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I Want To Live In Bkk/work In Uk/buy House In Bkk?

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Hello ppl....looked at loads of forum pages for someone in the same situation as me..

To save me repeating myself for the umpteenth time...heres a copy of mail i sent to Sunbelt Asia.....any advice appreciated...thx

Dear Sunbelt team....My name is Glenn Eade.I am living in the UK(England).I am looking to move to Thailand later in the year.

I can tell you my situation so far and more about myself.I am 42 years old and i have a permanent job too.I work offshore at sea

for an offshore marine company in the oil and gas industry.I work on a north sea oil rig supply ship.My time at work is as follows...

1 month at sea...then...1 month at home.So i work away for only 6 months per year,however,i do get paid from work when at home too.

So i have a monthly wage every month.I went to see my works company(Seacor Marine),who have agreed to pay for my flights to and from Thailand

if i move there.

This brings me nicely to my second point.I have contacted the Royal Thai Embassay here in England.

The visa that i need is a multi entry non immigrants category O visa.I know i have to return to Thailand within 90 days to restamp my visa.

This will not be a problem as i will be in and out of Thailand every month as i have to go to work in the UK.So no problem with visa.

I also have got a company who will be shipping all my things to Bkk from the UK.

I was in Thailand in Janurary/February of 2008 to visit my fiancee.I am writing to you because i have heard so many different things about how i can live in Thailand.

I know a farang cant own land there but i can own a house and get a lease for the land on which my house is.

I know some information about starting a Limited Company with 7 shareholders.I dont want to buy a condo but would like to either build or buy a house.

When i sell my home here in the UK then i hope to be coming to Thailand to live.I would like to rent a property to start with,

for maybe 1 year and open a Thai bank account so my income goes straight to a Thai bank acount.Then after 1 year,i should have sufficient money in the bank to maybe get a mortgage.

My income is about 89,540,00 per month.

If i show the bank that im a regular saver and i will put what money i have from the sale of my UK home into the account,maybe this will

show them that ill not be a risk for them to allow me a mortgage to buy. My fiancees mother has offered me a plot of land if i decide to build.

I have seen a lot of good comments about your company so i thought i would ask your advice.What i need is just 1 person who can guide me through this proceedure.

Im sure that you get this kind of letter everyday.So,what do u advise me to do first please?I have been told by 1 thai lawyer that the best thing to do is for me to move

to Bkk and rent for 1 year.During that time,i can then come see yourselves in person and go from there.

Is there,in your opinion,any problem with me coming to Bkk and renting a house?My fiancee will be living with me and looking after the property

when im in the UK working.I have enough people who are Thai to be shareholders in starting a Limited Company too.

So to sum everything up....I have done all i can here in the UK and want to get things sorted in Thailand.

I would like to get some good help now and not go to BKK and find out later that i got a problem with buying a house.

I hope you understand my situation and i would be very grateful if someone there can guide me through this.

If everything goes to plan,then i would also consider using your legal team to represent me in all legal matters

and build a relationship with your company.If i take advice from yourselves,then you will know my situation best as

im sending similar mails to BKK lawyers and getting very different answers from most of them.

I hope you can help me and i look forward to hearing from you soon.I return to my job on the 11th June so

i would like to get things underway as soon as possible.If you need anymore information about me,please dont hessitate to contact me.

Thankyou so much,Glenn

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I'm not a visa expert but am sure some will reply.

Buying a house and leasing land shouldn't be a problem. You've porbably read all the issues about setting up a company to buy property - anyway, that part is up to you. You could alwasy buy the land in your fiancee's name then get a usufruct on the property which means effectively yuou have complete control over the land for life. So you can build a house on it or whatever.

I think the real issue you have to face is the visa. I'm unclear on how you qualify for an O Visa. You're not married to a Thai or supporting a Thai child. You're not working here or deriving an income here - so effectively you're a tourist. A tourist can stay here a maximum of 6 months per year - not year round. For that you would need to get married to a thai and apply for an O visa subset that says you're supporting your new 'family' or you set up a company, invest however much is required, employ however many Thais are required, etc. Not an easy route.

Essentially your a tourist..Maybe the visa experts can correct this if it's wrong. But you're in the same boat as many others who want to make this their home but can't because of immigration restrictions. If you were 50+ you could apply for a retirement visa (that's when the income part matters).

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A tourist can stay here a maximum of 6 months per year - not year round.

That's not true. A tourist can stay in Thailand year-round, provided they are using tourist visas to do so. People using thirty-day visa-exempt entries are subject to the time limit.

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thats for ur comments ...every little bit helps......u aint gonna believe this...but it was the thai embassay in Hull England who told me this.They said that with me still working month on and month off at sea,then a multi entry cat o visa was wot i needed.I wud be in the uk for 1 month then returning to bkk for a month.So as i saw it.....my visa wud be restamped or renewed each time i was back in bkk.I know its good for 90 days but that wont affect me.Anyways....ill have to get back to them and find out wot the score is...As i was sayin in my post...i keep hearin so many different stories and its got to the point where i dont know wot to do for the best.I know any1 with any intentions of goin to Thailand dont wanna get ripped off.Ive heard good things about some advice lawyers and ive heard some **** too.I was talkin to 1 lawyer who told me i needed a work permit?Was he on drugs or what?Tried to explain that i got a job already in the UK and was gonna commute every month.Was i missing something here or did he just not understand wot i was tryin to say...Helppppppppppp

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Hello ppl....looked at loads of forum pages for someone in the same situation as me..To save me repeating myself for the umpteenth time...heres a copy of mail i sent to Sunbelt Asia.....any advice appreciated...thx

