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Terror On The Darkside Be Warned


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My village Raviporn on Kho Noi (boonsampan), had 5 break ins last night, in one of the break ins the Thai burglar sexualy assalted a young mother and held a knife to her childs throat, the police were informed and told her to come down to banglamung police station to file a report. In another a 70 year old man was punched 4 times and forced to hand over money and valuables. In the last 6 months there have been 30 such crimes in the village. Wheres the security i hear you ask, they were asleep and did,nt notice anything. If you are thinking of renting or buying here, buy a gun as these guys go in your room armed and with no police around here, your on your own. If no have gun pretend to be asleep and let them rob you or you will be killed in your bed.

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My village Raviporn on Kho Noi (boonsampan), had 5 break ins last night, in one of the break ins the Thai burglar sexualy assalted a young mother and held a knife to her childs throat, the police were informed and told her to come down to banglamung police station to file a report. In another a 70 year old man was punched 4 times and forced to hand over money and valuables. In the last 6 months there have been 30 such crimes in the village. Wheres the security i hear you ask, they were asleep and did,nt notice anything. If you are thinking of renting or buying here, buy a gun as these guys go in your room armed and with no police around here, your on your own. If no have gun pretend to be asleep and let them rob you or you will be killed in your bed.

Home invasions are one of the most terrifying of crimes. Here where a law abiding citizen is not allowed home protection, the security guards are most often useless or accomplices, and the police ......

My hopes for all of us. Does anyone think as food and oil prices skyrocket, it is going to get better?


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Or better still rescue a couple of street dogs they make great guard dogs and are very loyal and grateful for a good home and regular food. They can live out side and will protect your property better than any guard can. We have 3 rescued street dogs and we have had no problems at all with unwelcome visitors in the 3 years since we have had them.

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Most homes here has a dog, that dont deture these evil people. Maybe the security are in on it, i dont know but I will not sleep good here no more, may sell up and buy a condo if i can find a buyer.

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I've always thought some of the crime problems on the periphery of the city

were actually more horrific. It has to do a lot with Pattaya's demographics,

how many local Thais are actually native to the province, and how many

have moved here from somewhere else, without income or jobs and all too

often they're borrowing money from the wrong people or on drugs and it's

all just one big pressure-cooker waiting to blow-up. If I ever end-up living

in a stand alone house it will be locked-down like a firebase during wartime.

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A dog is a sound advise...depending on the dog. A friend of mine has some Argentinian dogs..burglar came and left with one leg missing...

We also had break-ins recently at our village although the security is better-than-average.

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its a f... shame mate, i live on the same soi but i work away in the middle east, i got my misses a pitbull but i am more scared of her little chitsu, her bark is worse then her bite

i just hope that the noise level with them two dogs barking and growling will keep the low life away

hang the scum, i hope the security is good in my village, it looks ok

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Rocky, my wife's mother lives on this village and my daughter stays there with her grandparents, so naturally I was seriously concerned. I was called there yesterday after the news broke to help beef up security around the house. Banglamung Cable TV was there and reported the story, but I was told later that Raviporn village had paid them off not to broadcast it, fearing about the adverse publicity.

Anyways, I went to Homeworks yesterday to buy door locks and am getting a quote for security grilles (and also a dog - a vicious one that's friendly to mother-in-laws and likes kids). The old addage 'security is only an issue if you haven't got it'.

What gets me is that every self respecting security bloke knows that 3am-4am is the prime time for burglars. So why is it that they're asleep in their cosy hut at the time? Their salary isn't exactly great, but they should value the fact they've got a job and take it seriously. They should at least walk around the place constantly.

I hope you and other residents take issue with Raviporn office and put serious pressure on them to improve things. I know I will.

I'll also be bringing some security friends to have a 'friendly chat' with the security guys. What they do in another village is periodically fire off a few rounds into the air, to let the wouldbe theives know that they're armed. In three years they have not had anything stolen. Funny that.

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What amazes me is the developers/management of these villages have the cheek to charge for "security"!!!! All the residents should refuse to pay the security bill, and those who lost anything should ask them to replace it!!

