hinking about your opening remark).

Her: Whats wrong with it then?

........and so it goes on.

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Drunken monkey, it's only because she loves you that she doesn't want you to think too much!  That or she wants you to think about her! :D

Nice try, shopgurl!

I dont get mad, But very confused when my wife tells me: You think too much :o

What this really means is that if you thought a little more about whatever you were last discussing with this person, you would realise that you were being screwed, lied to, two-timed or in some way cheated, or any combination of the aforementioned.

Or am I being a little harsh? :D

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The most common one has got to be "why do you leave the toilet seat up..? " :D

It's because women can't be bothered to put it back down before they sit on it.. ( they think it's because we men are to lazy to put it down after use ..!) :o

totster :D

If you take 'em to the movies, they NEVER complain that the theatre seats are all up in the theatre.

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The most common one has got to be "why do you leave the toilet seat up..? " :D

It's because women can't be bothered to put it back down before they sit on it.. ( they think it's because we men are to lazy to put it down after use ..!) :o

totster :D

It shouldn't matter to some of the Farangs G/fs here,as they are most probably used to having toilets where they squat :D

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Playing the 'Up to you' game straight back at them... This generaly drives BG's insane as they then dont know what you want to do and or how to go about it..

I think I have cured every one of the girls I have stayed with from sayng 'up to you' at me within a day or two :o

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The most common one has got to be "why do you leave the toilet seat up..? "  :D

Tot, get revenge on them and ask them why THEY leave the seat DOWN as it makes for a smaller peeing target area for us guys. :D

Years ago I had a few girls go really loopy and stroppy on me when I've replied to their personal questions with a 'Mai Chai Thuraa Khoong Khun' (none of your business). Now, I know that it's better to say 'Bawk Mai Dai' (cannot say). I still live and learn :o

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My TG was lingering around one day, almost sitting on my lap, trying to listen in on a 'phone conversation. When I got off the phone I playfully accused her of being nosey.... Now it could be something in the translation here but she marched off, looked up the meaning of nosey and got really upset I had accused her of this :o

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I once lived with 2 girls when I was in my 20s ahhhhhhh.........

oops... back to the thread.

Anyway, they gave me dating tricks that worked. One of them was to make the girl/woman hate you. Their theory: women don't know the difference between the fine line of hate and love. So long that you are in their head, they can confuse hate with love. Reference: movies with the same theme.

So I tried this on some bartender girl I had my eye on. She drove a brown Z. I asked her if that was her car outside. SHe smiled and said yes. I looked outside and said" That must look like a big brown turd rolling down the road". She was appalled. She didn't say much to me afterwards.

A week later, I apologized and asked her out. We had a good time.

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One girl a couple of years ago wanted to move in and I said yes but no hamsters please as she had this clear plastic cage complex thingy that housed threee of the little critters. I stood my ground for sure on that one.

Bumped into her last month at the Emporium, by the way.

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The old ' I think you love football more than me' line must have been used on me 100 times over the years.

Am always honest and say yes..

Not always the answer they expect but at least I'm honest.

Have to say I always use the 'up to you' line on Thai girls. t really does pi55 them off sometimes. :o

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