Dear Sunbelt team....My name is Glenn Eade.I am living in the UK(England).I am looking to move to Thailand later in the year.I can tell you my situation so far and more about myself.I am 42 years old and i have a permanent job too.I work offshore at sea for an offshore marine company in the oil and gas industry.I work on a north sea oil rig supply ship.My time at work is as follows...1 month at sea...then...1 month at home.So i work away for only 6 months per year,however,i do get paid from work when at home too.So i have a monthly wage every month.I went to see my works company(Seacor Marine),who have agreed to pay for my flights to and from Thailand if i move there.This brings me nicely to my second point.I have contacted the Royal Thai Embassay here in England.The visa that i need is a multi entry non immigrants category O visa.I know i have to return to Thailand within 90 days to restamp my visa.This will not be a problem as i will be in and out of Thailand every month as i have to go to work in the UK.So no problem with visa.I also have got a company who will be shipping all my things to Bkk from the UK.I was in Thailand in Janurary/February of 2008 to visit my fiancee.I am writing to you because i have heard so many different things about how i can live in Thailand.I know a farang cant own land there but i can own a house and get a lease for the land on which my house is.I know some information about starting a Limited Company with 7 shareholders.I dont want to buy a condo but would like to either build or buy a house.When i sell my home here in the UK then i hope to be coming to Thailand to live.I would like to rent a property to start with,for maybe 1 year and open a Thai bank account so my income goes straight to a Thai bank acount.Then after 1 year,i should have sufficient money in the bank to maybe get a mortgage.My income is about 89,540,00 per month.If i show the bank that im a regular saver and i will put what money i have from the sale of my UK home into the account,maybe this will show them that ill not be a risk for them to allow me a mortgage to buy.My fiancees mother has offered me a plot of land if i decide to build.I have seen a lot of good comments about your company so i thought i would ask your advice.What i need is just 1 person who can guide me through this proceedure.Im sure that you get this kind of letter everyday.So,what do u advise me to do first please?I have been told by 1 thai lawyer that the best thing to do is for me to move to Bkk and rent for 1 year.During that time,i can then come see yourselves in person and go from there.Is there,in your opinion,any problem with me coming to Bkk and renting a house?My fiancee will be living with me and looking after the property when im in the UK working.I have enough people who are Thai to be shareholders in starting a Limited Company too.So to sum everything up....I have done all i can here in the UK and want to get things sorted in Thailand.I would like to get some good help now and not go to BKK and find out later that i got a problem with buying a house.I hope you understand my situation and i would be very grateful if someone there can guide me through this.If everything goes to plan,then i would also consider using your legal team to represent me in all legal matters and build a relationship with your company.If i take advice from yourselves,then you will know my situation best as im sending similar mails to BKK lawyers and getting very different answers from most of them.I hope you can help me and i look forward to hearing from you soon.I return to my job on the 11th June so i would like to get things underway as soon as possible.If you need anymore information about me,please dont hessitate to contact me.Thankyou so much,Glenn

Glenn, know quite a few guys working offshore Angola and Qatar doing a 28/28 and living in Thailand and may be mistaken but I am sure they just get the visa 30 day wavier stamp on their month off...you are basically allowed 3 in's a 6 month period, so you would be covered if you plan your mobs/demobb ok....but can check with them and confirm exactly how they do it...

In effect you become a perpetual tourist...

If you do as suggested getting a Type "O" visa you definitiely need a multi entry for your in's and out's

As regards buying properties etc.....I would rent a place for at least a year, before committing to anything, gives you a chance to get feel for the place...

Regarding the lawyers comment in your other post about needing a WP is b*llsh*t, no you dont, not under the circumstances you describe...if starting a company in Thailand and you intend to work in that company on your 28 off as opposed to being an investor, then yes you would need one...but if only investing and carrying on with your own job..then no..

My advice is to take things slowly with your intended plans and be sure of every step...know this from experience as I work offshore in the gulf of Thailand on 28/28 and have enough problems getting the house painted the colour I want and you are talking about moving to a new country, setting up house, starting company etc etc...as you know yourself it can be very difficult to get things arranged over an email or on the phone even in the UK while offshore, Will be even more so while trying to do things in Thailand, while you are bobbing around on a vessel in the North Sea.

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1. The Non Imm O multi-entry visa from the consulate in Hull, Birmingham or Cardiff is your best bet.

It will allow you a 90 day maximum stay on each visit and can be used as many times in the year as you wish.

No need to be in Thailand every 90 days.

2. Have you ever lived in Thailand for an extended period?

I suggest you rent out your house in the UK and then rent in Thailand until you are entirely sure of where you want to live.

Today's perfect location may have a factory behind it in 5 years time.

Thailand is not renowned for its "town planning".

3. Selling in the UK at present is not a good idea as house prices are falling.

Much better to have rental income, that will probably cover your rental in Thailand.

4. If you do sell and move the money to Thailand you must consider the long term exchange rate aspect.

Back in 1985 there were 37 baht to the pound, in 1997 it hit 90, at present the rate is 63.

My advice is keep the money in a strong currency like sterling.

5. I have long offered the advice, that I received from an old friend, "Do not invest more in Thailand than you are prepared to walk away from."

6. You can own a condo in your own right. Bangkok Bank is now offering mortgages to foreigners.

7. If you take up mother-in-law's offer you are under her control and who knows how a marriage will work out in the long term.

I am sorry if that sounds cynical, I am trying to be realistic.

8. If you do not already have one. I suggest you set up a company in a tax free/tax limited haven to receive your income.

This will mean you minimise your tax liability in the UK and Thailand.

You become liable for Thai tax if you spend more that 180 days in a calendar year.

Just bring into Thailand what you need for living expenses.