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Have you seen what passes for a security guard in Thailand? Old men and slow witted types who get paid a pittance and sleep on the job. Now stick a few western sized and well trained lumps on the gate and pay them a decent wage (and I mean decent) then you might get some decent security. You can't pay peanuts and then whinge when they don't do their job properly.

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Gymshark, Firstly a westener probably wouldn't be interested, and the management would not pay the kind of salary needed anyhow. So that idea won't work. The fact is once the developers have your money they don't give a twig about the residents. Residents are on there own. Oh yes and the cops don't care because they are getting a cut of the stolen property. The choices are: move, really beef up the home security, form a vigelanty group between all the neighbours to do rosted turns on security patrols (of course all armed with baseball bats, dogs, knives etc), or they all stop paying for existing security and pool money to hire their own. Sleep well.

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Have you seen what passes for a security guard in Thailand? Old men and slow witted types who get paid a pittance and sleep on the job. Now stick a few western sized and well trained lumps on the gate and pay them a decent wage (and I mean decent) then you might get some decent security. You can't pay peanuts and then whinge when they don't do their job properly.

Why do you think they come in through the front gate??????????? :o

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Have you seen what passes for a security guard in Thailand? Old men and slow witted types who get paid a pittance and sleep on the job. Now stick a few western sized and well trained lumps on the gate and pay them a decent wage (and I mean decent) then you might get some decent security. You can't pay peanuts and then whinge when they don't do their job properly.

Why do you think they come in through the front gate??????????? :o

No smart ass, but they are supposed to patrol as well.

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Can the petrols see around the back of the house,, because thats the place they get in from.

over the wall, bust the door or window open.

Smart ass. :o

Edited by sohn
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I am opposed to violence, and would rather less guns in the world for sure, but if someone enters MY house and I feel my wife or daughter are in danger of death or sexual assault, I have no problems dropping a few bullets in the criminal.

If one enters your house, can you be exonerated if you shoot him for self defense?

does he have to have a gun too? or a knife?

in the west you'd be ok to protect your family. how about here? any factual information on this?

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Chivo, If you had to "drop someone" please be sensible enough to remove the body from your property very descretely, erase any evidence of contact with you or your home and dump the body far enough away.

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I am opposed to violence, and would rather less guns in the world for sure, but if someone enters MY house and I feel my wife or daughter are in danger of death or sexual assault, I have no problems dropping a few bullets in the criminal.

If one enters your house, can you be exonerated if you shoot him for self defense?

does he have to have a gun too? or a knife?

in the west you'd be ok to protect your family. how about here? any factual information on this?

No you're not. At least not in Belgium my home country.



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>Their salary isn't exactly great, but they should value the fact they've got a job and take it seriously

Do you really think that people want to risk their lives for a couple of baht? You get what you pay for.

Are there exist in pattaya some licensed security agencies with firearms and trained stuff? If are then this is best choise but definately more expensive.

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I am opposed to violence, and would rather less guns in the world for sure, but if someone enters MY house and I feel my wife or daughter are in danger of death or sexual assault, I have no problems dropping a few bullets in the criminal.

If one enters your house, can you be exonerated if you shoot him for self defense?

does he have to have a gun too? or a knife?

in the west you'd be ok to protect your family. how about here? any factual information on this?

In the west you have to use eqaul force to protect yourself , if your intruder has a gun then you can shoot him and get away with it, but if he doesn't then you can't.Most western countries laws judge the situation on having to use the right amount of force required without it being excesive.

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we have a very laud alarm system ,its fitted to all doors and windows ,we activate it when we go to bed and downstairs there is a motion sensor,also have a panic button and signs on all our fences in thai ,english and witha picture of an alarm ,we have never been burgled ,unfortunatly our next door neighbour who is a copper was.but it was far more unfortunate for the burgular as he was unlucky enough to break in when the cop was there,you should have seen his face as he was led out at gunpoint .

but the best bit was when the guards and the security manager were read the riot act ,ever since our guards are super alert.

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