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Who Is The Grumpiest Expat In Thailand?

Ulysses G.

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We've all heard about the grumpiest expat in Bangkok. Does anyone know any expats that could compete with him for the title of The Grumpiest Expat In Thailand?

(Thanks for the idea Bellini!)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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We've all hear about the grumpiest expat in Bangkok. Does anyone know any expats that could compete for the title?

somebody by the nickname of BSB it stands for big serious bob from pattaya he wins by a million miles theres too many things that he has to moan about. it depreses me just to think about a conversation with him, hes been here 10 years he hates all thais and all farangs . does anyone know who im on about ??

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We've all heard about the grumpiest expat in Bangkok. Does anyone know any expats that could compete with him for the title of The Grumpiest Expat In Thailand?

(Thanks for the idea Bellini!)

You're pretty grumpy yourself U.G.

Is it because the GOM thread is getting more attention than your 'what do other expats do that you hate'. :o

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Let's see now:

On ThaiVisa.com General forum the most active topic at 23 pages is all about some eccentric git who likes to sit at his favourite stool and gets pissy when he can't. That topic has had 22,600+ reads.

Other items at the upper part of the forum include a bitch about rubber bands and another whine about things that farangs do that irritate other farangs. There are also two (!) threads about Andrew Hicks' latest literary defecation in addition to various other idiotic threads.

Meantime the Mods are busy deleting anything that refers to anything remotely illegal and randomly moving topics to various forums based on their interpretation of the subject at hand.

I think it is pretty safe to say that this entire board is very, very close to jumping the shark. This thread is a perfect example of why.

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Let's see now:

On ThaiVisa.com General forum the most active topic at 23 pages is all about some eccentric git who likes to sit at his favourite stool and gets pissy when he can't. That topic has had 22,600+ reads.

Other items at the upper part of the forum include a bitch about rubber bands and another whine about things that farangs do that irritate other farangs. There are also two (!) threads about Andrew Hicks' latest literary defecation in addition to various other idiotic threads.

Meantime the Mods are busy deleting anything that refers to anything remotely illegal and randomly moving topics to various forums based on their interpretation of the subject at hand.

I think it is pretty safe to say that this entire board is very, very close to jumping the shark. This thread is a perfect example of why.

Why not do something about it?

Start a new thread that you feel is more suitable for discussion.

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There are also two (!) threads about Andrew Hicks' latest literary defecation in addition to various other idiotic threads.

Literary defecation. Lovely image there.

What is it with so many of these TV threads where there is always a reference, overt or subliminal, to enemas, feces and doing things with people's buttocks :o

Is there a link to these contributions and the authors' potty training?

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