9. I am not sure you need a company in Thailand unless you plan to do business there. The company route for owning property

does not seem as secure these days as it used to be.

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don't think you need a visa because your out off thailand every other month.

just come in on your 30 days stamps,... your allowed 3 in a 6 month period, so that sute you fine.

waith with buying anything untill your married and do it then with your wife ( land on her name everything else on your name), once your married and you want a visa it's all much easyer to get it to because you make enough money to suport your wife and get marriage extencens on your O visa

and don't forget... have a hel_l off a good time here, like i think all off us.

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have i missed something here ?? the salary stated is 89,540:00 is that sterling or baht equivalent ?

Think its a baht equivlent or may be means GPB a year.....but not GBP a month...know the oil price is high and he guys are suppose to be on good money...but not that good......

If this is baht, I would be looking for a new offshore job....+/-GDP1400/month...suspect the guys company is taking the p*ss....no wonder they agreed to pay for his flights to and from Thailand...they getting this guy dirt cheap....

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have i missed something here ?? the salary stated is 89,540:00 is that sterling or baht equivalent ?

Think its a baht equivlent or may be means GPB a year.....but not GBP a month...know the oil price is high and he guys are suppose to be on good money...but not that good......

If this is baht, I would be looking for a new offshore job....+/-GDP1400/month...suspect the guys company is taking the p*ss....no wonder they agreed to pay for his flights to and from Thailand...they getting this guy dirt cheap....

28/28 means just what it looks like.

28 days working, 28 days not working

So effectively the monthly income would be £2800 for 336 hours if the roster is 12 on 12 off.

Which means £ 8,30 per hour.

However, the issue is not the man's income, but his possibilities.

The 30 day stamps would work ok

The year visa for 90 days periods works fine too

Indeed, renting a house in Tailand to start with is the better option, together with keeping the house in UK, rented or not.

Remain free of your parents in law, be your own man!

Because this is Thailand.

And you are farang


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have i missed something here ?? the salary stated is 89,540:00 is that sterling or baht equivalent ?

Think its a baht equivlent or may be means GPB a year.....but not GBP a month...know the oil price is high and he guys are suppose to be on good money...but not that good......

If this is baht, I would be looking for a new offshore job....+/-GDP1400/month...suspect the guys company is taking the p*ss....no wonder they agreed to pay for his flights to and from Thailand...they getting this guy dirt cheap....

28/28 means just what it looks like.

28 days working, 28 days not working

So effectively the monthly income would be £2800 for 336 hours if the roster is 12 on 12 off.

Which means £ 8,30 per hour.

However, the issue is not the man's income, but his possibilities.

The 30 day stamps would work ok

The year visa for 90 days periods works fine too

Indeed, renting a house in Tailand to start with is the better option, together with keeping the house in UK, rented or not.

Remain free of your parents in law, be your own man!

Because this is Thailand.

And you are farang


Please read what the OP has written....states 28/28 but gets paid for both on time and off time....so +/- GBP1400/month is correct as stated...he says he gets paid every month...not two months money payable at the end of each 28 day trip...at the end of the day its 6 of one half a dozen of the other...

Edited by Maestro
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have i missed something here ?? the salary stated is 89,540:00 is that sterling or baht equivalent ?

Think its a baht equivlent or may be means GPB a year.....but not GBP a month...know the oil price is high and he guys are suppose to be on good money...but not that good......

If this is baht, I would be looking for a new offshore job....+/-GDP1400/month...suspect the guys company is taking the p*ss....no wonder they agreed to pay for his flights to and from Thailand...they getting this guy dirt cheap....

28/28 means just what it looks like.

28 days working, 28 days not working

So effectively the monthly income would be £2800 for 336 hours if the roster is 12 on 12 off.

Which means £ 8,30 per hour.

However, the issue is not the man's income, but his possibilities.

The 30 day stamps would work ok

The year visa for 90 days periods works fine too

Indeed, renting a house in Tailand to start with is the better option, together with keeping the house in UK, rented or not.

Remain free of your parents in law, be your own man!

Because this is Thailand.

And you are farang


Please read what the OP has written....states 28/28 but gets paid for both on time and off time....so +/- GBP1400/month is correct as stated...he says he gets paid every month...not two months money payable at the end of each 28 day trip...at the end of the day its 6 of one half a dozen of the other...

So, the guy is salaried and payed evenly over 12 months, nothing strange about this, but for offshore work, and even after UK tax, £16800 per year doesn't sound right.....

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have i missed something here ?? the salary stated is 89,540:00 is that sterling or baht equivalent ?

Think its a baht equivlent or may be means GPB a year.....but not GBP a month...know the oil price is high and he guys are suppose to be on good money...but not that good......

If this is baht, I would be looking for a new offshore job....+/-GDP1400/month...suspect the guys company is taking the p*ss....no wonder they agreed to pay for his flights to and from Thailand...they getting this guy dirt cheap....

28/28 means just what it looks like.

28 days working, 28 days not working

So effectively the monthly income would be £2800 for 336 hours if the roster is 12 on 12 off.

Which means £ 8,30 per hour.

However, the issue is not the man's income, but his possibilities.

The 30 day stamps would work ok

The year visa for 90 days periods works fine too

Indeed, renting a house in Tailand to start with is the better option, together with keeping the house in UK, rented or not.

Remain free of your parents in law, be your own man!

Because this is Thailand.

And you are farang


Please read what the OP has written....states 28/28 but gets paid for both on time and off time....so +/- GBP1400/month is correct as stated...he says he gets paid every month...not two months money payable at the end of each 28 day trip...at the end of the day its 6 of one half a dozen of the other...

So, the guy is salaried and payed evenly over 12 months, nothing strange about this, but for offshore work, and even after UK tax, £16800 per year doesn't sound right.....

