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90 Day Stay Residence Notification

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Learned something new today: If you're on a one year 'visa' (one year stay) and don't leave the country for more than 90 days, then you now have to go fill in a form at the Chiang Mai Immigration office. Apparantly in other parts of the country they don't bother with this?

It's not a lot of hassle, just fill in a form and send someone over to the immigration office. Then 90 days later you have to repeat the procedure, unless you leave the country for any reason and then come back of course.

Failing to do so apparently costs a fine of 2000 baht.

I now have yet another piece of paper stapled in my passport saying:

"Receipt of Notification" bla bla, 90 day stay, from, to etc.



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chanchao, you had a bad-hair-day?

Do a search for 90-day's notifications (dozens of posts) or check your TM 6-card point 5:


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Mate if you're on a one year multiple entry Visa without a WP (or extension due to cash etc.) then you'd have to leave every 90 days and thus wouldn't have to register.

Oh and by the way if you have a multiple re-entry permit, you'd also have an extended Visa (most likely, although you could use it on a 90 dayer, but it would be kind of pointless, if you had a multiple entry Non-imm :o ASWELL! As I told you a multiple re-entry permit is for people with extended Visas that need to leave the country (multiple times) and it stops the Visa etc. being cancelled!

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> Amazing. This board is full of postings, Details, official announcements,

> debates, and all and sundry about this topic, and Mr. Super Mod hears

> about this the first time today?

Apparently. :D

Hey I moderate discussions, mostly those about bargirls and US politics, posted by people with avatars showing women with animated mammaries; I don't necessarily read the informative, interesting and valueable posts. :o

( Thanks everyone!! )



Edited by chanchao
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Are you sure thats not a one year multiple re-entry permit NOT visa?

It doesn't matter.

If you do not leave the country then you report at your local immigration office

every 90 days.

If you have a multiple entry visa you report your address at the airport/border

each time you fill in a new TM card on arrival.

If you have a re-entry permit and leave, the 90 day clock starts again

when you return.

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If you have a re-entry permit and leave, the 90 day clock starts again

when you return.

^ I get confused with this. One of our chaps here went in when it was actually due (not the reset time from leaving and coming back) and the lady said either was acceptable?

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I would be confused, too.

Try following to understand the system.

a) You obtain a non-immigrant visa (usually B or O, O-A)

b] You arrive with this visa, let's say single-entry, in Thailand, at this moment your visa is USED, VOID, FINISHED.

c) However, you get a permit to stay in LoS for 90 days. Actually, your p/port will be stamped: ADMITTED UNTIL.... date so and so.

Latest on this day you have to leave.

d) If you want to stay longer you must go to an immigration office and apply with prescibed forms and documents, copies, photocopies etc. (Details in thaivisa.com)

giving a valid reason, e.g. married to Thai, business with WP a.s.o.

e) Once immigration accepts everything you get an extension, ideal for one year.



(The date will be 365 days from your first entry.)

IF you leave the country for even 1 day, you must apply before, for a RE-ENTRY PERMIT, which will allow you to return to LoS under the previous conditions.

This permit will have the same expiry as your permission to stay and your new mermit will have the same date, as well.

The 90-days reporting has nothing to do with your permission to stay, as such.

If you stay in the country, you must report your address every 90 days. (Text I showed in my earlier post in the thread.) If you leave the country and come back on your re-entry permit, you do not need to report your address until 90 days AFTER this re-entry because you gave your address in the arrival card (TM 6-form). (Unless you change address)

Sounds easy? :o

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kenkannif, I did not necessarily address above to you, I know you know :o

But when reading through many of these threads I see always the same mix-up between visa-validity, permission to stay and reporting of address.

Btw: Fully agree they don't know.

Imagine, you report your 90 days-stay in September get a receipt with a remark to come back Dec. 24 (example) leave Dec 22, return January 5 and report in April again.

I would bet that someday an imm. will say you should have reported last December, now is April :D:D:D

For the April report I would take the previous receipt out of the p/port.

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kenkannif, I did not necessarily address above to you, I know you know :o

But when reading through many of these threads I see always the same mix-up between visa-validity, permission to stay and reporting of address.

Btw: Fully agree they don't know.

