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Those that Wai and haven't a clue as to why they are doing it, other than it's Thai tradition, but want to blend in. I don't do it and that's because my wife doesn't want me to. She's always telling me about the stupid farangs that Wai every thing and every body. She tells me to just Sawatdee and nod my head. This I've always done. Some farangs in their effort to blend in forget the status of when to do and not to do. I've seem farang Wai children even before the child has Waied them. Come on farang if you going to do it then learn as to when and where. Come on farang stop my missus laughing at you.

Some of us do know the full meaning of the wai, and if it is done mindfully it is done correctly. It is not just a Thai tradition.

Ok I accept that some do correctly, it's just the majority that has my wife laughing. And I'm sure she's not the only one .

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I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the ones who wear yellow shirts - idiots.

I'm curious about this one. What's the big deal? I've been given two by the in-laws and they seem genuinely happy when I wear either so what's the problem? I'm not trying to make any claims to be Thai - it just makes people around me happy so I'm really at a loss to see why this qualifies me as being an idiot.


Yes, I think that if I was getting upset about the colour shirt other people were wearing it would be a signal that the time has come for some intensive therapy of some sort. :o


Having sat there drinking Gin and tonics or other top shelf drinks in a group,return the round they are in with a bloody Singha or Chang ...

Tight gits.....

Annoying as it may be I don't hate them , the only thing I hate in life is marmite.....to the OP life is to short to hate particularly over small annoyances :o chill

Having sat there drinking Gin and tonics or other top shelf drinks in a group,return the round they are in with a bloody Singha or Chang ...

Tight gits.....

Annoying as it may be I don't hate them , the only thing I hate in life is marmite.....to the OP life is to short to hate particularly over small annoyances :o chill

Thank you for your profundity. It's been great learning what a complete waster you are. Cheers M8

I hate it when they think they can take my stool or sit near me when they're clearly aware that it is my stool, and my space,

I try to stare them down to indicate my displeasure but some just don't get it,

Lately it's gotten really bad, this one guy is actually waiting evryday now to take my stool and my personal buffer space, :D:o

Nice one.!! Best laugh of the day.

I have a friend in the UK who is married to a Tai girl. They have only been married for a year, but have been living together for about 5 years or so. He never corrects his wife's English and as a result she speaks very poor English (grammatically). She still says things like 'I happy very very". I made a point of correcting my wife, and still do ten years on (except when she's blowing her stack of course - that'd be suicidal!!!). Her English is excellent now.

I did make a point of making my voice monotone (mid tone) at first and speaking slightly slower without sounding overly derogatory. I do not need to now.

Having said this, it is one thing correcting your partner in private, its a whole different ballgame doing it to a stranger or even a friend that has not asked you to correct them.

I think that some westerners have their own reasons for not wanting their gfs/ wives speaking good English. I would say it is even more true for those westerners, married to Thais who live in the west, where this lack of communication ability can act as a form of control. Maybe some people ex-pats in Thailand are not really interested in developing a clear means of communication with their partner because they are not really that interested in what they say.

you make a very good point.

" In essence all communicative experiences are nothing more and nothing less than essential examples of manipulation, cohersion and power play" GDW 1986.


We all hate pedophiles, but let's not get this topic off point by the endless "hang them high" remarks. Almost all the pedophile and bargirl comments have been removed. Thanks, and please carry on.

Or the ones that speak English with "na" at the end.

I think we have a poster who writes "na" at the end of his posts. Can't find any examples though - "na" is too short for the search engine.

Bit of a pain that, na?

The old men who come to Phuket and convince themselves they have suddenly become amazingly attractive to women. :o

The people (women? :D ) who think that the old men who come to Phuket don't know that it's only the money they have that makes them attractive to women. :D


Sorry to be thick but I'm mising the point with the ''na'' thing, can someone take pity and explain.

I probably hate them too.

Are they Celtic supporters?

I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the ones who wear yellow shirts - idiots.

Oi, <deleted>!

I sometimes wear a yellow shirt. No, it's more gold than yellow.

Yes, I'm part of Elton John's Taylor made Army, and if you don't like it I'll see you down the Rookery end ...

What are you, a scummer hatter?

And yes, my old AC Milan-stylee away shirt does say ''We 8 Luton'' on the back!


Sorry to be thick but I'm mising the point with the ''na'' thing, can someone take pity and explain.

I probably hate them too.

Are they Celtic supporters ?


Na, their not :o


I don't quite understand why some ex-pats insisted on talking Thai to me soon after learning that I'm a Thai. Normally, this would be nice to see someone making an effort to speak your language. Unfortunately, this had happened to me a couple of times, after a fews minute into a simply basic Thai conversation, I always became frustated :D:D because I didn't understand a word of what the other person was saying. This was quite embarrased :o since I'm a Thai - born and raised in BKK my whole life, finished Thammasart. Yet, at this moment having hardtime understand Thai.