Exactly my thoughts as well...hence my earlier comment about finding a new job....as far as I know, as havent worked the north sea in many years...but as far as I know bottom end salaries would be starting around GBP K30-35/year...

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hi there ppl....ok...ive read all ur comments and suggestions and thx.I think some ppl r missunderstanding me here...Just to put the record straight on a few points..My pay isnt the issue here but to ease some minds..its £1400 per month.When at sea,im not spending anything,so technically every time i get home,theres just short of £3000...in baht thats..192,546 THB.Also ill be tax free as ill be over 183 days out of the UK.Also the 12 hr workin day ...well ha ha ha ...im lucky if i do 2 hrs work each day...lol.Any1 who has worked on a supply ship will know its steaming around all day and doin a bit of cargo with the rigs now and then...Getting back to the subject in hand..The post i sent was a copy of an email i sent..(still waiting for a come back on that 1)ill keep u informed wot the reply is ,when i get it.All im needing is answers to these few questions plz

1 Is there any problem with me just goin to bkk and renting a house?

2 If i save with a thai bank..any chance of a mortgage after 1 year saving with them?

3 Lots of different opinions about the visa issue...embassy says multi entry..some ppl say tourist visa?

4 Dont want to take future mum inlaws offer..might get shafted down the line..Is limited company my best option?

5 Whats the best way to organise my money?...Do i just take ready cash back to bkk and bank it? or have it transfared to thai bank?

6 I got a list of 33 lawyers in bkk..If any1 has used a good english speaking lawyer,can any1 recomend a decent trustworthy one?

7 Also,as emails to lawyers aint the best way of comms...calls to bkk can be expensive from uk.Does any1 know of some1 uk based i can contact?

Think ive covered all i need to know,but im sure ill think of other things later.lol

Oh yeah,while i remember and thx for ur help but i cant rent my home in the uk..got to sell up...its the old d.i.v.o.r.c.e. sinario.

I know u ppl r genuinely trying to help and advise me and i really do appreciate ur help but i dont seem to be getting anywhere fast.I have done all i can in the uk and want to get there asap.Maybe im wrong but i got it in my head...if i just get there and rent,thats half the battle.At least ill be in bkk and getting cash put into a bank.Also i feel that if im there,then i can go see these lawyers face to face and get the wheels in motion.No point in me sittin here in the uk when i could be doin the same in bkk.Missin Khao san Rd and the Singha and i aint gonna give up on this,ill get back there one day..ha ha ha

Anyway ppl...thx and keep ur comments comin...

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hi there ppl....ok...ive read all ur comments and suggestions and thx.I think some ppl r missunderstanding me here...Just to put the record straight on a few points..My pay isnt the issue here but to ease some minds..its £1400 per month.When at sea,im not spending anything,so technically every time i get home,theres just short of £3000...in baht thats..192,546 THB.Also ill be tax free as ill be over 183 days out of the UK.Also the 12 hr workin day ...well ha ha ha ...im lucky if i do 2 hrs work each day...lol.Any1 who has worked on a supply ship will know its steaming around all day and doin a bit of cargo with the rigs now and then...Getting back to the subject in hand..The post i sent was a copy of an email i sent..(still waiting for a come back on that 1)ill keep u informed wot the reply is ,when i get it.All im needing is answers to these few questions plz

1 Is there any problem with me just goin to bkk and renting a house? - No problem

2 If i save with a thai bank..any chance of a mortgage after 1 year saving with them? - Dont hold your breath

3 Lots of different opinions about the visa issue...embassy says multi entry..some ppl say tourist visa? if on "O" mutli-entry yes...but seeing as you are on 28/28 rotation you can get away with a visa wavier stamp if you plan your in's and out's properly..

4 Dont want to take future mum inlaws offer..might get shafted down the line..Is limited company my best option?..its basically your only option, if you want to try and "own" property (except condos) not in the GF or wifes name...

5 Whats the best way to organise my money?...Do i just take ready cash back to bkk and bank it? or have it transfared to thai bank?..Transfer to Thai bank, if it was me would set up an offshore account in Hong Kong or Singapore and work out of that account....

6 I got a list of 33 lawyers in bkk..If any1 has used a good english speaking lawyer,can any1 recomend a decent trustworthy one?..

In my opinion you have to be careful with the vast majority of Thai lawyer...but could also add you have to be careful with all lawyers

7 Also,as emails to lawyers aint the best way of comms...calls to bkk can be expensive from uk.Does any1 know of some1 uk based i can contact?

Think ive covered all i need to know,but im sure ill think of other things later.lol

Oh yeah,while i remember and thx for ur help but i cant rent my home in the uk..got to sell up...its the old d.i.v.o.r.c.e. sinario.

I know u ppl r genuinely trying to help and advise me and i really do appreciate ur help but i dont seem to be getting anywhere fast.I have done all i can in the uk and want to get there asap.Maybe im wrong but i got it in my head...if i just get there and rent,thats half the battle.At least ill be in bkk and getting cash put into a bank.Also i feel that if im there,then i can go see these lawyers face to face and get the wheels in motion.No point in me sittin here in the uk when i could be doin the same in bkk.Missin Khao san Rd and the Singha and i aint gonna give up on this,ill get back there one day..ha ha ha

Anyway ppl...thx and keep ur comments comin...

To answer a couple of questions.... as above

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...3 Lots of different opinions about the visa issue...embassy says multi entry..some ppl say tourist visa?
if on "O" mutli-entry yes...but seeing as you are on 28/28 rotation you can get away with a visa wavier stamp if you plan your in's and out's properly...

