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How Much Money Do I Need To Survive?


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I my opinion, the above estimate is from a very narrow and atypical slice of the real Thailand. Living in Bangkok would be like you wanting to get a taste of the "real USA" and choosing to live in Manhattan, NYC.

Let's now take living near a medium-sized Thai city--let's say Khon Kaen or Ubon Ratchathani. Your costs:

Apartment (2-3 rooms): 2,500-4,000 Baht/month (little or no deposit)

Food: 100B/day or 3,000 Baht/month

Internet 1mb/ADSL: 700 Baht/month

Transportation: 1,750 Baht/month (buy a used motorbike for 5,000Baht for the three months)

Beer: 40B a bottle 1,200 Baht/month (30 beers/month--that enough?)

Total: 10,650/month 32,000/3 months $1,000 USD/3 months

Huge difference, huh? You could save enough on a daily basis to take plenty of side trips throughout Thailand any time you wanted (see the big tourist traps of Phuket, Pattaya and Bangkok).

Furthermore, Isaan (where both of these cities are located) provides an infinitely more genuine Thai experience than the cosmopolitan Bangkok (just like any other big international capitol city, in my opinion).

Also, photo opportunities would be immensely more diverse--for example, check out an Isaan friend's local photos at http://www.trekearth.com/members/Senk/

Great photos. Is he from Canada?

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The question should be... Survive? or have a good time?

You can "survive" on very little in Thailand if you want to live like a country folks Thai. But, if you want to have a good time then you can easily do that on about $2000 a month. I can rent a nice room in a reasonable hotel for about $200 a month and can eat well on about $5 a day. The remainder is needed for entertainment.

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Recommended costs:

- Apartment (small studio with aircon in City): 8,000-10,000 per month

- Apartment Deposit (1-2 months refundable when you leave): 8,000-20,000

- Food (seeing as the price of meals range widely let assume you'll eat at McDonald's 4 times per day): 400-500 per day

But you could eat 20baht rice meals and get by on 80 per day

- Internet (assuming you went a few hours per day to an internet cafe): 50baht per day.

- Taxis/BTS/Subway/Tuk Tuk etc..(assume you travel around a lot): 400 per day

- Beer (assuming a few bottles per night): 300 per day

Total (averaged): 149,000 (about 4,700 USD)

Obviously this is just a very rough guide, and assumes you'd stay in Bangkok the whole time (and do nothing but eat, drink and travel around).

If you took a trip to a tourist area (ie Phucket etc...) the prices would be much higher.

Yes, I would say this is a good estimate.

Perhaps take another 50000 baht on top for any emergencies.

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Recommended costs:

- Apartment (small studio with aircon in City): 8,000-10,000 per month

- Apartment Deposit (1-2 months refundable when you leave): 8,000-20,000

- Food (seeing as the price of meals range widely let assume you'll eat at McDonald's 4 times per day): 400-500 per day

But you could eat 20baht rice meals and get by on 80 per day

- Internet (assuming you went a few hours per day to an internet cafe): 50baht per day.

- Taxis/BTS/Subway/Tuk Tuk etc..(assume you travel around a lot): 400 per day

- Beer (assuming a few bottles per night): 300 per day

Total (averaged): 149,000 (about 4,700 USD)

Obviously this is just a very rough guide, and assumes you'd stay in Bangkok the whole time (and do nothing but eat, drink and travel around).

If you took a trip to a tourist area (ie Phucket etc...) the prices would be much higher.

Yes, I would say this is a good estimate.

Perhaps take another 50000 baht on top for any emergencies.

If you want a debaucherous standard of living better double the estimate! :)

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Hi there guys. This is my first post in this forum. I am 23 years old, living in Seattle, WA and I have come to a stage in my life that I am sure many of you have been- The stage where you tell yourself, "I gotta get out of here. Theres gotta be more to life than this." So I have decided on seeing a different part of the world. The last time I left the country was when I was 17, I went to see my relatives in Korea. I would love to go to Korea again, but I have already seen the place and it is expensive there. So I decided on Thailand or Vietnam. Then narrowed it down to Thailand because I figure there are more tourists there, therefore more of a chance that I can find an English speaking person in case of an emergency.

I decided on staying there for 3 months. I would prefer to live in a city-like environment (or near one), but nothing too expensive like the center of bangkok. For the last 3 weeks or so I would like to stay in a smaller town, since I will hopefully be able to get around easier. I am also a amateur photographer and would like to see some of the nicer, more traditional tourism attractions that Thailand has to offer for some good photos to share with home. I do not plan on spending a whole bunch of money on buying things really. I also just need a decent place to stay. I do not want to live in a run down bungalow/hut thing, but I also do not need a huge place in a skyscraper-like hotel. I do need an internet connection however or ill probably have a seizure and die.

So knowing what little information I've given you, how much money would you say I need to live in Thailand for 3 months? (Including cost of a place to stay). Again, I can live fairly simple, but I do need 4 meals a day, money for tourism, maybe small trinkets to send home and cost of internet connection. I dont need the guesstimate to include cost of daily boozing and whores every night etc. as I appreciate the well being of my wingwang. :D

Thanks so much and I'm glad to become a part of the board!