OK, trying hard to be patiently, finally figured that out it was an Issarn dialect , or southern dialect..etc., ended up usually asked them to converse in Centrlal Thai (BKK) dialect if they could. In some cases if I felt offended, I simply just walked away after I ralize that person either learned Thai from b/gs or tuk-tuk drivers . The educated Thais from a decent family can tell more or less about what level of education and background of the person who are using those words. For example, the English word "YOU", the Thai has dozen ways to address to second person.


I've noticed a few posts where folks object to being ignored by other westerners.

I recently visited Isan and went to a border town near Lao, found a nice restraunt on the Mekong river and sat with my family of 5 Thais. The Thai cook had a Farang partner who spent his days hanging around the bar while she worked from 4am to 9pm. He saw me and made a Bee line in my direction, He spent the next 45 minutes giving me a complete history of his sorry life and completely ruined our family dinner. As I was with my family I held my tongue, but I would really have liked to tell him in very basic Aussie what to do with himself.

Sorry to be thick but I'm mising the point with the ''na'' thing, can someone take pity and explain.

I probably hate them too.

Are they Celtic supporters?

I wouldn't say that I hate them, but I do find people who dislike other people because of their sports team to be mind-crushingly dull. I also find bigots to be spirit-crushing people so when this is combined with their choice of football team, for me, it is time to walk away. Luckily I don't have to deal with these people much in Thailand. Hopefuly the continued increases in aviation fuel will discourage this type of punter from travelling so far.


Been thru most of this thread including PrbkkPr's alphabet failed to see:-

Ignorant, disrespectful slobs roaming around town or in a bar parading their ugly shirtless upper body in public. May be OK in Pattaya but not the done thing in Isaan. :o

a) I hate ...

:o I hate ...

c) I hate ...

d) I hate ...

h) I hate ...

i) I hate ...

j) I hate ...

k) I hate ...

l) I hate ...

m) I hate ...

n) I hate ...

o) I hate ...

p) I hate ...

q) I hate ...

r) I hate ...

s) I hate ...

t) I hate ...

u) I hate ...

v) I hate ...

w) I hate ...

x) I hate ...

y) I hate ...

z)I hate ...

Call me crazy, but there's just a little too much hate going on here.

Hate is anorther four letter word that we could do a little less with.


Oh yeah, one more thing ...

I hate when you try to write bee-paren and you get this little guy :D instead! Jeesh! :D

Call me crazy, but there's just a little too much hate going on here.

Perhaps I should have asked, "What annoys you to no end that other expats do"? in my OP. Too many folks are taking the word "hate" literally as an excuse to bash those who answered honestly instead of pretending to be Gandhi. :o

I've noticed a few posts where folks object to being ignored by other westerners.

I recently visited Isan and went to a border town near Lao, found a nice restraunt on the Mekong river and sat with my family of 5 Thais. The Thai cook had a Farang partner who spent his days hanging around the bar while she worked from 4am to 9pm. He saw me and made a Bee line in my direction, He spent the next 45 minutes giving me a complete history of his sorry life and completely ruined our family dinner. As I was with my family I held my tongue, but I would really have liked to tell him in very basic Aussie what to do with himself.

yes the same thing went through my mind when this guy did that to me in front of about 7 thai people i was with . i would have said something but then what do you do , it only starts more trouble . no matter who wins on the day .


i hate expats who drive yellow Ferraris :o

I don't really know why I should have to justify this, but it was the only colour available on the showroom floor the day I wanted it and it matched my shirt. I suppose I could have it resprayed another colour but this would require the tedious business of reporting to the motor vehicle registration department with chassis numbers etc. I would need someone reliable to perform this task efficiently and, I am sure you will agree, it would be a thundering bore to be deprived of the services of one's butler for a large portion of the day.

i hate expats who drive yellow Ferraris :D

I don't really know why I should have to justify this, but it was the only colour available on the showroom floor the day I wanted it and it matched my shirt. I suppose I could have it resprayed another colour but this would require the tedious business of reporting to the motor vehicle registration department with chassis numbers etc. I would need someone reliable to perform this task efficiently and, I am sure you will agree, it would be a thundering bore to be deprived of the services of one's butler for a large portion of the day.



I hate it when westerners write 'falang' instead of 'farang'. I normally can't read the rest of their post after seeing this. A bit irrational I know, but most of the westerners who I have met who say 'falang' have been always annoying people.

i hate expats who drive yellow Ferraris :o

I don't really know why I should have to justify this, but it was the only colour available on the showroom floor the day I wanted it and it matched my shirt. I suppose I could have it resprayed another colour but this would require the tedious business of reporting to the motor vehicle registration department with chassis numbers etc. I would need someone reliable to perform this task efficiently and, I am sure you will agree, it would be a thundering bore to be deprived of the services of one's butler for a large portion of the day.

you are excused! :D

I hate it when westerners write 'falang' instead of 'farang'. I normally can't read the rest of their post after seeing this. A bit irrational I know, but most of the westerners who I have met who say 'falang' have been always annoying people.

:D oh; I always did :D is that makes me annoying people too??? :D:D

but I can only blame my Thai friends who'd told me to pronounce and write it like this, they even stressed it is too shame that a woman would pronounce the ® in that word. :o

no poblem ; gallo ; solly if I annoy you ka :D

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