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Cyber Dating


Cyber dating experience?  

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Met some great people and the occasional "better not mention" types, but all in all they've been good experiences but I'm still not yet sold on the idea of meeting that special someone online, old fashion I guess, paranoid-yes :o ....

Mind sharing your own experiences?

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I answered a classified ad many years ago i think in 1999 i met a nice chinese girl this was in the US but ahhh she wanted to be my GF after our first meeting :o I said we can be friends and can go out again but i tried calling her again but never got an answer Oh well. I never did it through cyber dating kinda weary about it plus some sites charge alot but i don't need to do this cause I'm married now :D

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Was well into IRC between the 16-19, but in the end decided going the local boozer was a much easier (and more real) option.

Still, met a fair few good people online who I'm still in touch with today back in the UK - this is 5 years later.

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I met my wife through a friend of my mom's

i met a farang girl through the internet but that was ###### from the beginning you have to be careful with meeting people this way, but it does happen for the best sometimes. Some people get along well from meeting online.

shopgurl are you considering meeting someone this way? if you are be careful and i wish you luck :o

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Met my current girlfriend online - she had a bad day (or series of days) at work and went to a studio to have pictures taken, and posted a short personal ad with one of the companies that has them posted on the web.

I was interested in someone else at the same website (based on looks of course) but the minimum order was two sets of contact information. So, I picked someone else to make up the order without much thought. The girl I was interested in never answered, but my girlfriend answered. We exchanged a lot of E-Mail and a few pictures over several months, and then I was able to take my first vacation in Thailand. She speaks English well (my Thai is quite limited) and so we continued to communicate and I've been back to see her.

We're now working on fiance visa paperwork.

She tells me that she received many, many messages. Mostly from what she calls "really old men". :o According to her, when she got my message, she "felt something."

Its a matter of luck, but I'd say a Thai girl increases her chances of having good luck a lot when she's getting messages from interested men all the time.

She did use (and I'd recommend) one of the relatively anonymous E-Mail services (Yahoo, HotMail, Excite, etc) on the web and did not answer messages with her real name. We met the first time in a neutral public place where she could escape if necessary. :D

For my part I had already decided that the competition for attractive American women was too fierce (and the women are completely spoiled by it) (2/3 of Americans are overweight, etc.) and I'd try elsewhere.

Whatever increases the number of people you meet also increases your chances of finding the right one.


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I tried some time ago. It's my super ex boyfriend. He's a Norwegian living in Phuket back then. He was actually one of the very few best men I've ever met in my whole life. We were together for 6 months. After that, my love life has been going downhill. :o

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I met my Thai GF via a Thai dating website (not marriage site :o )

I actually met another Thai girl first, and came over to BKK to meet her. Although she was a nice girl, she was not the right girl for me. The primary reason was she seemed to be completely out of her tree (that means a nutter!!!).

When I tried to gently end our 2 week relationship, she chased me down Silom Road, wailing like a banshee. Certainly got the locals laughing. I didn't dare go back to my apartment for 2 nights :D

After that, I had a second attempt at cyber-dating. My GF didn't even know her photo was on the website (A friend put it online for a laugh!). But we hit it off online, and subsequently met each other in BKK a few weeks later. That was some 18 months ago. She's now living with me and we are running some Thai businesses together.

Of course, this could all go tits-up and she could run off with my Thai investments (land etc in her name) :D But I've followed the advise of only investing what you can afford to lose. (Besides, I suspect I'm worth more to her alive and living with her :D )

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I met my fiance on line,it wasn't a cyber dating as such. He just chatted me up like most of the guys on line do :o. Some guy here once said to me that they just type in the keyword Thai woman and search msn,aol or yahoo for Thai girl to chat up!! Anyway, we have been together for nearly 4 yrs and planning a wedding in Thailand next year after we immigrate there.

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I met my ex-gf in the US over the internet. We were together for 3 years ..it was alright. Some ups, some downs (more downs after the first year). She cheated on me twice, i said byebye for good after the second time. From now on it'll be byebye on the first time, no matter who. Not worth the ride. :o

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I started to meet people through internet since I am in thailand. Never done such thing before.

