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Beware Of (buying From These Companies)


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About six years ago I purchased a Whirlpool refrigerator. Really no complaints except compressor goes a little "haywire" every time we make a big move to another house – but comes back on line in a few hours.

Until NOW!

Whirlpool is handled by Life Orient here in Thailand with service sub'd out to Sompornkit Trade and Service Co. Ltd. (STS)

Service person came out to our home, replaced a part (we paid for it) and said refrig-freezer would be operational within 3-5 hours. Well 5 hours later, with food beginning to spoil (had not been working since day before) I called STS only to be hung up on 7 different times, once by the managing director.

After speaking with the Asian representative of Whirlpool based in Singapore (who was very sympathetic), I dialoged with a Khun Kitipob from Life Orient who said he investigated with STS and reason they hung up 7 times was no one was in the office to handle my concern.

As it turns out, the refrigerator DID start working about 24 hours after part was put in with Life Orient and STS now saying yes, that was normal time. So why tell me (in English) and my staff (in Thai) to wait 3-5 hours?

In any case, we recommend you NOT by Whirlpool in Thailand. If you have service problems, they WILL NOT be dealt with in a professional manner. Story is longer than this - here only summary of problems.

And by the way, Khun Kittipob from Life Orient admitted that many Japanese and Korean buy Whirlpool in Thailand because the international brand recognition and they too have had problems.

Buyer beware!

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I bought a Whirlpool fridge in 2003. It went on the blink about 3-5 months later. It took ten visits to the dealer, two years, and five house visits by inept technicians to get it to work again. All under warranty. Never again.

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Seems to me that 6 years is not a bad life for a refrigerator that is usually operating 24/7

How long shoud a fridge last?

I have one of the smaller Mitsubishi fridges, got it 2nd hand in 1991.  The interior light bulb has now burned out for the 2nd or 3rd time.  Don't believe I'll call for warranty service for that!

My parents back in Oregon had a pretty large freezer, 16-20 cu ft capacity, I think.  Bought it some time in the early 1950s, 35 years later my sister finally replaced it with a new one, but the old one still worked after a fashion.

On the other hand, we've gone through three large fridges here in the last 12 years.  The power out at Klong 10 just varies too much, or the electric company folks shut it down often when a storm threatens.  The little one, tho, just keeps plugging along w/o maintenance.


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dumb question, but when it is transported, was the fridge at anytime on its side?

When we bought a fridge at Christmas, we were warned that it should be transported vertically. If it was necessary to transport it on its side, we were advised not to use it for 24 hours to let the refigerants settle.

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dumb question, but when it is transported, was the fridge at anytime on its side?

When we bought a fridge at Christmas, we were warned that it should be transported vertically. If it was necessary to transport it on its side, we were advised not to use it for 24 hours to let the refigerants settle.

transport vertically - but I only leave it for an hour before turning it on

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Yes, my complaint is not with the product - it has worked fine for the last 6 years. My problem is with the two Thai companies that handle distribution and subsequently servicing of the product in Thailand. They suck!

Even the Singapore regional office has given up on them – having asked them (at my request) to write an apology note as to treating me so poorly on the telephone.

If you buy the product and have problem with it, you are going to be out of luck.

Yes, my frig did work after 24 hours - but hanging up on me 7 times was truly awful. When I did talk with someone at the service company they were unable to answer any questions. And I was polite on the phone.

You should never lie a frig on its side because of the compressor. I understand it is a fragile (big) thing.

Whirlpool is a good product but can not be serviced properly in Thailand and distributor does not care – once you put out your money – they are through with you.

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Whirlpool is a good product but can not be serviced properly in Thailand and distributor does not care – once you put out your money – they are through with you.

Yep, but don't worry there will be plenty of people on here to defend crap service based on "cultural differences". :o

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In general, I have been very pleased with the major appliance purchases I have made in Thailand over the past decade. The purchases have been in Bangkok (Power Buy) for TVs and in Pataya, all manner of household appliances, from refrigerators to toasters. Generally, being cheap, I buy a cheap model of some name brand Japanese manufacturer. My only exception to this rule was for my 42" Panasonic Viera plasa TV :o

The fridges, washing machines, water-heaters, DVD players, etc. that I have bought have been Mitsubishis, Panasonic, Clarte, and Fagor. The only problem I have had is with the imported German Fagor product.

One key is to buy a brand that has a local service center. Numchai, if you live in Pattaya, has great after sales service. On my little friges I bought from them, they even offer to come service/clean them free once a year.

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One reason for starting this topic is to hopefully show there is power in numbers.

Yes, we all realize TIT and things don't happen here like they do in the "real" world, however if we purchase international brands which do have service centers in Thailand and get shit service and/or attention to our problems - this should be brought up to the regional distributor/international office as they ARE concerned about their brand image.

I hope that as many people as possible list there complaints here. MAYBE if we all band together something can be done. I know, I know an altruistic hope, (I have lived here 15 years and should know better) but when I go to the international Whirlpool people and say "Look at all these others having difficulty with your service people in Thailand", maybe, just maybe they will change next time contract is up.

Another product to stay away from (locally made) Mazuma water coolers. We bought a digital model (+7,000 Baht) which had to be changed out 3 times within the first two weeks. We finally switched to a non digital hot/cold model which every4 or 5 months decides not to work. Out of the warranty period now, we have to pay 450 baht to have the service person come out, turns it on and off and it works (does not when we do the same thing). Fricking amazing.....

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Seems to me that 6 years is not a bad life for a refrigerator that is usually operating 24/7

You Sir are a salesmans dream :o


I bought 7 Mitsubishi refrigerator 18 years ago and 6 of them are still running.

Mitsubishi #1.

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Seems to me that 6 years is not a bad life for a refrigerator that is usually operating 24/7

You Sir are a salesmans dream :o


I bought 7 Mitsubishi refrigerator 18 years ago and 6 of them are still running.

Mitsubishi #1.

Think I read fridges were one of the most reliable appliances, I know my parents had a "Fridgidaire" for over 50 years and a "Parnell" tumble dryer both bought in 1952 as wedding presents.

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Said it before and I still think Thailand is on of the many countries that are dumping grounds for many major companies and their products that don't pass quality check for N. America, Euro, etc. I've bought plenty of known brand name stuff here that just did not last or malfunctioned almost immediately.

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Think I read fridges were one of the most reliable appliances, I know my parents had a "Fridgidaire" for over 50 years and a "Parnell" tumble dryer both bought in 1952 as wedding presents.

My mum bought a 'Hoover' fridge-freezer in the '60s. When I bought my first house in the early 80's she let me have it. When I moved to Thailand a few years ago I had to dump it because no one wanted it.

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So they had a part for a six year domestic appliance and fitted it for you.

The food spoiling is your issue not theirs.

I fail to see the big problem here - apart from being told 5 hours rather than 24.

You got through on the telephone - wow that is good - an indication that their phone lines are not over loaded with support calls to the point that they need to impliment a telephone menu system:

"Your call is importamt to us - we are experiancing heavy demand for our service center currently so please hold on and we will play you some music......."

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Not sure why your posting. Your 6 year old freezer had a problem and instead of 5 hours to fix it took 24? is that it ?

Posting because of bad service problem.

I have said repeatedly equipment is ok but companies that service equipment make the international brand look bad because they 1) don't give a dam_n; 2) are incompetent; 3) disrespect customers.

Want to have forum for others that have had similar problems as MAYBE if enough people have problems with Life Orient and service company STS – the regional office and the international division of Whirlpool will do something about them.

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