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Hi all,

my UK passport expires in December, while still a long way off I have been told countless times that you cannot travel with less than 6 months left on your passport.

I am on a multi entry 12 month non-o, that is valid until October (but January in my book, as I will do the last border run just prior to expiry).

So I would appreciate a little advice on the following please:

1. Will I be unable to make border runs with less than 6 months validity on my passport?

2. If the answer to 1. is yes, I believe I can get a new passport in Bangkok, anyone have experience of this (paperwork, process etc).

3. If I need to get a new passport, how do I get my visa and entry stamp transferred?

Sorry if these are stupid questions, I've had this passport since I was 25 yrs old, and I have never had experience of such things.

Many thanks,


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Offically your not supposed to travel or be let in Thailand with less than 6 months on your passport but they are quite leinent a buddy of mine had 2 weeks left and they still let him back in but i wouldnt recommend it..

best bet if you are worried is just got to the British Embassy and get a new one which takes 10 working days so make sure you have enough days on your visa as they will overstay you if you dont, then once you have your new passport just got the nearest immigration with both passports and they will transfer your visa over for you for free, no problems, the worst part is the 8.5k or 10k depending on a 32 or 48 page passport you have to pay...grr...

good luck


You should obtain a new passport now. Embassy can issue - you then take old and new passports to Immigration to transfer your current stay - you then use both passports until your visa expires. A common requirement and done every day for a number of persons. There will be a wait for the passport to be made but you do not lose any validity as the UK adds the remaining months to the new passport validity.


Wow, thanks guys for the quick and succinct responses.

I am doing a border run next week, so will go to the Embassy after that.

More dumb questions (sorry):

What paperwork do I need to get a new passport? I have my birth certificate, anything else?

Will they send it to me in Pattaya, or do I need to pick it up, or maybe stay in BKK for a couple of weeks?

Thanks again,



You can download the application form from the Foreign Office website and send everything by registered post, not recommended, the two alternatives are to download the form hen take it up to the embassy in Bangkok and present it in person, return in around 10 days and collect new passport. I did this last year, I drove up to Bangkok first thing in the morning and was waiting outside ofr the embassy to open at 0900, by 0930 I was on my way home. Repeated the process two weeks later and collected the new passport. The second alternative is a Pattaya Company called Key Visa who will do all this for you for a small fee (I think its 1500 baht) plus of course the 8500 for the new passport.

You can download the application form from the Foreign Office website and send everything by registered post, not recommended, the two alternatives are to download the form hen take it up to the embassy in Bangkok and present it in person, return in around 10 days and collect new passport. I did this last year, I drove up to Bangkok first thing in the morning and was waiting outside ofr the embassy to open at 0900, by 0930 I was on my way home. Repeated the process two weeks later and collected the new passport. The second alternative is a Pattaya Company called Key Visa who will do all this for you for a small fee (I think its 1500 baht) plus of course the 8500 for the new passport.

Thanks JohnC for the advice, but I think I will give Key Visa a miss. The muppet running that company (Darren?) consistently prints incorrect advice in the local press, and is so far up a certain newspaper publisher's arse that he may never be seen again!!

Although I have had only good experiences with the Thai postal service (contrary to majority it seems), I will take your advice and drive up twice.

Last question (honest), what paperwork did you need?



What paperwork do I need to get a new passport? I have my birth certificate, anything else?

All you need is your old passport and a recent photo.

You can download the form, or complete it once you get to the Embassy.

What paperwork do I need to get a new passport? I have my birth certificate, anything else?

All you need is your old passport and a recent photo.

You can download the form, or complete it once you get to the Embassy.

Not being pedantic but you actually need 2 recent photographs - you should also check the guidelines about what sort of photograph / pose / background etc. is acceptable.

If you apply in person you do not need to have the "guarantor" section (or whatever it's called) completed by "a responsible person", nor do you need to have them sign the back of the photograph.

Also, although the Website says "all major Credit Cards accepted", when I was there last week "the system was down" so I had to go outside and get cash from an ATM in Wave Place opposite.

Oh yes - one final point, you have to "take a ticket" from a machine just inside the door of the Consular Office; there are 4 buttons on the machine Red, Blue and 2 white, the only lable is under the top, red button but, since this is the British Embassy the lable is in .................. Korean :o . You need to push the Red one, ignore the others.


the UK adds the remaining months to the new passport validity.

When I got my UK passport renewed the new one was dated 10 years from date of issuance. The old still had 8 years validity left but the pages were full - surely the UK wouldn't add the remainder. In what context do they add the remaining months to the new passport?

the UK adds the remaining months to the new passport validity.

