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Appeal - Persona Non Grata (png) / Blacklisted

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320 pills, well they tagged you with distributing. This is far worse than having it for your own use. It's hard to not wonder - why you would take such a risk? My only assumption, you must have done this many times before and got away with it.

Chok Dee with blacklist appeal - think you might need it.

Correct, absolutely correct, went to the Pharma shop today - they told me that:

1) Viagra here is sold in blister pack 4 Viagra in one pack

2) The price (and now it comes) is Baht 1,600.00 per packI Now either he had 320 strips with 4 tablets, that would have been baht 512,000.00 of smuggled goods or if only 320 tablets - still 128,000 baht of contraband. Remember, he did not say it was single tablets or single strips...

3) He was here for 8 years, says to speak, read and write Thai...

Now in either case it is not just a misdemeanor but comes to a crime, thus the arrest and the PNG status.

A big som nam nar to him!

Let the clean on throw the first stone...

Edited by Totster
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But i am still puzzled about one thing... even given that you were stupid enough to not carry a wad of cash with you over and above what you needed , for obvious reasons, why didn't you sort out the "payment" asap after arrest.? You have been in Thailand years so must have loads of contacts who could have got the money to where it was needed and you would have walked free. In fact you could probably have got yourself escourted to the nearest ATM anyway. And you can speak and understand Thai.!!

Can you explain why you didn't secure your own release when to do so would have been easy?

The police in Ranong asked for 100,000 Baht but gave me only a few hours to make arrangements. Unfortunately I just had bought a new mobile phone about 10 days ago and hadn't saved my friend's numbers yet (the old one was stolen, so it wasn't just a matter of changing the sim card). Additionally to that the battery was very low which allowed me to use it only a few times anyway. I tried contacting 3 friends, 2 of whose numbers I retrived from an SMS and one whose number I had memorized. Both guys I managed to contact couldn't help me with that kind of money (except for 5 foreigners all my friends in Thailand are average earning Thais). After spending the night at the police station I was brought to prison early next morning where I had to hand over my phone. There are no mobile phones allowed, the only way to contact people outside is to write a letter if you know their address. People who are brought to prison only to await their sentence can apply for bail but if you can't contact anyone it's impossible to get of course.

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But i am still puzzled about one thing... even given that you were stupid enough to not carry a wad of cash with you over and above what you needed , for obvious reasons, why didn't you sort out the "payment" asap after arrest.? You have been in Thailand years so must have loads of contacts who could have got the money to where it was needed and you would have walked free. In fact you could probably have got yourself escourted to the nearest ATM anyway. And you can speak and understand Thai.!!

Can you explain why you didn't secure your own release when to do so would have been easy?

The police in Ranong asked for 100,000 Baht but gave me only a few hours to make arrangements. Unfortunately I just had bought a new mobile phone about 10 days ago and hadn't saved my friend's numbers yet (the old one was stolen, so it wasn't just a matter of changing the sim card). Additionally to that the battery was very low which allowed me to use it only a few times anyway. I tried contacting 3 friends, 2 of whose numbers I retrived from an SMS and one whose number I had memorized. Both guys I managed to contact couldn't help me with that kind of money (except for 5 foreigners all my friends in Thailand are average earning Thais). After spending the night at the police station I was brought to prison early next morning where I had to hand over my phone. There are no mobile phones allowed, the only way to contact people outside is to write a letter if you know their address. People who are brought to prison only to await their sentence can apply for bail but if you can't contact anyone it's impossible to get of course.

We have a Troll here,unless of course Thai prisons provide internet cafes' Sayonara!!

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Try to smuggle in 320 pills of illegal drugs to the U.S.A as a tourist and see how they will threat you!

This is the same outcry story drug smugglers tell every time, if it is viagra, heroin, ectascy, ect....

" It's for my own use, I'm just carrying a present for a friend, I'm forced to do, I'm poor "

You know it is illegal and still you do it? You propably got away with it several times and every trip you increased the amount of drug carried, you are hailed as a proffesional drug smuggler, proud of it, joke and brag to your friends about it.

Now you got arrested and thinking that the whole world is against you, well we are, dude!

You find that many at this forum cheer your down hill course and some newbies alias well try to help you, good for them.

Staying in the Land Of Smiles is great and we should do it pure in heart and soul

But, you did it with illegal deeds and now you have to pay the crime.