Glenn, even if with careful planning of your visits to Thailand you manage never to exceed a total of 90 days visa-exempt stays within a six-month period you should opt for the multiple-entry non-O visa which is, as Astral said, the ideal visa for you. With repetitive visa-exempt entries you would soon find yourself held up at the immigration desk for a long time on every arrival in Thailand while the officer is trying to figure out

1. when your current six-month period started

2. how many visa-exempt days you have already had during this period

Get the multiple-entry non-O visa and you will breeze through Thai immigration.



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...3 Lots of different opinions about the visa issue...embassy says multi entry..some ppl say tourist visa?
if on "O" mutli-entry yes...but seeing as you are on 28/28 rotation you can get away with a visa wavier stamp if you plan your in's and out's properly...

Glenn, even if with careful planning of your visits to Thailand you manage never to exceed a total of 90 days visa-exempt stays within a six-month period you should opt for the multiple-entry non-O visa which is, as Astral said, the ideal visa for you. With repetitive visa-exempt entries you would soon find yourself held up at the immigration desk for a long time on every arrival in Thailand while the officer is trying to figure out

1. when your current six-month period started

2. how many visa-exempt days you have already had during this period

Get the multiple-entry non-O visa and you will breeze through Thai immigration.



Very good point...

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hi there ppl....ok...ive read all ur comments and suggestions and thx.I think some ppl r missunderstanding me here...Just to put the record straight on a few points..My pay isnt the issue here but to ease some minds..its £1400 per month.When at sea,im not spending anything,so technically every time i get home,theres just short of £3000...in baht thats..192,546 THB.Also ill be tax free as ill be over 183 days out of the UK.Also the 12 hr workin day ...well ha ha ha ...im lucky if i do 2 hrs work each day...lol.Any1 who has worked on a supply ship will know its steaming around all day and doin a bit of cargo with the rigs now and then...Getting back to the subject in hand..The post i sent was a copy of an email i sent..(still waiting for a come back on that 1)ill keep u informed wot the reply is ,when i get it.All im needing is answers to these few questions plz

1 Is there any problem with me just goin to bkk and renting a house?

2 If i save with a thai bank..any chance of a mortgage after 1 year saving with them?

3 Lots of different opinions about the visa issue...embassy says multi entry..some ppl say tourist visa?

4 Dont want to take future mum inlaws offer..might get shafted down the line..Is limited company my best option?

5 Whats the best way to organise my money?...Do i just take ready cash back to bkk and bank it? or have it transfared to thai bank?

6 I got a list of 33 lawyers in bkk..If any1 has used a good english speaking lawyer,can any1 recomend a decent trustworthy one?

7 Also,as emails to lawyers aint the best way of comms...calls to bkk can be expensive from uk.Does any1 know of some1 uk based i can contact?

Think ive covered all i need to know,but im sure ill think of other things later.lol

Oh yeah,while i remember and thx for ur help but i cant rent my home in the uk..got to sell up...its the old d.i.v.o.r.c.e. sinario.

I know u ppl r genuinely trying to help and advise me and i really do appreciate ur help but i dont seem to be getting anywhere fast.I have done all i can in the uk and want to get there asap.Maybe im wrong but i got it in my head...if i just get there and rent,thats half the battle.At least ill be in bkk and getting cash put into a bank.Also i feel that if im there,then i can go see these lawyers face to face and get the wheels in motion.No point in me sittin here in the uk when i could be doin the same in bkk.Missin Khao san Rd and the Singha and i aint gonna give up on this,ill get back there one day..ha ha ha

Anyway ppl...thx and keep ur comments comin...

Dear Glenn

I used a firm of lawyers called BSA Law in Rajdamri, and I found them to be very professional and cost efficient. They have a web site and a very good American working for them who can communicate with you if you have any problems with Thai. I used them to buy my condo, and they were excellant, as I had to return to the UK, and they did all of the legal work, house registration, etc., and kept me upto date with the procedures via e-mail. I would certainly use them again without hesitation.

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hi there ppl....ok...ive read all ur comments and suggestions and thx.I think some ppl r missunderstanding me here...Just to put the record straight on a few points..My pay isnt the issue here but to ease some minds..its £1400 per month.When at sea,im not spending anything,so technically every time i get home,theres just short of £3000...in baht thats..192,546 THB.Also ill be tax free as ill be over 183 days out of the UK.Also the 12 hr workin day ...well ha ha ha ...im lucky if i do 2 hrs work each day...lol.Any1 who has worked on a supply ship will know its steaming around all day and doin a bit of cargo with the rigs now and then...Getting back to the subject in hand..The post i sent was a copy of an email i sent..(still waiting for a come back on that 1)ill keep u informed wot the reply is ,when i get it.All im needing is answers to these few questions plz

1 Is there any problem with me just goin to bkk and renting a house?

2 If i save with a thai bank..any chance of a mortgage after 1 year saving with them?

3 Lots of different opinions about the visa issue...embassy says multi entry..some ppl say tourist visa?

4 Dont want to take future mum inlaws offer..might get shafted down the line..Is limited company my best option?

5 Whats the best way to organise my money?...Do i just take ready cash back to bkk and bank it? or have it transfared to thai bank?

6 I got a list of 33 lawyers in bkk..If any1 has used a good english speaking lawyer,can any1 recomend a decent trustworthy one?

7 Also,as emails to lawyers aint the best way of comms...calls to bkk can be expensive from uk.Does any1 know of some1 uk based i can contact?

Think ive covered all i need to know,but im sure ill think of other things later.lol

Oh yeah,while i remember and thx for ur help but i cant rent my home in the uk..got to sell up...its the old d.i.v.o.r.c.e. sinario.

