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Feed The Kitties

Ulysses G.

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Our kitties will be mentioned in the August issue of Catnip Chronicles. catnipchronicles-dot-com if my memory's working. You know I'm trying to get those Merkins to PayPal us some money, because we'll never run out of kitties to spay/neuter.

I've also contacted Cat Tails, but the publisher's gone "no email" for the holiday. I wish I could do that.

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We're moving way off topic here, folks. This thread is for those of us who are helping the kitties at Wat Pa Pao to coordinate our efforts.

Come now Callico, surely you know this forum better than that! :D

Here we have a remarkable example of some members coming together to try to help out the cats at a local Wat, seeking nothing more than to bring some hope to these kitties who have done nothing to deserve the plight they are in. It's obvious to me that we should very soon become the objects of abuse, inane drivel and perverted logic from those members who revel in putting down anyone who tries to do something useful. :o

After all, it's so much easier to sit at your keyboard and sneer, than to put your hand in your pocket and give, or get off your a@se and actually do something! :D

Looking at the "before and after" pics from the Wat, I, for one, have nothing but the most sincere thanks to Eek for getting this project off the ground, and for everyone who has contributed in whatever way they can.

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Catmac, perhaps you make too much sense for this place. Heh!

Actually, I did write about "before and after" pix in the article that will be published in Catnip Chronicles. My first article was rejected, but hey hey hey, I'm a crusty old coot with hundreds of rejections under my belt. One more doesn't faze me.

The first rule of good writing is to never bore the reader. The second rule is... well, there is no second rule. But the fighting here is boring, so there you go. I didn't read any of it.

And my first article about the kitties was also boring, apparently. The publisher of Catnip Chronicles is the same guy who shipped me water fountains for MY cat when the manufacturer would not, so I let him push me to write better whenever he wants.

And to anyone who's been to Wat Pa Pao, have you noticed that their CALICO tends to avoid the company of others? She's the genuine style Calico, by the way. Black, white, and ginger. Most Thai Calicos are gray, white and cream, which doesn't quite do it for me. Sorry, kitties, I'll feed you but I won't home you...

(Uh oh, hidden elitist tendencies are slipping out)

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Looking at the "before and after" pics from the Wat, I, for one, have nothing but the most sincere thanks to Eek for getting this project off the ground, and for everyone who has contributed in whatever way they can.

Tnx, but I cant take credit for getting this project off the ground. I made an appeal a while back, but im not well known in CM community so my voice is small, nor did i have know-how in how to turn around the situation at the Wat. Im grateful to UG for taking the appeal on board and kick starting the project properly, and to Calico for joining force, and heck, of course to everyone else too. This project would not have taken off in this way without group effort. Its very inspiring what can be done when people take time to consider what can be done to help a good cause.

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The active support of more Thai speakers and writers would give the project a boost.

Sending stories about the cats to people outside this small forum and outside CM is an excellent strategy and one that everyone can adopt. Email, blogs and other internet forums are a good medium. Use pictures whenever possible.

The "ways to donate" list on the Care for Dogs site is also smart; something to consider later.

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Calico or any other of the group, if you like, can you send me (by email) an article or just a brief word about the group and Wat Pa Pao with some pic's, and I will present it to some Thai friends of mine.

They are great cat lovers, already told them about the group, and sometimes write articles for a much-read local Thai Magazine.

You never know if they are interested in placing it. No you got, yes you may get. :o


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Oh, almost forgot: will have an add in another Thai magazine. They might very well place an article as well. The magazine comes out every two months. Next one is, if I'm not mistaken in August.


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I don't know, haven't read the overseas article. Did reread the article placed in the CM Mail and now I'm wondering if that article isn't a bit too direct according Thai Style?

Just wondering, not critising.


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Thais with English at a level allowing them to read the article would normally also have sufficient understanding of English-speaking cultures to not be bothered by any "directness".

It would be great if the article could be translated into Thai, though. In that event, simply due to the different nature of the language, I expect a natural smoothing and soothing of any vulnerable Thai sensibilities would take place. If any other form of offensiveness exists after translation, it can be dealt with at that point.

Is anyone here up to a translation ? Or know anyone who is ? What would a professional translation cost ?

Also hope others will write their own acounts of the Wat Pa Pao cats. The more personal, the better if emailing friends or writing on a blog, and the more variety the better, so different articles can appear later to highlight other aspects of the program and the progress of the cats, keeping the story alive.