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Whiteboyinasia, as has already been suggested, your best recourse is to contact a legal office

in Bangkok that has native speaker representation and attempt to respectfully utilize their services.

There are at least two who are sponsors and have their advertisements on this site.

320 pills, I don't know how many dozen boxes that was but surely you knew what you were doing

had consequences. Returning from Cambodia once, our mini-bus was stopped and one guy had a

few boxes and a big deal was made about that. He was told you were allowed only one per person.

You're lucky you didn't get thrown in prison for a longer term and I'm honestly not sure why that

didn't happen. So, if you're back in Europe that's your best option. I don't think you're going to find

many worthy internet lawyers here. More than likely, you're just going to get slagged silly. :o

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Try to smuggle in 320 pills of illegal drugs to the U.S.A as a tourist and see how they will threat you!

This is the same outcry story drug smugglers tell every time, if it is viagra, heroin, ectascy, ect....

You know it is illegal and still you do it? You propably got away with it several times and every trip you increased the amount of drug carried, you are hailed as a proffesional drug smuggler, proud of it, joke and brag to your friends about it.

Now you got arrested and thinking that the whole world is against you, well we are, dude!

Don't presume to speak for me on this, thank you.

Fortunately the authorities in most countries can distinguish between viagra on one hand, and heroin and ecstasy on the other hand - even if you don't seem to be able to do so.

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Try to smuggle in 320 pills of illegal drugs to the U.S.A as a tourist and see how they will treat you!

Is Viagra an "illegal drug?"

An older friend was offered the pills on the National Health in the UK.

However 320 tabs is a little excessive for persona use. :o

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Try to smuggle in 320 pills of illegal drugs to the U.S.A as a tourist and see how they will treat you!

Is Viagra an "illegal drug?"

An older friend was offered the pills on the National Health in the UK.

However 320 tabs is a little excessive for persona use. :o

I keep reading this post, It amuses me, Your probably right astral, It might not be an illegal drug but Good God ! That many for personal abuse (oops use) when I guess you can buy them anywhere in Thailand is just silly, even a dead monkey would know that he was going to sell them on. That's probably why they kicked him out.

Anyway, what amuses me the most is these helpful charlies that tell him to change his name, get a new passport, come back (do it again blah blah...)

It was HIM that was banned and NOT his name or his passport. Imagine if he did come back and was probably stupid enough to do it again and get caught again, Can you imagine the s4it he would get into for re-entering the country while he was blacklisted !

You guys should think before you give people advice like that.

Ok, Rant over. Waiting to be amused at the comments that follow next :-)

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  • 11 months later...

I waited for 6 months just to enter my guilty plea and pay a fine and get deported (and an additional 30 days in the Immigration prison that was a nightmare far worse than Bombat Piset prison. But this was for a small amount (less then a gram) of a hard narcotic over 25 years ago. I'm not sure how much they differ in their thoughts of contraband though. In many ways, a crime is a crime in their way of thinking.

I am trying to find out if I can go back as well.

After 25 years, of course I don't have the same passport and they may not have been computerized back then. Given that, many people say I should be okay to go back but I still think they must account for their blacklist of serious crimes in some way (drug possession is a serious offense). What if I was a notorious mass murderer? Would a couple of decades erase that for lack of Windows XP?

Me really wonders.

In your case, being so fresh and possibly questionable in its severity, I might try to appeal it through a lawyer.


