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Overplayed Songs

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I'm sick of hearing the same songs in bars, internet cafe's, you name it - it's always the same rubbish.

'Zombie' by the Cranberries used to be an ok song but it's been played to death in Thailand, as has 'White Flag' by Dido and countless others which I can't remember but will probably appear in the following posts.

What I'm sick of most is anything by that boyband Blue.

"Cause yoooooou bring out the best in me, like no one else can do-hoo etc..." HATE IT, then there's that blandly choreographed... "System up with the top down, blah blah blah Objection over-ruled" toss - know the one? C***s!

They do a soppy wet love ballad, one of the young pretty boys even looks like he's gonna cry in one of their videos, and then the token black one does a rap to show that they are tough and from the streets.

That's not me being racist by the way, if anything that's acute racism on behalf of the record company.

As I type I am listening to a high speed disco version of-who's that trollop with the wig? ...Cher, that's it, 'Do You Believe In Life After Love' she's singing and she tries to be cool by having that little computer bit on her voice when she sings that bit... "I need suuUUuum-one to hold me" just before the chorus, she sounds like Stephen <deleted>*king Hawking. She's a <deleted>.

Then there's the speeded up go go technopop versions of what used to be classics and, oh I give up - is it midnight yet? I'm having a beer.


In my bivouac (where Fatter Than Harry once lived incedentally) and I am going to listen to proper music, starting with 'Rags To Riches' by Tony Bennet, followed by 'Woman Of The World' by The Divine Comedy then 'Prospects' by Madness.

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Please spare a thought for me....

My GF's favorite band is BLUE... :D

My GF keeps making me sing the corus from ZOMBIE, because "it sounds good" when I sing it.... :o

Personally, tonight when I get home I will be listening to my new album by "Goldie Looking Chain", prolly the funniest and most entertaining albums I have ever listened to ..! :D ( well since "The Shirehorses" anyway... )

totster :D

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All Rise is now playing - I definatly need to go home now.

Tell your GF that Blue she following the crowd and is missing out.

The bottom line is - Blue is not music and that's all there is too it.

"I - rest - my - case"

Oh dear. I've got "Blue" - "All Rise" CD in the truck. BUT I DIDN'T BUY IT. Is that OK? I can't trash it 'cause it's the g/f's and actually I quite like it. Sorry. :o

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for me, you can't have an "overplayed songs" thread without mentioning "Hotel California" :o

I agree about Zombie, I hadn't heard it for ages before coming to Thailand, but you hear it everywhere here. That and Shania Twain's "I'm Gonna Getcha".

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Really can't help but giggle at your angrier posts, Scamp - quality use of language.

Some bargirls obviously never tire of the same tune, no matter how many million times it's played, only until another equally annoying one does the rounds.

MP3 Jukeboxes are a good start, but still not so available in most bars round Bangkok. Just have to survive on those Pantip specials.

Fck it. Next time I'm in a bar and get wicked off with the selection, I'll drag my Technics in.

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It's got to be that 'Love is a matter of distance" tune that keeps playing on the damm radio. Tell you what love, you might be right about distance so why don't you pai right off.. Also hearing you about that sappy music video with the guy who looks like he is about to cry and the 'rapper'. That sort of thing should be outlawed and those responsible sent to wherever that sick German guy ends up.

Oh yeah, has anyone seen the GLC album available for sale here in Thailand???!!! If so please let me know as I have all their early stuff *not for the faint hearted!* but not their first commercial release.. SafeasFengShui Clart

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... actually I quite like it. Sorry. :D


Tracy Chapman Baby Can I Hold You


Is all that you can't say

Years gone by and still

Words don't come easily

Like sorry like sorry

Forgive me

Is all that you can't say

Years gone by and still

Words don't come easily

Like forgive me forgive me

But you can say baby

Baby can I hold you tonight

Maybe if I told you the right words

At the right time you'd be mine

I love you

Is all that you can't say

Years gone by and still

Words don't come easily

Like I love you I love you

Hatehatehatehatehate!!!! :D

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Like I love you I love you

After a few beers you can go proper daft to that bit:

[sing low]I love you[/sing low]

[sing high]I love you[/sing high]

[sing lower]I love you[/sing lower]

[sing higher]I love you[/sing higher]

Well I do anyway.

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Like I love you I love you

After a few beers you can go proper daft to that bit:

[sing low]I love you[/sing low]

[sing high]I love you[/sing high]

[sing lower]I love you[/sing lower]

[sing higher]I love you[/sing higher]

Well I do anyway.

