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Pattaya Now The Grape Nuts Cereal Hub Of S.e. Asia!


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I quite like Grape Nut although it's almost near to impossible to find it where I live. My next alternative is the highly-palatable (at least to me coz I'm nutz about oat clusters) is Post's Great Grains with Pecans and Dates and heaps of oats. I'm totally a cereal girl and could subsist on said substance for breakfast, lunch and dinner and even without milk too. :o

If one were to find Grape Nuts lacking in flavour, one really should try Weetbix, that is the epitome of dull, boring and plain wholesome goodness or so they say.

I tried those Grapenuts ... A bit like Ovaltine laced cat litter :D


I wouldn't know. I have not tasted Ovaltine or cat litter.

Fair enough to say that not everyone, actually most people do not like Grape Nuts, but those that do, really do, and as the brand has been around for over 100 years, that hasn't changed.

Fair enough ... But next time you go shopping buy a can of Ovaltine, I'm sure you will love it !


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This is the classic case of imported foods in Asia. Every place runs out of something and then in a few months, apparently a whole container of it comes in and every place as plenty of it until it runs out again. I suspect that there is in fact just one importer and all the stores ultimately get from the same source, even though they may deal with different wholesalers.

Oh, well one of the rather small prices to pay living overseas. :o


Edited by thaihome
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