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One-legged Finn Fatally Stabbed In Pattaya Condo

libya 115

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Here we go again another disgraceful cowardly murder. I don't care what anyone says, this is beginning to get out of control. Where do Thais get off thinking they can do whatever terrible thing to a westener they want and feel confident of getting away with it? Yes the cops will probably give the perps enough time to get away. And if they do give themselves up they will plead "loss of face" and that will be the end of it .

Most Thais will say the westener deserved it because he was having a bit on the side ( yes of course they (Thai men) do it all the time but they are Thai and they didn't get themselves killed) so you won't get any sympathy from them. Do I sound a bit peeved, a bit cynical etc...I don't care. Who's next? you? me?

Oh and if it is you before me you can RIP assured that we will chew the fat about it here on TV.....but that's all.

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Here we go again another disgraceful cowardly murder. I don't care what anyone says, this is beginning to get out of control.

Don't you think you are being a little over-dramatic. These perps are not hi-so and had no Merc to mow the guy down with as he was crossing the street but arrived on a lowly moto so they will definitely have to answer to the local plod. As likely their financial circumstances are constrained, they will have to face the full force of the judicial system and likely spend most of the rest of their life in a Thai prison.

It is pretty weird what we have heard so far...I mean the alleged killer had some kind of relationship with the victim (and she was even already know to the police from his prior complaints to them about her) so pretty silly to waltz right into his condo (past CCTVs) and off the guy.

In any case, the guy was a 20 year resident of LOS and knew the dangers of the type of girl he was associating with and what they are capable of. Whatever happened, he most likely didn't deserve 50 pokes with a knife but as others have said, when you play with matches sometimes you get burnt.

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Most Thais will say the westener deserved it because he was having a bit on the side ( yes of course they (Thai men) do it all the time but they are Thai and they didn't get themselves killed)

No, Thai men usually meet Mr Duck instead.

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Here we go again another disgraceful cowardly murder. I don't care what anyone says, this is beginning to get out of control.

Don't you think you are being a little over-dramatic. These perps are not hi-so and had no Merc to mow the guy down with as he was crossing the street but arrived on a lowly moto so they will definitely have to answer to the local plod. As likely their financial circumstances are constrained, they will have to face the full force of the judicial system and likely spend most of the rest of their life in a Thai prison.

It is pretty weird what we have heard so far...I mean the alleged killer had some kind of relationship with the victim (and she was even already know to the police from his prior complaints to them about her) so pretty silly to waltz right into his condo (past CCTVs) and off the guy.

In any case, the guy was a 20 year resident of LOS and knew the dangers of the type of girl he was associating with and what they are capable of. Whatever happened, he most likely didn't deserve 50 pokes with a knife but as others have said, when you play with matches sometimes you get burnt.

Yes I probably am getting a tad dramatic. But I think I can be forgiven to get a little upset and a little emotional after discovering with a little too much repetition we whites are getting knocked off or in some other way done very badly by some Thais and generally not respected enough by Thais as fellow humans who whether they like it or not have the right to exist in THEIR land (of smiles).

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Killer was his mia noi for over a year. And seriously, one would not expect to get killed even if the mia has "borrowed" some money out of your pocket earlier. All of us forgive much more than this to ladies in our relationships.

Also he was well liked among finnish and scandinavian community in Pattaya. Run his own legal firm with his wife. Never turned his back for a fellow in need of legal advice or help. Got loads of guys out of the hook over the years and most of them deserved to hang but he was helping them out regardless.

I did not know him personally but that's what i hear. Show some respect.


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...we whites are getting knocked off or in some other way done very badly by some Thais and generally not respected enough by Thais as fellow humans who whether they like it or not have the right to exist in THEIR land (of smiles).

I think the main problem with most "whites" is that they have never been the minority race in a given population. Apparently, some don't like being "the other" and being vulnerable to abuse by the majority population. It's okay to make fun of and mistreat the blacks, "Packies," and assorted other minorities back home but it doesn't feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot :o

Respect has to be earned...and the behavior of some tourists and expatriates makes one wonder we are allowed to be here at all!

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Taking up with BGs...what do you expect :D And if the reports are correct...he had ample warning she was one to be avoided :o

To die for a mobile and B 3000...what a way to go :D

Are you serious? People taking up with BGs should expect to be knifed to death?