Heheheh, I do that too :D

Also try this:

Words don't come easily

Like onomatapia and antidisestablishmentarianism.


Edited by fatter than harry
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I wonder if other people agree with this but I find songs from the 50s, 60s, 70s, some 80s never ever overplayed, I love listening to them-brings back memories of the good times!  Maybe since we don't hear enough of them?  Could be......

I love you, shopgurl :D Radio Bangkok, Mondays, 8pm - 12: Oldies night :o

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Most overplayed song....' Stairway to Heaven', even Robert Plant thought it was crap :D

Ever notice how Thai girls love to sing the songs from ads? My wife's latest one is that old" kung <deleted> fighting" from the Coke or Pepsi add , she does the actions and challenges me to a Muay Thai/Muay Falang bout, cracks me up :o

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Remember Sukhumvit soi 10? All the bars there used to be :o . There was a group of six bars all together - near the Internet shop and tattoo shop (Jeab's). And one track that got played very loudly (and to death) just had the words "Where.... are..... you?" over and over. Sung by a girl or girl group. Never asked who. Never want to hear it again!

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Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy :: Tata Young :: Scampy's analysis.

Genre: Coraption


I pick all my skirts to be a little sexy

Do you Tata? Do you? Well cheers for that.

Just like all my thoughts they always get a bit naughty

Sorry, what's your point?

When I'm out with my girls I always play a bit bitchy

Can't change the way I am sexy naughty bitchy me

So you can't change, is that acute awareness to the fact that it's not nice to be a bitch? What you mean is, because you want to fit in with the in crowd and be cool like western girls, you have to be a bitch to fit in and therefore survive. Don't you?

I'm the kind of girl that girl's don't like

I'm the kind that boys fanstasize

I'd question the second one - I've seen your photo and you're nothing special... The reason girls don't like you is because you're a <deleted>, but if you're proud to be then that's ok.

I'm the kind that your momma and daddy were afraid you'd turn out to be like

I may seem approachable but that's only to the boys who don't have the

Right apprach or ride that makes a girl like me wanna hop in and roll

What the <deleted> are you talking about??? :D

People think it's intimidating when a girl is cool with her sexuality

Not quite, people generally don't think it's cool to be a slapper who's nasty to people who don't live up to her media generated quota.

I'm a 180 to the stereotype girls like staying home and being innocent

Do you mean cooking and having babies - I agree Tata, that's so like, un-kewl, it's like saaaad - you're a super cool career bitch, equality has over baanced and men are only good for sexual pleasure and only if they're good enough, right?

You'll do well in the west - why don't you stay there permenantly?

[Repeat Chorus]

My mouth never takes a holiday


I always shock with the things I say


I was always the kid in school who turned up to each class

'bout an hour late...What a role model you are Twata.... and when it comes to the guys I'd lay

I'd always pick the ones who won't figure out that I was clearly rebel to the idea of monogramy Excuse me?

People think it's intimidating when a girl is cool with her sexuality

I'm a 180 to the stereotype girls like staying home and being innocent

[Repeat Chorus]

Sexy... Naughty... Bitchy... Me

Yep, you're proud to be a slapper and you can't change, you've told us that already.

People think it's intimidating when a girl is cool with her sexuality

I'm a 180 to the stereotype girls like staying home and being innocent


[Repeat Chorus]

I like all my shorts to be a little too shorty

Well that's great, all your young fans will be following suit.Unlike all my guys I like them tall with money

Aaah, a musical prostitute - that's very original Kylie.

I love all of my nights to end a little bit nasty

How do you mean? With a car accident or are you again referring to dumping nice guys and sleeping around with your cool girly gang?

Can't change the way I am sexy naughty bitchy me

Can't change? Why bother trying Tata? It's the way to be, I know that if I were to write a song called 'Horny, Disorderly, As*hole Me' then I could get the same respect and following you have. I can only dream though because I'm avarage looking and not rich, and what's a good heart and personality worth these days eh?

I pick my skirts to be sexy

:DSorry, go on... :o

Just like my thoughts a bit naughty


When I'm out with my girls.. bithcy

Can't change, I am

Sexy naughty bitchy me :D:D:wub:

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Wasn't a bad take on the whole tune though, Wolfie.

It's the way to be, I know that if I were to write a song called 'Horny, Disorderly, As*hole Me' then I could get the same respect and following you have.

... deserves a beer for sure! :o

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