I know u ppl r genuinely trying to help and advise me and i really do appreciate ur help but i dont seem to be getting anywhere fast.I have done all i can in the uk and want to get there asap.Maybe im wrong but i got it in my head...if i just get there and rent,thats half the battle.At least ill be in bkk and getting cash put into a bank.Also i feel that if im there,then i can go see these lawyers face to face and get the wheels in motion.No point in me sittin here in the uk when i could be doin the same in bkk.Missin Khao san Rd and the Singha and i aint gonna give up on this,ill get back there one day..ha ha ha

Anyway ppl...thx and keep ur comments comin...

Dear Glenn

I used a firm of lawyers called BSA Law in Rajdamri, and I found them to be very professional and cost efficient. They have a web site and a very good American working for them who can communicate with you if you have any problems with Thai. I used them to buy my condo, and they were excellant, as I had to return to the UK, and they did all of the legal work, house registration, etc., and kept me upto date with the procedures via e-mail. I would certainly use them again without hesitation.

buying a condo with bank loan is not a problem,uob and bangkok bank does it now,but if you want to buy land and build a house or land with house on it under a thai name and later lease it from them for 30 years,the thai must show that they have the income to pay the loan....eg if the land and house total 5 million baht,the thai must show they have a fixed income of 80k and above before the bank is willing to load....there is no way that the bank agrees to the loan even if you say you be the one paying for it as you are not related to her,so unless you are married,if not there is no way you can get a bank loan .....i just check with a number of banks as i am also thinking of buying a house with a thai name and getting a loan from the bank....or anyone can advise how they got a bank loan vie not married? thanks...would be glad if someone has the experience to share.....

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hi there ppl....ok...ive read all ur comments and suggestions and thx.I think some ppl r missunderstanding me here...Just to put the record straight on a few points..My pay isnt the issue here but to ease some minds..its £1400 per month.When at sea,im not spending anything,so technically every time i get home,theres just short of £3000...in baht thats..192,546 THB.Also ill be tax free as ill be over 183 days out of the UK.Also the 12 hr workin day ...well ha ha ha ...im lucky if i do 2 hrs work each day...lol.Any1 who has worked on a supply ship will know its steaming around all day and doin a bit of cargo with the rigs now and then...Getting back to the subject in hand..The post i sent was a copy of an email i sent..(still waiting for a come back on that 1)ill keep u informed wot the reply is ,when i get it.All im needing is answers to these few questions plz

1 Is there any problem with me just goin to bkk and renting a house?

2 If i save with a thai bank..any chance of a mortgage after 1 year saving with them?

3 Lots of different opinions about the visa issue...embassy says multi entry..some ppl say tourist visa?

4 Dont want to take future mum inlaws offer..might get shafted down the line..Is limited company my best option?

5 Whats the best way to organise my money?...Do i just take ready cash back to bkk and bank it? or have it transfared to thai bank?

6 I got a list of 33 lawyers in bkk..If any1 has used a good english speaking lawyer,can any1 recomend a decent trustworthy one?

7 Also,as emails to lawyers aint the best way of comms...calls to bkk can be expensive from uk.Does any1 know of some1 uk based i can contact?

Think ive covered all i need to know,but im sure ill think of other things later.lol

Oh yeah,while i remember and thx for ur help but i cant rent my home in the uk..got to sell up...its the old d.i.v.o.r.c.e. sinario.

I know u ppl r genuinely trying to help and advise me and i really do appreciate ur help but i dont seem to be getting anywhere fast.I have done all i can in the uk and want to get there asap.Maybe im wrong but i got it in my head...if i just get there and rent,thats half the battle.At least ill be in bkk and getting cash put into a bank.Also i feel that if im there,then i can go see these lawyers face to face and get the wheels in motion.No point in me sittin here in the uk when i could be doin the same in bkk.Missin Khao san Rd and the Singha and i aint gonna give up on this,ill get back there one day..ha ha ha

Anyway ppl...thx and keep ur comments comin...

Dear Glenn

I used a firm of lawyers called BSA Law in Rajdamri, and I found them to be very professional and cost efficient. They have a web site and a very good American working for them who can communicate with you if you have any problems with Thai. I used them to buy my condo, and they were excellant, as I had to return to the UK, and they did all of the legal work, house registration, etc., and kept me upto date with the procedures via e-mail. I would certainly use them again without hesitation.

buying a condo with bank loan is not a problem,uob and bangkok bank does it now,but if you want to buy land and build a house or land with house on it under a thai name and later lease it from them for 30 years,the thai must show that they have the income to pay the loan....eg if the land and house total 5 million baht,the thai must show they have a fixed income of 80k and above before the bank is willing to load....there is no way that the bank agrees to the loan even if you say you be the one paying for it as you are not related to her,so unless you are married,if not there is no way you can get a bank loan .....i just check with a number of banks as i am also thinking of buying a house with a thai name and getting a loan from the bank....or anyone can advise how they got a bank loan vie not married? thanks...would be glad if someone has the experience to share.....

Done this a few years ago when the GF, now the wife wanted to buy a new property, She doesnt work, no income, not married at the time and managed to get 100% approved over 15 years with me standing as guarantor, they wanted my work permit, minimum of last 12 months pay slips and a letter from the company I work for, this was done through SCB. A few months later a collegue tried the same thing in the same SCB branch and was told the bank laws had changed and they couldnt do this any more, so he/she where turned down.