I can only assume some people here have some serious issues with bargirls, whether from being dumped by one, or perhaps its a similar phycology to the TV preachers that take up with prostitutes, condemn others for what they like to dabble in themselves.

That aside, perhaps a little more information will paint the whole picture. RIP.

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My condolences to his wife, family and friends.

In spite of what people may think about many sex workers, one of the advantages in Thailand is that if they are from a reasonably reputable establishment, you should be reasonably safe. Not that they are saints and not that your things don't get knicked if your not careful, but generally they provide a service for money and are on their way. This lady doesn't sound like the kind that would be allowed to work in an establishment very long without complaints.

Of course, some of these ladies are not the type to have a 'relationship' with. At any rate, this guy certainly didn't deserve what happened to him.

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SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News

From their readers comments section: Can be viewed on link below:

Readers Comments.........scroll to bottom of page

'Comment # 10'

"It really seems that the local Pattaya Police force are dragging their feet on arresting the murderers of this one legged Finn. Perhaps they are stumped, but that is no proper reason for delay."

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Female prisoners worldwide 2006

USA 183,400

China 71,000

Thailand 28,450

That's an impressive list and serious as well from: "Kings College London - International Centre for Prison Studies"

The %'s are given as well per country, apart from the actual number of female prisoners.

I am shocked by some %'s/countries, including my own :o


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Police are aware of the name of the alleged murderer, a 27-year-old originally from Nakhon Sawan, and her accomplice, and are waiting for an official arrest warrant to be issued before they search for the pair and take them into custody. Apparently the pair made off with a mobile and about 3,000 baht in cash.

Although the police know the woman's identity, they do not want to alert her by revealing it.


More Keystone Cops logic! Obviously went to the same school as Samak.

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Police are aware of the name of the alleged murderer, a 27-year-old originally from Nakhon Sawan, and her accomplice, and are waiting for an official arrest warrant to be issued before they search for the pair and take them into custody. Apparently the pair made off with a mobile and about 3,000 baht in cash.

Although the police know the woman's identity, they do not want to alert her by revealing it.


More Keystone Cops logic! Obviously went to the same school as Samak.

Don't be so quick to besmirch the Thai Police. If the woman cannot pay the bribes or make bail she will do time. You cannot fillet O'Finn in this country and get away with it unless you've got connections.

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Police are aware of the name of the alleged murderer, a 27-year-old originally from Nakhon Sawan, and her accomplice, and are waiting for an official arrest warrant to be issued before they search for the pair and take them into custody. Apparently the pair made off with a mobile and about 3,000 baht in cash.

Although the police know the woman's identity, they do not want to alert her by revealing it.


More Keystone Cops logic! Obviously went to the same school as Samak.

Don't be so quick to besmirch the Thai Police. If the woman cannot pay the bribes or make bail she will do time. You cannot fillet O'Finn in this country and get away with it unless you've got connections.

And the murdered gentleman's wife is a lawyer.

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...we whites are getting knocked off or in some other way done very badly by some Thais and generally not respected enough by Thais as fellow humans who whether they like it or not have the right to exist in THEIR land (of smiles).

I think the main problem with most "whites" is that they have never been the minority race in a given population. Apparently, some don't like being "the other" and being vulnerable to abuse by the majority population. It's okay to make fun of and mistreat the blacks, "Packies," and assorted other minorities back home but it doesn't feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot :o

Respect has to be earned...and the behavior of some tourists and expatriates makes one wonder we are allowed to be here at all!

Although I do agree with the essence of your coment, I do hope you are not refering to me and being disrespectful to me personally in your retort, . I was not rude to you. You don't know me. You don't know anything about me ! If you are refering to me personally please watch your mouth.

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Killer was his mia noi for over a year. And seriously, one would not expect to get killed even if the mia has "borrowed" some money out of your pocket earlier. All of us forgive much more than this to ladies in our relationships.

Give us a <deleted> break...according to the press reports, the deceased had filed several police reports against his killer over the course of their relationship. Sure we all put up with "stuff" in our relationships but I personally would show the door to any woman I had to file criminal reports with the police.

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Killer was his mia noi for over a year. And seriously, one would not expect to get killed even if the mia has "borrowed" some money out of your pocket earlier. All of us forgive much more than this to ladies in our relationships.

Give us a <deleted> break...according to the press reports, the deceased had filed several police reports against his killer over the course of their relationship. Sure we all put up with "stuff" in our relationships but I personally would show the door to any woman I had to file criminal reports with the police.

