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Hi all,

Have made an appointment for this coming Friday at Phaythai 2 Hosp.

Different docter (Sungsra, something like that) but the lady assured me he is first class.

Telephone number is: 02 6172444

When I first called and asked for an English speaker got 2 other people on the phone before I finally could talk with a lady that good speak good English.

So I explained her my problem and asked if we could schedule for an NCS.

Great confusion as I could hear her ask what is NCS.

I apologised and asked if they do EMG, yes sure we can do that was the answer.

She asked me for my personal details so that she could inform receptionist and print some card for me and assured me that it would be easy for me as I only have to show my passport to the receptionist and then she would show me where to go.

So far good experience and I am looking forward to tommorow.

Keep ya all posted!


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It's your call but I really would hold out and see Dr Panupan, none of the others there are remotely in his league. Friend had a bad experience with one of them altho I don't know the name.

Of course if what you are having on Friday is the NCS, that's another matter...it isn't the surgeons who do that, and in fact I think there is only 1 person there who can. If that's it no problem. But for surgeon I would advise you to stick wioth Dr. Panupan.....


Ok all, Back from the hospital after doing the NCS.

Total cost: 3200 Baht.

EMG: 1200

Nursing charge: 100

Other medical charges: 100

Outpatient care: 1800

Doctor: Fuangfa Khunadorn

After parking my car at 9A I went into the building to find a reception.

Some lady came to me as I was walking around wondering where to go.

After a short explanation she said: Oh yes, you called us yesterday for EMG, please go fourth floor.

Went to 4th floor and had my BP checked (130-90) and wheight 90 Kilo.

Asked to have a seat and wait for a while (Moment please)

Then after a while in came a lady (Translator) and told me the doctor was coming soon.

Total wait from original appointment (13:00) was 30 minutes, thats OK with me.

Went to a room and after been seated down I told her what the problem is and mentioned Ulnar Nerve Compression Syndrome.

She then took a toothpick and presed it in several parts of my hand and asked me how it felt.

Yes feels different in my pinky and palm of my hand as compared to my left hand.

Muscle strenght was also tested for all fingers left and right.

Then the nurse took a pillow and put it on my legs and laid my arm on it, electrodes were attached with sticky tape.

A big round one halfway my underarm and some smaller ones near my pinky, another one slightly above and another one near my wrist.

The nurse meassured some distances and of we go.

Docter played around with some setting and pressed some button.

I started to feel some prickling sensation first and my hand started to move after the doctor adjusted some settings.

Reactions where recorded and the electrodes moved higher up my arm and again electricity was pumped through my arm.

This was done several times and the nurse kept meassuring distance between the points while mentioning it to the doctor.

Doctor the put in all the meassurements and the software calculated the response time of the Ulnar Nerve.

Then after that they put some other electrodes around my pinky and did similair test.

First no reaction so I told to increase the power ( I wanted more, ha ha ).

After doing the same test on my left arm there was the result.

I will not bore you with the actual numbers but Right hand was about two times slower then left hand.

Nerve in my elbow is compressed as well as the nerve near the wrist.

Advice: Please do not sleep with your arm bended and avoid computer work as adviced by the doctor after all tests.

So I paid 3200 Baht to hear what I already knew.




take the test results to Dr. Panupan on Sunday.

Sounds like you may have both ulnar compression and CTS? Anyhow he'll know. And unlike these folks he can do something to fix it. He'll explain your options and pros and cons of them to you. Consultation won't be more than 1000 (700 last time I saw him but the way things are going maybe more now).


OK Sheryl I will do and let you all know.

For now I will take just Doctor advice and avoid bending my arm and resting it on sharp edges.


OK went there, spend a 1000 and got the same advice.

Keep rest and keep arm stretched.

OK went there, spend a 1000 and got the same advice.

Keep rest and keep arm stretched.

I know exactly what you are going through Alex. After seven visits to various nurologists and others, and had all the tests (less than 50% of Bangkok rates luckily) I have not improved vastly. The Cubital tunnel side has been cleared with heaps of rest of my right hand, and full function of my little finger has been restored. That's the plus side. However, forefinger is still pretty useless, with certain numbness, and no strength and co ordination. I've become an expert at left handed mousing, and various other tasks, but it looks like relief surgery is around the corner.


When I had this problem I went to a chiropracter/massage man in Patong.

He worked extensively (using some very strong boney fingers) on the nerve, from a spot in the middle of my shoulder, down the arm, through the elbow joint, the forearm and wrist.

He knew exactly where the nerve was and worked on it for several hours over a couple of painful sessions. Cost about 400B each time.

No sign of the problem now.

OK went there, spend a 1000 and got the same advice.

Keep rest and keep arm stretched.

Did he advise against surgery?


And is your problem ulnar nerve only or both ulnar + carpal tunnel?

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