His 'wingwang' :)

If I considered the well being of my "wingwang" then I think 10,000 baht whoring budget would do the job.......

Exactly! x 3 weeks = 30,000 for wingwang

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Hi there guys. This is my first post in this forum. I am 23 years old, living in Seattle, WA and I have come to a stage in my life that I am sure many of you have been- The stage where you tell yourself, "I gotta get out of here. Theres gotta be more to life than this." So I have decided on seeing a different part of the world. The last time I left the country was when I was 17, I went to see my relatives in Korea. I would love to go to Korea again, but I have already seen the place and it is expensive there. So I decided on Thailand or Vietnam. Then narrowed it down to Thailand because I figure there are more tourists there, therefore more of a chance that I can find an English speaking person in case of an emergency.

I decided on staying there for 3 months. I would prefer to live in a city-like environment (or near one), but nothing too expensive like the center of bangkok. For the last 3 weeks or so I would like to stay in a smaller town, since I will hopefully be able to get around easier. I am also a amateur photographer and would like to see some of the nicer, more traditional tourism attractions that Thailand has to offer for some good photos to share with home. I do not plan on spending a whole bunch of money on buying things really. I also just need a decent place to stay. I do not want to live in a run down bungalow/hut thing, but I also do not need a huge place in a skyscraper-like hotel. I do need an internet connection however or ill probably have a seizure and die.

So knowing what little information I've given you, how much money would you say I need to live in Thailand for 3 months? (Including cost of a place to stay). Again, I can live fairly simple, but I do need 4 meals a day, money for tourism, maybe small trinkets to send home and cost of internet connection. I dont need the guesstimate to include cost of daily boozing and whores every night etc. as I appreciate the well being of my wingwang. :D

Thanks so much and I'm glad to become a part of the board!


Hi Robedar,

PM me and I can connect you with someone who can help with rentals, good info and about 30 minutes outside of downtown Bangkok... :)

Why would anyone want to stay 30 min out of Bkk?

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lol at 30K a month in Bangkok. Yes, you can live on that but its more like surviving. :)

Why not , 10k for a condo , 10k for food and drinks and 10k for the rest .

No problem as long as you stay away from the expensive places.

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Everyone's lifestyle is different but I would budget a minimum of 200k baht for the three months.

Bring one or two major credit cards and your bank ATM card for accessing you funds.

As others have suggested make sure you have medical insurance should you become injured or ill. You can purchase such a policy upon arrival in Thailand.

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Lots of places do charge the premium though, which is annoying, and apparently technically illegal.

Can you please elaborate on the 'illegal' part of your statement? Why would you think it is illegal? It costs merchants 3-4% when they accept a credit card, thus in Thailand (and probably many other places), they pass this charge onto the customer.

In the US, where this fee is not charged to the customer, one can only assume that it is already priced into the goods for sale. That means that those who elect to pay cash are getting screwed. Now that should be illegal!

"Illegal" is the wrong word.  There is no law against it.  However, it is in breach of the Visa and MasterCard merchant agreements.  When a merchant signs on to accept the cards, the cotnract explicitly states that the merchant will not charge an extra fee when a card is used to make a purchase.

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lol at 30K a month in Bangkok. Yes, you can live on that but its more like surviving. :)

Why not , 10k for a condo , 10k for food and drinks and 10k for the rest .

No problem as long as you stay away from the expensive places.

how do you wash your clothes or is that not in the playbook??

Indeed, you'd have to double that budget to cover laundry. It's not like most apartments have machines you can use for 20 baht.

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I am 24 years old and spend around 150k a month. I think if you scrape you can live comfortably for around 80k-100k baht a month. Don't forget emergency funds for arrest/health problems.

Only 150k? How do you manage that? I'm 21 and I get through 200k a month if I'm being thrifty and sacrificing a few home comforts. Where are you living? Perhaps I should move somewhere cheaper.

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lol at 30K a month in Bangkok. Yes, you can live on that but its more like surviving. :)

Why not , 10k for a condo , 10k for food and drinks and 10k for the rest .

No problem as long as you stay away from the expensive places.

how do you wash your clothes or is that not in the playbook??

Washing yourself by hand don't cost to much.

I'm thinking if 10K for food & drinks (333/day) is enough than 10K for apartment is probably too much. You'll be same happy in a 5K apartment :D

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lol at 30K a month in Bangkok. Yes, you can live on that but its more like surviving. :)

Why not , 10k for a condo , 10k for food and drinks and 10k for the rest .

No problem as long as you stay away from the expensive places.

how do you wash your clothes or is that not in the playbook??

Washing yourself by hand don't cost to much.

I'm thinking if 10K for food & drinks (333/day) is enough than 10K for apartment is probably too much. You'll be same happy in a 5K apartment :D

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I keep a pretty good budget of what I spend and have a great time. On average I spend ...