Imagine, you report your 90 days-stay in September get a receipt with a remark to come back Dec. 24 (example) leave Dec 22, return January 5 and report in April again.

I would bet that someday an imm. will say you should have reported last December, now is April :D:D:D

For the April report I would take the previous receipt out of the p/port.

I did that last year here in Bangkok, did not remove old tm.47, and no questions were asked. They knew what to do.

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Besides the normal non-immigrant O forms,I had to fill in an additional form called:

Additional application form for non-immigrant visa "O-A"(Long stay).

This together with ALL documents required for the retirement visa, are investigated, PRE APPROVED and mailed to Min.O F.A who will sent to Immigration HQ.

Date of expiry mentioned in my visa is: 13 October 2005 !

Why go through all the hussle, if I have to do it all over again within 3 months of my arrival?

That is the purpose of O-A .( a pre approval !)

May be Dr.PP can confirm?

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If you leave the country and come back on your re-entry permit, you do not need to report your address until 90 days AFTER this re-entry because you gave your address in the arrival card (TM 6-form).

Can anyone actually squeeze their address in the space provided? There's barely enough room for 'Chiang Mai' -- and even using "CM," getting house number, moo, tambon, and amphur is impossible.

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If you leave the country and come back on your re-entry permit, you do not need to report your address until 90 days AFTER this re-entry because you gave your address in the arrival card (TM 6-form).

Can anyone actually squeeze their address in the space provided? There's barely enough room for 'Chiang Mai' -- and even using "CM," getting house number, moo, tambon, and amphur is impossible.

Yes. But agree there should be more room. I always write one line above and one below the dotted line. Most people just enter a hotel name so it is not a problem for them.

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Can anyone actually squeeze their address in the space provided? There's barely enough room for 'Chiang Mai' -- and even using "CM," getting house number, moo, tambon, and amphur is impossible.

I don't understand the problem.

Assuming you have a Non Imm O or B visa:

In the box marked Country of residence you put Chiang Mai, Thailand

In the next box you put 611 Soi 9, Moo 2, Amphur name.

The address part can span 2 line if you need.

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Just wondering about the following situation:

One a 1Y Permission of stay, travel in Thailand (away from my port of residence) I usually fill out registrations in Hotels or Guest Houses. Do these count as internediate reports, i.e. do I still have to report the 90 Day in this case?

Also: What to do in case I am away from my residence (on business, or whatever reason) for the report period?

Say, have to report on Dec 15, my residence is Pattaya, but I stay in a Hotel in Chang Mai from Dec 10 to 20.

Do I have to go to Chiang Mai to report my adress (which one? The one in Pattaya, or the Hotel Adress in Chiang Mai?)

Ok, I could send my form by mail to Pattaya Imm, but even then the Question of which adress to report remains ....


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@ dutch

This is ok, with applying for the O-A (A for approved) you did the work in advance that usually has to be done before end of the first three months. So in this case next extension end of Sept. 2005 to be applied.

The other 2 points remain: Arrive during validity of the visa.


90 days after arrival you have to report your address and do so every 90 days (unless you leave and return on a re-entry permit, when the 90 days for reporting starts again)

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Thanks Axel, you confirmed what I was told at the Embassy.

You made me worried in your earlier message,where you mentioned different (for O-A) :o

Now I am the happy man again :D

Now only the access to the chat for me and Jayenram (and 3 others) and out life is complete again.

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Just wondering about the following situation:

One a 1Y Permission of stay, travel in Thailand (away from my port of residence) I usually fill out registrations in Hotels or Guest Houses. Do these count as internediate reports, i.e. do I still have to report the 90 Day in this case?

Also: What to do in case I am away from my residence (on business, or whatever reason) for the report period?

Say, have to report on Dec 15, my residence is Pattaya, but I stay in a Hotel in Chang Mai from Dec 10 to 20.

Do I have to go to Chiang Mai to report my adress (which one? The one in Pattaya, or the Hotel Adress in Chiang Mai?)

Ok, I could send my form by mail to Pattaya Imm, but even then the Question of which adress to report remains ....


Hotel registration does not count as 90 day reporting - only tm.47 and tm.6 count.

Hotel does fulfill the 24 hour police report requirement for travel from registered address.

You file your tm.47 by mail to Pattaya, as this is still your normal address and you report it as your address.