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About an hour ago I "liberated" three of the four kittens from the bells on their collars. The fourth one had just caught a mouse and didn't trust me not to take it away, so it wisely hid under a car :D

As usual, all the cats were very friendly and so eager to be petted that they almost fought over the place on my lap :o It's really a rewarding experience just to go and see them at the temple :D

/ Priceless

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I'll liberate that fourth kitten from the bell if someone else writes about it. :o Seriously, it is worth remembering that I'm not the only person in Chiang Mai capable of writing articles. :D Or using emoticons. :D

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Nice work, Priceless.

The fourth one had just caught a mouse and didn't trust me not to take it away, so it wisely hid under a car

Neatly disproving the notion that a mere bell could destroy a cat's hunting prowess.

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The articles would be for Thai mag's.

Have had several articles and brochures translated from English into Thai and the general (constructive) criticism was about this 'directness', hence my remark.

Anyway, I will consult my friends, as I just see Calico's articles in my mail box. Thanks! :o

Will keep you posted.


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"Directness" is a politely indirect Asian way of referring to any number of issues.

(Abrupt-seeming language, absence of flowery thankyou/other passages, seeming criticism of Thai practices, direct requests for money ...)

Specifics are needed so I suggest a professional translator/language & consultant is engaged.

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So far I know, a professional translator asks about 500 baht per A4. And it isn't sure yet if the article will be placed.

Not sure, if the group wants to go ahead with that, or if a Thai partner/gf/bf/hubby/wife is willing to look into it?

Anyway, that's not up to me to decide. I've looked at Calico's (CM Mail) article, have written down some questions in the text and have pm-ed this to him, UG, Priceless, Eek and SylvieX for feedback.


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My original comments remain. I'm not the only person in this town who can put two words together, and if you don't like something in one of my articles, just change it like the newspaper editors do. You don't need my permission. If I got the facts wrong, you should know by now that it's not the first nor last time that's gonna happen, so just change my words. I don't have time for this.

I'd also like to know where the critics were when my article appeared on this thread at least a week before I sent it to the newspaper. The boo-birds have certainly come out AFTER publication. That is WHY I asked for your input. Thanks so much...

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I have been warned by many people in the animal help business that if we make Wat Pa Pao too famous for being comfortable, a lot of Thais will dump animals there instead of keeping them at home. Another thing that I have noticed is that 95% of the donations are coming from Thai Visa members, rather than from other venues.

Is it a good idea to set out to make the place famous with Thais who are likely to drop off animals that they are bored with and might keep at home otherwise, but unlikely to donate money towards helping out?

I'm not trying to be negative or racist, just sensible enough to make the project keep working well. :o

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Ulysses, your point is certainly well taken. But I've got more positions than John Kerry, so lemme try this.

I met a British guy who saw his Thai neighbor hurl a little ginger ball into the street, like some rubbish. It was a kitten, now a year-old stray tom out there continuing the cycle of strays. Are the Thais really going to choose between Wat Pa Pao and their home, or between Wat Pa Pao and abandonment to the streets?

Also, heck, we've got to "educate" at some point.

Finally, on that note, there is no way one article can do everything for everybody. Mine (I hope) brought in more farang donations. Someone who is not me should work on educating the Thais, if that's what's on the agenda. Me, I'm just gonna hang out with some kitties.

(Oh, and educating my new friend on why he should've helped that kitten a year ago is another topic for another day...)

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I'm sorry you take it as criticism. This is certainly not what I meant and I'm sorry if it came accross as such. I apologize for that.

I'm also sorry that I came forward with my offer and asked my questions (mere questions, no criticism whatsoever)about whether certain words or phrases can be used as such in a Thai magazine. Probably I should have kept my mouth shut or kept my fingers from the keyboard in both cases.

As for the dog rescue organizations I think this thread and the article made them realize that not many people actually know they also rescue, care for, spay/neuter and re-home cats, and already for years. They certainly don't critize, on the contrary, they both help out with the Wat Pa Pao cats and they are happy with the work done at this temple.(at least that is what I have understood)


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Briefly ...

I don't see any major difficulties in adapting the article to a Thai audience. References to organisations rescuing cats & dogs in CM can simply be deleted.

(Is helping the cats at Wat Pa Pao quite the same thing as the work of the rescue organisations, though??)

I do appreciate the dilemma about possible "overuse" of the Wat Pa Pao service, though I tend to think the good folks who live there & at other wats might already know how to prevent such a situation and regulate numbers. If the project remains within the confines of ThaiVisa and the Wat Pa Pao cats, very little can change in terms of either practicalities or attitudes and education.