To clarify the questions asked : The amount of Viagra was 320 pills of different brands intended for use with gay friends over a period of several months. Of course I was asked if I intend to sell which I denied and in all the documents related to my case I'm only charged with importing a controlled drug without the proper permit. I speak/read/write/type Thai so I know for sure what I signed and have been charged with. It is indeed not common procedure to arrest/sentence/deport foreigners who are caught with Viagra or even Marijuana up to certain amounts. I have reason to believe that my arrest and the arrest of an English guy 2 weeks previously where done with the intend to increase the responsible police officer's financial abilities. I was not able to pay though when asked because I only carried enough money to pay for my visa run plus the viagra and unfortunately didn't have my ATM card with me either. I know that besides the English guy (who was carrying Viagra AND Marijuana) and me there where no other Caucasian people ever in the Ranong prison's history, neither before nor did any arrive after me. I also know as a fact from a Ranong immigration officer that the police officer responsible for our arrest has been either transfered or fired shortly after my arrest (he wouldn't give the details but just said that he's no working here anymore because he caused major problems), probably for reasons of negative publicity (both arrests where shown in newspaper and local TV) that might have affected tourism especially in Phuket from where most people do there visa runs in Ranong, many of them buying Viagra and else. So I don't really know about anyone else who had to spend 40 days in prison to await the court's sentence (fine of 7,500 Baht which I didn't have to pay because every day in prison counts as 200 Baht paid) and then 2 weeks in an immigration cell awaiting deportation. When I asked, the immigration officers in Bangkok told me that I could enter Thailand again without experiencing any problems as soon as I got a new passport (because the Ranong police somehow "lost" my old one while I was in prison and couldn't find it anymore when I came out, no apologies or reimbursement made of course) and a new Thai visa of course. But when I did so and arrived back in Thailand I was told that I'm PNG/blacklisted for 100 years and had to spend another night in a cell before being able to take a flight back to Europe. I don't think I need to mention that this is the worst time in my life, having spend 8 years in Thailand never causing any problems in any way.
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Many drugs are not illegal to posses. But to smuggle them into a country without going through all the procedures for importing is illegal.


1) To import more than 30 days supply of medication for personal use requires a license from the FDA.

2) To import any amount for purposes of sale or distruibution ot others requires a license for the specific drug impiort plus business registyration, work permiot etc etc.

2) In the case of drugs which are prescription only in Thailand (of which Viagra is one) need to have a doctor's letter certifying need and prescription.

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Many drugs are not illegal to posses. But to smuggle them into a country without going through all the procedures for importing is illegal.


1) To import more than 30 days supply of medication for personal use requires a license from the FDA.

2) To import any amount for purposes of sale or distruibution ot others requires a license for the specific drug impiort plus business registyration, work permiot etc etc.

2) In the case of drugs which are prescription only in Thailand (of which Viagra is one) need to have a doctor's letter certifying need and prescription.

2 or 3) Are you saying that you cannot buy Viagra over the counter, in Thailand? :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

I waited for 6 months just to enter my guilty plea and pay a fine and get deported (and an additional 30 days in the Immigration prison that was a nightmare far worse than Bombat Piset prison. But this was for a small amount (less then a gram) of a hard narcotic over 25 years ago. I'm not sure how much they differ in their thoughts of contraband though. In many ways, a crime is a crime in their way of thinking.

I am trying to find out if I can go back as well.

After 25 years, of course I don't have the same passport and they may not have been computerized back then. Given that, many people say I should be okay to go back but I still think they must account for their blacklist of serious crimes in some way (drug possession is a serious offense). What if I was a notorious mass murderer? Would a couple of decades erase that for lack of Windows XP?

Me really wonders.

In your case, being so fresh and possibly questionable in its severity, I might try to appeal it through a lawyer.


Isnt it usually 10 years blacklist for small offences anyway. You could of course write to the thai embassy(as a friend of course).

Worst gonna happen is they put you on next flight home!

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An acquaintance of mine was a teacher in Bangkok 4 years ago. He was a bit of a wild boy! One evening, after a few drinks, having the munchies, but no money, he went into Foodland in Silom Patpong Soi 2 and stole a block of cheese!

He was caught by security, who informed the police. He was arrested and taken to the police station. There, it was found that he was also an "over-stayer".

I don't know by how long he had overstayed. He was then taken to Immigration and locked up. He was in the immigration prison for 3 months, before his brother flew out to Bangkok, from abroad, to pay for his fine and his ticket home. He was duly deported from Thailand.

Last October and about 4 years on, he had a desire to come back. He had a new girlfriend and wanted to come back with her to start teaching again. He also had a new passport. They both applied for a double Tourist Visa in Lion (France) although he is not French. The visas were issued without any problems.

Back in August last year they both arrived at Savanbhumi airport. They queued up at immigration, both in different lines (not the same line!!) She was admitted for 60 days, no problems. He too, was admitted for 60 days. However, the immigration officer had made some errors in his passport and made 3 attempts to put the correct "admitted until" date and stamp in his passport. There were 3 crossed out stamps in his passport as a result. Nevertheless, he was admitted for 60 days, no problems.

So far so good..........

At the end of October they both went to Suan Phlu to extend their Tourist visas with a 30 day extension. She first; paid the fee, stamp in passport, done, no problems.