But as I was quite isolated here, it was a good way to meet people.

Most of the people I have met were nice. Some of them became friends. Mostly asian girls, but no thai. As I am also a girl, things were more simple when I met girls than guys. The guys are mostly interested of having a relationship than a friendship.

For dating, I am also old-fashioned and prefer to meet someone through the old way.

I have never dated someone I met via internet.



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A couple of colleagues of mine met both their wives thru instant messaging. They struck up very long term chats and after getting to know them thru "cyberchat" decided to meet he girls in question. One of the girls was a lawyer, the other was a nurse.

They chatted to these girls for months before they decided to meet, and both happily married with kids.

They realised that they weren't going to meet girls with marriage potential in the bars, plus their jobs don't take them to the big cities in Asia, so they decided to trawl the internet to find nice girls.

Worked out for them.

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I found "advertising" before "cyber" and found both to be efficient methods of meeting a "target" group without a lot of negatives.

Since I like younger, by at least 20 years, I avoid many "turn downs" and dirty old man comments when I "advertise" or in "cyber" make a full disclosure of what I have to offer, so only those interested in "older" bother to reply.

Thus you get past the first hurdle. In fact many, if you count the drinks, dinners and all the other stuff when you engage in face to face attmepts to meet someone.

I met the Thai love of my lfe in a chat room. I did go through over 200 potentials before I narrowed it down to five, and was honest with each, stating where they were on the list of "dates", promising that each would be given 'full consideration" and that I would only move on to the next in line after every effort was made with the current one on the list.

Yes, many refused to go on the list, particularly those near the bottom. Yes, there were many who were easily "exposed" for what they wanted, which was my ATM, not me.

Many pictures were required, I learned from the "advertising" days that people send misleading pictures. Why they think it will work when your jaw drops upon meeting, I'll never know.

It has been three years now with the first one that was on my list and I must admit, I was extremely lucky. I like to think my "screening process" was effective, but with time. I have learned I could have ended up with a lemon, just the same. The balance of the list was never met, they seemed to get over it quickly, as no misrepresentations were made nor had a "date" every been consumated, thus easy come, easy go.

You do have to play detective relentlessly to ferret out the phonies. However, if you think about it, comparing people from what they say, imply and suggest, especially when it is over a long period of time, interspersed, with chat with others, the liars usually forget what they have said to whom and they quickly exspose themselves.

I heartily recommend it, especially if you are targeting a special group and you don't do well working parties, bars and other "watering holes". I was living in Hawaii, when I "connected" with my Thai, certainly not possible to meet a Thai any other way, other than being here. Sending the best picture of you is counter-productive, if they fall for a poor one, it then only gets better upon meeting. I sent my passport picture before I came to Thailand, I think I looked dead in the picture, but it mattered not, as the decision to meet me and make a try for it had already been made and thus the delight upon meeting was just that much more.

My guess that in a face-to-face meeting, the visual controls for a long time, while in "Cyber" the communication controls, which in my view, is a real plus.

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My life's not complete without Internet and Instant Messaging :o I believe dating on the Internet is even better than the old way dating.As on the Internet,Sometimes person can speak out their mind easily as they are not facing the person whom they are talking.But in real life,It's very difficult to ask about their history and we got no chance to know about their reality.And what is in their heart ! But internet dating and IM makes it really easy for one to express it's feelings and true emotions.

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Is i..We'd better fix that. I've recently been single again, by the way. :o

Is it?

Requires some advertising.

LC is single.

Please send a picture of yourself and your goals in life to her.

All applications will be analysed confidentially.

Applications that have been denied will not be answered to.

Good luck... :D

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Is i..We'd better fix that. I've recently been single again, by the way. :o

Is it?

Requires some advertising.

LC is single.

Please send a picture of yourself and your goals in life to her.

All applications will be analysed confidentially.

Applications that have been denied will not be answered to.

Good luck... :D

Very nice move, dear. I appreciate it. Hehehe. :D

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