(I also think certain attitudes to animals may be beginning to change amongst younger Thais, but I could be wrong.)

Other wats take in cats (or cats take them over). All that's really needed is to have the cash for food, vaccinations and sterilizations available and an overseer like Khun Dee at "willing wats". I believe that can happen, slowly and naturally, over time. The problem is that it's almost only Thais who have any comunication with the wats. Some Thais who can build bridges with other wats (or other places, such as schools) seem to me to be what is needed.

Perhaps a short article on/interview in Thai focusing on Khun Dee might help in that direction.

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First of all, thank you Calico, for the work you have put in.

I think it is wonderful how you and all of us have banded together in our own ways to help this project.

The reward is evident when you see the health of the cats and how much their quality of life has improved.

Perhaps a short article on/interview in Thai focusing on Khun Dee might help in that direction.

This really sounds like a nice idea sylviex. I understand that possibly Calico's appeal, which is worded so well for a western audience, may not adapt so well, as stands, for a Thai audience. But, as Calico has said, it can be tailored. I am no writer, nor do i know what may appeal to a Thai audience better, so I really dont know what to suggest and I am grateful someone like Calico took the time to write in the first place. I also do not know anyone who I think could do this interview. Would be great if the points raised in Calico's article could be adapted into a story and an interview. But, then, who can do it really?

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Do we have any university teachers here? Grab a Thai journalism student, go to Wat Pa Pao, interview Khun Dee for the school newspaper and see what happens. An article in Thai, for Thais, fully attuned to Thai cultural sensibilities. A human interest angle, as Sylvie suggested, and a feline interest angle, which should play because of the "Oh so cute!" factor. And you know Khun Dee loves to talk about his kitties, so his natural charisma oughta come through too.

Meanwhile, as I watch my website's traffic through my Google Dashboard, every day that my Wat Pa Pao page gets more traffic than my Editing page is a victory. We've scored a lot of victories lately. Yahoo!

P.S. Interviewing Khun Dee would also eliminate the misinformation problem I'm so well-known for.

P.P.S. I think the word "cute" should immediately be banned from all languages.

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I think that it was the part about letting the cats go hungry that set people off. :o

IMHO, we need to try to keep the cats clean and fed and keep sterilizing them, but not make things too much like a home for spoiled pets. :D

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P.P.S. I think the word "cute" should immediately be banned from all languages.

Ohhh, dteh, maeo yuu tii nai Wat Pa Pao naa-rak maaaaaak kha! 555! :o:D

(ProbabIy got that reaIIy wrong...but shhh..im stiII Iearning!)

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Just today I received a confirmation from a Thai magazine that they has interest in an article about the cats at Wat Pa Pao.

I've sent you, UG, a pm about it (which you haven't read yet :o) and eek as well.

But now with UG's very understandable concerns that Wat Pa Pao can turn into a cat dumping place (and not only some Thai people dump animals, also some foreigners are guilty at it), I'm not so sure anymore if it is wise to go ahead with it.

Please, advice.


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Quite honestly, Fiscalist, I think your brusqueness scared some people away.

So there I was, Chiang Mai Gate Hotel to my left and the Chiang Mai Gate itself at my back. No dirt soi in sight, not to my right or anywhere else. I rode up and down that street on my bicycle so many times that the neighborhood watch was thinking of shooting me.

And when I asked for a little clarification, later, on Thai Visa, you ripped me a new one. Not exactly the way to endear yourself to us poor little doggie and kitty lovers.

So unfortunately, I don't know what happened to the dog. This makes me sad.

But I do thank you all for reminding me why I much prefer cats and dogs to people.

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..i think i shouId have said tii nee, not tii nai, tii nai being "where". I have a Iot to Iearn :o BUT anyway, this thread isnt about my poor foreign Ianguage skiIIs, or about other things that may veer it too much off topic, its about heIping animaIs, hope it stays on track. :D

I am not sure what to say about the "dumping ground" concern, except that how about we put the question/concern to Khun Dee (and maybe the head monk) to get their thoughts and feedback on it?

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I am not sure what to say about the "dumping ground" concern, except that how about we put the question/concern to Khun Dee (and maybe the head monk) to get their thoughts and feedback on it?

This is an excellent idea.

We need to ask Khun Dee if he is ready and willing for a much bigger work load before publicizing The Wat too widely.

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