Then it was his turn. The officer looked very carefully at the mess the immigration officer had made in his passport on arrival back in August at the airport. She then said to him why have you been admitted until XX August 2009? "You have falsified your arrival stamp!!" said the immigration officer. You have rubbed it out etc.....

He said NO, why would I do that and then come here for an extension? She said:"well, we need to investigate this".

Half an hour later he was arrested again, as they had found his records from 4 years ago about the trouble he had in Foodland.

The next day he was deported again. He was told that he is on a blacklist for life. He had been blacklisted for stealing the cheese, not the overstay.

The lady at Suan Phlu who was dealing with him said that although he had not been "picked up" at the airport by immigration, he would have come unstuck if ever he had applied for a work permit.

It appears that he was caught due to the mistakes the immigration officer had made in his passport on his arrival at the airport.

Extremely unfortunate. Had he gone through a different immigration booth, he might have been here still? Who knows?

So, if you feel a bit peckish............. don't steel food in Foodland!!

Another funny thing that happened in the deportation process was that after being arrested at Suan Phlu, he was released in order to go home and collect his belongings. He had to report back at Suan Phlu the next day, in order to be officially deported.

When he arrived at Suan Phlu, the officer that was dealing with his deportation was in a meeting at the time that he was told to report and could not come out of the meeting.

The officer handed the case to someone else, a woman. She gave him his passport back and TOLD HIM TO GO! No proper deportation procedure etc. No immigration police escort to the airport!

He could have done a runner and stay illegally, but decided that it was better to go. Which he did. He is now in Cambodia and not enjoying it! His girlfriend has made her way back to Bangkok. she too was not happy in Phnom Phen.

The moral of this story?

Don't steel cheese in Foodland!!

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No one gave you the correct reply. Here it is:

1 get a very good Thai lawyer. One who has immigration as his specialty there are some and they are not all thieves. Search around Google. There are many who handle things for foreigners around Silom in Banking, Construction , Investment etc. some of them handle immigration cases too.

2 register your case at The Administrative Court on Sathorn. This is a court that deals with how the law was administered and not what you did. What they do is see if they have applied the law correctly. They are fair. Expect to wait sometime before they hear the case. You have 2 years to register a case against any government decision there after which you have no chance.

3 That's it. Expect to pay a lot of money for an a class lawyer as this is cold be a hard case and he would not be spending your money on bribes. Do not pay bribes they invariably go wrong either you get nothing or they ask for more later. I feel you have to go on how the law was administered as one other factor here is you have no ties to the country and they do not like viagra takers like yourself. However if they see you have been done up by the cops they can undo it. They are also quite honest in there.. Remeber 2 years that's it.

4 i am not prepared to go further with this matter. Good luck and THIS IS THE CORRECT ANSWER!!!

That's not the correct reply, for two reasons:

1) The Administrative Court is no longer located in Sathorn. It moved to Chaeng Wathana

2) The Administrative Court is, as you say, for cases where officials did not follow the correct process. In this case, it seems clear cut: the OP broke various laws and got busted fo it

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  • 3 months later...
No one gave you the correct reply. Here it is:

1 get a very good Thai lawyer. One who has immigration as his specialty there are some and they are not all thieves. Search around Google. There are many who handle things for foreigners around Silom in Banking, Construction , Investment etc. some of them handle immigration cases too.

2 register your case at The Administrative Court on Sathorn. This is a court that deals with how the law was administered and not what you did. What they do is see if they have applied the law correctly. They are fair. Expect to wait sometime before they hear the case. You have 2 years to register a case against any government decision there after which you have no chance.

3 That's it. Expect to pay a lot of money for an a class lawyer as this is cold be a hard case and he would not be spending your money on bribes. Do not pay bribes they invariably go wrong either you get nothing or they ask for more later. I feel you have to go on how the law was administered as one other factor here is you have no ties to the country and they do not like viagra takers like yourself. However if they see you have been done up by the cops they can undo it. They are also quite honest in there.. Remeber 2 years that's it.

4 i am not prepared to go further with this matter. Good luck and THIS IS THE CORRECT ANSWER!!!

That's not the correct reply, for two reasons:

1) The Administrative Court is no longer located in Sathorn. It moved to Chaeng Wathana

2) The Administrative Court is, as you say, for cases where officials did not follow the correct process. In this case, it seems clear cut: the OP broke various laws and got busted fo it

Is it the right court if some one got blacklisted without an arrest warrant or convicted for a crime? Is the blacklist something like political thing above courts.

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