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Hi, nobody knows me here, but I live in Belgium. I just got a joboffer in the diamondindustry, to work in thailand for 6 months, teaching.

Now I'm tempted to go in on the offer, it pays good too, but I really don't know anything about Thailand, how is it there, the culture, the way of life, the nightlife?

I like the country-side, but something tells me I'm gonna be in a big city...is it far to be in any sort of nature when you're in the city?

Any warnings you could give me, perhaps?

I already thank you


MrAverage :o

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i would say without a doubt that its worth a try....

dont know about drugs and stuff.. but the rest is truly " amazing thailand "

i am not a thai pro though.. so for a longer stay there are people in a much better position to answer the longer stay problems...

..... but for six months... heaven!

amarka :o

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If you never been in se-asia, or even worse, never been out of belgium, thailand is no place for you.

I guess it would be better to stay home in belgium.

You should come and explore thailand a bit before you willingly say yes to a 6 month contract here.

Some ppl hate los, and others love it....it just depend on what person you are.

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But I don't want to stay just in Belgium, Belgium is a small country with smallminded people...I'm ready to explore my possibilities and explore the world! I'm not scared for a little adventure, as long as I'm having fun in my life, nothing will stop me!


MrAverage :o

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But I don't want to stay just in Belgium, Belgium is a small country with smallminded people...I'm ready to explore my possibilities and explore the world! I'm not scared for a little adventure, as long as I'm having fun in my life, nothing will stop me!


MrAverage :o

be careful you may find that Thailand has even more small minded people than Belgium.

If you can't have fun in Thailand................................................ you're dead!!

But if you need drugs for fun then stay in Belgium there's a heavy price paid here for those in the drug trade. 2,500+ dead in an anti-drug govt crackdown.

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I just got a joboffer in the diamondindustry, to work in thailand for 6 months, teaching.

Do you work for the diamond industry in Belgium?

They are in Antwerpen, not really the countryside, I should say.

What do they want you to teach in Thailand?

How to cut diamonds?

Antwerpen is well known for its diamond cutting industry but also for far less recommendable activities... :o

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Yes I work in Antwerp, I'm a diamondgrader. But I live in the country, just half an hour drive from Antwerp.

They want me to teach diamondgrading to a bunch of people who will eventually grade the diamonds of their own cut. So they can sort them out by clarity and due so also by price.

I don't need drugs to have fun, I'd lie when I'd say I don't do drugs occasionally, but it sticks with a couple of joints, nothing more, defenitly no addiction or whatsoever... I just can't drink alcohol, I medicly can't stand it. That explanes the joints a little bit, sertain when you know it is not illegal here (it's not legal either, but anyway...). Maybe I'm just looking for some alternatives, anyhow, that's not the main issue here. Main issue is; how Thailand welcomes his foreigners? (non-Tourist) And how do the foreigners like Thailand?


MrAverage :o

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Yes I work in Antwerp, I'm a diamondgrader. But I live in the country, just half an hour drive from Antwerp.

They want me to teach diamondgrading to a bunch of people who will eventually grade the diamonds of their own cut. So they can sort them out by clarity and due so also by price.

Please come to Thailand and make your own experience.

You are young and enthusiasm is what you have.

Experience is what you don't have.

I'm sure you will be different after your 6 months in Thailand.

For better or for worse.

But isn't it what life is all about?

And do not listen to all the "old" doomsayers (me included).

They're just jealous... :o:D

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Yes I work in Antwerp, I'm a diamondgrader. But I live in the country, just half an hour drive from Antwerp.

They want me to teach diamondgrading to a bunch of people who will eventually grade the diamonds of their own cut. So they can sort them out by clarity and due so also by price.

I don't need drugs to have fun, I'd lie when I'd say I don't do drugs occasionally, but it sticks with a couple of joints, nothing more, defenitly no addiction or whatsoever... I just can't drink alcohol, I medicly can't stand it. That explanes the joints a little bit, sertain when you know it is not illegal here (it's not legal either, but anyway...). Maybe I'm just looking for some alternatives, anyhow, that's not the main issue here. Main issue is; how Thailand welcomes his foreigners? (non-Tourist) And how do the foreigners like Thailand?


MrAverage :D

Mr. Average~

Just so you should know that Thais look down on someone who smokes pot if that's your drug of choice. Puffing on the 'ol reefer is considered to be very "low-class" a poor-man's high. :o

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Thailand is an amazing place. The people are very friendly and they live in a respectful society. If you show respect to the people and their country then you should have a fantastic time.

You must bear in mind that the culture is very different to Europe and you must go there prepared to accept and enjoy these differences. Remember you are a guest at all times.

And don't bother with drugs in any shape or form. Belgium maybe lax with a bit of puff but Thailand isn't and you could find yourself in very big trouble. By that I mean either dead or in prison for a long time.

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Thailand is an amazing place. The people are very friendly and they live in a respectful society. If you show respect to the people and their country then you should have a fantastic time.

Best advice I have seen so far.

Listen to it, Mr. Average and have a nice time.

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you don't mention your age

listen to the posts carefully

most are true

some more helpful than others

some may seem mean or in jest,

the voices of mistakes made.

thailand is a beautiful country,

so are most of her people.

go for it.

there's bad guys everywhere

watch your ass,

wear a condom,


p.s. gentle and polite goes well,

learn some words every day, smile

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Any warnings you could give me, perhaps?

How much time do you have to decide? Take whatever time you have to do the research, as you are here. Will the company fly you down there for a week to check the place out first?

There is a lot more to it than just whether or not you will like the country. What are the terms of your assignment?

You said the pay is okay, but what about the other things, such as:

- paying for a return trip once or twice during the assignment

- any medical insurance you currently have, still being valid in Thailand; if not then what will the company do for you

- additional expenses for relocation, living, transportation (whether rental car or something else); will the company find and pay for a rental location, or will you have to do all of that

- bonus for successful completion of assignment

- will you have a job waiting for you when you return

- how will you get paid, will the company cover costs associated with money transfers, exchange rates, ATM fees, etc.

You should get as much in writing as possible from your firm, whether that is a contract, a letter, an e-mail from your boss, or whatever.

Sorry, forgot to add .. will the company be paying for any language lessons so that you can become more functional within the culture?

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