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What Type Of Thai Lady Do You Prefer?


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is it not strange that those who consider sex such an awful thing , should then save it for the one they marry.

ladies who have sex only after marriage do not necessarily consider sex as an awful thing. they were simply brought up in a different environment, were taught and adopted different moral values!

Right & overnight they are going to turn into a passionate sexpot, who will satisfy your every need. Not likely. Most are saddled with these so-called moral values the rest of their lives. I would be very cautious of anyone who has never had sex before marriage, particularly if they are over mid-20's AND even more cautious if they refuse sex until I were to marry them.

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is it not strange that those who consider sex such an awful thing , should then save it for the one they marry.

ladies who have sex only after marriage do not necessarily consider sex as an awful thing. they were simply brought up in a different environment, were taught and adopted different moral values!

Right & overnight they are going to turn into a passionate sexpot, who will satisfy your every need. Not likely. Most are saddled with these so-called moral values the rest of their lives.

may i assume you tried to have sex with most of these "saddled" ladies and you speak based on experience? :o

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is it not strange that those who consider sex such an awful thing , should then save it for the one they marry.

ladies who have sex only after marriage do not necessarily consider sex as an awful thing. they were simply brought up in a different environment, were taught and adopted different moral values!

and that's probably why at 37 she is still unmarried and a virgin (hopefully without a caesarian scar though).

or even worse, maybe she is ... you know ... "pre op". :o

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

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One that says YES is a good start.

But as the old add goes:

Looking for a lady that owns a fishing boat and pick up truck. Must be able to clean and cook fish. Please included picture of truck and boat.

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Hi fellows,tourist farangs,ex pat farangs,vietnam vets..I will return to Thailand(live in Canada)for the 5th time this summer.My question is,"what type of Thai lady do you prefer?"I tried the butterfly routine,bar girls,freelancers,etc,but found that personally very depressing after the deeds were done and was back home.As a result,I purposely searched for a "good lady",and found a great one with a good heart and a good family.Basically I tried to think more with the big head,and so far so good.I am not judging bar girls(or you),as generally they are just trying to get by,support their family a little,and that is admirable in general.My fiance insists no sex before marriage,and while many of you are laughing your heads off,here is another reason to laugh some more farang..she is 37 and I am 51.Some farang make fun of me when they hear that..my bpen rai khrap,nid noi lek noi khrap,as everyone is entitled to think as they wish.One farang(older than me) said all his friends would laugh because they NEVER date anyone over 30..another one said he has 10 bar girl girlfriends.In a weak drunken moment he admitted he would rather have one good one..but what is a good one?Each to their own,right?One man's pleasure is another man's poison..or one man's lady is another man's man.Certainly the bar girls will give you what you want the first night,and the punters can exchange notes.I remember one Vietnam vet lamenting.."piss me off" he said,"I had a 9.5 last night but my friend had a 10".Personally,I now go for the heart first,but looks is very important to me too,whether your choice is a bar girl,ladyboy,or ultra-chaste lady,like my future wife.Her situation is typical..her first thai boyfriend in University fooled around on her as she wouldn't put out quickly enough,so

he got married,then wanted her back..sound familiar?

Personally I would like a lady who is an orphan with no brothers or sisters and not materialistic,

No kids

Financially independent (or filthy rich) :D

Good cook Good in public :D and bad (in a good way) in bed :o

Yeah I know I'm dreamin' but dreamin' is good

lilBob :D

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Long legs, long hair, smoking hot, rich, generous, honest, loyal, loving, naughty but nice, an appreciation for middle-aged man, smart enough to have intelligent conversations and witty repartee, but not wise enough to realise they could do a lot better.....

Possession of real estate (urban and coastal), a luxury cruiser suitable for fishing, diving, etc, and the ability and willingness to successfully convince my wife why I need to open my life to such a lady would be advantagous.

Ladies of any race who meet the basic criteria can apply.

I'm sure I've forgotten something.

Yeah you forgot to request a picture of the cruiser :D

lilBob :o

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is it not strange that those who consider sex such an awful thing , should then save it for the one they marry.

ladies who have sex only after marriage do not necessarily consider sex as an awful thing. they were simply brought up in a different environment, were taught and adopted different moral values!

Right & overnight they are going to turn into a passionate sexpot, who will satisfy your every need. Not likely. Most are saddled with these so-called moral values the rest of their lives.

may i assume you tried to have sex with most of these "saddled" ladies and you speak based on experience? :o

Yes, I have met a few, in this country and my own. That is why I would never marry anyone with whom I did not have the opportunity to determine compatibility about this issue beforehand. People are unlikely to change a lifetime of behaviour patterns overnight, if ever.

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Upright and breathing :o

horizontal and breathing is alright with me as well. i'll even take her bent over. the pulse is an important factor for me however when choosing a woman. reminds me of my ex girlfriend who didn't have a pulse. it didn't matter what position i put her in, it just felt like there was no life in the relationship.

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Long legs, long hair, smoking hot, rich, generous, honest, loyal, loving, naughty but nice, an appreciation for middle-aged man, smart enough to have intelligent conversations and witty repartee, but not wise enough to realise they could do a lot better.....

Possession of real estate (urban and coastal), a luxury cruiser suitable for fishing, diving, etc, and the ability and willingness to successfully convince my wife why I need to open my life to such a lady would be advantagous.

If this kind of a woman is alive on this planet I will happily turn metro :o

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I just love asian girls, funny thing is I never used to like asian girls at all. But after being with a few I seem to have this Asian girl fever or something. I would prefer a semi avg asian girl over a hot blonde western girl anyday.

Maybe im sick but asian girls seem to have me under a spell

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I just love asian girls, funny thing is I never used to like asian girls at all. But after being with a few I seem to have this Asian girl fever or something. I would prefer a semi avg asian girl over a hot blonde western girl anyday.

Maybe im sick but asian girls seem to have me under a spell

This condition is generally referred to as "The Slippery Slope"; there is no turning back; Have Fun!

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I prefer real one which were born as lady....

but geniouse to post it in the ladies area.

If I would have been the moderator I would simply deleted it as it is anyhow a shi*tty topic

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I prefer real one which were born as lady....

but geniouse to post it in the ladies area.

If I would have been the moderator I would simply deleted it as it is anyhow a shi*tty topic

Yeah, posting it in the Ladies was prob what it was all about :o

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Having read this thread I have come to the conclusion that 15 years ago I made the correct decision.

I was sent here to work by my company and within a week I met a good looking Thai girl.

3 months later I moved on but she stayed and we kept in touch. I came back a year later and we met again and lived together for the next 4 years until I moved on again. She stayed, I divorced my UK wife and married my Thai lady in 2000. Our son was born 4 years ago and we live on 20 rai out in the sticks.

So the answer to the OP question about what type of Thai lady do I prefer is simple.

My wife.

:o:D :D

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Having read this thread I have come to the conclusion that 15 years ago I made the correct decision.

I was sent here to work by my company and within a week I met a good looking Thai girl.

3 months later I moved on but she stayed and we kept in touch. I came back a year later and we met again and lived together for the next 4 years until I moved on again. She stayed, I divorced my UK wife and married my Thai lady in 2000. Our son was born 4 years ago and we live on 20 rai out in the sticks.

So the answer to the OP question about what type of Thai lady do I prefer is simple.

My wife.

:o:D :D

and what is your second choice?

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