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Carrying Golf Clubs On A Cbr 150


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OK, sorry for the following very technical nature of my own personal query regarding the CBR 150!

After reading through all the entheusiastic post about the CBR, you've all got me excited and want to chop the Wave in for a new mean machine. The question is..... The Golf Clubs! :D

They are fine strapped onto my back on the Wave - I do 20 -30 km to the course 3 times a week, the wieght of the bag is not a problem as it rests on the back of the seat :o , but does anyone have any experience on how comfortable carrying a bag of clubs is on a CBR 150?


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I am also interested as I will be trying to do the same.

you think some kinda of bracket could be made? I am Thinking about the Honda Phantom but if the CBR 150 could be used it would be better. any ideas out there?

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I'm sure that a lot of the purists out there will be scoffing at the mere suggestion of fixing brackets to a CBR, thus sullying its exquisite lines :o:D

I'd love to do it myself though. We wouldn't half turn some heads I'd bet!

I have seen a beautiful stainless steel rack on the back of a big touring bike which carried the clubs "upright". Pretty cool it was.

For the time being though, I just wondered if the CBR is likely to give me any major unforseen problems if I just sling the bag on my back?

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Well, if you're looking to support them on the pillion seat, I doubt there'd be room. I can't say that I've done it since my disdain for a sport that wastes so much pasture is fairly vehement, but I do know that the area there on a CBR 150 is quite small. Weight-wise it shouldn't be an issue since I've ridden on the pillion and my quite hefty (95 kilos) weight didn't adversely affect the bike.

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If your back is strong enough to sling the loaded golf bag over your shoulder, it should work fine on a CBR. However, you do lean slightly forward to reach the handlebars.

My friend had an ugly plastic box and lid on his NSR150. I had a big Pepsi Cola box with Ferrari logo on a Suzuki GN250 chopper.

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If your back is strong enough to sling the loaded golf bag over your shoulder, it should work fine on a CBR. However, you do lean slightly forward to reach the handlebars.

The weight is not an issue, i think the bag will rest ok on the (slightly raised) pillion seat. I guess I'm going to have to try sitting on a CBR to check that it's still comfortable leaning forward as you say PB. It's never more than 30 mins to the course on the Wave, so on a CBR.....? :o

Edited by Marvo
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