When I got my UK passport renewed the new one was dated 10 years from date of issuance. The old still had 8 years validity left but the pages were full - surely the UK wouldn't add the remainder. In what context do they add the remaining months to the new passport?

I believe it works like this.

If you renew an EXPIRING passport they will add up to 10 months (whatever remains in your existing PP) to the validity of your new PP :D

If you renew a FULL passport you get 10 years validity, period! :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

You should obtain a new passport now. Embassy can issue - you then take old and new passports to Immigration to transfer your current stay - you then use both passports until your visa expires. A common requirement and done every day for a number of persons. There will be a wait for the passport to be made but you do not lose any validity as the UK adds the remaining months to the new passport validity.

lopburi3, do you know if i wait 4-5 days to go immigration to transfer my NON "O" VISA to the new passport, will this be a problem or do i have to go immigration same day i go bankgok and my embassy for pick up my new passport, because she told me she will cancel my "old" passport when i pick up the new one. so maybe its like i have no VISA anymore when she cancel my old passport in the embassy in bangkok with the NON "O" inside ?


Immigration can never transfer a visa - they can only transfer your current permitted to stay until stamp and the information from the visa your arrived on. The visa (if multi entry) stays in your old passport and you present both when you next enter Thailand.

The transfer of permitted to stay does not have to be done the same day but it is usually convenient to do so.

the worst part is the 8.5k or 10k depending on a 32 or 48 page passport you have to pay...grr...

good luck

Are they actually doing 48 page passports now ?..was in renewing mine middle of last year and even though 48 page passports were advertised on the consulate website, when I asked..they told me no can do....got to have a 32 page, which is absolutely useless to me as a 32 page passport lasts me about 18 months...!!!

On changing visa's over - go to the One stop in Rasa tower....takes about 15 minutes to do with no hassles....

Immigration can never transfer a visa - they can only transfer your current permitted to stay until stamp and the information from the visa your arrived on. The visa (if multi entry) stays in your old passport and you present both when you next enter Thailand.

The transfer of permitted to stay does not have to be done the same day but it is usually convenient to do so.

yes its a multi NON "O" VISA i have... but you say immigration cant transfer my NON "O" VISA to the new passport, who and where to do it so ?

the lady i talk with in the embassy tell go immigration to do that, when you have the new passport and the old passport back !


No they can not transfer a multi entry visa into a new passport. As I said, you use both passports when you need to use that visa. The permitted to stay stamps will be made in your new/valid passport but the Thai visa remains valid in your old passport. There is no need to transfer the visa into the new passport and it is not done.

No they can not transfer a multi entry visa into a new passport. As I said, you use both passports when you need to use that visa. The permitted to stay stamps will be made in your new/valid passport but the Thai visa remains valid in your old passport. There is no need to transfer the visa into the new passport and it is not done.

okay thanx for this usefull info. so i only go pickup the new passport and 1 week later i will go to the immigration to transfer the stamp for permitted stay only, 1 week because i dont have the time when i pickup my new passport to go immigration also this day... and this will not get me in trouble with the wait for about 1 week ?

You will not have any trouble by waiting a week but should have both passports available if/when required.

okay thanx for good info again lopburi3

You can download the application form from the Foreign Office website and send everything by registered post, not recommended, the two alternatives are to download the form hen take it up to the embassy in Bangkok and present it in person, return in around 10 days and collect new passport. I did this last year, I drove up to Bangkok first thing in the morning and was waiting outside ofr the embassy to open at 0900, by 0930 I was on my way home. Repeated the process two weeks later and collected the new passport. The second alternative is a Pattaya Company called Key Visa who will do all this for you for a small fee (I think its 1500 baht) plus of course the 8500 for the new passport.

Thanks JohnC for the advice, but I think I will give Key Visa a miss. The muppet running that company (Darren?) consistently prints incorrect advice in the local press, and is so far up a certain newspaper publisher's arse that he may never be seen again!!

Although I have had only good experiences with the Thai postal service (contrary to majority it seems), I will take your advice and drive up twice.

Last question (honest), what paperwork did you need?



That's the guy. And the newspaper publisher is so patronising at times, it's nauseating!



I just renewed my passport at the British embassy last month - did it by post and it took 3 weeks to arrive back. Make sure your photos will pass the biometric scan otherwise they'll just refuse them.

Having received the new one I then had to see Barry Kenyon for the requisite letter before I presented the passport to immigration to transfer the stamp - seems like the embassy receipt isn't enough anymore.

Are they actually doing 48 page passports now ?..was in renewing mine middle of last year and even though 48 page passports were advertised on the consulate website, when I asked..they told me no can do....got to have a 32 page, which is absolutely useless to me as a 32 page passport lasts me about 18 months...!!!

They've been issuing them for a long time? I got one in '05.

