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Help, Very Worry, They Stop Me At Airport!

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Ricoloca, as mikethevigoman said you need not be paranoid. If on your return to Phuket the immigration officer asks you questions, just answer them calmly and truthfully. Another poster mentioned that on departure your were probably questioned by the officer because he considered the possibility that you might be working illegally in Thailand. You said yourself that this is not the case, that you are completely legally in Thailand, and therefore you have nothing to worry. The officer can, if he wants, ask you to show that you 20,000 Baht on you. That’s a standard rule, to be used by any officer at his discretion. Nothing to worry if you are asked that, either.



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thank you maestro. you're right i'm a little bit paranoid but the way you just explain me the situation makes me feeling good.

i don't really know the rules of visa and i heard that after six months there is a possibility to immigration to do not allow you to enter in thailand.

i thought that the possibility to stay in thailand after six mnths was a tolerance by immigration and that's why i was worry!

thank you and i will not forget to inform everybody concerning the end (happy) of this story!

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i'm in thailand since 2 years already and have many stomps and visas on my passport. it almost full (4 or 5 pages remaining).

i get my last double entry in paris, france and since my come back in thailand, it has been 6 months.

I am a bit surprised that they pulled you leaving the country. However they have reasonable grounds for suspicion, if you have a passport full of tourist stamps.

But if you are not working you have nothing to worry about, the worst they could do is demand some proof of funds, which you say you have.

By the way: I do not think it is advisable to say to officials "I have been spending my money" that seems somewhat rude; as if to say 'I am doing you a favour' by being here.

Far better to say you are enjoying Thailand and all it has to offer a French tourist, whilst smiling and looking calm and confident and unworried.

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New passport wont do you any good after all - you are in a computer and that will inform the entry/exit dates, not to mention if they flagged you. :o

The new passport would be good I'd bet. They may have records but really only look at the existing one in practise.

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Bangkokgas, the OP has done nothing illegal or otherwise wrong. He does not need to hide anything in his passport and therefore does not need a new passport.

And you are wrong. Every time you enter Thailand the immigration officer swipes his passport through a reader and your complete history of entries and exits gets displayed on his screen, including entries made with your previous passports. There have been posts in this forum by members who were show this by immigration officers.



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...we even smile our sweetest...

I believe you are not allowed to smile nowadays for an immigration photograph. Something to do with the face recognition software.



I read someplace that you can smile, just not show teeth. Wonder if one takes out their dentures they can show gums? :o

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...we even smile our sweetest...

I believe you are not allowed to smile nowadays for an immigration photograph. Something to do with the face recognition software.



I read someplace that you can smile, just not show teeth. Wonder if one takes out their dentures they can show gums? :o

well, am sorry, since a baby, i have been to taught to smile at cameras. too old to change ways.

they are the ones who need our photos, let them solve the problem of taking that smile away.

whose picture is going to show on the photo anyway? yours? so you have to make sure you have to look your dmanest best (ooops sorry!)...

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yes, i understood everybody and never broke the rules!

i'm feeling ok and prepared my bank statement in case of they stop me and ask me to prove my monthly income! (will not show if they don't ask me of course!)

We're eagerly awaiting your report about your return to Phuket.

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same thing just happened to me coming back to BKK from shanghai-agent is middle aged woman, too many TV, 'do you work' no , man come and escort me to desk in the back 'do you work' no, 'how many years you stay in Thailand 3 years you been here on this passport but you could have had one before' vague won't really answer, new lady said i should have an onward ticket- i don't, ok go back in get in another line..try a different lady, this time a younger one-let right thru w/o ?s whole thing took about 10 extra minutes

the fact that they were trying to get me to tell them how long I had been in Thailand indicates that they do not have this system that someone speculated keeps track of you once you get a new passport..when you get a new one the # changes to so they cannot keep track just by you name..so the answer to this hassle is get a new passport..but I'm gonna go ahead and let mine fill up and do one last visa run to where ever before I shell out the 50 bucks and the time it takes to go fill out the app, go back again to pick it up..and then finaly to bkk immigration to have stamps transfered over .phew.