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hi there ppl....ok...ive read all ur comments and suggestions and thx.I think some ppl r missunderstanding me here...Just to put the record straight on a few points..My pay isnt the issue here but to ease some minds..its £1400 per month.When at sea,im not spending anything,so technically every time i get home,theres just short of £3000...in baht thats..192,546 THB.Also ill be tax free as ill be over 183 days out of the UK.Also the 12 hr workin day ...well ha ha ha ...im lucky if i do 2 hrs work each day...lol.Any1 who has worked on a supply ship will know its steaming around all day and doin a bit of cargo with the rigs now and then...Getting back to the subject in hand..The post i sent was a copy of an email i sent..(still waiting for a come back on that 1)ill keep u informed wot the reply is ,when i get it.All im needing is answers to these few questions plz

1 Is there any problem with me just goin to bkk and renting a house?

2 If i save with a thai bank..any chance of a mortgage after 1 year saving with them?

3 Lots of different opinions about the visa issue...embassy says multi entry..some ppl say tourist visa?

4 Dont want to take future mum inlaws offer..might get shafted down the line..Is limited company my best option?

5 Whats the best way to organise my money?...Do i just take ready cash back to bkk and bank it? or have it transfared to thai bank?

6 I got a list of 33 lawyers in bkk..If any1 has used a good english speaking lawyer,can any1 recomend a decent trustworthy one?

7 Also,as emails to lawyers aint the best way of comms...calls to bkk can be expensive from uk.Does any1 know of some1 uk based i can contact?

Think ive covered all i need to know,but im sure ill think of other things later.lol

Oh yeah,while i remember and thx for ur help but i cant rent my home in the uk..got to sell up...its the old d.i.v.o.r.c.e. sinario.

I know u ppl r genuinely trying to help and advise me and i really do appreciate ur help but i dont seem to be getting anywhere fast.I have done all i can in the uk and want to get there asap.Maybe im wrong but i got it in my head...if i just get there and rent,thats half the battle.At least ill be in bkk and getting cash put into a bank.Also i feel that if im there,then i can go see these lawyers face to face and get the wheels in motion.No point in me sittin here in the uk when i could be doin the same in bkk.Missin Khao san Rd and the Singha and i aint gonna give up on this,ill get back there one day..ha ha ha

Anyway ppl...thx and keep ur comments comin...

Dear Glenn

I used a firm of lawyers called BSA Law in Rajdamri, and I found them to be very professional and cost efficient. They have a web site and a very good American working for them who can communicate with you if you have any problems with Thai. I used them to buy my condo, and they were excellant, as I had to return to the UK, and they did all of the legal work, house registration, etc., and kept me upto date with the procedures via e-mail. I would certainly use them again without hesitation.

buying a condo with bank loan is not a problem,uob and bangkok bank does it now,but if you want to buy land and build a house or land with house on it under a thai name and later lease it from them for 30 years,the thai must show that they have the income to pay the loan....eg if the land and house total 5 million baht,the thai must show they have a fixed income of 80k and above before the bank is willing to load....there is no way that the bank agrees to the loan even if you say you be the one paying for it as you are not related to her,so unless you are married,if not there is no way you can get a bank loan .....i just check with a number of banks as i am also thinking of buying a house with a thai name and getting a loan from the bank....or anyone can advise how they got a bank loan vie not married? thanks...would be glad if someone has the experience to share.....

Done this a few years ago when the GF, now the wife wanted to buy a new property, She doesnt work, no income, not married at the time and managed to get 100% approved over 15 years with me standing as guarantor, they wanted my work permit, minimum of last 12 months pay slips and a letter from the company I work for, this was done through SCB. A few months later a collegue tried the same thing in the same SCB branch and was told the bank laws had changed and they couldnt do this any more, so he/she where turned down.

yes,i just apply last month with SCB but was turn down..now they need the thai to be able to show prove of income to finance the loan,and if as guarantor,must have a alien id card...

wonder if SUNBELT is able to advise or has done something like this.....that is....... to use 2 thai person name(not related) ,one of which has the income level required by the bank ,after the bank approve the loan,is is possible to go to a lawyer firm to transfer out this person name while the other person contiune to service the loan...just like the way they do to set up a thai company but after which the thais sign a undertaking to sell the shares back to the company and how much will it cost to do it and the amount of time.

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Just out of interest what the h*ll is an alien ID card ?

Would guess your GF could set up a company, you be the her "sole" client....she now shows the income required to get the loan approved, but you still control the purse strings...seems to me to be the easiest solution...

or let your GF get a legitimate job, even if the salary is low and make an arrangement with her company to "top up" her salary to the point of being able to apply for the loan.....bear in mind once the loan is approved, she can jack the job in as the bank will not check or follow up, provided the loan is being paid every month...

Just a couple of thoughts of how you could possibly fulfill the banks requirements.....

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I know the rules are different for mariners, but I didn't think you got out of UK tax (if you're British) just by being out of the UK 183 days a year.

(I think you have to average less than 90 days a year - unless, as I say, the rules are different for mariners).

As for visa - I think you'd be fine initially anyway on just the 30 day stamps. Which has the advantage of being free. (compared to £100 for a multi non-O)

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I know the rules are different for mariners, but I didn't think you got out of UK tax (if you're British) just by being out of the UK 183 days a year.

(I think you have to average less than 90 days a year - unless, as I say, the rules are different for mariners).

As for visa - I think you'd be fine initially anyway on just the 30 day stamps. Which has the advantage of being free. (compared to £100 for a multi non-O)

BKK_mike.....you are 100% correct, its an average of 90 days per year over a 3 year period, but there are rules as well for mariners and not sure what they are as regards tax....

Another thing I heard in the rumour mill is that if you own a house in the UK and work as an expat, irrespective of the time you spend outside the UK you will be liable for full tax in the UK ?...there may be something in this rumour as a few guys I know who work outside the UK are selling their houses and moving to mainland Europe and even Cyprus citing new tax rules in the UK, which they are going to be hit with, but dont have the full details...

