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Thaivisa Crashing Firefox?


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This error is pretty reproducable - i surf ThaiVisa, open this very subforum (Internet, computers, communication technology in Thailand" and my Firefox freezes up. Completely.

I've done that 6 times now. Any forum is fine, but as soon as i get here, BANG, game over.

I'm posting this using IE.

My machine is my office machine, Windows XP home SP2, 512 MB RAM, 2.0 GHz Celeron.

Could this be looked into? I'm sure it's because of one of the million ads here (in the bottom i can see FF opening a million different links before it starts displaying the page, which then freezes).

Best regards.....


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Also using FF--but just one problem. My multiple tabs (clicking with mouse to another tab) don't work while using TV. I have to use the keyboard (control+page up) to change tabs. Very irritating.

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Hello :o

Now i was wondering where my topic went :D As it's been moved i need to clarify - the "crashing" ONLY happens when i open the "Internet, computer...etc" sub forum. Anything else on ThaiVisa does not produce the problem.

Also it does NOT happen at my home location, neither under Windows (FF 2.0) or Linux (FF 3.0 beta 5).

I guessed it's because one of the ads as each sub forum has specific ads on it. Last time i had a similar problem (at home!) when every page on ThaiVisa would get stuck on the "pagead2.googlesyndication" thing, now that's of course not a ThaiVisa problem, but a Google problem :D That did, however, not freeze the browser, as this new problem does.

With best regards......


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This error is pretty reproducable - i surf ThaiVisa, open this very subforum (Internet, computers, communication technology in Thailand" and my Firefox freezes up. Completely.

I've done that 6 times now. Any forum is fine, but as soon as i get here, BANG, game over.

I'm posting this using IE.

My machine is my office machine, Windows XP home SP2, 512 MB RAM, 2.0 GHz Celeron.

Could this be looked into? I'm sure it's because of one of the million ads here (in the bottom i can see FF opening a million different links before it starts displaying the page, which then freezes).

Best regards.....


Same thing happened to me all day yesterday. After visiting any forum on Thaivisa was unable to access any other site on Firefox. Tried Internet Explorer, but it would work for one site and then do the same thing. Seems okay today though. I'll just have to see what happens when I log off of here :o

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Yeah it's still doing the same for me here. Interestingly today it is THIS very thread, as soon as i opened this page (from the link in the notification e-mail) FF froze up.

I can open just about ANY website just fine, even YouTube. It only freezes up on ThaiVisa. Strange.

A while ago i experienced a similar problem with the German online-newspaper www.bild.de, that would crash ANY browser except for an old Netscape version (!!), i sent them an e-mail asking for the reason and they confessed it was due to advertisements that were full of bugs and only that old browser, which didn't support one of the darn things (flash?) had no problems.

Best regards.....


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I’m using both firefox and I.E.7

I’ve experienced crashes on both over the past week or so with firefox freezing more often. I then have to go to processes and stop firefox before I can restart it.

I.E.7 just reports an error and shuts down.

As I’m usually signed into Thaivisa I thought it may have been a TV problem. For the past few hours I’ve been logged into TV without problems with no other sites open.

I then started opening some other websites in tabs while still logged into TV. Soon after I opened one Oz news site firefox froze. Opening other sites didn’t affect firefox. I tried the same Oz news website with I.E.7 and encountered a crash.

Thanh I wonder if you’re opening another website along with TV.

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Hi :o

As many open windows confuse me easily, normally when reading news (such as ThaiVisa) it is the only page open. When i reported the problem first, it happened in such a fashion - i entered thru the normal www.thaivisa.com, clicked "Expat Forums", scrolled to "Internet, Computers...." and opened it. And wheile that page was open, FF froze up, i.e. loading staleld and the Firefox icon in the top left corner turned into ag eneric "application" icon, at this point i could neither go "back" nor "reload", only "close" still worked.

It happened with other pages open as well, either tabs or windows, which would have been G-Mail or Hotmail or any other. The moment i entered that specific forum, FF itself froze and i could not even switch to the other tabs or windows, again only "close" which took all of them down at once.

NO such problem on IE or on my Firefox at home, which at the time had been the same version ( with identical add-ons too (Black Japan theme, Unwired, Video Downloader, FlashGot, Forecastfox, Adobe Plugin, Flash Plugin). Also now, as i have switched to Linux and FF 3.0 Beta 5, still no such problem from home but still experiencing it here at the office altough, right now (2 FF windows open), no problem.

Oh - one difference between here and home: here i got a "Bookmarks toolbar" enabled (original FF stuff, no add-on) while at home i don't use that. But TV isn't in that bar. And of course the OS - at home it was Vista, here XP Home SP2.

Best regards.....


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Odd. I am using XP sp2, the FF v 1.4 and no freezing. I've also used it on Vista home with the same version of FF and no freezing then either.

I must admit I never use IE except for windows updates. For sites that require IE I use a FF addon called IE tab.

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Hi :o

Happened again today, a good 10 times before i gave up. Same forum (Internet, computers....), all other TV forums NO PROBLEM. And it was the only page/tab open. Weird.

Now at home, Linux, FF 3.0 beta 5 - 15 tabs open (!), all ThaiVisa (i'm subscribed to too many topics and got all those notification mails...) and ZERO problem, apart from all the pages taking forever to load due to the stupid pagead2.googlesyndication.com.

Internet advertising should be made illegal. MANY times i have been sitting in front of a browser slowly building up a page with all the advertisements and animations and crap being there but the only thing i need - the text - not showing up. i HATE that, and TV is no exception.

I guess something at the office machine reacts allergic to some advertisement n that particular forum, and only there.......

Best regards.....


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Have you tried creating a new profile in Firefox? Sometimes the profiles get corrupted. The Mozilla support forums have details on how to this for either Mac or Windows.

Reinstalling Firefox may not help if you don't delete all the files first and the old profile remains

First option though is to delete the prefs file and restart Firefox. I use Mac so can't help you on the location of your FF prefs file in Windows. Again, check out the Mozilla support forums.

Ive deleted the prefs file a couple of times and also created new profiles and both have improved FF performance.

Also look at what plugins you have installed.

One final tip. If you end up creating a fresh profile make a copy of it so it's easier to replace it in the future without having to use the profile manager.

Hope this helps.

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Hi :o

Will try that on Monday, thank you so much :D

I have also just taken care of this "googlesyndication" BS - Adblock Plus, now TV pages load in like - don't know, tenths of seconds or something :D

With kind regards......


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Hi :o

Not mine.... Firefox 3 Beta 5, under Linux Ubuntu 8.04. 8 open tabs, one of which your link.... no crash or hang at all. But the page (Canon SG) isn't properly working either - the image sits over the drop-down menus so they are worthless.

Best regards.....


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I am afraid I am a Lemming.

Gave up on Fire Fox.

Good luck to those that persevere, it will come right.

Couldn't be bothered with the hassles.

IE forever........LOL

Those having probs at work, should realise some other work IT software may be finding some code used by TV incompatible.

Geeeeeeez, ya s'posed to be at work, not at play.

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