That's what you think you would do, even now, at this moment, say that you would definitely do. But maybe that's not what you would ultimately do. Relationships are very complex.

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Give us a <deleted> break...according to the press reports, the deceased had filed several police reports against his killer over the course of their relationship. Sure we all put up with "stuff" in our relationships but I personally would show the door to any woman I had to file criminal reports with the police.

That's what you think you would do, even now, at this moment, say that you would definitely do. But maybe that's not what you would ultimately do. Relationships are very complex.

Are you seriously saying you would continue in a relationship with a woman [or anyone for that matter] which whom you have had to file criminal complaints against with the police? If that is the case, deserve whatever comes your way :o

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**** NEWS UPDATE ****

SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News: March 27th 2008


Pattaya police have arrested Miss Nipaporn Phuto for her involvement in the killing of Mr. Erkki Aal Tonen, the one-legged Finn, in Jomtien Grand Condotel on March 25. Miss Nipaporn, however, claimed that her Thai boyfriend was the actual assailant in the murder. He has since vanished

Miss Nipaporn, nicknamed Ann (26), a 6-months pregnant woman, from Taklee, Nakornsawan province, told Pattaya Police that she was a regular playmate of Mr. Tonen and was well looked after. She said that the deceased would regularly partake of her sexual favours every time his wife was away. On the night of murder, her boyfriend, Mr. Pakpum Bpo-eam, nicknamed Ed, (26), from Sra-bode, Lopburi province. had taken her to Mr. Tonen's apartment and waited for her outside, while the couple made love.

While Mr. Tonen was having a shower after their sex session, her boyfriend entered and started to search the room. Mr. Tonen emerged from the shower to find Ed ransacking the room, searching for items to steal. On seeing Mr. Tonen, Ed reacted by attacking him with a wooden chair and then frenziedly stabbed the Finn up to 50 times.

Miss Nipaporn had heard what was happening and then rushed out of the bathroom. Being in a desperate hurry, she grabbed one of Mr. Tonen's shirts to put on, abandoning her bra and underwear. Before leaving, however, she took a mobile phone, 3,000 baht cash and some other property with her. Both Miss Nipaporn and Mr. Pakpum rode away after attacking and robbing Mr. Tonen. Fortunately, Pattaya Police discovered their pictures on the Condo CCTV, which led to her subsequent arrest.

On 27th March 2008, at 6 pm, Pol.Col Bpairat Supasawas, Deputy Commissioner, of Chonburi, Pol.Col. Nopadol Wongnom, Pattaya Superintendent and Pol.Maj. Chalermkiet Tienthongsri, the investigating officer, jointly declared the arrest of Miss Nipaporn Phuto. Evidence collected included, a blue polo-type shirt belonged to the deceased, a knife and a mobile phone.

An arrest warrant has been issued for Pakpum, who has since vanished, but Pattaya Police are confident that he will soon be apprehended and brought to justice.

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She wasn't even a looker :D

One interesting new fact...apparently she was 6 months pregnant...but were are not told who the father was. She does say she was "well taken care of" by our one-legged Fin and that he would seek out her favours whenever his wife was away. And 50 jabs with a knife is how she repaid him :D

To die for B 3000k, a mobile phone (Nokia I'm sure), and the favors of that old hag...always thought Finns were smarter than that :o

Edited by jonniebkk
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Being in a desperate hurry, she grabbed one of Mr. Tonen's shirts to put on, abandoning her bra and underwear.

but not too much of a desperate hurry , it appears.


Before leaving, however, she took a mobile phone, 3,000 baht cash and some other property with her.

boyfriend conveniently awol , leaving pregnant accomplice to face the music and hopefully , on the grounds of her pregnancy , get a reduced punishment.

i hope the finnish embassy are pressurising the police over all this.

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So tired of hearing about the actions of the retarded. It seems to me all too often that the main mentality is "I can do whatever I want, I WAS BORN HERE" See it all the time, hanging around outside 7/11 after hours drinking. 16 - 25 years old, hardly bothering to move when I want to enter the door they are blocking. I speak their language quite well, I understand all they're saying. Good thing I know they're just waiting for me to give them an excuse to jump me, all brave 10-12 of them. This excuse I will not give them, even when I've had a night out and am not thinking straight. I just keep wondering when the day will come when they don't need an excuse. Retarded cowards

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