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I know the rules are different for mariners, but I didn't think you got out of UK tax (if you're British) just by being out of the UK 183 days a year.

(I think you have to average less than 90 days a year - unless, as I say, the rules are different for mariners).

As for visa - I think you'd be fine initially anyway on just the 30 day stamps. Which has the advantage of being free. (compared to £100 for a multi non-O)

Thx for the comment...but i can assure u that ill be eligible for tax back.when a ship docks in a foreign port then we r ok to claim 1 years tax back.I have done this before.Also holidays and time abroad are counted as days out of the uk.So with 183 days out of the uk and with either a holliday or foreign docking for crew change,i can claim my years tax back...FACT

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Hello ppl....looked at loads of forum pages for someone in the same situation as me..To save me repeating myself for the umpteenth time...heres a copy of mail i sent to Sunbelt Asia.....any advice appreciated...thx

Dear Sunbelt team....My name is Glenn Eade.I am living in the UK(England).I am looking to move to Thailand later in the year.I can tell you my situation so far and more about myself.I am 42 years old and i have a permanent job too.I work offshore at sea for an offshore marine company in the oil and gas industry.I work on a north sea oil rig supply ship.My time at work is as follows...1 month at sea...then...1 month at home.So i work away for only 6 months per year,however,i do get paid from work when at home too.So i have a monthly wage every month.I went to see my works company(Seacor Marine),who have agreed to pay for my flights to and from Thailand if i move there.This brings me nicely to my second point.I have contacted the Royal Thai Embassay here in England.The visa that i need is a multi entry non immigrants category O visa.I know i have to return to Thailand within 90 days to restamp my visa.This will not be a problem as i will be in and out of Thailand every month as i have to go to work in the UK.So no problem with visa.I also have got a company who will be shipping all my things to Bkk from the UK.I was in Thailand in Janurary/February of 2008 to visit my fiancee.I am writing to you because i have heard so many different things about how i can live in Thailand.I know a farang cant own land there but i can own a house and get a lease for the land on which my house is.I know some information about starting a Limited Company with 7 shareholders.I dont want to buy a condo but would like to either build or buy a house.When i sell my home here in the UK then i hope to be coming to Thailand to live.I would like to rent a property to start with,for maybe 1 year and open a Thai bank account so my income goes straight to a Thai bank acount.Then after 1 year,i should have sufficient money in the bank to maybe get a mortgage.My income is about 89,540,00 per month.If i show the bank that im a regular saver and i will put what money i have from the sale of my UK home into the account,maybe this will show them that ill not be a risk for them to allow me a mortgage to buy.My fiancees mother has offered me a plot of land if i decide to build.I have seen a lot of good comments about your company so i thought i would ask your advice.What i need is just 1 person who can guide me through this proceedure.Im sure that you get this kind of letter everyday.So,what do u advise me to do first please?I have been told by 1 thai lawyer that the best thing to do is for me to move to Bkk and rent for 1 year.During that time,i can then come see yourselves in person and go from there.Is there,in your opinion,any problem with me coming to Bkk and renting a house?My fiancee will be living with me and looking after the property when im in the UK working.I have enough people who are Thai to be shareholders in starting a Limited Company too.So to sum everything up....I have done all i can here in the UK and want to get things sorted in Thailand.I would like to get some good help now and not go to BKK and find out later that i got a problem with buying a house.I hope you understand my situation and i would be very grateful if someone there can guide me through this.If everything goes to plan,then i would also consider using your legal team to represent me in all legal matters and build a relationship with your company.If i take advice from yourselves,then you will know my situation best as im sending similar mails to BKK lawyers and getting very different answers from most of them.I hope you can help me and i look forward to hearing from you soon.I return to my job on the 11th June so i would like to get things underway as soon as possible.If you need anymore information about me,please dont hessitate to contact me.Thankyou so much,Glenn

Glenn, know quite a few guys working offshore Angola and Qatar doing a 28/28 and living in Thailand and may be mistaken but I am sure they just get the visa 30 day wavier stamp on their month off...you are basically allowed 3 in's a 6 month period, so you would be covered if you plan your mobs/demobb ok....but can check with them and confirm exactly how they do it...

In effect you become a perpetual tourist...

If you do as suggested getting a Type "O" visa you definitiely need a multi entry for your in's and out's

As regards buying properties etc.....I would rent a place for at least a year, before committing to anything, gives you a chance to get feel for the place...

Regarding the lawyers comment in your other post about needing a WP is b*llsh*t, no you dont, not under the circumstances you describe...if starting a company in Thailand and you intend to work in that company on your 28 off as opposed to being an investor, then yes you would need one...but if only investing and carrying on with your own job..then no..

My advice is to take things slowly with your intended plans and be sure of every step...know this from experience as I work offshore in the gulf of Thailand on 28/28 and have enough problems getting the house painted the colour I want and you are talking about moving to a new country, setting up house, starting company etc etc...as you know yourself it can be very difficult to get things arranged over an email or on the phone even in the UK while offshore, Will be even more so while trying to do things in Thailand, while you are bobbing around on a vessel in the North Sea.

thx for ur comments....looking at the majority of replies i have recieved...think the multi entry visa is the one for me.the thai consulate in the uk also advised this...If i just enter thailand on a 30 day stamp,i think that will cause questions to be asked by officials in the future.Also if i fall ill and cant join my ship for a trip...my 30 day stamp will expire.The 90 day multi is the way to go.As for ur second piece of advise...Ur right....illget there and rent to start with...if its straight forward with no brick walls or red tape to deal with.I really do believe that if im in bkk renting,at least thats a start and i can sort things there rather that sitting here in the uk waiting for something to happen...Thx again

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