6000 baht a month on room

6000 baht a month on meals

6000 baht a month on beer

20,000 baht a month on women

and another 10,000 baht a month on incidentals.

Flights and accommodation around Thailand on holidays are extra.

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Indeed, you'd have to double that budget to cover laundry. It's not like most apartments have machines you can use for 20 baht.

Oh, do they? They don't in my building but its more upscale. My point is the same though, you are likely going to end up spending above 30k a month unless you are really one of those guys who is into spending six hours inside of a Wat and willing to hand wash your own clothing and willing to take 12 hour bus and train rides that feel like 120 hours.

Edited by TheGoodDoctor
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I am 24 years old and spend around 150k a month. I think if you scrape you can live comfortably for around 80k-100k baht a month. Don't forget emergency funds for arrest/health problems.

Only 150k? How do you manage that? I'm 21 and I get through 200k a month if I'm being thrifty and sacrificing a few home comforts. Where are you living? Perhaps I should move somewhere cheaper.

Perhaps, but if its not broken why fix it?

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The maid does the washing. Don't even ask me about the cost of detergent. I sure as heck don't look at prices. The maid does all the shopping while I eat lunch. Then we meet her near the checkout isle. Make sure she did not forget anything, do a quick stroll incase something catches our eye, and that is that.

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The maid does the washing. Don't even ask me about the cost of detergent. I sure as heck don't look at prices. The maid does all the shopping while I eat lunch. Then we meet her near the checkout isle. Make sure she did not forget anything, do a quick stroll incase something catches our eye, and that is that.

So thats your life . And you have a maid, nice.

Maybe thats why you cant imagine its possible to live a happy life under 30-40k ?

And washing is cheap, we stay in a serviced apartment and sometimes I even wash my own shirts .

Sometimes I cook my own food , its something I like to do and its fun.

Welcome to the real world.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi there,

Thanks mate for your post..I was very intrested in your pricing about living in thailand and pleasently surprized..

im working in ireland at the moment and was thinking of taking a year out or even longer to live in thailand..you say one can get an apartment for 2,500 to 4,000 baht/month..

Could you Reccomend any website where there are properties for rent or lease in this price range..And if you could give me anymore advice about living in thailand on the bare minimum...

I would be very greatful....many thanks again..And keep the great posts coming...

Reg martin. Ireland

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^^^ mo1962mn

I doubt very much you will find much info on these sort of apartments on the web.

Even the few that do advertize are almost all written in Thai.

For example in the Ramkhamhaeng area of Bkk there are many apts in the price range you

mention, usually called something like, Lucky View Mansion or Sawasdee Apartments, the adverts I

see are all written in Thai, quoting a daily and monthly rate.

Your problem will be the language barrier, do you even know how to ask for a monthly rate in Thai?

The ones that advertize in English, the (in)famous Nasa Vegas in Khlong Tan for example advertize

for 6,900 baht per month.

Next problem, would you even want to live in these apartments, could you?

There is a reason these places are cheap, because of the customer base, use your own imagination.

Living in Thailand on the bare minimum, what type of visa would you have? costs of border runs every 3 months, no local knowledge of buses, having to use taxis etc etc

What about medical insurance?

I dare say it could be done on as low as 20,000 baht per month, say 5,000 baht for an apt and 500 baht

per day for food. You would have no social life, and wouldnt be viewed as a hansum man.

Yes Thailand is cheap for Thais, they can survive, they have no choice, why anyone would want to

experience it, well thats another matter.

No doubt some teacher will be on telling us how cheap he can live, and how we are missing out

on not living like a local and interacting and understanding Thais and their culture, sorry not for me.

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Hi there,

Thanks mate for your post..I was very intrested in your pricing about living in thailand and pleasently surprized..

im working in ireland at the moment and was thinking of taking a year out or even longer to live in thailand..you say one can get an apartment for 2,500 to 4,000 baht/month..

Could you Reccomend any website where there are properties for rent or lease in this price range..And if you could give me anymore advice about living in thailand on the bare minimum...

I would be very greatful....many thanks again..And keep the great posts coming...

Reg martin. Ireland

It is easy for thais to live cheaply in thailand. It's bloody difficult for foreigners, however. Forget all thoughts of 2.5-4k/month.

What you need to understand - as has previously been mentioned - is there's a BIG difference between living in thailand and surviving in thailand. As someone who's done both, I'd say you really, really don't want to do the latter.

My advice is; keep your job, keep your head down, work hard, save hard and party-harty in thailand when on annual leave. Thailand's no fun unless you've got a massive wad.

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Bt100,000 a month minimum, maybe Bt150,000. Living on less is long term living. If you are only in Thailand for 3 months then you need cash to go "do things" and travel around a bit. I don't see the point to go to Thailand and be holed up in some grotty condo or hotel and not be able to afford to enjoy yourself. It is not supposed to be a punishment "holiday" is it ?

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I dont need the guesstimate to include cost of daily boozing and whores every night etc. as I appreciate the well being of my wingwang. :D

His 'wingwang' :)

given your age your "wingwang's" well being will deteriorate considerably if not used (except for peeing) :D

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