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You made me worried in your earlier message,where you mentioned different (for O-A) :o

Sorry about that dutch. I should have made a bracket behnd the O-A (up to one year)

Funny story: I saw your post this morning at home but was in a hurry for the office. In my mind, first thing I must comment to you.

Switched on the computer and was advised by my staff, the ISP has problems, server down until at least 11:00 am. :D

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Just to clarify, coz i'm thick. The 'O' visa is obtained outside the kingdom, and then the OA is applied for (at immigration in muang thai) before the end of the 90-day (single) or 12-month (multiple), is this right?

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Just to clarify, coz i'm thick. The 'O' visa is obtained outside the kingdom, and then the OA is applied for (at immigration in muang thai) before the end of the 90-day (single) or 12-month (multiple), is this right?

You get the A added to the O to denote the one-year extension of stay (approved), yes?

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Just to clarify, coz i'm thick. The 'O' visa is obtained outside the kingdom, and then the OA is applied for (at immigration in muang thai) before the end of the 90-day (single) or 12-month (multiple), is this right?

No. The O-A should be applied for in your home country and allows you to enter Thailand for a one year stay. This has been very confusing to everyone involved as it is an exception to normal requirement for immigration to extend stay in country for one year. This is approved prior to your arrival.

An O visa is normally obtained outside Thailand but another visa can be changed to O by immigration in order for your to apply of extension of stay for one year.

What you normally apply for during last 30 days of a 90 day stay is an extension of stay. This is not a visa. It only extends the stay of a visa you already had; for a total period of one year at a time.

A 12 month multi entry non immigrant visa allows stays up to 90 days at a time but not longer. It is obtained at a Consulate. It, or a single entry, is what is used to apply for an extension of stay inside Thailand.

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Just to clarify, coz i'm thick. The 'O' visa is obtained outside the kingdom, and then the OA is applied for (at immigration in muang thai) before the end of the 90-day (single) or 12-month (multiple), is this right?

You get the A added to the O to denote the one-year extension of stay (approved), yes?

No, not really, O-A (retirement) or B-A (business) must be applied outside of Thailand, however, the embassy/consulate has to get permission from the Immigration Bureau in Bangkok before the visa is issued.

In practise it means, you submit all the documents to the Thai mission abroad and come to Thailand only AFTER you get the O-A (B-A). You than can stay for one year, from date of arrival.

If you are on a O or B (without the A), which can be issued by the foreign mission without prior approval from Bangkok, you get 90 days stay and than apply (before the end of the 90 days) for extension, if granted for max. 1 year from date of first arrival.

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Just to clarify, coz i'm thick. The 'O' visa is obtained outside the kingdom, and then the OA is applied for (at immigration in muang thai) before the end of the 90-day (single) or 12-month (multiple), is this right?

You get the A added to the O to denote the one-year extension of stay (approved), yes?

No, not really, O-A (retirement) or B-A (business) must be applied outside of Thailand, however, the embassy/consulate has to get permission from the Immigration Bureau in Bangkok before the visa is issued.

In practise it means, you submit all the documents to the Thai mission abroad and come to Thailand only AFTER you get the O-A (B-A). You than can stay for one year, from date of arrival.

If you are on a O or B (without the A), which can be issued by the foreign mission without prior approval from Bangkok, you get 90 days stay and than apply (before the end of the 90 days) for extension, if granted for max. 1 year from date of first arrival.

Cheers for that Lop and Axel :o . You only need to prove the 400K when going for the extension of stay and not the 'O' visa?

I'm not thick...but getting there :D .

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I think it's pretty bloody simple and straight forward - if you have a visa that allows you to stay more than 90 days, you have to advise immigration your address on or before 90 days after you entered Thailand. If you leave before 90 days and come back in the clock starts ticking again once you re-enter.

No if's but's or maybe's - that's the law - just check out your entery slip.

It's quite clear - in black and white - no confusion in what it says

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Artisi, you're right, that is what is written on the form. But there is also written on the same form that you have to inform Immigration on change of Address

from the one you entered on the slip. This is seemingly nonsense, as this is done by your host, and Immigration will just turn you away when you try to comply .....

So, there's not really a good reason to trust what is written on the form ...


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