They've been issuing them for a long time? I got one in '05.

Used to have a 48 page - the old passport, but was told last year in BKK Embassy that they where not issuing a 48 page on the new biometric passport even though advertised on the consulate website...correct me if I am wrong but in 05 the biometric passport hadnt been started to be issued...

They've been issuing them for a long time? I got one in '05.

Used to have a 48 page - the old passport, but was told last year in BKK Embassy that they where not issuing a 48 page on the new biometric passport even though advertised on the consulate website...correct me if I am wrong but in 05 the biometric passport hadnt been started to be issued...

I had a 48 page Biometric passport issued in London 3 months ago.

As previously posted they are very fussy about the photos. If you wear glasses even a tiny bit of glare will have the photos rejected. :o

As previously posted they are very fussy about the photos. If you wear glasses even a tiny bit of glare will have the photos rejected. :o

I wear glasses and when I recently had a visa photo taken, the photo studio had me take off my glasses and gave me a pair of glasses that did not contain any lenses. So I had glasses on, but no glare.

the UK adds the remaining months to the new passport validity.

When I got my UK passport renewed the new one was dated 10 years from date of issuance. The old still had 8 years validity left but the pages were full - surely the UK wouldn't add the remainder. In what context do they add the remaining months to the new passport?

You are quite right Digital - the UK snaffles any remaining validity time on your passport. The maximum period that they issue for is 10 years not 0 years plus any unused time from the expiring (full) passport. That is one the reasons that I need to keep 3 passports on the go at any one time (having learned about the BE's parsimoniousness the hard!).

The only way round this and you will still lose a few days while the process takes place, is to apply for the new passport as lose to the expiry of the current passpot as you dare. As everyone else has said a new issue will take 10 days so to be on the safe side you may want to drop into the BE say 12 days bewfore expiry so you will lose an extra 2 days.......not really material over the 20 year life of the 2 passports I would suggest.



* You can renew your passport whenever you want and do not have to wait till your passport is expired to renew it.

* However, we can add no more than nine months unexpired time from the old passport to the new one.

* When renewing, you still need to pay the full fee and no refund can be given for the unexpired time in the old passport.

I just renewed my passport at the British embassy last month - did it by post and it took 3 weeks to arrive back. Make sure your photos will pass the biometric scan otherwise they'll just refuse them.

Having received the new one I then had to see Barry Kenyon for the requisite letter before I presented the passport to immigration to transfer the stamp - seems like the embassy receipt isn't enough anymore.

yeah the photos are the sticky point,they wont accept kiosk photos (normally) now,you have to have them done to a very specific set of requirements,which I believe you can download or have the embassy advise on.If it is thought that your appearance has changed since the last issued PP then you will have to go through the thing of getting them countersigned by a responsible person.The guidelines on this seem pretty arbitrary.Just to keep the stress levels up! :o

However,it took me 14 working days to get my new one in the UK recently,so the turnaround time going through the embassy is a pretty good deal.Good luck! :D


This happended in February this year so it is current.

I recently read an account where a board member of a Pattaya board washed his passport and had to get a new one just before he had to make a VISA run. So he went to the BE in Bangkok and regardless of how little time he had left to make his VISA run he had to wait the required time, so he had to pay for a 7 day extension at immigration which was still a few days short of what he needed. Immigration would not give him a new Multi-entry NON-O.

Anyway, the photos he brought were not good enough so there was a place close to the embassy where he got the right photos so you might want to go to the embassy without photos and ask them for a recommendation. I assume someone at the embassy told him where to go for his photos.

The end of the story goes like this. All toll it cost him around 14,000+ baht for passport, immigration, photos, taxis and other stuff for his mistake. When he did the visa run he was into about a 5 day overstay, but showed both his passports and a copy of the original mult-entry NON-O at the border and they cleared him for another 90 days after paying for the overstay. His next 90 days is not due until May so I am still waiting to see if he has problems on that VISA run.


I got a 48 page passport issued by the embassy in Bangkok in December 07. If they were restricting it to 32 page passports before that, it must have only been because they'd run out of 48 page blanks or something.

One other thing to mention. I have heard that if your photo page isn't pristene in your old passport, that you'll need the reference filled in anyway. (Mine was a little the worse for wear, after carrying it around in my pocket for most of the last 10 years.

I never did the transfer at Suan Phlu, but simply carried both passports when I next left the country. Similarly, I'm still using the multi-entry visa from the old passport each time I've returned as my old visa still had a few months on it.

What I am annoyed with is Australia. They no longer do the 10-year ETA (valid for the life of your passport), so I now need to get an ETA every year (or stop travelling to Oz, which now that Hong Kong has Disneyland, might well happen).

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