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New passport wont do you any good after all - you are in a computer and that will inform the entry/exit dates, not to mention if they flagged you. :D

Are you sure about that i.e visa data available to Emmigration Staff via computer???

I returned to Chiang Mai this very week - after 2 weeks hols in Malaysia.

I have both an 'O' type and multiple entry visa.

The Emmigration official at Chiang Mai Airport scanned my passport and then gave me a 30 day stamp - before noticing the multi-one.

When I queried why the multi-visa did not show up on the 'scan' he replied that 'such information is not available to them' or words to that effect.

Very odd indeed!

Begs the question: just what information IS available to them via their computer system?

Bucklt :o

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New passport wont do you any good after all - you are in a computer and that will inform the entry/exit dates, not to mention if they flagged you. :D

Are you sure about that i.e visa data available to Emmigration Staff via computer???

I returned to Chiang Mai this very week - after 2 weeks hols in Malaysia.

I have both an 'O' type and multiple entry visa.

The Emmigration official at Chiang Mai Airport scanned my passport and then gave me a 30 day stamp - before noticing the multi-one.

When I queried why the multi-visa did not show up on the 'scan' he replied that 'such information is not available to them' or words to that effect.

Very odd indeed!

Begs the question: just what information IS available to them via their computer system?

Bucklt :o

I imagine that it shows all your entries and the visa number that you used for the entry. But it probably does not show if you have an active visa. They could probably see what you used last time, but would have no idea right away if the visa was still valid.

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I imagine that it shows all your entries and the visa number that you used for the entry...

There was this interesting post recently: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?s=...t&p=1942059

We know that the database includes entry and exit dates, not just from the current passport but also from previous passports. The poster will try to find out what other information there is.

I suspect that the database may also contain information about the arrival card number and the visa type, but I suspect that it contains no other information about the visa, ie no indication of the place, number, date of issue, date of expiration of the visa and whether the visa was valid for one entry or more than one entry.

One thing we can assume: when a consulate issues a visa, this information is not entered into the immigration database. Information, if any, about the visa would be entered when the passport is presented at the immigration desk on arrival in Thailand, because only at this time does visa information become relevant for immigration.



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... we even smile our sweetest.
Actually that's never bad advice. It's timely to review some basics when interacting with immigration on any level.

First impressions and body language are everything, approach it like your applying for a job.

Groomed and your best clothes, which includes your brightest smile. Regardless of the exchange, never become confortational or adversarial, keep smiling, keep your replies short and concise, do not add anything that wasn't asked or germane.

All of this has an affect, and can mean the difference on how far IM wants to go.

Of hundreds of people processing thru their station, you'll be perceived as a refreshing change, it's hard not to return a smile with Forest Gump in front of you, smiling, humble, groomed and neat, pleasant and respectful.

Never discount body language, keep smiling people, it may not always help but it never hurts. :o

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is somebody have already had the problem i had this morning at phuket airport?

i tell the story:

i'm in thailand since 2 years already and have many stomps and visas on my passport. it almost full (4 or 5 pages remaining).

i get my last double entry in paris, france and since my come back in thailand, it has been 6 months.

i was in phuket airport this morning to take a plane to go to KL to get a tourist visa and when i gave my passport to the immagration policeman, he looked it for about 5 or 6 real minutes, looked all the stomps and visas and asked me "if i work in thailand?", i answered him that i never work (and it's really true) and i told him also that i only spend money in thailand (it's still true).

he called a colleague and i had to follow his colleague fews meters around and i am sitting to he's desk. he took a picture of me with the same webcam as bangkok airport and just asked me if i already worked in thailand and i answered him the same thing as told to his colleague before.

it took about 5 minutes, he gave me back my passport and that's all. i'm now in KL.

so, i'm worry about 2 things:

1) i'm not surprised that they asked me if i work because when you stay longtime in a country, if you are not retired, then they can ask their self how can he get money? but i have monthly income from the rent of my parisian condo and i can show my bank statement... they could see that every month i have income. they can also see that every month i take cash to atm with my visa card. (i already prepared a copy of it for my come back to phuket friday). but i'm surprised because they asked all these things before living thailand! why these questions before my departure? i'm not worry about to get my visa in KL. will see...

