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Grape Nuts: The Movement Is Spreading


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Well, after reading that Villa Mkt...and now Friendship has Grape Nuts...

I finally went on the hunt for the cereal that I loved as a kid.

And, contrary to the Brits falsely commenting that it's only to assist BM's, maybe they

really avoided the cereal as you best need teeth...real teeth to eat those crunchy grains ;-)

Friendship was out of stock, so I made my first venture to Villa Mkt.

I was impressed with their selection of foods...and absolutely _shocked_ at the price

of many items. dam_n, Grape Nuts were 250-Bt a box!! The also have a 350g box of

Kellogs corn flakes for 225-Bt. A 500g box of the same brand is 63-Bt at Friendship and

a few Baht cheaper at Modern City Market. I guess Villa Mkt is geared to the 'Beverly Hills' crowd.

I'll continue shopping at Friendship from now on; they also can supply my farang food desires!

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Grape Nuts at Foodland is 150 baht for 16 ounces, a better value than 250 baht for 24 ounces at Villa. I suspect Friendship is not going to stock it anymore. When they ran out of stock in the past, there was a space for it. They haven't had it for some months now. Their price WAS the same as Foodland; you won't find it cheaper.

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'Bum nuts' are eggs my baht bus riding friend. Hold the milk.

Cackle berries down here!

Real men have steak and eggs and big slabs of toast with butter on top for breakfast.....I know, I'v watched em have breakfast! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just bought 4 boxes at Villa!

Grape Nuts is an American breakfast cereal, nothing to do with the fruit called grapes. You put about 100 kernels in a bowl and add cold milk. Then it takes about an hour to chew all the grains of cereal. Delicious, better than khaow paht gai.
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Just bought 4 boxes at Villa!
Grape Nuts is an American breakfast cereal, nothing to do with the fruit called grapes. You put about 100 kernels in a bowl and add cold milk. Then it takes about an hour to chew all the grains of cereal. Delicious, better than khaow paht gai.

Most expensive place to buy it in town when they have it, but better than no nuts.

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  • 1 year later...

Euell Gibbons would be proud of this thread! Then again Senokot would deal with the issues w/o buying dated cereal.

edit to correct typo on the first name

Edited by jdinasia
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