2) is somebody already had this problem because now i'm WORRY ABOUT MY COME BACK TO PHUKET? and especially what could happend at airport? could they give me only one month? or 8 days (same somebody in penang)?

thanks to answer me and good luck to all!

I wouldn't feel bad about being stopped and asked questions by Immigration, After all, They are there to protect their borders and I'm guessing that they have to question a certain percentage over a given time.

They can hardly report to their boss that the had not asked anyone any questions this month because they didn't want to embarrass people.

Sure, If its you that gets pulled out of the line and questioned its really embarrassing and humiliating but it happens everyday in every part of the world. That's what they do and that's how they do it.

I certainly wouldn't feel that I was singled out or picked on, you were just a good candidate for them to question.

As far as people here suggesting that you get a new passport, why should you ? Passports are supposed to be full of stamps, that's why they have lots of pages isn't it ?

You were just a random guy in a random queue with nothing to hide, I wouldn't let it bother you.

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Its always unnerving to have the immigration authorities question u. But thats the way it is, Its the same in other countries all around the world. The last time i left australia with a nearly full passport the guy asked me why i had so many stamps in my passport. Unbelievable but true. Good Idea to get a new passport. Have a Thai bank account showing transfer of funds from overseas, the code at the side of the deposit shows this information and keep some documents on you about your financial status, like a copy of the lease of your apartment or a foreign bank statement. If you get stopped just be very polite and respectful and try a bit of a joke with them, and answer their questions honestly. Remember They have really boring jobs and get badly paid. Good luck

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...we even smile our sweetest...

I believe you are not allowed to smile nowadays for an immigration photograph. Something to do with the face recognition software.



I know you're joking. Even when the cameras work I'll bet the facial recognition software (if it's really here) doesn't work. I came it yesterday and the officer took a picture of my grinning face. He started laughing and I was out.

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ok, i can understand, sure!

i didn't want to hurt someone (maybe only one?) with this word, i understand...

but what is the worst?

my word or that stupid problem at phuket airport?

Its funny I have departed from Phuket many many times in the last five years and never have I had a problem with my Visa.

Your doing something to get there attention for sure.

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Being asked if you have been working in Thailand is hardly the Spanish Inquistion and hardly classes as a grilling or interrogation by Immigration officials. Some people here behave as though the next time you pass through Phuket Airport you're likely to be pulled to onside, taken into a dark room and waterboarded until you admit that you have been working.

Why worry about it - so long as your visas are legit you have nothing to worry about.

Far more people have far more hassles at British & American airports these days - for no good reason too.

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Back in 2002 I left Thailand through Phuket Airport. The immigration officer didn't recognize my last entry stamp (Myanmar/Ranong), all he saw was a Don Meuang entry stamp which would have resulted in a heavy overstay if it would have been the last entry stamp. I kept on pointing at the Ranong entry stamp, imploring him to look at it in order to verify I didn't have overstay. He couldn't be convinced though, and I was taken out of the line and told to sit down and wait. I couldn't repress the thought that the other people waiting in line were looking at me thinking I was some kind of a criminal. A higher up had to come who checked the computer, and soon I was given the all clear. Maybe it is just that all they see at Phuket Airport are regualr fly in fly out tourists.

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...Get a new passport...

ricoloca, as already mentioned by another member, disregard the above advice. It is wrong and would not eliminate your problem.



I agree and disagree with this. An immigration officer can interpret what he sees and if a passport is full of visas and 30 day stamps etc. then his "training and experience" would let him formulate a hypothesis that something might not be quite right.

On the other hand, a computer is just zeros and ones, yes and no. Any inference is down to the programmer and how much they have paid for algorithms and fuzzy logic. Simply it is [if X+Y > Z then do this else do this]. Your average immigration Joe will trust the box of flashing lights because he has no idea how it works. If it says ok and the passport is clean then no questions are asked.

I get pulled more times at Thiefrow in London when they ask why I spend so long out of the UK. None of their bloody business.

Edited by torrenova
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